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1、三、说明文(一)(2011全国卷)There are times when people are so tired that they fall asleep almost anywhere. We can see there is a lot of sleeping on the bus or train on the _1_ home from work in the evenings. A man will be _2_ the newspaper, and seconds later it _3_ as if he is trying to _4_it. Or he will fall

2、 asleep on the shoulder of the stranger _5_ next to him. _6_ place where unplanned short sleep _7_ is in the lecture hall where a student will start snoring (打鼾)so _8_ that the professor has to ask another student to _9_ the sleeper awake. A more embarrassing (尴尬) situation occurs when a student sta

3、rts falling into sleep and the _10_ of the head pushes the arm off the _11_, and the movement carries the _12_ of the body along. The student wakes up on the floor with no _13_ of getting there. The worst time to fall asleep is when _14_. Police reports are full of _15_ that occur when people fall i

4、nto sleep and go _16_ the road. If the drivers are _17_, they are not seriously hurt. One womans car,_18_, went into the river. She woke up in four feet of _19_ and thought it was raining. When people are really _20_, nothing will stop them from falling asleepno matter where they are.1A.way BtrackCp

5、ath Droad2A.buying BfoldingCdelivering Dreading3A.acts BshowsCappears Dsounds4A.open BeatCfind Dfinish5A.lying BwaitingCtalking Dsitting6A.Next BEveryCAnother DOne7A.goes on Bends upClasts Dreturns8A.bravely BhappilyCloudly Dcarelessly9A.leave BshakeCkeep Dwatch10A.size BshapeCweight Dstrength11A.cu

6、shion BdeskCshoulder Dbook12A.action BpositionCrest Dside13A.memory BreasonCquestion Dpurpose14A.thinking BworkingCwalking Ddriving15A.changes BeventsCideas Daccidents16A.up BoffCalong Ddown17A.lucky BawakeCcalm Dstrong18A.in time Bat firstCas usual Dfor example19A.dust BwaterCgrass Dbush20A.tired B

7、drunkClonely Dlazy答案与解析1.Aon the way home表示“在回家的路上”,为固定表达法,不使用track“小路,跑道”,path“小路,小径”和road“道路”。2.D文章第一句话为主题句,表示人们因劳累几乎在任何地方都能入睡。此处为一个实例,表示一个人看着报纸就睡着了,故选D项。3.CIt appears as if.表示“看起来好像”。句意:几秒钟以后他看起来好像要吃它。此处指他拿着报纸打瞌睡。解题时注意it的提示,如果用acts应用he作主语,因此不能误选A项。4.B看着报纸打瞌睡的样子看起来就像要吃它一样,故选B项。5.D前文举的是在车上睡觉的例子,此处指

8、他靠在坐在旁边的陌生人的肩膀上就睡着了,故选D项。6.C此处指另一个出现计划外短暂睡眠的地方是在报告厅。another指不定数目中的另一个。7.Ago on表示“发生”,此处指计划外短暂睡眠发生的地方,故选A项。注意end up表示“结束,告终”。8.C此处为so.that结构,根据结果状语从句的提示可知,他鼾声打得很响,因此用loudly。9.B指教授让另一个学生把睡着的学生摇醒。shake表示“摇动”。10.C根据下文第13题处可知,这个学生睡着了并从课桌上滑下去,此处指头的重量推开手臂,故选C项。11.B指脱离了课桌,故选择B项,解析参看第10题。12.C这个动作把身体的其他部分也带了下

9、去,指滑到了桌子底下,故选C项。rest表示“剩余的部分”。13.A此处指学生醒来后发现自己在地板上,不知道怎么到那里的。memory表示“记忆”。14.D根据下文第17空前drivers的提示可知,“最糟糕的睡觉的时间是开车的时候。”15.D句意:警察报告里充满了人们因驾驶时睡着而驶离路面发生的事故。accident用于指“意外的事故”,而event常指“大事件,事情”,因此用accident。16.Bgo off the road此处表示“驶离路面”。go up“上升,上涨”,go along“沿着”,go down“下降,减少”,均不符合语境。17.A句意:如果司机幸运的话,他们受伤不会

10、很严重。18.D此处为幸运逃生的例子,故选D项,for example“例如”。in time“即时,迟早”;at first“起初”;as usual“像往常一样”。19.B根据前文“went into the river”可知,她醒来时在四英尺深的水里。20.A句意:当人们真的疲惫的时候,没有什么能阻止他们入睡无论他们在哪里。此处是对文章首句的呼应,根据第一句的提示,应选A项。(二)(2010安徽高考)Most people give little thought to the pens they write with ,especially since the printers in m

11、odern homes and offices mean that very1things are handwritten. All too often, people buy a pen based only on2and wonder why they are not satisfied3they begin to use it. However, buying a pen that youll enjoy is not4if you keep the following in mind.First of all,a pen should fit comfortably in your h

12、and and be5to use. The thickness of the pen is the most important characteristic(特征)6comfort. Having a small hand and thick fingers, you may be comfortable with a thin pen. If you have a7hand and thicker fingers, you may8a fatter pen. The length of a pen can9influence comfort. A pen that is too10can

13、 easily feel topheavy and unstable.Then, the writing point of the pen should11the ink to flow evenly (均匀地) while the pen remains in touch with the paper.12will make it possible for you to create a13line of writing. The point should also be sensitive enough to14ink from running when the pen is lifted

14、. A point that does not block the15may leave drops of ink,16you pick the pen up and put it down again.17,the pen should make a thick,dark line. Fineline pens may18bad handwriting, but fine,delicate lines do not command19next to printed text,as,20,a signature on a printed letter. A broader line, on t

15、he other hand,gives an impression of confidence and authority(权威)1. A. many B. fewC. pleasant D. important2. A. looks B. reasonC. value D. advantages3. A. once B. if C. because D. though4. A. convenient B. practicalC. strange D. difficult5. A. heavy B. easy C. hard D. safe6. A. taking B. findingC. d

16、etermining D. seeking7. A. stronger B. weaker C. smaller D. larger8. A. prefer B. recommendC. prepare D. demand9. A. hardly B. also C. never D. still10. A. thick B. light C. long D. soft11. A. change B. allow C. reduce D. press12. A. They B. One C. This D. Some13. A. thin B. rough C. black D. smooth

17、14. A. prevent B. free C. protect D. remove15. A. way B. sight C. flow D. stream16. A. so B. as C. and D. yet17. A. Meanwhile B. GenerallyC. Afterwards D. Finally18. A. show up B. differ from C. break down D. compensate for19. A. attention B. supportC. respect D. admission20. A. at most B. for examp

18、leC. in brief D. on purpose答案与解析1.B文中开头提到人们对用来写字的笔没有在意,其原因就是家庭和办公场所都使用打印机,据此即可判断打印机的使用意味着手写的东西很少了。故选B项。2.A下半句提到人们开始用笔时感到不满意,再联系下段可知本文主要是对怎样购笔所提的一些建议,故此处指出人们过多的是“以貌购笔”,故looks“外表,外貌”最佳。文中并未提到购笔的价钱、原因及好处。3.Aonce引导时间状语从句,但含有条件意味,常译为“一旦就”。正是因为人们往往“以貌购笔”才怀疑为什么一旦使用时就感到不尽如人意。4.Dconvenient“便利的,方便的”;practical

19、“实用的”;strange“奇怪的,奇异的”;difficult“困难的”。下文作者主要介绍如何购笔的技巧,故如果按照作者讲的建议去做的话,购买一支称心如意的笔就不会是一件难事了。故选D项。5.B此处空格应与前句中的fit comfortably对应,故排除A、C选项;下文购笔注意事项中与之相关的只提到笔的粗细和长短,均与用笔安全无关,排除D项。故选B项,表示所购笔应该易用。6.C笔的粗细是决定笔的舒适度的最重要因素。根据句意可知此处用determine,表示“确定,确保”,符合题意。take comfort“感到安慰,安心”;find/seek comfort“寻求安逸”。7.D上句提到如果

20、你的手小指粗,作者建议你购买细笔。联系日常常识推断此处应与前句中的small意义相反,larger最为合适。8.A本句主语是you,与you购笔相关的只有A项合适。prefer“更喜欢”;recommend“推荐,介绍”;prepare“预备,准备”;demand“要求,需求”。9.B上句讲的是笔的粗细影响用笔舒适度的购笔建议,接下来又讲述的是笔的长度对用笔舒适度的影响,故此处使用also,符合题意。hardly“几乎不”;never“永远不”;still“仍然”。10.C本条讲述的是笔的长度对舒适度的影响,根据空后的topheavy and unstable“头重、不稳”,联系日常生活常识不

21、难判断此处答案应为C项。11.B接下来讲的是笔的滚珠应该在笔与纸张接触时,运行流畅、笔墨均匀。allow后可接复合宾语(宾语动词不定式作宾语)。change“改变,转换”;reduce“减少”;press“压,按”;搭配不当。12.C此处使用指示代词this,指代的是前一句话叙述的内容。表示“这会使得你成为可能”。13.D根据前一句话“._11_ the ink to flow evenly(均匀)while the pen remains in touch with the paper”即可推知使你的书写线条流畅。14.A购笔时有关滚珠的另一个注意事项就是提笔时不能漏墨。prevent.fr

22、om.“阻止做”,prevent的宾语发出介词from后动名词的动作;free from“解除”;protect.from.“保护不受的危害”,protect.from.中的宾语不能发出后面的动作;remove from“除掉,移开”。故选A项。15.C此处flow用作名词,指的是“墨流”。滚珠不能锁住墨流,墨流就会渗漏墨滴。16B根据上下文意思可知是为了防止在你提笔、放笔的过程中的漏墨现象。17D综合全文可知本文讲述如何购笔的技巧,总共提出了三条建议,这是最后一条,故开头应用finally,选D项。meanwhile “其间,其时”;generally “通常,一般”;afterwards“

23、然后,后来”。18D字迹纤细可以弥补书写的不足,但字迹精细在打印的文本中无法博得人们的注意。show up“揭露,露出”;differ from “不同”;break down “毁掉,垮掉”;compensate for “补偿,弥补”。19A与打印的文本相比,精细的字迹,墨迹过于清淡,不易引人注目,故选A项最佳。attention “注意,注意力”;support “支持,拥护”;respect “尊重,敬重”;admission “承认,供认”。20Bfor example 用来举例说明,为句中插入语,其前后需用逗号隔开,它可用于句首、句中或句末。此处作者以在打印信件中的签名来举例证明自

24、己的观点。at most “至多”;in brief “简单扼要地”;on purpose “故意地”。(三)(2008安徽高考)There are many different ways of seeing a town for the first time. One of them is to walk around it, guidebook _1_ hand. Of course, we may _2_ with our guidebooks the history and _3_ developments of a town and get to know them. _4_ the

25、n, if we take our time and _5_ in a town for a while, we may get to know it better. When we _6_ it as a whole, we begin to have some _7_, which even the best guidebooks do not answer. Why is the town just _8_ this, this shape, this plan, this size? Why do its streets _9_ in this particular way, and

26、not in any _10_ way?Here even the best guidebook _11_ us. One cant find in it the information about how a town has developed to the _12_ appearance. It may not describe the original (最初的) _13_ of a town. However, one may get some idea of what it _14_ look like by walking around the town. One can als

27、o imagine _15_ the town was first planned and built. Then one can learn more about in what direction the town _16_ to develop.What is the _17_ of studying towns in this way? For me, it is _18_ that one gets a greater depth of pleasure by visiting and seeing a town with ones own eyes. A _19_ visit to

28、 a town may help one better understand why it is attractive _20_ just reading about it in a guidebook.1. A. in B. atC. by D. on2. A. write B. studyC. tell D. remember3. A. strange B. similarC. separate D. special4. A. But B. BeforeC. Since D. Until5. A. march B. workC. stay Dwait6. A. look at B. loo

29、k afterC. look for D. look up7. A. ideas B. opinionsC. feelings D. questions8. A. of B. forC. like D. as9. A. open B. runC. begin D. move10. A. one B. moreC. other D. such11. A. helps B. tricksC. fails D. satisfies12. A. old B. normalC. first D. present13. A. capital B. meaningC. design D. change14.

30、 A. used to B. seemed toC. had to D. happened to15. A. what B. howC. when D. where16. A. stops B. appearsC. starts D. continues17. A. point B. viewC. problem D. difficulty18. A. nearly B. simplyC. generally D. hardly19. A. costly B. formalC. group D. personal20. A. from B. thanC. through D. with答案与解

31、析1A办法之一就是手中拿着旅游指南沿着城镇走一圈。2B我们可以在旅游指南的帮助下研究这个城镇的历史。3DA项“奇怪的”;B项“相似的”;C项“分离的,分别的”;D项“特别的,特殊的”。由下文可知,应选D项。4A根据上下文的逻辑关系,此处表转折。5C如果我们能花点时间在这个城镇待上一段时间的话,我们可能对这个城镇了解得更好些。6A当我们整体上看它时,。A项“看”;B项“照顾”;C项“寻找”;D项“向上看;尊敬”。7D由后句中的answer 可知。8C为什么这个城镇就像这个样子,?9B为什么它的街道以这种特殊的方式延伸,?A项“开放”;B项“朝某方向延伸”;C项“开始”;D项“移动”。10Cany

32、 other 任何其他的。11C这儿甚至是最好的旅游指南也会使我们失望。A项“帮助”;B项“戏弄”;C项“使某人失望”;D项“使某人满意”。12D一个人在旅游指南里找不到有关这个城镇如何发展成现在的样子的信息。13C旅游指南或许没有描述城镇的最初设计。14A然而,沿着城镇走,一个人或许会得知它过去的样子。15B一个人还可以想象一下这个城镇开始是如何被计划和建造的。16D然后,一个人可以得知更多有关这个城镇会沿着什么方向继续发展下去的信息。17A以这种方式来研究城镇有什么意义?A项“目的;意义”;B项“观看,看法”;C项“问题”;D项“困难”。18BA项“几乎”;B项“简易地,简单地”;C项“一般地,笼统地”;D项“几乎不”。通过用自己的眼睛观看一个城镇,一个人可以很容易地得到很多快乐。19D亲自参观一下城镇可以帮助一个人更好地理解20B根据本句中的better 可知,此处用than表比较。- 9 -用心 爱心 专心

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