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1、Consumer Loyalty A Case Study ofApparel Stores on Taobao Abstract: During recent years, Chinas on-line shopping business has bloomed tremendously. Taobao, as the largest Chinese online auction company at present, shares twice as large market as eBays, which used to be dominant in the Chinese market.

2、 And the consumer to consumer (orC2C) apparel stores, which have taken up the largest part of all e-shops on Taobao, have attracted more and more customers every minute. The on-line shopping, which provides a new transaction method between the sellers and the customers. To manage this wholly new mod

3、e of transaction, it seems to be necessary for all the C2C e-store clothes sellers to understand the advantages and disadvantages of apparel stores operation on Taobao and discover the secret for successful operation. To keep and have customers loyalty is becoming the most important for those appare

4、l stores on Taobao. Because of the differences between traditional commerce environment and the on-line commerce environment, it is more demanding and complex for the owners of apparel stores on Taobao to raise and retain customer loyalty. This article aims to introduce the features and the determin

5、ant factors of customer loyalty, and tries to suggest some effective countermeasures of successful customer loyalty management through a case study of a representative apparel store on Taobao.Key words: E-commerce, Taobao, C2C, Consumer Loyalty, Consumer satisfaction 24毕业设计(论文)原创性声明和使用授权说明原创性声明本人郑重承

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9、上购物环境有着许多的不同之处,淘宝上的服饰经营者们也就更难提高和保持顾客的购物忠诚度。这篇文章目的就在于介绍顾客忠诚的特点及其决定因素并且通过对一家具有代表性的服饰店的案例分析对成功的顾客忠诚管理提出有效的方法及建议。关键字:电子商务 淘宝 消费者对消费者电子商务 顾客忠诚度 客户满意度CONTENTSAbstract:I摘 要II1. Introduction12. Definition of Key Concepts12.1 Definition of E-commerce and C2C E-commerce12.2 Definition of Consumer Satisfaction

10、22.3 Definition of Consumer Loyalty22.4 Distinction between Customer Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty33. Related Theory and Decisive Factors in Consumer Loyalty Evaluation43.1 Social Network Theory43.2 Consumers Behavioral Intention Theory54. A Case Study of the Specific Apparel Store on Taobao94.1

11、 Brief Introduction to Taobao and its Status Quo94.2 Brief introduction to the specific apparel store104.3 Reasons for Choosing the Apparel Store and How it Succeeds104.4 Secret to the Success of this Apparel Store through Analysis125. Advantages and disadvantages of apparel store operation on Taoba

12、o125.1 Advantages125.2 Disadvantages156. Measures for improvement of Consumer Loyalty of the apparel stores on Taobao177. Conclusion19Reference20ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS211. IntroductionWith the rapid growth of international network, Chinas C2C electronic market has been flourishing in recent years. Taobao

13、shares twice as large market as eBays, which used to be dominant in the Chinese market. People can buy whatever they want on Taobao from article for daily use, clothes to luxury goods. In todays competitive marketplace, customer loyalty is serious business. And apparel stores, as the largest compone

14、nt of the whole Taobao and the main profit contributors, have to spare no effort to raise and maintain customer loyalty under the unique electronic commerce environment. In this article, the author first explains the definition of key concept of the paper, and then introduces related theory which wi

15、ll be used in the article and offer detailed information about the decisive factors in customer loyalty evaluation. To further analyze the importance of customer loyalty in the operation of apparel stores on Taobao, a case study of a specific and representative apparel store help to find out the sec

16、ret to the success of the specific apparel store. Later, through the detailed analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of apparel store operation on Taobao, suggested measures for the improvement of consumer loyalty is provided for the apparel stores on Taobao.2. Definition of Key Concepts2.1 De

17、finition of E-commerce and C2C E-commerceElectronic commerce, commonly known as e-commerce or ecommerce, consists of the buying and selling of products or services over electronic systems such as the Internet and other computer networks. http:/en.wikipedia.org/wiki/E-commerce A large of variety of c

18、ommerce is conducted on line including supply chain management, Internet marketing, online transaction processing, electronic data interchange (or EDI), inventory management systems, and automated data collection systems. And electronic commerce trade has been growing extraordinarily during these ye

19、ars with wide-spread Internet popularity. Modern electronic commerce typically uses the World Wide Web at least at some point in the transactions lifecycle, although it can encompass a wider range of technologies such as e-mail as well. Electronic commerce involves virtual items as well as physical

20、items. And almost all big retailers have electronic commerce presence on the World Wide Web. Online retailers are sometimes referred to as e-tailors and online retail is sometimes known as e-tail. C2C is a three-letter abbreviation that can refer to Consumer-to-consumer electronic commerce; Consumer

21、-to-consumer (or C2C) electronic commerce involves the electronically-facilitated transactions between consumers through some third party. http:/en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Consumer-to-consumer_electronic_commerce EBay is one of the common examples of the Consumer-to-Consumer ecommerce where Consumers com

22、plete their sales actively and regularly with another consumer, and they are all individual consumers.2.2 Definition of Consumer SatisfactionCustomer satisfaction is a comparative concept referring to the matching degree of customers expectation with the final gain. It is related to customers expect

23、ation and all costs customers pay. That is the difference between the benefits received from using a service and the monetary and nonmonetary cost of receiving the service. And it is known that a satisfied customer is six times more willing to continue to buy that product or service again and again

24、than a dissatisfied customer. The higher the customer satisfaction is, the more likely a customer repeat the consumption behavior. Therefore, in an increasingly competitive world market, more and more companies try all means to upgrade customer satisfaction. 2.3 Definition of Consumer Loyalty Custom

25、er loyalty is the concept of trust in a certain product brand or a company, and hope to maintain a repeat of psychological tendency, which is in fact a continuity of customer behavior, not vulnerable to the effect of outer environment and market. There are some measures used to judge the degree of c

26、ustomer loyalty: (1) Loyal customers often repeat their consumption behavior of one product or a brand, as a result of which consumption frequency can be learnt. (2) Loyal customers are willing to recommend your product or service to his relatives of close friends, who will be more willing than othe

27、rs to purchase your goods. (3) Loyal customers will reject your competitors products as long as the loyal tie between the loyal consumers and you are firm enough.2.4 Distinction between Customer Satisfaction and Customer LoyaltyThere is a problem that it is likely that people easily confuse customer

28、 satisfaction and customer loyalty or regard these two terms to be the same or equally important. Customer satisfaction does not mean that customer loyalty since customer satisfaction is a kind of psychological attitude or feeling of satisfaction in consumption, but customer loyalty is a continuous

29、transaction which will help to promote the occurrence of repeat customers. Data show that only the customer satisfaction is not enough. When a better product is supplied by some other else, a large number of customers may change suppliers. Thus satisfaction is supposed to be transformed into loyalty

30、.To further distinguish these two terms, one should understand that satisfaction is measured by customer expectations and feelings, and customer loyalty reflects the purchase of future actions and purchase commitments. Customer satisfaction is more concerned with the views and ideas of the past purc

31、hase experience while customer loyalty can predict the future intention to buy. Whats more, customer satisfaction does not have direct relation with actual future purchase behavior and do not promise satisfied customers insistent strong faith in your products. Since satisfaction is not absolute, you

32、 have to make great effort to transform satisfaction into loyalty to lock the customers. Thus we are able to conclude that customer satisfaction might be the basis of customer loyalty building.However, customer satisfaction is not an essential condition for customer loyalty. Here is an example: many

33、 mobile phone users are not quite satisfied with the products, but if they you change the use of other products they have to pay the costs, in this way they will still adhere to the use of original cell phones. Costs would let them tolerate imperfect service providers, but if one day they can realiz

34、e with little or no costs, I believe that they will act immediately (Liao, 1996:43).To wrap up what has been mentioned above, loyalty must have access to a minimum level of customer satisfaction, which will favor the establishment of loyalty. However, customer satisfaction is not an important condit

35、ion for customer loyalty!3. Related Theory and Decisive Factors in Consumer Loyalty Evaluation3.1 Social Network TheoryIn this paper, we study online customers loyalty and behavior from social network and marketing perspectives. In the marketing literature, a customers prospect value of a product or

36、 service in a store could encourage him/her to shop at that store. In the social network, literature, a customer is not isolated from his/her social relations and his/her shopping choice could also be affected by social experiences (Cheng, Zhang, and Huang, 1991:25).In the marketing literature, cust

37、omer value has been considered a key predictor of customers choice, and it includes two distinct values: utilitarian and hedonic values (Babin & Darden & Griffin, 1994: 644-656). Utilitarian value means the rational value of a customer and depends on whether the specific need is realized, while hedo

38、nic value is used to refer to the emotional value and depends on whether the customer feels happy during the shopping process. It has been evident that both of these values are related to the monetary amount a customer spends on shopping.In the social network literatures, the Chinese experience them

39、selves as situated at the center of concentric network circles. The extent of intimacy with one another is reflected by the relative position of another within the concentric circles of ones psychological field, as Figure 1 shows (Cheng, Zhang, and Huang, 1991:26). Figure1: Chinese Hierarchical Circ

40、leBy studying the intensity of relationship among people, social network can be divided into three categories: information network, affect network, and trust network (Krackhardt, 1992: 216-239). The information network is a network in which people exchange information with each other. The affect net

41、work is a network in which people share their own personal feelings. The trust network is a network in which people show trust to each other.These three networks have interactive relations. By chatting in a virtual community, online users are no longer strangers. Two persons will become more intimat

42、e if more information interactions occur between them. In this way, a solid information network could develop into an affect network. At the same time, after benefiting from information exchanges, some users would foster trust to each other. Therefore, an information network will encourage a trust n

43、etwork. Whats more, in China, strong ties, which usually exist in intimate relations such as family and close friends, help to develop more trust than weak ties. As a result, the affect network will facilitate a trust network.3.2 Consumers Behavioral Intention TheoryThe antecedent effects of service

44、 quality, customer satisfaction, and value on loyalty derive from Cronin, Brady, and Hults modeling of the effects of these three constructs on consumers behavioral intentions. That is to say, service quality, customer satisfaction, perceived value, justice, trust, and perceived risk are identified

45、as possible determinants of customer loyalty. Current research further extends analysis relative to the antecedents of customer loyalty by assessing the effects of customers perceptions of justice and perceived risk in the service encounter (see Figure 2). And this figure shows how these determinant

46、s works together to customer satisfaction or customer trust and then achieve different degrees of customer loyalty (Cronin, Brady, and Hults, 2000: 193 - 218). Figure 2: The Proposed Research ModelService Quality: Service quality is a term that refers to the customers general impression of the relat

47、ive inferiority/superiority of the organization and its services. Perceived Value: Zeithamls study that suggests “perceived value is the customers overall assessment of the utility of a product based on perceptions of what is received and what is given.” (Zeithaml, 1988:14)And it is inferred from th

48、at customers have a “give-versus-get” mentality when it comes to perceptions of value.Trust: The concept of trust is defined as a willingness to rely on an exchange partner in whom one has confidence. And trust exists when one party has confidence in an exchange partners reliability and integrity. A

49、 consumer must have confidence that the seller has his/her best interests at heart during the service consumption process. This confidence exists only if the consumer considers the service provider to be a reliable alternative and to have high integrity. These two essential characteristics of a trus

50、ting consumer/provider relationship are highly correlated with such attributes as consistency, competency, honesty, fairness, responsibility, and helpfulness.Perceived justice: The concept of perceived justice suggests that individuals assess the equity of an exchange by comparing the ratio of their

51、 inputs and outcomes against the concurrent ratios of other parties in an exchange. It is said that inequity exists when individuals observe a negative inputs-to-outcomes ratio across parties involved in the exchange. Inequity brings negative feelings to individuals such as distress and frustration.

52、 And consumers will try to get themselves out of the inequitable situation. Interactional justice specifically addresses the amount of equity individuals perceive in person-to-person social exchanges. Procedural justice deals with consumers evaluations of the fairness of policies and procedures in m

53、arket-based relationships.Perceived risk: Risk perception is the subjective judgment that people make about the characteristics and severity of a risk. The phrase is most commonly used in reference to natural hazards and threats to the environment or health, such as nuclear power. Several theories h

54、ave been proposed to explain why different people make different estimates of the dangerousness of risks. Three major families of theory have been developed: psychology approaches (heuristics and cognitive), anthropology/sociology approaches (Cultural Theory) and interdisciplinary approaches (Social

55、 Amlification of Risk Framework). http:/en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Perceived_riskThere is an inherent risk that consumers attach to purchasing or utilizing services due to their nature of uncertainty. Thus, consumers usually try hard to avoid or, at least reduce this risk. Perceived risk is conceptualize

56、d in the literature as a two dimensional construct that incorporates both the uncertainty inherent in a purchase decision and the consequences of making an unfavorable choice (Schiffman, 1972:106 108). Identification: Consumers identify with a service provider when they take some form of ownership o

57、ver the service, affiliate themselves with the service provider, or share values with the provider (Butcher et al. 2001: 27). Butcher et al. (2001) provide compelling evidence of this loyalty outcome by demonstrating how consumers often describe their loyal relationships with service providers as “m

58、y doctor” or “my mechanic.” This loyalty outcome is very prevalent among avid sports fans that have one or two “service providers” that they identify with exclusively. We see that identification can occur with both individual service providers (e.g. a doctor or mechanic), as well as at the brand lev

59、el, as in the case of a college sports team. It is suggested that services, as opposed to goods, provide more incentive for customers to form a comparative identity because of their interpersonal nature.Advocacy: Advocacy is the pursuit of influencing outcomes including public-policy and resource al

60、location decisions within political, economic, and social systems and institutions that directly affect peoples current lives. (Cohen, 2001) Therefore, advocacy can be seen as a deliberate process of speaking out on issues of concern in order to exert some influence on behalf of ideas or persons. Ba

61、sed on this definition, Cohen (2001) states that “ideologues of all persuasions advocate” to bring a change in peoples lives. However, advocacy has many interpretations depending on the issue at stake, which can be different from this initial value-neutral definition. http:/en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adv

62、ocacyConsumer advocates are quite willing to recommend a service to their friends and family at the expense of their own reputation. Consumer advocacy is also described in the literature as word-of-mouth and willingness-to-refer. Likewise, consumer advocacy reduces the uncertainty caused by the inta

63、ngibility and heterogeneity that accompanies the vast majority of service purchases. Consumer advocacy, whether called word-of-mouth or willingness-to recommend, is one of the more commonly explored service loyalty outcomes. As a matter of fact, a number of studies link service quality and satisfact

64、ion to consumer advocacy.Strength of preference: Strength of preference is described in the literature as a relative attitude, preference loyalty, and affect toward the brand which emphasize the importance of understanding strength of preference because of its ability to defend a service provider against competing firms, thereby limiting customer defections. Share of Wallet (SOW): Share of Wallet (SOW) is a survey method used in performance management that helps managers understand the amount of business a company gets from specific customers. An

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