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1、试卷类型:A绝密启用前天门市2015年高三年级四月调研考试英 语 试 题本试卷共12页,全卷满分150分,考试用时120分钟。大数据分析,提升学习力。注意事项:1本试卷共四部分。2答题前,考生务必将自己的学校、班级、姓名、学号填在试卷答题卡上。3客观题部分答案选出后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其它答案标号。第四部分完成句子和写作题的答案用0.5毫米黑色的签字笔或黑色墨水钢笔直接填写到答题卡上对应的空白处。答在试题卷上的无效。4考试结束,请将答题卡上交。第一部分:听力理解(共两节,满分30分,每小题1.5分。)做题时,先将答案划在试卷上。录音内容结束

2、后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。例:How much is the shirt? A. 19.15. B. 9.15. C. 9.18. 答案:B1. What are these two people talking about?A. A lightweight shirt. B. Things to wear. C. The warm

3、weather.2. What is the womans job?A. Cook. B. Waitress. C. Saleswoman.3. How is the man getting to work?A. Riding. B. By bus. C. Driving.4. What does the man mean?A. The womans uncle will come for a visit. B. He thinks the woman should visit her uncle.C. He asks the woman to go over to his place.5.

4、What will the weather in Arizona be like in the coming week?A. Rainy. B. Warm. C. A bit cold.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听下面一段对话,回答第68题。6. What lipstick did the woman expect to buy? A.

5、 Lyfel, dark shade. B. Lyfel, pink shade. C. Lyfel, bright shade.7. Why does the woman want to change the color of her lipstick?A. To be cool. B. To be serious. C. To be attractive.8. How about the lipstick the woman took in the end? A. Its color is suitable but is very expensive. B. Its color is ri

6、ght though it is not Lyfel brand.C. Its color isnt right but its brand is Lyfel.听下面一段对话,回答第911题。9. Why is it easier for the woman to learn English? A. She often talks to English people. B. She speaks two languages already.C. She always does her homework right after class.10. Which of the following i

7、s suggested by the woman to be a good way of learning English?A. Reading newspapers.B. Writing diaries.C. Reading aloud in the morning.11. Why is it difficult for the man to lean English? A. He doesnt talk to his English teachers. B. There are no native speakers around him. C. He is too shy to speak

8、 English.听下面一段对话,回答第1214题。12. How does the man get information about the apartment? A. From TV advertisements. B. From advertisements in the newspapers. C. From radio advertisements.13. How many rooms has the apartment got?A. Four B. Five C. Six14. How much will the man pay for the rent per month if

9、 he wants to include management and parking as well?A. $500. B. $450. C. $550.听下面一段对话,回答第1517题。15. What is the woman afraid of when she takes her trips?A. Taking a voyage. B. Taking a train. C. Taking a flight.16. What transportation can you infer the man prefers?A. Trains. B. Planes. C. Ships.17. W

10、hats the probable relationship between the two speakers?A. Husband and wife. B. Teacher and student.C. Friends.听下面一段独白,回答第1820题。18. What was Miss Richards?A. A chemistry teacher. B. A physics teacher. C. A science teacher.19. How did Miss Richards feel before Dick answered her question?A. Disappoint

11、ed and unhappy. B. Angry and annoyed. C. Excited.20. What can we learn from the passage? A. Dick was the top student in class. B. The students were active in class. C. Miss Richards was rather patient.第二部分:词汇知识运用(共两节,满分30分)第一节:多项选择(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 例:To mak

12、e members of a team perform better, the trainer first of all has to know their _ and weaknesses. A. strengths B. benefits C. techniques D. values 答案:A21. During the nineteen years of his career, France Batiste has won the of a wide audience outside Italy. A. comprehension B. recognitionC. evaluation

13、D. reputation22. Parents have a legal to ensure that their children are provided with efficient education suitable to their age. A. impactB. commitmentC. influenceD. motivation23. We have many cases where hard work as well as good communication skills has ones chances of success in the past years. A

14、. multipliedB. condemnedC. estimatedD. highlighted24. The idea of prohibiting fireworks first in the 1980s, and the bans didnt gain popular support until this year. A. flashedB. succeedC. emergedD. spread25. The program “Masters Lectures” of CCTV is both interesting and instructive. No wonder it _ a

15、 large audience. A. adapts to B. appeals to C. accounts for D. allows for 26. He is busy writing the article all the morning, only _ occasionally to have a cup of coffee. A. breaking off B. breaking down C. breaking throughD. breaking up 27. Tom is so creative a person that he always has lots of ide

16、as in his mind, and sometimes we dont even know what he is thinking about. A. novelB. complexC. messyD. absurd28. The IOC Evaluation Commission has come to a conclusion that Beijing is capable of hosting a successful 2022 winter Olympics. A. tentativeB. virtualC. definiteD. subtle29. With the city c

17、louded by dirty smog, the government has planned to shut down the four major coal-fired power plants. A. abruptlyB. frequentlyC. occasionallyD. regularly30. The soil is becoming poor because farmers here mostly use only one kind of chemical fertilizer for several years . A. in a rowB. on a large sca

18、leC. at randomD. to a degree第二节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。Have you ever not wanted to do something so badly? Well, thats how I 31 about joining Madcaps, a mothers and daughters club assisting philanthropies (慈善事业). 32 , my feeling changed finall

19、y. Now I believe if you adopt an 33 attitude, you might just 34 enjoying it.Six months ago, my mom told me the club asked us to work as 35 at Saint Vincent de Paul Homeless shelter. That meant I had to 36 in the dirty homeless shelter for at least 20 hours.The first time we went there, a lady led us

20、 to the kitchen where we 37 my five fellow Madcaps classmates they also wore the same expression. Since Im usually socially 38 , I had never talked with any of them earlier. Worse still, my mom was asked to help outside the kitchen, leaving me totally 39 to serve food with them. Soon large numbers o

21、f homeless families 40 in like rushing river. A little girl, around 5 years old, walked up to me. I 41 her a cold sandwich. She took it and joined her family quickly. As she walked away, I 42 she was wearing a coat, clearly too big for her, hanging 43 on her thin body, and couldnt help thinking how

22、much I had 44 with her. It suddenly struck me that how 45 I am.After that moment I had a 46 of heart. Now I love Madcaps and dont miss one meeting. I have 47 awkwardness when communicating and have many friends. And this year I am sure I will do more than the 48 20 hours of philanthropies.So that is

23、 how I have made a 49 by doing one thing I dont want to do. If you have an open 50 about things you can accomplish more and become a well-rounded (全面的) person.31.A. heardB. worriedC. feltD. brought32. A. OtherwiseB. HoweverC. ThereforeD. Besides33.A. optimisticB. ordinaryC. aggressiveD. honest34. A.

24、 keep on B. give upC. end upD. insist on35. A. members B. volunteersC. friendsD. clerks36. A. wander B. walkC. teachD. serve37. A. ran into B. cared aboutC. looked forD. passed by38. A. excited B. awkwardC. scaredD. fragile39. A. afraid B. doubtfulC. aloneD. patient40. A. joined B. brokeC. droppedD.

25、 poured41. A. awarded B. returnedC. handedD. bought42. A. discovered B. guessedC. thoughtD. concluded43. A. neatly B. carelesslyC. constantlyD. loosely44. A. comparedB. connectedC. coveredD. competed45. A. eager B. luckyC. proudD. strong46. A. relief B. lossC. surpriseD. change47. A. remembered B. r

26、ealisedC. overcomeD. developed48. A. allowed B. requiredC. includedD. finished49. A. difference B. promiseC. sacrificeD. mistake50. A. studyB. planC. mindD. question第三部分:阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每篇短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AThe character “duang” is so new that it does not even

27、exist in the Chinese dictionary. But it has already spread like wildfire online in China, appearing more than 8 million times on Chinas micro-blogging site Weibo, where it spawned a top-trending hashtag(标签) that drew 312,000 discussions among 15,000 users. On Chinas biggest online search engine Baid

28、u, it has been looked up almost 600,000 times. Its been noticed in the West too, with Foreign Policy seeing it as a “break the internet” viral meme like a certain Kirn Kardashian image, or a certain multicoloured dress.But what does it mean? “Everyones duang-ing and I still dont know what it means!

29、As if its back to school for me,” said Weibo user Weileiweito. Another user asked: “Have you duang-ed today? My mind is full of duang duang duang.” “To duang or not to duang, that is the question,” wrote user BaiKut automan.“Duang” seems to be an example of onomatopoeia(拟声词), a word that phoneticall

30、y imitates a sound. It all seems to have started with Hong Kong action star Jackie Chan, who in 2004 was featured in a shampoo commercial where he said famously defended his sleek, black hair using the rhythmical-sounding “duang”. The word resurfaced again recently after Chan posted it on his Weibo

31、page. Thousands of users then began to flood Chans Weibo page with comments, coining the word in reference to his infamous shampoo appearance.The word appears to have many different meanings, and theres no perfect translation, but you could use it as an adjective to give emphasis to the word that fo

32、llows it. A kitten might be “duang cute”, for example. Or you might be “very duang confused” by this blog.For readers of Chinese characters, the Jackie Chan theme is also apparent from the quirky(古怪的) way in which the word is written: a combination of Chans Mandarin names.51. How does the writer try

33、 to prove that Duang has already spread like wildfire online in China? A. giving examples B. listing numbers C. making comparisons D. offering quotations52. Why does the author mention “a certain Kirn Kardashian image”?A. to tell us “Duang” also draws attention in the West.B. to tell us “Duang” is j

34、ust like a certain image on a certain multicolored dress.C. to tell us Foreign Policy doesnt like “Duang”.D. to tell us a certain Kim Kardashian image breaks the internet.53. Which of the following statements about “duang” is NOT true? A. It came from Jackie chans commertial.B. Weibo users created t

35、he word about his infamous shampoo appearance. C. It was first used as an adjective to stress the word that follows it.D. Many people are confused by the word. 54. What kind of people may not know the word “duang”?A. the old who are over sixtiesB. the young who are in fashionC. a boy who has dropped

36、 out of schoolD. a woman who never surfs the internetBWithout any previous notice, a documentary dominated headlines and social websites over the weekend. Under the Dome, a 103-minute documentary self-funded by former CCTV news anchor Chai Jing was released on video-sharing websites in China on Feb

37、28. It has rapidly pushed the public awareness about air pollution and encouraged people to join in efforts to make a difference.Chai, 39, said she started the work out of her “personal clashes” with smog after she gave birth to a daughter. “I sealed tight all the windows. I started every day by che

38、cking the air pollution index,” Chai said. Millions of other people are also doing the same. While they stop there, Chai goes deeper. “I dont want to live in this way. 1 need to find out where the smog comes from and what on earth is going on.”Over a year, she investigated polluted sites to find the

39、 sources of smog, visited the US and the UK to learn about their anti-pollution experiences, and interviewed officials, scientists and the general public. Chais research reveals that the burning of coal and oil contributes to 60 percent of PM2.5 pollutants. She thus questions the countrys energy con

40、sumption habits in the film.She then goes on to disclose loopholes (漏洞) in car emissions regulations. The film also explains that businesses are pressured not to abide by(遵守) the laws because violating(违反) them carries little or no cost, while making changes bumps up costs. The film also points at C

41、hinas petroleum and steel industries as the biggest sources of air pollution.Cheng Chen, a 22-year-old student from Beijing Foreign Studies University, found the documentary “very inspiring”. “I used to think its not my duty to deal with air pollutionI dont own a factory or a car,” said Cheng. “But

42、Chai told me we share the same fate since we breathe the same air and there is a lot I can do.”However, some people are annoyed by the films description of their polluted hometowns, especially when it shows a banner from Xingtai in Hebei saying “Congratulations to our city for no longer being ranked

43、 the last place among the countrys 74 cities in terms of air quality”.Such a feeling of “being insulted”, in Chengs eyes, could also be a good thing. “Whats important is that Chais work has raised public attention toward the structure of the energy industry,” she said. Meanwhile, experts remind move

44、d viewers of the films limitations. 55. According to the passage, which of the following statements is true? A. The documentary was made by Chai jing , who works in CCTV now.B. The documentary dominated headlines and social websites soon after it was broadcast on TV.C. Chai started making the docume

45、ntary after she gave birth to a daughter. D. Chai thinks that it is the burning of coal and oil that leads to air pollution in china.56. Why Chai jing decided to make the film at first ?A. She wanted to do something for her daughterB. She wanted to disclose loopholes in car emissions regulations.C.

46、She wanted to make moneyD. She wanted to raise public attention toward the structure of the energy industry57. whats the authors attitude towards the film?A. positive B. objective C. negative D. indifferent58. Whats the meaning of the underlined sentence?A. Some people deserve to be insulted.B. The

47、feeling of “being insulted” can help draw attention to air pollution.C. Insulting people is good for protecting environment.D. No longer being ranked the last place is not a bad thing.CHave you ever had that fantasy to visit the moon, grab a rock and throw it into space so it would float forever? So

48、on, if you have got the cash, you can!Enter the Artemis Project. This new and exciting project is a private one that will “establish a permanent, self-supporting manned lunar base,” which translates into a community on the moon for people to live in. “Its not a question of whether itll work, but rat

49、her how long it will take.” according to Gregory Bennett, the founder of the Artemis ProjectOn July 20, 1969, Neil Armstrong became the first man to set foot on the moon. That moment became a great achievement in both the space community and for humanity itself. Despite the significance of occasion,

50、 almost certainly when viewers saw images of his weightless, bouncing (弹跳) figure they thought, “That looks like fun!”So the Artemis team is taking realistic approach to a human fantasy: they are marketing the project of a lunar base as pure entertainment.Veronis, Suhler & Associates are investment

51、bankers for the communications and media industry. Their research found that Americans spent over 40 billion dollars to be entertained in the movies, through home videos and television in 1999.California investor, Dennis Tito, recently took a trip to the International Space Station, after donating $

52、20 million dollars to the Russian Space program. Wealthy celebrities like Canadian director James Cameron and the brothers of rock band Oasis have also voiced their interest to visit the big ball in the sky. In the same report by Veronis, Suhler & Associates, consumers spent close to 4 billion dolla

53、rs on video-game software alone. So, for $1.42 billion dollars the Artemis Project is a drop in the entertainment bucket.University student, Al Dharsee says, “I would certainly go to the moon, if given the opportunity, so that I could look at the earth and laugh. But with the way we treat our own pl

54、anet, I dont think we deserve to set foot on any planets or moons for that matter.However, if youre one of those ready to book a flight, dont pack your bags quite yet, your flight is not scheduled to depart for at least a couple of decades.59. What is the Artemis Project aimed at?A. Maintaining a ma

55、nned lunar base.B. Providing a new kind of entertainment.C. Offering some community-based facilities.D. Finding facts about the first exploration to the moon.60. What did Veronis, Suhler& Associates find through their research?A. Wealthy celebrities donated a lot of space programs.B. The Artemis Pro

56、ject would cost less than $1.42 billion dollars.C. Americans paid a large amount of money for entertainment.D. More than $40 billion are spent on communications and media industries in 1999.61. What does Al DHarsee imply?A. Most planets deserve to be employed.B. Human beings may destroy the moon.C.

57、It costs too much to destroy the environment.D. The trip to the moon doesnt appeal to him.62. This text may be taken from . A. a fiction story.B. an advertisement.C. an entertainment report.D. a business survey.DPeople become quite illogical when they try to decide what can be eaten and what cannot

58、be eaten. If you lived in the Mediterranean, for instance, you would consider octopus (章鱼) a great delicacy. You would not be able to understand why some people find it repulsive. On the other hand, your stomach would turn at the idea of frying potatoes in animal fat -the normally accepted practice

59、in many northern countries. The sad truth is that most of us have been brought up to eat certain foods and we stick to them all our lives.No creature has received more praise and abuse than the common garden snail(蜗牛). Cooked in wine, snails are a great luxury in various parts of the world. There ar

60、e countless people who, ever since their early years, have learned to associate snails with food. My friend, Robert, lives in a country where snails are not liked. As his flat is in a large town, he has no garden of his own. For years he has been asking me to collect snails from my garden and take t

61、hem to him.The idea never appealed to me very much, but one day, after heavy shower, I happened to be walking in my garden when I noticed a huge number of snails taking a stroll on some of my prized plants. Acting on a sudden impulse, I collected several dozen, put them in a paperbag,and took them t

62、o Robert. Robert was delighted to see me and equally pleased with my little gift. I left the bag in the hall and Robert and I went into the living room where we talked for a couple of hours. 1 had forgotten all about the snails when Robert suddenly said that I must stay to dinner. Snails would, of course, be the main dish. I did not fancy the idea and I reluctantly followed Robert out of the room. To our di

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