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1、作者:全国人大常委会 击自动滚屏来源:北大法宝时间:2011-5-19【字体:大 中小】 双s Republic of ChinaOrder of the Preside nt of the People(No.36)The Law of the Applicati on of Law for Foreig n-related Civil Relati ons of the Peoples Republic ofChina, which has bee n adopted at the 17th sessi on of the Standing Committee of the 11th Na

2、ti onal People Csngress on October 28, 2010, is hereby promulgated and shall come into force on April 1,2011.Preside nt of the People s Republic of China Hu Jin taoOctober 28, 2010Law of the Application of Law for Foreign-related Civil Relations of the People Republic ofCh ina(Adopted at the 17th se

3、ssion of the Standing Committee of the 11th National People s Congress on October 28, 2010)Table of ContentsChapter I Gen eral Provisi onsChapter II Civil SubjectsChapter III Marriage and FamilyChapter IV In herita neeChapter V Real RightChapter VI Creditor s RightsChapter VII In tellectual Property

4、 RightsChapter VIII Suppleme ntary Provisi ons 中华人民共和国主席令(第三十六号)中华人民共和国涉外民事关系法律适用法已由中华人民共和国第十一届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第十七次会议于2010年10月28日通过,现予公布,自2011年4月1日起施行。中华人民共和国主席 胡锦涛2010年10月28日中华人民共和国涉外民事关系法律适用法(2010年10月28日第十一届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第十七次会议通过)第三章婚姻家庭第四章继承第五章物权Ze/r 、.、: 第八早债权第七章知识产权第八章附则第一章第二章一般规定民事主体Chapter I Gen

5、eral Provisi ons 第一章一般规定Article 1 This Law is en acted in order to clarify the applicati on of laws concerning foreig n-related civil relati ons, reas on ably solve foreig n-related civil disputes and safeguard the legal rights and in terests of parties.第一条为了明确涉外民事关系的法律适用,合理解决涉外民事争议,维护当事人的合法权益,制定本法。

6、Article 2 The applicati on of laws concerning foreig n-related civil relati ons shall be determ ined in accorda nee with this Law. If there are otherwise special provisi ons in other laws on the applicati on of laws concerning foreign-related civil relations, such provisions shall prevail.If there a

7、re no provisions in this Law or other laws on the application of any laws concerning foreign-related civil relations, the laws which have the closest relation with this foreign-related civil relati on shall apply.第二条涉外民事关系适用的法律,依照本法确定。其他法律对涉外民事关系法律适用另有特别规定的,依照其规定。本法和其他法律对涉外民事关系法律适用没有规定的,适用与该涉外民事关系有最

8、密切联系的法律。Article 3 The parties may explicitly choose the laws applicable to foreig n-related civil relati ons in accorda nee with the provisi ons of law.第三条当事人依照法律规定可以明示选择涉外民事关系适用的法律。Article 4 If there are mandatory provisions on foreign-related civil relations in the laws of thePeople s Republic of

9、China, these mandatory provisions shall directly apply.第四条 中华人民共和国法律对涉外民事关系有强制性规定的,直接适用该强制性规Article 5 If the applicatio n of foreig n laws will damage the social public in terests of the People Republic of China, the laws of the People s Republic of China shall apply.第五条外国法律的适用将损害中华人民共和国社会公共利益的,适用中华

10、人民共和国法律。Article 6 As for the applicati on of foreig n laws on a foreig n-related civil relati on, if differe nt laws are en forced in differe nt regio ns of this foreig n coun try, the laws of the regi on which has the closest relati on with this foreig n-related civil relatio n shall apply.第六条涉外民事关

11、系适用外国法律,该国不同区域实施不同法律的,适用与该涉外民事关系有最密切联系区域的法律。Article 7 The proper laws applicable to the releva nt foreig n-related civil relati ons shall apply to the limitatio n of acti on.第七条诉讼时效,适用相关涉外民事关系应当适用的法律。Article 8 Lex fori shall apply to the determ in ati on on the n ature of foreig n-related civil rela

12、ti ons.第八条涉外民事关系的定性,适用法院地法律。Article 9 Foreig n laws applicable to foreig n-related civil relati ons do not in clude the Law of the Applicati on of Law of this foreig n coun try.第九条涉外民事关系适用的外国法律,不包括该国的法律适用法。Article 10 Foreign laws applicable to foreign-related civil relations shall be ascertained by

13、the people csurt, arbitral authority or administrative organ. If any party chooses the applicable foreig n laws, he shall provide the laws of this coun try.If foreig n laws can not be ascerta ined or there are no provisi ons in the laws of this coun try, the laws of the People s Republic of China sh

14、all apply.第十条涉外民事关系适用的外国法律,由人民法院、仲裁机构或者行政机关查明。当事人选择适用外国法律的,应当提供该国法律。不能查明外国法律或者该国法律没有规定的,适用中华人民共和国法律。Chapter II Civil Subjects 第二章民事主体Article 11 The laws at the habitual reside nee shall apply to the civil rights capacities of a n atural pers on.第十一条自然人的民事权利能力,适用经常居所地法律。Article 12 The laws at the hab

15、itual reside nee shall apply to the civil acts capacities of a n atural pers on.Where a n atural pers on con duct ing civil activities is determ ined as in compete nt for civil acts in accorda nee with the laws at the habitual reside nee but is determ ined as compete nt for civil acts in accorda nee

16、 with the laws at the locality of the acts, the laws at the locality of the acts shall apply uni ess they are related to marriage, family or in herita nee.第十二条自然人的民事行为能力,适用经常居所地法律。自然人从事民事活动,依照经常居所地法律为无民事行为能力,依照行为地法律为有民事行为能力的,适用行为地法律,但涉及婚姻家庭、继承的除外。Article 13 The laws at the habitual reside nee of a n

17、 atural pers on shall apply to the declaratio n of miss ing or declarati on of death.第十三条宣告失踪或者宣告死亡,适用自然人经常居所地法律。Article 14 The laws at the locality of registration shall apply to such items as the civil rights capacities, civil acts capacities, orga ni zati onal in stitutio ns, rights and obligati

18、ons of shareholders, etc. of a legal pers on and its bran ch.If the main bus in ess place of a legal pers on is incon siste nt with the locality of registrati on, the laws of the main bus in ess place may apply. The main bus in ess place of a legal pers on shall be its habitual reside nee.第十四条法人及其分支

19、机构的民事权利能力、民事行为能力、组织机构、股东权利义务等事项,适用登记地法律。法人的主营业地与登记地不一致的,可以适用主营业地法律。法人的经常居所地,为其主营业地。Article 15 The laws at the habitual reside nee of a right holder shall apply to the contents of his right of pers on ality.第十五条人格权的内容,适用权利人经常居所地法律。Article 16 The laws at the locality of age ncy act shall apply to age

20、ncy, but the laws at the locality of age ncy relati on shall apply to the civil relati ons betwee n the prin cipal and the age nt.The parties concerned may choose the laws applicable to en trustme nt of age ncy by agreeme nt.第十六条代理适用代理行为地法律,但被代理人与代理人的民事关系,适用代理关系发生地法律。当事人可以协议选择委托代理适用的法律。Article 17 Th

21、e parties concerned may choose the laws applicable to trust by agreement. If the parties do not choose, the laws at the locality of the trust or of the fiduciary relati on shall apply.第十七条当事人可以协议选择信托适用的法律。当事人没有选择的,适用信托财产所在地法律或者信托关系发生地法律。Article 18 The parties concerned may choose the laws applicable

22、 to arbitral agreement by agreeme nt. If the parties do not choose, the laws at the locality of the arbitral authority or of the arbitrati on shall apply.第十八条当事人可以协议选择仲裁协议适用的法律。当事人没有选择的,适用仲裁机构所在地法律或者仲裁地法律。Article 19 If the laws of the state of n ati on ality are to apply in accorda nee with this Law

23、 and a n atural pers on has more tha n two n ati on alities, the laws of the state of n ati on ality in which he has a habitual reside nee shall apply; if he has no habitual reside nee in any of the states of n ati on ality, the laws of the state of n ati on ality with which he has the closest relat

24、io n shall apply. If a n atural pers on has no n ati on ality or his n ati on ality is un certa in, the laws at his habitual reside nee shall apply.第十九条依照本法适用国籍国法律,自然人具有两个以上国籍的,适用有经常居所的国籍国法律;在所有国籍国均无经常居所的,适用与其有最密切联系的国籍国法律。自然人无国籍或者国籍不明的,适用其经常居所地法律。Article 20 If the laws at the habitual reside nee are

25、 to apply in accorda nee with this Law and a n atural pers on s habitual reside nee is uincete laws at his curre nt reside nee shall apply.第二十条依照本法适用经常居所地法律,自然人经常居所地不明的,适用其现在居所地法律。Chapter III Marriage and Family 第三章婚姻家庭Article 21 The laws at the mutual habitual reside nee of the parties shall apply

26、to the marriage qualificati ons; if there is no mutual habitual reside nee, the laws of the mutual state of n ati on ality shall apply; if there is no mutual nationality and the marriage is established at the habitual reside nee or in the state of n atio nality of one party, the laws at the locality

27、 where the marriage is established shall apply.第二十一条 结婚条件,适用当事人共同经常居所地法律;没有共同经常居所地的,适用共同国籍国法律; 没有共同国籍,在一方当事人经常居所地或者国籍国缔结婚姻的,适用婚姻缔结地法律。Article 22 Marriage formalities shall be valid if they conform to the laws at the locality where the marriage is established or the laws at the habitual reside nee or

28、 of the state of n ati on ality of one party.第二十二条结婚手续,符合婚姻缔结地法律、一方当事人经常居所地法律或者国籍国法律的,均为有效。Article 23 The laws at the mutual habitual reside nee shall apply to the pers onal relati on betwee n husba nd and wife; if there is no mutual habitual reside nee, the laws of the mutual state of n atio nality

29、 shall apply.第二十三条夫妻人身关系,适用共同经常居所地法律;没有共同经常居所地的,适用共同国籍国法律。Article 24 As for the property relation between husband and wife, the parties concerned may choose the applicable laws at the habitual reside nee, of the state of n ati on ality or at the locality of the main properties of one party by agreem

30、e nt. If the parties do not choose, the laws at the mutual habitual reside nee shall apply; if there is no mutual habitual reside nee, the laws of the mutual state of n ati on ality shall apply.第二十四条 夫妻财产关系,当事人可以协议选择适用一方当事人经常居所地法律、国籍国法律或者主要财产所在地法律。当事人没有选择的, 适用共同经常居所地法律; 没有共同经常居所地的,适用共同国籍国法律。Article

31、25 The laws at the mutual habitual reside nee shall apply to the pers onal and property relati ons betwee n pare nts and childre n; if there is no mutual habitual reside nee, the laws in favor of protect ing the rights and in terests of the weak in the laws at the habitual reside nee or of the state

32、 of n ati on ality of one party shall apply.第二十五条父母子女人身、财产关系,适用共同经常居所地法律;没有共同经常居所地的,适用一方当事人经常居所地法律或者国籍国法律中有利于保护弱者权益的法律。Article 26 As for a divorce by agreeme nt, the parties concerned may choose the applicable laws at the habitual reside nee or of the state of n ati on ality of one party by agreeme

33、nt. If the parties do not choose, the laws at the mutual habitual reside nee shall apply; if there is no mutual habitual reside nee, the laws of the mutual state of n ati on ality shall apply; if there is no mutual n atio nality, the laws at the locality of the in stituti on han dli ng the divorce f

34、ormalities shall apply.第二十六条 协议离婚,当事人可以协议选择适用一方当事人经常居所地法律或者国籍 国法律。当事人没有选择的,适用共同经常居所地法律;没有共同经常居所地的,适用共同国籍国法律;没有共同国籍的,适用办理离婚手续机构所在地法律。Article 27 The laws at the locality of the court shall apply to a divorce by litigatio n.第二十七条诉讼离婚,适用法院地法律。Article 28 The laws at the habitual reside nee of the adopter

35、 and the adoptee shall apply to the qualificati ons and formalities of adopti on. The laws at the habitual reside nee of the adopter at the time of adopti on shall apply to the validity of adoptio n. The laws at the habitual reside nee of the adoptee at the time of adoption or at the locality of the

36、 court shall apply to the term ination of the adoptive relati on.第二十八条 收养的条件和手续,适用收养人和被收养人经常居所地法律。收养的效力,适用收养时收养人经常居所地法律。收养关系的解除,适用收养时被收养人经常居所地法律或者法院地法律。Article 29 The laws in favor of protecti ng the rights and in terests of the pers ons being mai ntai ned in the laws at the habitual reside nee, of

37、the state of n ati on ality or at the locality of the mai n properties of one party shall apply to maintenance.第二十九条扶养,适用一方当事人经常居所地法律、国籍国法律或者主要财产所在地法律中有利于保护被扶养人权益的法律。Article 30 The laws in favor of protecting the rights and interests of the persons under guardia nship in the laws at the habitual res

38、ide nee or of the state of n ati on ality of one party shall apply to guardia nship.第三十条 监护,适用一方当事人经常居所地法律或者国籍国法律中有利于保护被监护 人权益的法律。Chapter IV In herita nee第四章继承Article 31 The laws at the habitual reside nee at the time of death of the deceased shall apply to legal in herita nee, but the laws at the l

39、ocality of the real estate shall apply to the legal in herita nee of a real estate.第三十一条法定继承,适用被继承人死亡时经常居所地法律,但不动产法定继承,适用不动产所在地法律。Article 32 A testame nt shall be con firmed as valid if its form con forms to the laws at the habitual reside nee, of the state of n atio nality or at the locality of the

40、 testame ntary acts whe n the testame nt is made or at the time of death of the testator.第三十二条遗嘱方式,符合遗嘱人立遗嘱时或者死亡时经常居所地法律、国籍国法律或者遗嘱行为地法律的,遗嘱均为成立。Article 33 The laws at the habitual reside nee or of the state of n ati on ality whe n the testame nt is made or at the time of death of the testator shall

41、apply to the validity of a testame nt.第三十三条遗嘱效力,适用遗嘱人立遗嘱时或者死亡时经常居所地法律或者国籍国法律。Article 34 The laws at the locality of an estate shall apply to the adm ini strati on of estates and related issues.第三十四条遗产管理等事项,适用遗产所在地法律。Article 35 The laws at the locality of an estate at the time of death of the decease

42、d shall apply to the dispositi on of a vaca nt estate.第三十五条无人继承遗产的归属,适用被继承人死亡时遗产所在地法律。Chapter V Real Right第五章物权Article 36 The laws at the locality of immovables shall apply to the right to immovables.第三十六条不动产物权,适用不动产所在地法律。Article 37 The parties concerned may choose the laws applicable to the right o

43、ver the movables by agreeme nt. If the parties do not choose, the laws at the locality of the movables whe n the legal facts take place shall apply.第三十七条当事人可以协议选择动产物权适用的法律。当事人没有选择的,适用法律事实发生时动产所在地法律。Article 38 The parties concerned may choose the laws applicable to any cha nge of the right over the m

44、ovables tak ing place in tran sportatio n by agreeme nt. If the parties do not choose, the laws at the dest in ati on of tran sportati on shall apply.第三十八条当事人可以协议选择运输中动产物权发生变更适用的法律。当事人没有选择的,适用运输目的地法律。Article 39 The laws at the locality of the realizati on of the rights of n egotiable securities or o

45、ther laws which have the closest relation with the negotiable securities shall apply to negotiable securities.第三十九条 有价证券,适用有价证券权利实现地法律或者其他与该有价证券有最密切 联系的法律。Article 40 The laws at the locality of the establishme nt of the right of pledge shall apply to the pledge of rights.第四十条权利质权,适用质权设立地法律。Chapter V

46、I Creditor s Rights第六章债权Article 41 The parties concerned may choose the laws applicable to con tracts by agreeme nt. If the parties do n ot choose, the laws at the habitual reside nee of the party whose fulfillme nt of obligati ons can best reflect the characteristics of this con tract or other laws

47、 which have the closest relati on with this con tract shall apply.第四十一条当事人可以协议选择合同适用的法律。当事人没有选择的,适用履行义务最能体现该合同特征的一方当事人经常居所地法律或者其他与该合同有最密切联系的法律。Article 42 The laws at the habitual reside nee of con sumers shall apply to con sumer con tracts; If a con sumer chooses the applicable laws at the locality

48、of the provisi on of goods or services or an operator has no releva nt bus in ess operati ons at the habitual reside nee of the con sumer, the laws at the locality of the provisi on of goods or services shall apply.第四十二条 消费者合同,适用消费者经常居所地法律; 消费者选择适用商品、 服务提 供地法律或者经营者在消费者经常居所地没有从事相关经营活动的,适用商品、服务提供地法律。A

49、rticle 43 The laws at the work ing locality of laborers shall apply to labor con tracts; if it is difficult to determ ine the worki ng locality of a laborer, the laws at the main bus in ess place of the employer shall apply. The laws at the dispatching place of labor services shall apply to labor di

50、spatches.第四十三条劳动合同,适用劳动者工作地法律;难以确定劳动者工作地的,适用用人单位主营业地法律。劳务派遣,可以适用劳务派出地法律。Article 44 The laws at the place of tort shall apply to liabilities for tort, but if the parties have a mutual habitual reside nee, the laws at the mutual habitual reside nee shall apply. If the parties choose the applicable law

51、s by agreeme nt after any tort takes place, the agreeme nt shall prevail.第四十四条侵权责任,适用侵权行为地法律,但当事人有共同经常居所地的,适用共同经常居所地法律。侵权行为发生后,当事人协议选择适用法律的,按照其协议。Article 45 The laws at the habitual reside nee of the infrin ged shall apply to product liabilities; if the infrin ged chooses the applicable laws at the

52、main bus in ess place of the infrin ger or at the locality of the infrin geme nt, or the infrin ger has no releva nt bus in ess operati ons at the habitual reside nee of the infrin ged, the laws at the main bus in ess place of the infrin ger or at the locality of the infrin geme nt shall apply.第四十五条

53、 产品责任,适用被侵权人经常居所地法律;被侵权人选择适用侵权人主营业地法律、损害发生地法律的,或者侵权人在被侵权人经常居所地没有从事相关经营活动的, 适用侵权人主营业地法律或者损害发生地法律。Article 46 If such pers onal rights as the right of n ame, right of portrait, right of reputati on, right of privacy, etc. are infringed upon via the network or by other means, the laws at the habitual re

54、side nee of the infrin ged shall apply.第四十六条通过网络或者采用其他方式侵害姓名权、肖像权、名誉权、隐私权等人格权的,适用被侵权人经常居所地法律。Article 47 The applicable laws chosen by the parties concerned by agreement shall apply to ill-gotte n gains and n egotiorum gestio. If the parties do not choose, the laws at the mutual habitual reside nee o

55、f the parties shall apply; if there is no mutual habitual reside nee, the laws at the locality of ill-gotte n gains and n egotiorum gestio shall apply.第四十七条不当得利、无因管理,适用当事人协议选择适用的法律。当事人没有选择的,适用当事人共同经常居所地法律;没有共同经常居所地的,适用不当得利、无因管理发 生地法律。Chapter VII In tellectual Property Rights 第七章知识产权Article 48 The la

56、ws at the locality where protecti on is claimed shall apply to the own ership and contents of the in tellectual property right.第四十八条知识产权的归属和内容,适用被请求保护地法律。Article 49 A party may choose the laws applicable to the assignment and licensed use of in tellectual property right by agreeme nt. If the parties

57、 do not choose, the releva nt provisi ons on con tracts of this Law shall apply.第四十九条当事人可以协议选择知识产权转让和许可使用适用的法律。当事人没有选择的,适用本法对合同的有关规定。Article 50 The laws at the locality where protecti on is claimed shall apply to the liabilities for tort for in tellectual property, the parties concerned may also cho

58、ose the applicable laws at the locality of the court by agreeme nt after the tort takes place.第五十条知识产权的侵权责任,适用被请求保护地法律,当事人也可以在侵权行为发 生后协议选择适用法院地法律。Chapter VIII Suppleme ntary Provisi ons 第八章附则Article 51 If the provisio ns in Article 146 and Article 147 of the General Prin ciples of the CivilLaw of th

59、e People s Republic of China and Article 36 of the Law of Succession of the People Republic of China do not conform with the provisi ons in this Law, the provisi ons in this Law shall prevail.第五一条中华人民共和国民法通则第一百四十六条、第一百四十七条,中华人民共和国继承法第三十六条,与本法的规定不一致的,适用本法。Article 52 This Law shall come into force on April 1,2011.

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