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1、茂名市2013年初中毕业生学业考试与高中阶段学校招生考试英语学科试题等说明“L本学科KE共12 . 或分120分、考试时间X壮对小也选H1K寒后.用?R情书我途件答与卡打始石改动第4发鼻干净 后.可送摩区鲍吞拿,布拿n在本卷上无效 X分盘杼芯必须用重色手透梯塞或签字密作翳,器集。然与任符&/IHIHIS定区 域内的相限位置h,专生名接保”科通表的整沿.的山石琳述卷内将E*井2回* 一.听力(选推釐.共三节满分30分) 第一节新句子(共5小即,每小鹿I分满分5分)听卜湎5个句子,每个句子后有三个挣语清根舞你折薪到的句子从A、B、 C三个选项中港界收合适的在港斯先制个句子坛你好”10 4忖的时间来

2、回答有关小博相阅读下一小题.附个句干仅读一通. 所靠一个句子,羽齐第1小18C No. it t&aXCSbeaaiC YtpkascC. See you literCThe same wypuI. A Very interesting.B. Ycs I think so-所第二个句子,回答第2小鹿Z & She is fine.B. She is tall.研第三个句子,回答第3小后.3. A. Y do thti evening?A They will go to see a film.B. They will play basketball.C. lliey will go to 口 o

3、onccn.7. Wfccre will they meet?A, In the ctncma.B, Al 1hcir school.C In her house8. How vunll they go there?A. By cor.B By bus.C. By bike.师第二4ft对氏网抄第an小题.9. Where u Mary now?A. In the Surtirwer Pdace.B. In Tianmmcn Sqwirc.C On the Great Wall.10. Who is David?A. Mg* father. B. Marys friend C. Mtry*s

4、cousin.11. What is ravid doing?A. Drawing picture.B. Enjoying the uiiuhmc.C. Talking to Mftry on the phone.所第三所对话.回答笫1214小BU12. Why d.B. Money.C The Monkey King.而第四段对谑网拧编1务17小虺, I5-, Who like* cakes the besi?TomII. Kile.C. Joha.16 . Who is coming to stay?A. Tom? parent. B Tom fnend.17 Who t&ull indl

5、hin,A Tncr*19 Which bui goes to the hotel?A. NO.IObWi. B- NO.12 bus.C. NO.9 buL20. How lon does it take cwork. can you do it?A. No. you catTLB Yo. of courseC. We really dont know24 Wha.1 should you do during the hour of doing your homework?A. To do something to relax yourvclf.R. To do something to h

6、elp your pc Mlad was quivhly-A ding upB. Me upJ eaten up3Z DgfbNonnan Bethune ga%ne hi* life to ihc Chinese people.A, helpB. belongC wk虎名中,荚 5SK1R JR 4贝 do this evening is to urrtc to my fatherA. thmB. whichC. who34. If the weather fine, we have a spmis meeting this weekend.A. will hr: willB. ii; wi

7、llC. ws; wovW35. The tree by guj 蚪mdma giwvs ven- vdl.A. plantingB. is plantedC planted三.完彩填空(15小Mb3小噩1分,满分1$分)回1火下面如文.齐揶芹人宓修法在用小罐所燃出的a,b. c三4总或中 选出般佳选并在答言卡上将冰用冰熟,Imi Friday Arm visited village in HohoFjIu It destroyed fourteen home% Seven others MCTG m badly 36 that Ibcif had to lea%-e them, arxi f

8、ifteen others had 37 window dooes or roofR_ One perwwi wasvenl xvercbadly wounded and taken U 39 and u number of other people goy wife &nd chil&cn. . he sai4 * when we beard a loud 43 . A lew minutes later our house fell down on lop of ua. We 44 to Climb bux very frigtitmed-Mvs Roland 31d that her h

9、usbaixi had jurf45 work when she noticed herhouse 46 _ She rusbed outside immediately with her children.2 Ihere no 47 to take anything* she Mich A levs minutes kRr. the roof 43*Soldam helped to bringout ol the Hoodca aren and Uic joEnmem5。 them kith food, cloches and tenU.ziis中号典m 5 M 广仁;:36 A. dAmx

10、gcdB. hurtC. harmed37. A- rep.irvdB. brokenC opened38. A. sa、cd8 kiUcdC. ittokfiJ9. A. GincnwB. schoolC. hospital40. A. tiredB. injuredC excited41. A.3R. boredC. hMnelr42. A. srvoviB.科ormC. earthquake43. A. cryB. voisC. noise44. A. mnnngcdB. wanydC. searched45. A. lookol tora left foeC waited fori.

11、A. slcvpingB. runningC C. 口臼个迭阴 中选出修隹答案井在若M卡上将谟夜涂E.AUWfgAng Amadeus: Mozart was an AuMtrian composer and pmniaiU Many pwplc think he wo5 one o f the be composers of music ”f all time.Mozart was bom m Austria in 1756. He wa educated by hi fahvj 、F 60cxi violins llts rather stoned E give him piano lew

12、emju when he was 4 years old. Whcti =n4 6. he went on hi,first musical tour of I urupc. Mozart nlm wwlR miiGiu When he wax only about 5 years old. he started to 8mgy maic. At the 猛京 of & he composed his fiz real wng. He grew up 1。wri忙 wme oftiiB most beautiful music ottbeard However, he died “2 M 5*

13、 only 35 ycarM old.51. What wm Wolfgang Amadeus Morart?A. A composer.B. A danTC- A doctor-I N (cacher.技幺中力英53 6 ji ca 12J1)52. How old 3的B 5 yean old ID. 8 yearold. his first real 8? U. yearn old. 0. 56yce(rtdB. wrote some beautiful swrwsD iha14c fionx* beautiful vnoltnsMiVMt when he swted m 汨2 2试?A

14、, 4 y55. 11 SCC1TO that the writerA. didnt like MmV5 2 5 a11B Lked Msrt、nuisK very rouebC though! MBmcould die carbCTD. wi5hcd Mwx co*w Ie longerHu K.U! gw your name and 3一沁 p-f 噜J a ten y-k吁:; Sidney U Pc-sis 5E M 1旬 X 诋仁口 二二 X 如 1nd bci My Ze e .加 8ms ge 皿炉。汕Ei皿E6 co皿.3。内-黑二 from Hong 3 皿been .her

15、e Now 呷 i 2 弋二 zi .n Ne-5皿 in -U X near our 皿 :;比: Ne3k m 1993. I c-n、3 Chinese, but c2 叼饪,l = UX 1 E3 cnilcdWw.n. He 2 and work、a an archm 1 个、门m in WIE 2 3 hMnr try house, d-ican “心,。;工 2W me 93而iMy皿,丽E学E much ! enjoy pMN * -1 in wmtcT.皿 sun1M My fvite subject k phyiics I wnt tp he-nN。/with my sch

16、ool fncnl-in the m皿 M you will uTite w me 3d z icU abou,小汽名中者费课认0跳7页M56. Sidney wanta .A. totdl Kjitc 3boui her familyH. S make fhend& with KateC. to practice Ih EnglbhD to tell Kaie aboul her school life57. How many people arc there in Sidney *t familyA.XB 工C.,d 158. Where was Sidney bom?A. In Chin

17、a.& ,oG In CanadaD E Jajxm50. WhutsSidney,s Civarite sport iti winter?A. IcnnisB Computer garnerU FUdEmtoaD. Chew conpclrtkin.60. Which U Sidney in the photo?A. Tbc Grit one cm the rightB m C中8c oo the left.C. The ullea erne * 6c topO The one the middle|CCormorant fuhing is a traditional Chinese 】L

18、probably more than a thousand ,39 old. Coevnorams *rc hvge. bkck biwk, which are good at cMchinj fish They can dive down 25 metE. and nay under water for up to two minutes.A H&hennan usually goes on a fishing trip on a bamboo boat with hi* bmb. When g rcecbes the rigtht pl*u he Mtop. A pxe of graw d

19、 tied around the neck of each btxd. bo that the fish won、go(kn into ito Hch. He pushes the birdn into the water, and then the water heavily uith his bmmboo poleCt .),The lUh are frihteneni by(bi, The cormorants swim very quickly io eh the Firailly. the buds come up one after AnoCbcr to a big bcukn I

20、 aux wme of the fish arc 8kL and the rL ore de i&d bctwccti his family and the comoranU. At Ctchf. light ib hung from the front of the boot This enables the fuherman a better, and 4 attracts the fisK茂名中考英第8页Ot 12 061. A Gormorasn .A. can catch any fish under waterB. can Iwe u long as a thousand year

21、sC. can May under water for one minuteD. &on swim 2i nidm every second under water62. The fisherman ties each bird with a piece of grass in order toA. help* it live longerR. help it swim more quicklyC. stop it from running ayU. slop it from ealiftg the fteh63. WHst docs the underhned word bungs mean

22、 in Chinese?A.蛹入 B. JW架C.拍打 D.流水64. What docs the Gshcvmiin usually do with the fish he has caught?A. He ts the best title for theA. Go FishingB. Fsahrng with BircbC. To Live on FishingD. Fishennin and HU LifeDThe Chanoc first made paper about 2,000 yean ago. Chiru 由】ha ptcixs of paper which were ma

23、de u long ago ax Uu( But Chinese piper wu not nude from the wnod of nre t was mde frdtn the hAirlike parts of cetuin planu.Paper * not mjiJc an soutbem Europe until abotrt the yew 1100. Scandinavia(斯 堪的纳第 业* 密熊 which now makc a great deal of the wmldX paper, did not begin lo make it unttl 15co iI wu

24、 a German named Schacflcr who found out that one could make the best paper from treefi. After thai. the forest countries of Sweden. NorTiy. Finland, and the Unked States became the largest茂名中学英访试 m ? 91 1X 12 5(gpef gMtxluecr* lodjiy in Finland, which makes the best pupcr in ihc world, the paper irv

25、dustry t the m Ihc land. New papcrniakmg machrnes arc very big. and they make paper very fast. The bixgcw machines can make a piece of paper 300 meters long and 6 meten. wide in one minute.When wc think of paper, we think of newspapers, books, letters, envelopes ond writes paper But then: arc many o

26、ther wjg、Only h&If of the paper that is made 11 used for books and ncuipapcrK etc.66. Wh,eh of the following is the first u make paper?A. China. B. Scandinavia.C. Germany.“ FtnLuwl67. SchActTcr found ovt that *A., the best paper ww in the IbreflB. a German made the best paperC. wood couU be made int

27、o the best paperD. the oldcM paper was nuxfc 1500 years 呵u68 Wtul does the underlined ward * iudMrK mean in Chinese?A,闺防H.教目C农业D,工业69 . According: to the paMagx. paper t& not used ter A. newspapersB. envelopesC. writing paperT. food and. drinks70 TTie ccond paragraph mainly uUcx about paper makingA.

28、 tn the United SluiceB. in ScandinavisC in EuropeL. m xw (U?7Z Excuse me. how tniny (字典)do you have?75 My parenu and grndparenU kp(MMft) me to Study Iwd.76 What can be done to the 染)?77 . Liiteft. who ts (Af the door9旗石中号英MtUUt n 10 41 CH I2X)短文境空(共MH gHMH分 满分5分工01在寄*册 极MC短文内容.网柄号内单词的正确形式填空One evemn

29、g Kale wm enjoying a film al the cinema In the middle of ihe film a nn next io her C6 (stand) up and looked for something He made a lot ofnoise. Kate got angry and 9H in a low voke What mt you doing. What ire you looking forT Tm sorry. I (77) (took) for A pieee of sake: the man uid. MIc (78 (drop do

30、wn to the floor a moment ago/vA pce of cakcT*1 the girl 31d angrily. Tt must be dirty now! Here is a piece of chocolate (79) _ (take) it and be quiet, please.*-Bui my teeth 80) bc) in the cake/* mm3 the man.七.旬型转撰共5小& 号H8b分.卷分5分).强内借5清核以下各小题的螫求再换旬皇郴个空格只疲境一个西词81. Our school u very bc.ulifUL改为蟠叹句) our

31、 school is!82. Tom usually h bread wU pOTritfgc for breakfast- 就画线 的分提 H )Tom usually have for breakiisr?83. Mnry isb teacher. She is often smiling (合笄句广)Mary is a teacher often smiling.84. Kate told me not to Gy in bed (改成Jf接引第) stay in bed.w Kate IO me.85. Often wc know where wc can go on Sundays.

32、(阿文句15挨)Often we dont know go on Sundays八.任务型网读共5个空格 母t空懦1分,满分5分兀 *08口的08注下面超文.并根据知文内容,梅文本椎中的短文补充完整.卸个空格 只准填一个维词.How arc you. Wang Hut? Finally I am able to sit down and find time to write to you You won*t believe Mw Uy weve been 我ncc I cint mocith. Id never met Kim kcfbre though wc all Lve in New Y

33、ork-Now. I*YC jwit lewked 6rt of my bcdrwrn ago which wheru I am writing from now. and guess whnt? hs snowing Tbc flaks arc hugc4 and very slow, and 1ft名中玛奂曲ULQ W II M ouuidc. If it goes g mowing like this, he wont be able to walk outof his bouse. He misxs o crything tn China and wanes to know more

34、about Chinese food. He bopM Wanjj: Hui will write (9Q) back soon.九.书面裹达调分25分)IS设你越Tony Li.在英国一所中学规读已大的一年.需找 位*庭较李1要求加下我所示滑车向你的W师Mr Rogb Ftke 4m他M忙.性财.军第. 女 2d2S; 品7 职业中小学英语老外奴大学生性格热心助人.有耐心爱好设书.旅,特长幄标座英语.熟悉英国历史她用K”作次:L文体格式!信息先整.内存令理.2 .旬子焙凝*给构逐贯.学数不少干印个中词.3 .文中不验出现真实维N和学校名才.4 .作文终颊写在为卡的指定区域内.提不间工家庭教师

35、;tutor*林冶英语1 Mtancbrd English茂名市2013年中考英雷科参考答案一,听力燧舞幽共三节,淌分X分第一早听句子(我5小JK,年小Hl分.分5分)IT ABCAA第二节咻对话(共15小咐郁小JH 1分.精分15分)6YCBA 9-IICBA 12-14 ABC 1X7 ABC 1-2# CAC*2 V ffJBJC(只5小flb每小i!2分.女分1021-25 CBBAB二.选推共10小4BL胱小JR I分.清分10分) 230 AC ABC31-35 CBABC三.先电场空( 15小da.斛小闻1分.分is分)J6-W ARHcd! 79 Take 80 arc 七.句

36、型转换(共B小ML每小JI 1分.前分5分77. LHew; beautiful 82.WhM; docs 83 .who/thai.is84.Don X 5dSS. when:; to八.任外中黑逮(共5小JR.每小* I分.ift分5分)86. back 87 b3y 88. write 89. humMtuavdy 90. him 九书画褒达(港分23分)One passable version:Dear Mr. Fike.Ive been here for almost . year and I Gnd the life is not easy ibr me. 1 think I ne

37、ed a tutor. Wo3d ycxi pluge help me (and one?Firri. the tutor should be a bc4uiifu1 g,ir1 woman. 20-25 ycam old Rhe can be either college Mudenl or an 11nlgli&h tcacbcr from middle school or primary school. Second, I opc tbc tutor is patient and bc!plult who loves reading and travelling. Third, most importantly. Ac should be able to spcaJc standard English and be familiar with the Rnltsh history and grvjj1rapby With best rcarK Tony Li

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