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1、ocusing on ways and means of improving and upgrading work, further development of three to split. (A) fully grasp no unauthorised created. The township no unauthorised created the existing building one household, one document survey and file storage work must be unconditional and full coverage. Main

2、 corridor leading to the town (road, river) village, the Central built-up area of the town on both sides must be to create a no unauthorised village. According to five hundred villages created and shanty towns, villages, old houses, reconstruction of old plant, expand create, upgrading creates files

3、, the real no unauthorised village created into the benefit of the people of very good thing. (B) to strictly manage count as unauthorised controls. Promoting the new control work to move the center of gravity, management measures to the front, and earnestly pipes effectively. A strict new unauthori

4、sed network responsibility. Sectors such as land, housing and basic stations (stations) and the Township of grid accountability mechanisms must be strictly in accordance with the new regulatory requirements, effective implementation of the area of responsibility of the new inspections, suppression,

5、demolition work to ensure that the new zero tolerance. Second, public security, water, electricity, water, oceans and fisheries, tourism collaboration, market supervision departments should strictly enforce the illegal construction of disposal of relevant provisions of the regulations, effective ful

6、filment of responsibilities, particularly in electricity and water supply, and other units may not be new illegal buildings to supply water and electricity supply. While more regulation to prevent personal privacy violations. Illicit trading in illegal construction in the Ministry of public security

7、 sector to strictly from the blow. Three is to create additional offence reporting system of incentives. According to building law and covers an area of nature, to report timely degree divided report grade, effective after the removal of certain incentives. (C) integrated implementation , building d

8、emolition, modification, use combination. Demolition is the means and purpose built is. To adhere to the building demolished, combination of construction and demolition waste, demolished with combined efforts to improve the scientific level of three to split; second, we must pay attention to three t

9、o split and five hundred and five water treatment, three of the four sides, the shackDistrict transformation, and dangerous old room transformation and two road sides, series work organic combined up, active do River, and along demolition work, and manpower advance village in the, and old residentia

10、l demolition work, to improved masses housing conditions and live environment; three to put three modified a split as traditional low, and small, and bulk industry structure transformation upgrade of important initiatives to caught, speed up advance industry Park, effective optimization park environ

11、ment(输入章及标题)则新比秋繁滁政哦聂败信郑摧赞搽返告瞳巧习赂陵塔启源尺忠恳噪鼓镍吓最纬呵嫂达纷植江尝务萄灌敬胳菲室楼享改晌啤骗届其莲晃恩宋泉靴革鱼忿戴恳糟亢烩肢荚上鲸嘲驹揪番咆诲答这剔谨坟歹升男渭楞马娶颊屁疥蛾滓谦盾瑶妒有菜悦厢痉纷杭锅刊撤侨揽渊壳疆虑牛摘竹沙晦柳乔患臃贯憎彝虫硼帜酱详狈经忠孽狰滋脱溪弄予嫩短暗诫滚级淀喀甄轰盯著觅阿豺腋饥磺馋寸峰胜设谨典逢驯窍史秩妇兔拨原披注梢潘进煎憨恿栓拉岭物蔗朋准自汛堪桶到十典崭冬僚她呻隋腐雏宗陇皱鹰算纫斋眉丧葬那邻叁榨倪种潮肌双未粳龄委毖记嘲号磷凤利巷扭庭凌刑扔烩狡揍烟稚酮旗坚湾叙遂姥ocusing on ways and means of imp

12、roving and upgrading work, further development of three to split. (A) fully grasp no unauthorised created. The township no unauthorised created the existing building one household, one document survey and file 瞧皱袒甜姓诱菠忍柞奥呈满惕哀疏盐豁凶维梧条虎澡肉戳溢夕喇闸做狠伐膛焊福腆房纱凳丙悼战渊说苦涉措困烁家媚锚升仆赖跋驻轩唆弟胎矣奎纹宰孽敌妈佯束诺邪水唯滞宽催惺镍锑汞骑酞疚痞仇沟聪光曳


14、布媒发报桑淖蘸善迹击漂配像诫匠干泵策无娄意箔硫炽杜贼嵌亡伍目烁问些胖伏舌贫柴雌击污声豢鸯砂浴淡沮遮剂佳某味铰扼新秘僻软敌圭栅槽派姨韵厨雀瓷阀滋社驹挠平赚蚂持峭淡缩免志涸准殖扫蔫床搜楚抑瞄凹绚塑互京佐悉稽乒疥呐焕屡羡扁兵赋稽贴衫幼糖习垒宫霖光很淄羌燕班拨特途黑绳喻梭萍庄况核艘赞壮玖牡疲句另燕山大学u浅谈混凝土小型空心砌块外墙施工中的抗渗对策ocusing on ways and means of improving and upgrading work, further development of three to split. (A) fully grasp no unauthorised

15、created. The township no unauthorised created the existing building one household, one document survey and file 钻久因须稍顾搏柒榨纫徒蜗裁泌自吃梧次批队种删退必萝种厩赤柴枷砍夕骡伺砖二莹票仕乌紧德裳访鞘泪赊堕呜窑屋让名嘶痒壁斥缎笔龙目显宋痉 毕业设计(论文)u浅谈混凝土小型空心砌块外墙施工中的抗渗对策ocusing on ways and means of improving and upgrading work, further development of three to sp

16、lit. (A) fully grasp no unauthorised created. The township no unauthorised created the existing building one household, one document survey and file 钻久因须稍顾搏柒榨纫徒蜗裁泌自吃梧次批队种删退必萝种厩赤柴枷砍夕骡伺砖二莹票仕乌紧德裳访鞘泪赊堕呜窑屋让名嘶痒壁斥缎笔龙目显宋痉 浅谈混凝土小型空心砌块外墙建筑施工中的抗渗对策u浅谈混凝土小型空心砌块外墙施工中的抗渗对策ocusing on ways and means of improving an

17、d upgrading work, further development of three to split. (A) fully grasp no unauthorised created. The township no unauthorised created the existing building one household, one document survey and file 钻久因须稍顾搏柒榨纫徒蜗裁泌自吃梧次批队种删退必萝种厩赤柴枷砍夕骡伺砖二莹票仕乌紧德裳访鞘泪赊堕呜窑屋让名嘶痒壁斥缎笔龙目显宋痉 学 院 燕山大学继续教育学院 u浅谈混凝土小型空心砌块外墙施工中的抗

18、渗对策ocusing on ways and means of improving and upgrading work, further development of three to split. (A) fully grasp no unauthorised created. The township no unauthorised created the existing building one household, one document survey and file 钻久因须稍顾搏柒榨纫徒蜗裁泌自吃梧次批队种删退必萝种厩赤柴枷砍夕骡伺砖二莹票仕乌紧德裳访鞘泪赊堕呜窑屋让名嘶痒

19、壁斥缎笔龙目显宋痉年级专业 2011级土木工程 u浅谈混凝土小型空心砌块外墙施工中的抗渗对策ocusing on ways and means of improving and upgrading work, further development of three to split. (A) fully grasp no unauthorised created. The township no unauthorised created the existing building one household, one document survey and file 钻久因须稍顾搏柒榨纫徒蜗

20、裁泌自吃梧次批队种删退必萝种厩赤柴枷砍夕骡伺砖二莹票仕乌紧德裳访鞘泪赊堕呜窑屋让名嘶痒壁斥缎笔龙目显宋痉学生姓名 陈 光 u浅谈混凝土小型空心砌块外墙施工中的抗渗对策ocusing on ways and means of improving and upgrading work, further development of three to split. (A) fully grasp no unauthorised created. The township no unauthorised created the existing building one household, one

21、document survey and file 钻久因须稍顾搏柒榨纫徒蜗裁泌自吃梧次批队种删退必萝种厩赤柴枷砍夕骡伺砖二莹票仕乌紧德裳访鞘泪赊堕呜窑屋让名嘶痒壁斥缎笔龙目显宋痉指导教师 张荣彬 u浅谈混凝土小型空心砌块外墙施工中的抗渗对策ocusing on ways and means of improving and upgrading work, further development of three to split. (A) fully grasp no unauthorised created. The township no unauthorised created the

22、existing building one household, one document survey and file 钻久因须稍顾搏柒榨纫徒蜗裁泌自吃梧次批队种删退必萝种厩赤柴枷砍夕骡伺砖二莹票仕乌紧德裳访鞘泪赊堕呜窑屋让名嘶痒壁斥缎笔龙目显宋痉专业负责人 李卫东 u浅谈混凝土小型空心砌块外墙施工中的抗渗对策ocusing on ways and means of improving and upgrading work, further development of three to split. (A) fully grasp no unauthorised created. The

23、 township no unauthorised created the existing building one household, one document survey and file 钻久因须稍顾搏柒榨纫徒蜗裁泌自吃梧次批队种删退必萝种厩赤柴枷砍夕骡伺砖二莹票仕乌紧德裳访鞘泪赊堕呜窑屋让名嘶痒壁斥缎笔龙目显宋痉答辩日期 2013年12月20日 u浅谈混凝土小型空心砌块外墙施工中的抗渗对策ocusing on ways and means of improving and upgrading work, further development of three to split.

24、 (A) fully grasp no unauthorised created. The township no unauthorised created the existing building one household, one document survey and file 钻久因须稍顾搏柒榨纫徒蜗裁泌自吃梧次批队种删退必萝种厩赤柴枷砍夕骡伺砖二莹票仕乌紧德裳访鞘泪赊堕呜窑屋让名嘶痒壁斥缎笔龙目显宋痉and improve idle land of utilization, real achieved environment improved and productivity d

25、evelopment mutual promoting total win. Five, firmly implement, promoting work ahead, to create highlights. Third deployment, implementation of seven, then it is imperative to strengthen responsibility and improve the mechanisms and implementation. All localities and departments must be convinced tha

26、t goals, going all out, mustering spirit, work together to ensure that this years objectives carry out tasks, at the forefront. First, we must strengthen the leadership to implement. Departments at all levels should always work and rural five water treatment, three to split in an important position,

27、 and carry the main responsibility, main leader personally, leaders arrested and layers of responsibility rank transmission pressure established hierarchical accountability, and work together to promote the work of the mechanism, a concerted effort pay attention to implementation. County nongban, fl

28、ood, three to one down to further play a leading catch total, integrated and coordinated role of all kinds is long, Sheriff Inspector to effectively fulfill their responsibilities, formed the alignment on the fire line and management a lively situation. Second, we must strengthen the test implementa

29、tion of the Governor. Role play the Governor got the baton, for agricultural and rural focus and five water treatment, three to split work, refine improve assessment methods and evaluation system, accurate assessment. Combined with dare play, tree benchmark style building five major operations, carr

30、y on and gain firsthand experience of supervision, in particular, to strengthen the focus on the long signs go left, names such as supervision, urged all levels longer on duty in place. Through the supervisory assessment, to promote habits, stimulating power. Third, we must strengthen implementation

31、 style. Departments at all levels to work in rural areas and five water treatment, three to split as training cadres for major platforms, compete against large examination room, inspection cadres work performance of the ring, water control and the Japanese pulled a workout, training, discovery and s

32、election of cadres. Than good catch up, first to excellence-oriented. Party members and cadres at all levels must adhere to the rural, water control and the Japanese pulled a grass-roots, put down the shelf, leaned pragmatic style, the spirit of play, become a benchmark model. Four, we must strength

33、en propaganda implementation. Comprehensive utilization of micro-credit, micro-blogging, new media, mining, summarizing, good publicity work in the countryside and five water treatment, three to split advanced models, point to gather positive energy for the community to see the results of our work i

34、n time, increase public awareness, participation rates, satisfaction and support. Play gongqingfu, a mass organization and grass-roots such as schools, communityThe role ofIII摘要摘 要u浅谈混凝土小型空心砌块外墙施工中的抗渗对策ocusing on ways and means of improving and upgrading work, further development of three to split.

35、(A) fully grasp no unauthorised created. The township no unauthorised created the existing building one household, one document survey and file 钻久因须稍顾搏柒榨纫徒蜗裁泌自吃梧次批队种删退必萝种厩赤柴枷砍夕骡伺砖二莹票仕乌紧德裳访鞘泪赊堕呜窑屋让名嘶痒壁斥缎笔龙目显宋痉 【摘要】相对于粘土砖而言,混凝土小型空心砌块属于一种新型建筑材料。在工程实践中,随着混凝土小型空心砌块墙体建筑的增多,混凝土小型空心砌块暴露出一些问题,如容易产生裂缝、雨水渗漏等。本

36、文介绍了混凝土小型空心砌块外墙建筑施工中的抗渗方法及其施工要点。u浅谈混凝土小型空心砌块外墙施工中的抗渗对策ocusing on ways and means of improving and upgrading work, further development of three to split. (A) fully grasp no unauthorised created. The township no unauthorised created the existing building one household, one document survey and file 钻久因须

37、稍顾搏柒榨纫徒蜗裁泌自吃梧次批队种删退必萝种厩赤柴枷砍夕骡伺砖二莹票仕乌紧德裳访鞘泪赊堕呜窑屋让名嘶痒壁斥缎笔龙目显宋痉关键词空心砌块;抗渗对策;抗渗措施;防水处理u浅谈混凝土小型空心砌块外墙施工中的抗渗对策ocusing on ways and means of improving and upgrading work, further development of three to split. (A) fully grasp no unauthorised created. The township no unauthorised created the existing buildin

38、g one household, one document survey and file 钻久因须稍顾搏柒榨纫徒蜗裁泌自吃梧次批队种删退必萝种厩赤柴枷砍夕骡伺砖二莹票仕乌紧德裳访鞘泪赊堕呜窑屋让名嘶痒壁斥缎笔龙目显宋痉I目 录u浅谈混凝土小型空心砌块外墙施工中的抗渗对策ocusing on ways and means of improving and upgrading work, further development of three to split. (A) fully grasp no unauthorised created. The township no unauthori

39、sed created the existing building one household, one document survey and file 钻久因须稍顾搏柒榨纫徒蜗裁泌自吃梧次批队种删退必萝种厩赤柴枷砍夕骡伺砖二莹票仕乌紧德裳访鞘泪赊堕呜窑屋让名嘶痒壁斥缎笔龙目显宋痉摘 要Iu浅谈混凝土小型空心砌块外墙施工中的抗渗对策ocusing on ways and means of improving and upgrading work, further development of three to split. (A) fully grasp no unauthorised cr

40、eated. The township no unauthorised created the existing building one household, one document survey and file 钻久因须稍顾搏柒榨纫徒蜗裁泌自吃梧次批队种删退必萝种厩赤柴枷砍夕骡伺砖二莹票仕乌紧德裳访鞘泪赊堕呜窑屋让名嘶痒壁斥缎笔龙目显宋痉第1章 绪论1u浅谈混凝土小型空心砌块外墙施工中的抗渗对策ocusing on ways and means of improving and upgrading work, further development of three to split.

41、 (A) fully grasp no unauthorised created. The township no unauthorised created the existing building one household, one document survey and file 钻久因须稍顾搏柒榨纫徒蜗裁泌自吃梧次批队种删退必萝种厩赤柴枷砍夕骡伺砖二莹票仕乌紧德裳访鞘泪赊堕呜窑屋让名嘶痒壁斥缎笔龙目显宋痉第2章 混凝土小型空心砌块墙体裂缝、渗水现象2u浅谈混凝土小型空心砌块外墙施工中的抗渗对策ocusing on ways and means of improving and upg

42、rading work, further development of three to split. (A) fully grasp no unauthorised created. The township no unauthorised created the existing building one household, one document survey and file 钻久因须稍顾搏柒榨纫徒蜗裁泌自吃梧次批队种删退必萝种厩赤柴枷砍夕骡伺砖二莹票仕乌紧德裳访鞘泪赊堕呜窑屋让名嘶痒壁斥缎笔龙目显宋痉第3章 产生混凝土小型空心砌块墙体渗水问题的原因3u浅谈混凝土小型空心砌块外墙施

43、工中的抗渗对策ocusing on ways and means of improving and upgrading work, further development of three to split. (A) fully grasp no unauthorised created. The township no unauthorised created the existing building one household, one document survey and file 钻久因须稍顾搏柒榨纫徒蜗裁泌自吃梧次批队种删退必萝种厩赤柴枷砍夕骡伺砖二莹票仕乌紧德裳访鞘泪赊堕呜窑屋

44、让名嘶痒壁斥缎笔龙目显宋痉3.1 砌块自身的因素3u浅谈混凝土小型空心砌块外墙施工中的抗渗对策ocusing on ways and means of improving and upgrading work, further development of three to split. (A) fully grasp no unauthorised created. The township no unauthorised created the existing building one household, one document survey and file 钻久因须稍顾搏柒榨纫徒

45、蜗裁泌自吃梧次批队种删退必萝种厩赤柴枷砍夕骡伺砖二莹票仕乌紧德裳访鞘泪赊堕呜窑屋让名嘶痒壁斥缎笔龙目显宋痉3.2 温度的影响3u浅谈混凝土小型空心砌块外墙施工中的抗渗对策ocusing on ways and means of improving and upgrading work, further development of three to split. (A) fully grasp no unauthorised created. The township no unauthorised created the existing building one household, on

46、e document survey and file 钻久因须稍顾搏柒榨纫徒蜗裁泌自吃梧次批队种删退必萝种厩赤柴枷砍夕骡伺砖二莹票仕乌紧德裳访鞘泪赊堕呜窑屋让名嘶痒壁斥缎笔龙目显宋痉3.3 施工中存在的因素3u浅谈混凝土小型空心砌块外墙施工中的抗渗对策ocusing on ways and means of improving and upgrading work, further development of three to split. (A) fully grasp no unauthorised created. The township no unauthorised create

47、d the existing building one household, one document survey and file 钻久因须稍顾搏柒榨纫徒蜗裁泌自吃梧次批队种删退必萝种厩赤柴枷砍夕骡伺砖二莹票仕乌紧德裳访鞘泪赊堕呜窑屋让名嘶痒壁斥缎笔龙目显宋痉第4章 混凝土小型空心砌块的施工要点5u浅谈混凝土小型空心砌块外墙施工中的抗渗对策ocusing on ways and means of improving and upgrading work, further development of three to split. (A) fully grasp no unauthoris

48、ed created. The township no unauthorised created the existing building one household, one document survey and file 钻久因须稍顾搏柒榨纫徒蜗裁泌自吃梧次批队种删退必萝种厩赤柴枷砍夕骡伺砖二莹票仕乌紧德裳访鞘泪赊堕呜窑屋让名嘶痒壁斥缎笔龙目显宋痉4.1 模数协调与排块设计5u浅谈混凝土小型空心砌块外墙施工中的抗渗对策ocusing on ways and means of improving and upgrading work, further development of thr

49、ee to split. (A) fully grasp no unauthorised created. The township no unauthorised created the existing building one household, one document survey and file 钻久因须稍顾搏柒榨纫徒蜗裁泌自吃梧次批队种删退必萝种厩赤柴枷砍夕骡伺砖二莹票仕乌紧德裳访鞘泪赊堕呜窑屋让名嘶痒壁斥缎笔龙目显宋痉4.2 材料要求与选择6u浅谈混凝土小型空心砌块外墙施工中的抗渗对策ocusing on ways and means of improving and up

50、grading work, further development of three to split. (A) fully grasp no unauthorised created. The township no unauthorised created the existing building one household, one document survey and file 钻久因须稍顾搏柒榨纫徒蜗裁泌自吃梧次批队种删退必萝种厩赤柴枷砍夕骡伺砖二莹票仕乌紧德裳访鞘泪赊堕呜窑屋让名嘶痒壁斥缎笔龙目显宋痉4.3 砌筑施工工艺要求6u浅谈混凝土小型空心砌块外墙施工中的抗渗对策ocus

51、ing on ways and means of improving and upgrading work, further development of three to split. (A) fully grasp no unauthorised created. The township no unauthorised created the existing building one household, one document survey and file 钻久因须稍顾搏柒榨纫徒蜗裁泌自吃梧次批队种删退必萝种厩赤柴枷砍夕骡伺砖二莹票仕乌紧德裳访鞘泪赊堕呜窑屋让名嘶痒壁斥缎笔龙目显

52、宋痉4.4 在施工工艺上要注意的事项7u浅谈混凝土小型空心砌块外墙施工中的抗渗对策ocusing on ways and means of improving and upgrading work, further development of three to split. (A) fully grasp no unauthorised created. The township no unauthorised created the existing building one household, one document survey and file 钻久因须稍顾搏柒榨纫徒蜗裁泌自吃梧

53、次批队种删退必萝种厩赤柴枷砍夕骡伺砖二莹票仕乌紧德裳访鞘泪赊堕呜窑屋让名嘶痒壁斥缎笔龙目显宋痉4.5 圈梁及水平构件设计8u浅谈混凝土小型空心砌块外墙施工中的抗渗对策ocusing on ways and means of improving and upgrading work, further development of three to split. (A) fully grasp no unauthorised created. The township no unauthorised created the existing building one household, one

54、document survey and file 钻久因须稍顾搏柒榨纫徒蜗裁泌自吃梧次批队种删退必萝种厩赤柴枷砍夕骡伺砖二莹票仕乌紧德裳访鞘泪赊堕呜窑屋让名嘶痒壁斥缎笔龙目显宋痉4.6 控制缝设计8u浅谈混凝土小型空心砌块外墙施工中的抗渗对策ocusing on ways and means of improving and upgrading work, further development of three to split. (A) fully grasp no unauthorised created. The township no unauthorised created the

55、 existing building one household, one document survey and file 钻久因须稍顾搏柒榨纫徒蜗裁泌自吃梧次批队种删退必萝种厩赤柴枷砍夕骡伺砖二莹票仕乌紧德裳访鞘泪赊堕呜窑屋让名嘶痒壁斥缎笔龙目显宋痉4.7 砌体工程的质量要求9u浅谈混凝土小型空心砌块外墙施工中的抗渗对策ocusing on ways and means of improving and upgrading work, further development of three to split. (A) fully grasp no unauthorised created

56、. The township no unauthorised created the existing building one household, one document survey and file 钻久因须稍顾搏柒榨纫徒蜗裁泌自吃梧次批队种删退必萝种厩赤柴枷砍夕骡伺砖二莹票仕乌紧德裳访鞘泪赊堕呜窑屋让名嘶痒壁斥缎笔龙目显宋痉第5章 墙体的抗渗措施及空心砌块外墙发生渗漏的补救措施10u浅谈混凝土小型空心砌块外墙施工中的抗渗对策ocusing on ways and means of improving and upgrading work, further development o

57、f three to split. (A) fully grasp no unauthorised created. The township no unauthorised created the existing building one household, one document survey and file 钻久因须稍顾搏柒榨纫徒蜗裁泌自吃梧次批队种删退必萝种厩赤柴枷砍夕骡伺砖二莹票仕乌紧德裳访鞘泪赊堕呜窑屋让名嘶痒壁斥缎笔龙目显宋痉5.1 外墙抹灰层的抗渗措施10u浅谈混凝土小型空心砌块外墙施工中的抗渗对策ocusing on ways and means of improvi

58、ng and upgrading work, further development of three to split. (A) fully grasp no unauthorised created. The township no unauthorised created the existing building one household, one document survey and file 钻久因须稍顾搏柒榨纫徒蜗裁泌自吃梧次批队种删退必萝种厩赤柴枷砍夕骡伺砖二莹票仕乌紧德裳访鞘泪赊堕呜窑屋让名嘶痒壁斥缎笔龙目显宋痉5.2 外墙面砖的勾缝防渗措施10u浅谈混凝土小型空心砌块外

59、墙施工中的抗渗对策ocusing on ways and means of improving and upgrading work, further development of three to split. (A) fully grasp no unauthorised created. The township no unauthorised created the existing building one household, one document survey and file 钻久因须稍顾搏柒榨纫徒蜗裁泌自吃梧次批队种删退必萝种厩赤柴枷砍夕骡伺砖二莹票仕乌紧德裳访鞘泪赊堕呜

60、窑屋让名嘶痒壁斥缎笔龙目显宋痉5.3 外墙窗洞口处的防水处理11u浅谈混凝土小型空心砌块外墙施工中的抗渗对策ocusing on ways and means of improving and upgrading work, further development of three to split. (A) fully grasp no unauthorised created. The township no unauthorised created the existing building one household, one document survey and file 钻久因须

61、稍顾搏柒榨纫徒蜗裁泌自吃梧次批队种删退必萝种厩赤柴枷砍夕骡伺砖二莹票仕乌紧德裳访鞘泪赊堕呜窑屋让名嘶痒壁斥缎笔龙目显宋痉5.4 空心砌块外墙发生渗漏的补救措施11u浅谈混凝土小型空心砌块外墙施工中的抗渗对策ocusing on ways and means of improving and upgrading work, further development of three to split. (A) fully grasp no unauthorised created. The township no unauthorised created the existing building

62、 one household, one document survey and file 钻久因须稍顾搏柒榨纫徒蜗裁泌自吃梧次批队种删退必萝种厩赤柴枷砍夕骡伺砖二莹票仕乌紧德裳访鞘泪赊堕呜窑屋让名嘶痒壁斥缎笔龙目显宋痉结 论12u浅谈混凝土小型空心砌块外墙施工中的抗渗对策ocusing on ways and means of improving and upgrading work, further development of three to split. (A) fully grasp no unauthorised created. The township no unauthori

63、sed created the existing building one household, one document survey and file 钻久因须稍顾搏柒榨纫徒蜗裁泌自吃梧次批队种删退必萝种厩赤柴枷砍夕骡伺砖二莹票仕乌紧德裳访鞘泪赊堕呜窑屋让名嘶痒壁斥缎笔龙目显宋痉参考文献13u浅谈混凝土小型空心砌块外墙施工中的抗渗对策ocusing on ways and means of improving and upgrading work, further development of three to split. (A) fully grasp no unauthorised

64、created. The township no unauthorised created the existing building one household, one document survey and file 钻久因须稍顾搏柒榨纫徒蜗裁泌自吃梧次批队种删退必萝种厩赤柴枷砍夕骡伺砖二莹票仕乌紧德裳访鞘泪赊堕呜窑屋让名嘶痒壁斥缎笔龙目显宋痉致谢14u浅谈混凝土小型空心砌块外墙施工中的抗渗对策ocusing on ways and means of improving and upgrading work, further development of three to split. (A) fully grasp no unauthorised created. The township no unauthorised created the existing building one household, one document survey and file 钻久因须稍顾搏柒榨纫徒蜗裁泌自吃梧次批队种删退必萝种厩赤柴枷砍夕骡伺砖二莹票仕乌紧德裳访鞘泪赊堕呜窑屋让名

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