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1、2019 高考英语(衡水市)完形填空 25分钟限时训练(6)及解析(一)When I began planning to move to Auckland to study, my mother was worried about a lack of jobs and cultural differences. Ignoring these 1, I got there in July 2010. _2_ I arrived, I realized the importances of getting a job _3_ my living expenses. Determined to do

2、 this _4_ _ , I spent serveral weeks going door- to-door for a job, but found _5_ response ( 回应).One afternoon, I walked into a building to ask _6_ there were any job opportunities ( 机会).Thepeople there adivsed me not to continue my job search in that _7_. As I was about to _8 , a manwho had been li

3、stening approached me and asked me to wait outside _9_Nearly ten minutes later, he 10. He asked me about my plans and encouraged me to stay _11.Then he offered me to Royal Oak to _12_ a job.I was a little surprised, but had a _13_ feeling about him. Along the way, I realized that I had14 resumes (简历

4、).Seeing this, the man _15_ at his business partners office to make me fifteen16 copies. He also gave me some _17 on dressing and speaking. I handed out my resumes and went home feeling very _18 . The following day, I received a _19, from a store in Royal Oak offering me a job.It seems that the worl

5、d always _20_ to you when you need it. And this time, it was a complete stranger who turned out to be a real blessing.我到奥克兰学习,并想找一份兼职工作一开始到处碰壁,后来在一位热心日勺陌生人口勺帮助下,我终于找到了一份工作1. A. doubtsB. concernsC. instructionsD. reasons答案:B 句意:我不管这些顾虑,在2010年七月份到了那儿 doubt怀疑,疑问;concern关心,顾虑;instruction指导,说明;reason原因,理

6、由2. A. Even ifB. Every timeC. Now thatD. Soon after答案:D 句意:到达后不久,我就意识到了为了生活支出而找一份工作日勺重要性A项意为“即使”;B项意为“每次”;C项意为“既然”;D项意为“之后不久” 3. A. ofB.atC. forD.with答案:C 句意同上 for表示目日勺,“为了” 4. A. on my ownB.onmy wayC. by any chanceD.bythe day答案:A 句意:我决心依靠自己,一家一家日勺找工作 A项意为“独立地,靠自己”; B 项意为“在去日勺路上”;C项意为“万一,也许;D项意为“按日计

7、算,按日” 5. A. anyB. muchC. someD. little答案:D 句意:但几乎没有任何回音 little用作表示否定意义日勺形容词,意为“几乎 没有,很少” 6. A. whyB. whereverC. whetherD.whenever答案:C句意:我走进一座大楼问是否有工作机会whether引导宾语从句,意为“是否” 7. A. directionB. attitudeC. languageD. manner答案:D句意:那儿日勺人建议我不要继续以那种方法找工作 direction方向,指导;attitude态度;language语言;manner方式,方法,举止8.

8、A. answerB. workC. leaveD. refuse答案:C 句意:正当我要离开时, answer回答;work工作;leave离开;refuse拒绝.9. A. for everB. at any timeC. as usualD. for a while答案:D 句意:一个一直在听我们讲话日勺人走过来要我在外面等一会儿A项意为“永远”;B项意为“随时”;C项意为“像平常一样”;D项意为“一会儿” 10. A. returnedB. hesitatedC. passedD. regretted答案:A 句意:大约分钟以后,他回来了 return回来;hesitate犹豫;pas

9、s经过;regret 后悔11. A. silentB. busyC. positiveD. comfortable答案:C 句意:他询问了我日勺计划,并鼓励我要保持积极心态 silent沉默日busy忙碌 日勺;positive积极日勺,有自信日勺; comfortable舒适日勺12. A. pick outB. search forC. take onD. give up答案:B句意:然后他提出带我到罗亚尔奥克去找工作 A项意为“挑选”;B项意为“寻 找”;C项意为“从事”;D项意为“放弃” 结合文章知应是带我去找工作13. A. dullB. goodC. guiltyD. gener

10、al答案:B 句意:我有点吃惊,但我对他有了好感 dull无趣日勺,阴暗日勺;guilty罪恶日勺; general一般日勺,普遍日勺14. A. made use ofB. taken care ofC. run out ofD. become tired of答案:C 句意:在路上,我意识到我日勺简历用完了 A项意为“利用”;B项意为“照顾”;C项意为“用完,用光”;D项意为“感到厌倦了” B. knocked15. A. stoppedC. glancedD. appeared答案:A 句意:看到这些,他停下来在他日勺生意伙伴日勺办公室又为我印了五份简历stop停止,停下;knock敲,

11、打击;glance瞥一眼;appear出现16. A. rightB.moreC. formerD.different答案:B 句意同上 fifteen more = another fifteen另外日勺五份17. A. pressuresB.agreementsC. impressionsD.suggestions答案:D句意:他还就穿着和说话方面给我提了一些建议 pressure压力;agreement协议, 同意;impression 象;suggestion 建议18. A. lonelyB. funnyC. disappointedD. satisfied答案:D 句意:我投上简历

12、,满意地回家了 lonely孤单日funny有趣日勺;disappointed 失望日勺;satisfied满意日勺由于陌生人口勺帮助,我感到很高兴,也很顺利,所以应该是“感到满意旷.19. A. callB. tipC. presentD. report答案:A 句意:第二天,我接到来自罗亚尔奥克一家商店日勺电话,给我提供了一份工作20. A. turns offB. goes overC. gives backD. looks up答案:C 句意:看来当你需要时,这个世界总是会给你回报日勺 turn off关掉,切断;go over复习,检查;give back归还,回报;look up查

13、阅,向上看(*)I first went to hear a live rock concert when I was eight years old. My brother and his friends were all_1_ of a heavy metal group called Black Wednesday. When they_2_ that Black Wednesdaywere going to perform at our local theatre, they all bought _3_ for the performance. However, at the las

14、t minute, one of the friends couldnt go, so my brother _4 _me the ticket. I was really _5_ _!I remember the buzz ( 嘈杂声)of excitement inside the theatre as we all found our _6_.After a few minutes, the lights went down and everybody became _7_. _L could barely make out the stage in the _8_ . We waite

15、d. Then there was a roar from the crowd, like an explosion, as the first members of the band _9_ the stage. My brother leaned over and shouted something in my ear, but I couldnt _10.what he was saying. The first song was already starting and the music was as_11 as a jet engine. I could _12_ the drum

16、 beats and the bass notes in my stomach.I cant recall any of the songs that the band played. I just _13_that I really enjoyed the show and didnt want it to _14_. But in the end, after three encores ( 加演),the show finished. We left the15 and walked unsteadily out onto the pavement. I felt a little di

17、zzy, as if I had just 16 from a long sleep. My ears were still _17_ with the beat of the last song.After the _18 , I became a Black Wednesday fan too for a few years before getting into other kinds of music. Once in a while, _19 , I listen to one of their songs and _20_Im back at that first show.本文讲

18、述了作者第一次去听“黑色星期三”日勺音乐会,这次音乐会给自己带来日勺震撼,并且自己也成为了他们日勺歌迷1. A.membersB. friendsC. fansD. volunteers答案:C 根据短文最后一段第18空之后日勺文字可知,此处应填fans -我哥哥和他日勺朋友都是“黑色星期三”日勺歌迷2. A.guessedB. discoveredC. thoughtD. predicted答案:B 由下文可知,他们买票去听“黑色星期三”乐队日勺音乐会,证明他们已发现乐队 要来3. A.flowersB.drinksC. clothesD.tickets答案:D 因为要看“黑色星期三”日勺演

19、出,所以他们必须买票,故 D项正确4. A.bookedB.offeredC. returnedD.found答案:B 因为我哥哥日勺一个朋友不能去看演出,因此哥哥把票给了我book订(票);offer提供;return归还;find发现5. A. relaxedB. embarrassedC. excitedD. encouraged答案:C -根据下一段中日勺excitement可知,此处应填 excited 因为我第一次去看“黑色星 期三”日勺演出,我非常兴奋6. A. seatsB. entranceC. spotsD. space答案:A 我记着我们都找到座位时,剧院里兴奋日勺嘈杂声

20、 seat座位;entrance入口 ; spot 点;space空间7. A. comfortableB. quietC. seriousD. nervous答案:B 几分钟后,灯灭了,大家都安静下来 become quiet变得安静,符合题 意.comfortable舒服日serious严肃日勺;nervous紧张日勺8. A. silenceB. noiseC. darknessD. smoke答案:C 在黑暗中几乎看不到舞台 in the darkness在黑暗中9. A fell uponB got throughC broke intoD stepped onto答案:D 当第一批

21、成员走上舞台时,像爆炸一样,人群中发出了吼声fall upon 猛烈进攻,袭击;get through通过,用完,用光; break into破门而入;step onto走上,踏上,符合题意10. A forgetB hearC repeatD bear答案:B -我哥哥向我靠来,在我耳边喊叫着,但我听不清他说日勺话hear 听见,符合题意 forget忘记;repeat重复;bear承担,忍受11. A loudB hardC. sweetD fast答案:A 音乐会开始了,音乐声就像喷气式飞机日勺声音一样大因为本乐队是一重金属乐队,所以声音很大,故 A项正确12. A.feelBtouch

22、C enjoyDdigest答案:A -我能感觉到鼓口勺敲击13 A.realizeBunderstandC believeremember答案:D 与recall相对应日勺词应是 remember 句意:我只是记得我非常喜欢这次演出14 A.continueB delayC finishD change答案:C 由下一句日勺the show finished可知,此处应填 finish 我不想要演出结束15 A.partyB theatreC operaD stage答案:B 由短文第一段第三句话可知,此处应填theatre 我们离开了剧院16 A.escapedB traveledC be

23、nefitedD woken答案:D -我感到有点晕,好像刚刚从长长日勺睡眠中醒来一样escape 逃跑; travel 旅游;benefit受益;wake醒来,符合题意17 A.achingBburningC ringingDrolling答案:C 最后一首歌日勺节奏还在耳朵里回响ring与with连用,意为“回响,响彻”18 A.competitionBperformancecelebrationC interview答案:B - competition 比赛;performance 表演,演出; interview 采访;celebration 庆祝,根据第一段第三句话可知B项正确B otherwise19 A.thoughC. insteadD. besides答案: A though 尽管;otherwise 否贝ij; instead 代替; besides 除此之夕卜 once in a while 偶 尔;尽管我有时去听他们日勺歌,但我想我还是力挺第一次演出20. A.decideB. regretC. concludeD. imagine答案:D-decide断定;regret后悔;conclude总结,得出结论;imagine认为,想像根 据19题日勺解析,D项正确*4士击

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