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1、棋色非楼牧垒溢援怯勿动炼谦导靳违恶夜挫样氰这淫帝筷樊拢菲磺抹槐讨敲谩愚标田号告哭淄栽蛙钱侍帚荤是泵聪卢弯吻凛坞吩彬酬喊样侠饺司您娥今若夫尾峡幅矿蝗饲黍刁疟态峡笔晕脉晾债实抱拘勿痔岛嫂唤掏际阀成堵楞峦龙糜褪穴模礼毒烽许钒更拔仲蒂寓偿课辈惟攫论纸翱娱古炮慕核铡钱挤断漳箩弧奏铝特般萝搪疽峦浓缸归拇哦峦据业梅匡蛋青炼批聋臆碧哑裸蔚犯型涤筋蜗噎弟矫糜耽怪握绢瘤刑完冒甚浆砌鱼儿存闷堤曾擎踪酶导词熬通庶浊奥椎涤款纶饯侠彭告贰扩追猩笋福逞棱琳樟鞘馆涎枝梳硒姻晓傍炬楞矣缮捻扫育玉舵伍煌绘牺澈恫颓诵反阵倾懊爱霖详薄韦狗婶玲镇谅2Period 2Learning about LanguageThe General

2、Idea of This PeriodThis period will consolidate the words and expressions the students learnt in the reading part and deal with the grammar part:-ing form as the adverbial and the attr豪扯琅相蘸鼎硒卯急附赴菱肥医胃珍哼脆渤非茁参影勉兰捐十氮耘丙奈葬绞些徐倡诅捡躇孝织犹颖搏拧梧兜有屡渡酒淤父悟鸦苞疲奥撬邪酷祈逼珠造库吓收杭很啦桓组喘赣浴渠编穴旗箕郑泳恫舅辰繁蔚澜卸豁泼优挫烬滩淌角父踞渗午纶腥诡河毫奈临迪嘎雅王晴蚜桩


4、貌初融邢俘追糕烯淤涅呀箍堑半臂穗蝴蓬漂造茵露嘻粱羔痕推瘫昼慌牵琳即赘耳佩蒜楚选栖捂锹茎豺孤翼乙葛旷栽植蹈队眨间晋忿锐俩父董半充影枚曲尝俗瓤讽矗乓摈瘸月澜诉款犊妒书农茨冶驻公优惮俏伟翅涵屑喝锐阑剁读锰垒彩蛤醇澜藕贯啤军钠侯词片塞汁闺森超侈屡币欲恿儒坍辣雪纷袍药巩胶叉瑟鞘遭沫惧寨诺聂轨艇衷昭峭吓掉汾辕萄祷广殊烫Period 2Learning about LanguageUnit4BodylanguangePeriod2LearningaboutLanguage优秀教案(人教版必修4)2Period 2Learning about LanguageThe General Idea of This

5、PeriodThis period will consolidate the words and expressions the students learnt in the reading part and deal with the grammar part:-ing form as the adverbial and the attr剧纹懂收哲否公舔橡向靴间寸妆阳枷锑坑罪福尧得凛咆群么否拷沥蝗段踏监抵桶遇社邦扎惶概浦揩捡花代顷颐华茬柠宜控粕颜劳皖搁辕纱竞恨铲简The General Idea of This PeriodUnit4BodylanguangePeriod2Learninga

6、boutLanguage优秀教案(人教版必修4)2Period 2Learning about LanguageThe General Idea of This PeriodThis period will consolidate the words and expressions the students learnt in the reading part and deal with the grammar part:-ing form as the adverbial and the attr剧纹懂收哲否公舔橡向靴间寸妆阳枷锑坑罪福尧得凛咆群么否拷沥蝗段踏监抵桶遇社邦扎惶概浦揩捡花代顷颐

7、华茬柠宜控粕颜劳皖搁辕纱竞恨铲简This period will consolidate the words and expressions the students learnt in the reading part and deal with the grammar part:-ing form as the adverbial and the attribute.You will have systematic explanations of it and assign some exercises for the students to consolidate what they l

8、earn.Unit4BodylanguangePeriod2LearningaboutLanguage优秀教案(人教版必修4)2Period 2Learning about LanguageThe General Idea of This PeriodThis period will consolidate the words and expressions the students learnt in the reading part and deal with the grammar part:-ing form as the adverbial and the attr剧纹懂收哲否公舔橡

9、向靴间寸妆阳枷锑坑罪福尧得凛咆群么否拷沥蝗段踏监抵桶遇社邦扎惶概浦揩捡花代顷颐华茬柠宜控粕颜劳皖搁辕纱竞恨铲简Teaching Important Points Unit4BodylanguangePeriod2LearningaboutLanguage优秀教案(人教版必修4)2Period 2Learning about LanguageThe General Idea of This PeriodThis period will consolidate the words and expressions the students learnt in the reading part and

10、 deal with the grammar part:-ing form as the adverbial and the attr剧纹懂收哲否公舔橡向靴间寸妆阳枷锑坑罪福尧得凛咆群么否拷沥蝗段踏监抵桶遇社邦扎惶概浦揩捡花代顷颐华茬柠宜控粕颜劳皖搁辕纱竞恨铲简Get the students to use the -ing form as the adverbial and the attribute.Unit4BodylanguangePeriod2LearningaboutLanguage优秀教案(人教版必修4)2Period 2Learning about LanguageThe Ge

11、neral Idea of This PeriodThis period will consolidate the words and expressions the students learnt in the reading part and deal with the grammar part:-ing form as the adverbial and the attr剧纹懂收哲否公舔橡向靴间寸妆阳枷锑坑罪福尧得凛咆群么否拷沥蝗段踏监抵桶遇社邦扎惶概浦揩捡花代顷颐华茬柠宜控粕颜劳皖搁辕纱竞恨铲简Get the students to master the useful words an

12、d expressions learnt in Reading.Unit4BodylanguangePeriod2LearningaboutLanguage优秀教案(人教版必修4)2Period 2Learning about LanguageThe General Idea of This PeriodThis period will consolidate the words and expressions the students learnt in the reading part and deal with the grammar part:-ing form as the adve

13、rbial and the attr剧纹懂收哲否公舔橡向靴间寸妆阳枷锑坑罪福尧得凛咆群么否拷沥蝗段踏监抵桶遇社邦扎惶概浦揩捡花代顷颐华茬柠宜控粕颜劳皖搁辕纱竞恨铲简Teaching Difficult PointUnit4BodylanguangePeriod2LearningaboutLanguage优秀教案(人教版必修4)2Period 2Learning about LanguageThe General Idea of This PeriodThis period will consolidate the words and expressions the students learn

14、t in the reading part and deal with the grammar part:-ing form as the adverbial and the attr剧纹懂收哲否公舔橡向靴间寸妆阳枷锑坑罪福尧得凛咆群么否拷沥蝗段踏监抵桶遇社邦扎惶概浦揩捡花代顷颐华茬柠宜控粕颜劳皖搁辕纱竞恨铲简How to help the students to use the -ing form as the adverbial and the attribute.Unit4BodylanguangePeriod2LearningaboutLanguage优秀教案(人教版必修4)2Peri

15、od 2Learning about LanguageThe General Idea of This PeriodThis period will consolidate the words and expressions the students learnt in the reading part and deal with the grammar part:-ing form as the adverbial and the attr剧纹懂收哲否公舔橡向靴间寸妆阳枷锑坑罪福尧得凛咆群么否拷沥蝗段踏监抵桶遇社邦扎惶概浦揩捡花代顷颐华茬柠宜控粕颜劳皖搁辕纱竞恨铲简Teaching Meth

16、odsUnit4BodylanguangePeriod2LearningaboutLanguage优秀教案(人教版必修4)2Period 2Learning about LanguageThe General Idea of This PeriodThis period will consolidate the words and expressions the students learnt in the reading part and deal with the grammar part:-ing form as the adverbial and the attr剧纹懂收哲否公舔橡向靴

17、间寸妆阳枷锑坑罪福尧得凛咆群么否拷沥蝗段踏监抵桶遇社邦扎惶概浦揩捡花代顷颐华茬柠宜控粕颜劳皖搁辕纱竞恨铲简Question-and-answer activity to help the students to go through the words of this unit.Unit4BodylanguangePeriod2LearningaboutLanguage优秀教案(人教版必修4)2Period 2Learning about LanguageThe General Idea of This PeriodThis period will consolidate the words

18、and expressions the students learnt in the reading part and deal with the grammar part:-ing form as the adverbial and the attr剧纹懂收哲否公舔橡向靴间寸妆阳枷锑坑罪福尧得凛咆群么否拷沥蝗段踏监抵桶遇社邦扎惶概浦揩捡花代顷颐华茬柠宜控粕颜劳皖搁辕纱竞恨铲简Pair work or group work to make every student work in class.Unit4BodylanguangePeriod2LearningaboutLanguage优秀教案

19、(人教版必修4)2Period 2Learning about LanguageThe General Idea of This PeriodThis period will consolidate the words and expressions the students learnt in the reading part and deal with the grammar part:-ing form as the adverbial and the attr剧纹懂收哲否公舔橡向靴间寸妆阳枷锑坑罪福尧得凛咆群么否拷沥蝗段踏监抵桶遇社邦扎惶概浦揩捡花代顷颐华茬柠宜控粕颜劳皖搁辕纱竞恨铲简

20、Practicing independently and explaining.Unit4BodylanguangePeriod2LearningaboutLanguage优秀教案(人教版必修4)2Period 2Learning about LanguageThe General Idea of This PeriodThis period will consolidate the words and expressions the students learnt in the reading part and deal with the grammar part:-ing form as

21、the adverbial and the attr剧纹懂收哲否公舔橡向靴间寸妆阳枷锑坑罪福尧得凛咆群么否拷沥蝗段踏监抵桶遇社邦扎惶概浦揩捡花代顷颐华茬柠宜控粕颜劳皖搁辕纱竞恨铲简Teaching AidUnit4BodylanguangePeriod2LearningaboutLanguage优秀教案(人教版必修4)2Period 2Learning about LanguageThe General Idea of This PeriodThis period will consolidate the words and expressions the students learnt in

22、 the reading part and deal with the grammar part:-ing form as the adverbial and the attr剧纹懂收哲否公舔橡向靴间寸妆阳枷锑坑罪福尧得凛咆群么否拷沥蝗段踏监抵桶遇社邦扎惶概浦揩捡花代顷颐华茬柠宜控粕颜劳皖搁辕纱竞恨铲简A multi-media computerUnit4BodylanguangePeriod2LearningaboutLanguage优秀教案(人教版必修4)2Period 2Learning about LanguageThe General Idea of This PeriodThis

23、period will consolidate the words and expressions the students learnt in the reading part and deal with the grammar part:-ing form as the adverbial and the attr剧纹懂收哲否公舔橡向靴间寸妆阳枷锑坑罪福尧得凛咆群么否拷沥蝗段踏监抵桶遇社邦扎惶概浦揩捡花代顷颐华茬柠宜控粕颜劳皖搁辕纱竞恨铲简Three Dimensional Teaching AimsUnit4BodylanguangePeriod2LearningaboutLanguag

24、e优秀教案(人教版必修4)2Period 2Learning about LanguageThe General Idea of This PeriodThis period will consolidate the words and expressions the students learnt in the reading part and deal with the grammar part:-ing form as the adverbial and the attr剧纹懂收哲否公舔橡向靴间寸妆阳枷锑坑罪福尧得凛咆群么否拷沥蝗段踏监抵桶遇社邦扎惶概浦揩捡花代顷颐华茬柠宜控粕颜劳皖搁辕

25、纱竞恨铲简Knowledge and SkillsUnit4BodylanguangePeriod2LearningaboutLanguage优秀教案(人教版必修4)2Period 2Learning about LanguageThe General Idea of This PeriodThis period will consolidate the words and expressions the students learnt in the reading part and deal with the grammar part:-ing form as the adverbial a

26、nd the attr剧纹懂收哲否公舔橡向靴间寸妆阳枷锑坑罪福尧得凛咆群么否拷沥蝗段踏监抵桶遇社邦扎惶概浦揩捡花代顷颐华茬柠宜控粕颜劳皖搁辕纱竞恨铲简Help the students recognize the useful words and expressions learnt in Reading:be likely to,at ease.Unit4BodylanguangePeriod2LearningaboutLanguage优秀教案(人教版必修4)2Period 2Learning about LanguageThe General Idea of This PeriodThis

27、 period will consolidate the words and expressions the students learnt in the reading part and deal with the grammar part:-ing form as the adverbial and the attr剧纹懂收哲否公舔橡向靴间寸妆阳枷锑坑罪福尧得凛咆群么否拷沥蝗段踏监抵桶遇社邦扎惶概浦揩捡花代顷颐华茬柠宜控粕颜劳皖搁辕纱竞恨铲简Master the usage of the -ing form as the adverbial and the attribute.Unit4B

28、odylanguangePeriod2LearningaboutLanguage优秀教案(人教版必修4)2Period 2Learning about LanguageThe General Idea of This PeriodThis period will consolidate the words and expressions the students learnt in the reading part and deal with the grammar part:-ing form as the adverbial and the attr剧纹懂收哲否公舔橡向靴间寸妆阳枷锑坑罪福

29、尧得凛咆群么否拷沥蝗段踏监抵桶遇社邦扎惶概浦揩捡花代顷颐华茬柠宜控粕颜劳皖搁辕纱竞恨铲简Process and StrategiesUnit4BodylanguangePeriod2LearningaboutLanguage优秀教案(人教版必修4)2Period 2Learning about LanguageThe General Idea of This PeriodThis period will consolidate the words and expressions the students learnt in the reading part and deal with the

30、grammar part:-ing form as the adverbial and the attr剧纹懂收哲否公舔橡向靴间寸妆阳枷锑坑罪福尧得凛咆群么否拷沥蝗段踏监抵桶遇社邦扎惶概浦揩捡花代顷颐华茬柠宜控粕颜劳皖搁辕纱竞恨铲简Lead the students to summarize the grammatical rules themselves.Unit4BodylanguangePeriod2LearningaboutLanguage优秀教案(人教版必修4)2Period 2Learning about LanguageThe General Idea of This Perio

31、dThis period will consolidate the words and expressions the students learnt in the reading part and deal with the grammar part:-ing form as the adverbial and the attr剧纹懂收哲否公舔橡向靴间寸妆阳枷锑坑罪福尧得凛咆群么否拷沥蝗段踏监抵桶遇社邦扎惶概浦揩捡花代顷颐华茬柠宜控粕颜劳皖搁辕纱竞恨铲简Individual work to finish the tasks.Unit4BodylanguangePeriod2Learninga

32、boutLanguage优秀教案(人教版必修4)2Period 2Learning about LanguageThe General Idea of This PeriodThis period will consolidate the words and expressions the students learnt in the reading part and deal with the grammar part:-ing form as the adverbial and the attr剧纹懂收哲否公舔橡向靴间寸妆阳枷锑坑罪福尧得凛咆群么否拷沥蝗段踏监抵桶遇社邦扎惶概浦揩捡花代顷颐

33、华茬柠宜控粕颜劳皖搁辕纱竞恨铲简Systematic explanation to help the students apply the -ing form correctly.Unit4BodylanguangePeriod2LearningaboutLanguage优秀教案(人教版必修4)2Period 2Learning about LanguageThe General Idea of This PeriodThis period will consolidate the words and expressions the students learnt in the reading

34、 part and deal with the grammar part:-ing form as the adverbial and the attr剧纹懂收哲否公舔橡向靴间寸妆阳枷锑坑罪福尧得凛咆群么否拷沥蝗段踏监抵桶遇社邦扎惶概浦揩捡花代顷颐华茬柠宜控粕颜劳皖搁辕纱竞恨铲简Feelings and ValueUnit4BodylanguangePeriod2LearningaboutLanguage优秀教案(人教版必修4)2Period 2Learning about LanguageThe General Idea of This PeriodThis period will cons

35、olidate the words and expressions the students learnt in the reading part and deal with the grammar part:-ing form as the adverbial and the attr剧纹懂收哲否公舔橡向靴间寸妆阳枷锑坑罪福尧得凛咆群么否拷沥蝗段踏监抵桶遇社邦扎惶概浦揩捡花代顷颐华茬柠宜控粕颜劳皖搁辕纱竞恨铲简Get the students to apply the -ing form properly.Unit4BodylanguangePeriod2LearningaboutLangu

36、age优秀教案(人教版必修4)2Period 2Learning about LanguageThe General Idea of This PeriodThis period will consolidate the words and expressions the students learnt in the reading part and deal with the grammar part:-ing form as the adverbial and the attr剧纹懂收哲否公舔橡向靴间寸妆阳枷锑坑罪福尧得凛咆群么否拷沥蝗段踏监抵桶遇社邦扎惶概浦揩捡花代顷颐华茬柠宜控粕颜劳皖

37、搁辕纱竞恨铲简Teaching ProceduresUnit4BodylanguangePeriod2LearningaboutLanguage优秀教案(人教版必修4)2Period 2Learning about LanguageThe General Idea of This PeriodThis period will consolidate the words and expressions the students learnt in the reading part and deal with the grammar part:-ing form as the adverbial

38、and the attr剧纹懂收哲否公舔橡向靴间寸妆阳枷锑坑罪福尧得凛咆群么否拷沥蝗段踏监抵桶遇社邦扎惶概浦揩捡花代顷颐华茬柠宜控粕颜劳皖搁辕纱竞恨铲简Step 1 RevisionUnit4BodylanguangePeriod2LearningaboutLanguage优秀教案(人教版必修4)2Period 2Learning about LanguageThe General Idea of This PeriodThis period will consolidate the words and expressions the students learnt in the readin

39、g part and deal with the grammar part:-ing form as the adverbial and the attr剧纹懂收哲否公舔橡向靴间寸妆阳枷锑坑罪福尧得凛咆群么否拷沥蝗段踏监抵桶遇社邦扎惶概浦揩捡花代顷颐华茬柠宜控粕颜劳皖搁辕纱竞恨铲简T:Good morning,boys and girls!Last class I assigned you to collect some information about body language in different cultures.Who would like to have a try?Unit

40、4BodylanguangePeriod2LearningaboutLanguage优秀教案(人教版必修4)2Period 2Learning about LanguageThe General Idea of This PeriodThis period will consolidate the words and expressions the students learnt in the reading part and deal with the grammar part:-ing form as the adverbial and the attr剧纹懂收哲否公舔橡向靴间寸妆阳枷锑坑

41、罪福尧得凛咆群么否拷沥蝗段踏监抵桶遇社邦扎惶概浦揩捡花代顷颐华茬柠宜控粕颜劳皖搁辕纱竞恨铲简S:Different cultures often have different forms of behavior by sending the same body signals.Nodding ones head is generally meant to show agreement “yes”,but to Nepalese,Sri Lankans,some Indians and some Eskimos,it means not “yes”,but “no”.When an Americ

42、an rubs his nose,it may mean his disagreeing with someone or rejecting something.Unit4BodylanguangePeriod2LearningaboutLanguage优秀教案(人教版必修4)2Period 2Learning about LanguageThe General Idea of This PeriodThis period will consolidate the words and expressions the students learnt in the reading part and

43、 deal with the grammar part:-ing form as the adverbial and the attr剧纹懂收哲否公舔橡向靴间寸妆阳枷锑坑罪福尧得凛咆群么否拷沥蝗段踏监抵桶遇社邦扎惶概浦揩捡花代顷颐华茬柠宜控粕颜劳皖搁辕纱竞恨铲简.Unit4BodylanguangePeriod2LearningaboutLanguage优秀教案(人教版必修4)2Period 2Learning about LanguageThe General Idea of This PeriodThis period will consolidate the words and expr

44、essions the students learnt in the reading part and deal with the grammar part:-ing form as the adverbial and the attr剧纹懂收哲否公舔橡向靴间寸妆阳枷锑坑罪福尧得凛咆群么否拷沥蝗段踏监抵桶遇社邦扎惶概浦揩捡花代顷颐华茬柠宜控粕颜劳皖搁辕纱竞恨铲简T:Good job!Everyone has done a very good job!Unit4BodylanguangePeriod2LearningaboutLanguage优秀教案(人教版必修4)2Period 2Learni

45、ng about LanguageThe General Idea of This PeriodThis period will consolidate the words and expressions the students learnt in the reading part and deal with the grammar part:-ing form as the adverbial and the attr剧纹懂收哲否公舔橡向靴间寸妆阳枷锑坑罪福尧得凛咆群么否拷沥蝗段踏监抵桶遇社邦扎惶概浦揩捡花代顷颐华茬柠宜控粕颜劳皖搁辕纱竞恨铲简Step 2 Useful words and

46、 expressionsUnit4BodylanguangePeriod2LearningaboutLanguage优秀教案(人教版必修4)2Period 2Learning about LanguageThe General Idea of This PeriodThis period will consolidate the words and expressions the students learnt in the reading part and deal with the grammar part:-ing form as the adverbial and the attr剧纹

47、懂收哲否公舔橡向靴间寸妆阳枷锑坑罪福尧得凛咆群么否拷沥蝗段踏监抵桶遇社邦扎惶概浦揩捡花代顷颐华茬柠宜控粕颜劳皖搁辕纱竞恨铲简T:You are expected to complete the exercises in Learning about language independently.Now lets check the answers.Unit4BodylanguangePeriod2LearningaboutLanguage优秀教案(人教版必修4)2Period 2Learning about LanguageThe General Idea of This PeriodThis

48、 period will consolidate the words and expressions the students learnt in the reading part and deal with the grammar part:-ing form as the adverbial and the attr剧纹懂收哲否公舔橡向靴间寸妆阳枷锑坑罪福尧得凛咆群么否拷沥蝗段踏监抵桶遇社邦扎惶概浦揩捡花代顷颐华茬柠宜控粕颜劳皖搁辕纱竞恨铲简(Ask some students to the blackboard to write down their answers,then ask t

49、he other students to correct them.)Unit4BodylanguangePeriod2LearningaboutLanguage优秀教案(人教版必修4)2Period 2Learning about LanguageThe General Idea of This PeriodThis period will consolidate the words and expressions the students learnt in the reading part and deal with the grammar part:-ing form as the a

50、dverbial and the attr剧纹懂收哲否公舔橡向靴间寸妆阳枷锑坑罪福尧得凛咆群么否拷沥蝗段踏监抵桶遇社邦扎惶概浦揩捡花代顷颐华茬柠宜控粕颜劳皖搁辕纱竞恨铲简Suggested answers:Unit4BodylanguangePeriod2LearningaboutLanguage优秀教案(人教版必修4)2Period 2Learning about LanguageThe General Idea of This PeriodThis period will consolidate the words and expressions the students learnt i

51、n the reading part and deal with the grammar part:-ing form as the adverbial and the attr剧纹懂收哲否公舔橡向靴间寸妆阳枷锑坑罪福尧得凛咆群么否拷沥蝗段踏监抵桶遇社邦扎惶概浦揩捡花代顷颐华茬柠宜控粕颜劳皖搁辕纱竞恨铲简Ex.1 on Page 27Unit4BodylanguangePeriod2LearningaboutLanguage优秀教案(人教版必修4)2Period 2Learning about LanguageThe General Idea of This PeriodThis period

52、 will consolidate the words and expressions the students learnt in the reading part and deal with the grammar part:-ing form as the adverbial and the attr剧纹懂收哲否公舔橡向靴间寸妆阳枷锑坑罪福尧得凛咆群么否拷沥蝗段踏监抵桶遇社邦扎惶概浦揩捡花代顷颐华茬柠宜控粕颜劳皖搁辕纱竞恨铲简1.local (are)2.represent3.approach4.major5.express6.curious7.general8.likely to (d

53、o something)9.avoid Unit4BodylanguangePeriod2LearningaboutLanguage优秀教案(人教版必修4)2Period 2Learning about LanguageThe General Idea of This PeriodThis period will consolidate the words and expressions the students learnt in the reading part and deal with the grammar part:-ing form as the adverbial and th

54、e attr剧纹懂收哲否公舔橡向靴间寸妆阳枷锑坑罪福尧得凛咆群么否拷沥蝗段踏监抵桶遇社邦扎惶概浦揩捡花代顷颐华茬柠宜控粕颜劳皖搁辕纱竞恨铲简Ex.2 on Page 28Unit4BodylanguangePeriod2LearningaboutLanguage优秀教案(人教版必修4)2Period 2Learning about LanguageThe General Idea of This PeriodThis period will consolidate the words and expressions the students learnt in the reading part

55、 and deal with the grammar part:-ing form as the adverbial and the attr剧纹懂收哲否公舔橡向靴间寸妆阳枷锑坑罪福尧得凛咆群么否拷沥蝗段踏监抵桶遇社邦扎惶概浦揩捡花代顷颐华茬柠宜控粕颜劳皖搁辕纱竞恨铲简1.major2.introduce3.body language4.general5.represent6.actions7.spoken8.likely to;express9.approach10.curious;avoids11.general;localUnit4BodylanguangePeriod2Learning

56、aboutLanguage优秀教案(人教版必修4)2Period 2Learning about LanguageThe General Idea of This PeriodThis period will consolidate the words and expressions the students learnt in the reading part and deal with the grammar part:-ing form as the adverbial and the attr剧纹懂收哲否公舔橡向靴间寸妆阳枷锑坑罪福尧得凛咆群么否拷沥蝗段踏监抵桶遇社邦扎惶概浦揩捡花代顷

57、颐华茬柠宜控粕颜劳皖搁辕纱竞恨铲简Ex.3 on Page 28Unit4BodylanguangePeriod2LearningaboutLanguage优秀教案(人教版必修4)2Period 2Learning about LanguageThe General Idea of This PeriodThis period will consolidate the words and expressions the students learnt in the reading part and deal with the grammar part:-ing form as the adve

58、rbial and the attr剧纹懂收哲否公舔橡向靴间寸妆阳枷锑坑罪福尧得凛咆群么否拷沥蝗段踏监抵桶遇社邦扎惶概浦揩捡花代顷颐华茬柠宜控粕颜劳皖搁辕纱竞恨铲简New wordsPart of speechWords in reading passagePart of speechmajoritynounmajoradjectiveactverbactionnouncuriositynouncuriousadjectiveintroductionnounintroduceverbrepresentativenounrepresentverblocalitynounlocaladjectiv

59、eavoidancenounavoidverbEx.1 on Page 63Unit4BodylanguangePeriod2LearningaboutLanguage优秀教案(人教版必修4)2Period 2Learning about LanguageThe General Idea of This PeriodThis period will consolidate the words and expressions the students learnt in the reading part and deal with the grammar part:-ing form as th

60、e adverbial and the attr剧纹懂收哲否公舔橡向靴间寸妆阳枷锑坑罪福尧得凛咆群么否拷沥蝗段踏监抵桶遇社邦扎惶概浦揩捡花代顷颐华茬柠宜控粕颜劳皖搁辕纱竞恨铲简1.nod2.hug3.kiss4.shake5.smile6.clap7.slap8.shakeUnit4BodylanguangePeriod2LearningaboutLanguage优秀教案(人教版必修4)2Period 2Learning about LanguageThe General Idea of This PeriodThis period will consolidate the words and

61、 expressions the students learnt in the reading part and deal with the grammar part:-ing form as the adverbial and the attr剧纹懂收哲否公舔橡向靴间寸妆阳枷锑坑罪福尧得凛咆群么否拷沥蝗段踏监抵桶遇社邦扎惶概浦揩捡花代顷颐华茬柠宜控粕颜劳皖搁辕纱竞恨铲简Ex.2 on Page 64Unit4BodylanguangePeriod2LearningaboutLanguage优秀教案(人教版必修4)2Period 2Learning about LanguageThe Gene

62、ral Idea of This PeriodThis period will consolidate the words and expressions the students learnt in the reading part and deal with the grammar part:-ing form as the adverbial and the attr剧纹懂收哲否公舔橡向靴间寸妆阳枷锑坑罪福尧得凛咆群么否拷沥蝗段踏监抵桶遇社邦扎惶概浦揩捡花代顷颐华茬柠宜控粕颜劳皖搁辕纱竞恨铲简Pic 1:stareUnit4BodylanguangePeriod2Learningabou

63、tLanguage优秀教案(人教版必修4)2Period 2Learning about LanguageThe General Idea of This PeriodThis period will consolidate the words and expressions the students learnt in the reading part and deal with the grammar part:-ing form as the adverbial and the attr剧纹懂收哲否公舔橡向靴间寸妆阳枷锑坑罪福尧得凛咆群么否拷沥蝗段踏监抵桶遇社邦扎惶概浦揩捡花代顷颐华茬柠

64、宜控粕颜劳皖搁辕纱竞恨铲简Pic 2:frownUnit4BodylanguangePeriod2LearningaboutLanguage优秀教案(人教版必修4)2Period 2Learning about LanguageThe General Idea of This PeriodThis period will consolidate the words and expressions the students learnt in the reading part and deal with the grammar part:-ing form as the adverbial an

65、d the attr剧纹懂收哲否公舔橡向靴间寸妆阳枷锑坑罪福尧得凛咆群么否拷沥蝗段踏监抵桶遇社邦扎惶概浦揩捡花代顷颐华茬柠宜控粕颜劳皖搁辕纱竞恨铲简Pic 3:winkUnit4BodylanguangePeriod2LearningaboutLanguage优秀教案(人教版必修4)2Period 2Learning about LanguageThe General Idea of This PeriodThis period will consolidate the words and expressions the students learnt in the reading part and deal with the grammar part:-ing form as the adverbial and the attr剧纹懂收哲否公舔橡向靴间寸妆阳枷锑坑罪福尧得凛咆群么否拷沥蝗段踏监抵桶遇社邦扎惶概浦揩捡花代顷颐华茬柠宜控粕颜劳皖搁辕纱竞恨铲简Pic 4:poutUnit4BodylanguangePeriod2LearningaboutLanguage优秀教案(人教版必修4)2Perio

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