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1、BOOK 2 Unit 1 In the classroom 单元分析Teaching Aim:1. Knowledge Aim: 能听、说、读、写介词in, on, under, behind, in front of能听、说、读、写词汇curtains、floor能用介词in, on, under, behind, in front of说出物体的方位。能说出教室里各种物件的名称及颜色。能听、说、认读There is a (pen) under , on ,etc(the chair)句型,能用该句型描述教室。了解定冠词the与介词间的一些固定搭配。能理解下列表达:How many (de

2、sks) are there? Lets catch it. Put it (in your bag).能听懂故事,能通过拼图找到故事的结局。2. Ability Aim: 根据图标拼出单词。看图说句子。根据图片写单词。3. Emotion Aim: 1、通过在一分钟内记忆图片并回答问题的训练,培养学生的记忆能力和用英语解决问题的能力。2、通过完成填色智力题,培养学生的逻辑思维能力。3、通过游戏,小组竞赛等活动培养学生学习英语的兴趣,同时培养学生积极的竞争意识和合作精神。4、培养学生良好的书写习惯。 Teaching idea and method:1 、通过模仿练习法让学生说得准确。教师在范

3、读字母、单词或句子之前,要让学生听老师的读音,看老师的口形,并鼓励学生大胆开口,敢于大声讲英语,说错了及时纠正,并注意将正确的音与错误的音进行比较,反复训练,以免在语音上给学生留下后患。另外,应鼓励学生课下尽量用所学过的常用表达方式进行相互对话。2、通过愉快教学法,让学生乐学。教师在教学中,应使整个教学都弥漫着一种和谐、融洽、振奋、饱满的情绪气氛。同时,在教学时,使学生进入语境,创造情景,帮助学生通过英语直接理解教学内容意思,养成用英语思维的习惯。其次,在教学过程中,安排一些兴趣活动。如:唱歌、游戏、饶口令等。运用这些灵活的教学方法,让学生在“乐中学”又在“学中乐”。Teaching Impo

4、rtant Points:单词:behind、catch、curtain、floor、in front of、sing、under句子:There is(are)Number1isHis(Her) pencil case isLets catch it!Well done!PutitNowitsmyturn.Hard points:1、能听、说、读、写介词in, on, under, behind, in front of2、能用介词in, on, under, behind, in front of说出物体的方位。3、能听、说、认读There is a (pen) under , on ,e

5、tc(the chair)句型,能用该句型描述教室。4、能理解下列表达:How many (desks) are there? Lets catch it. Put it (in your bag).5、能听懂故事,能通过拼图找到故事的结局课时安排:(共六课时)第一课时:part 1 and part 4第二课时:part 2 and part 3第三课时:part 5 part 7 and part 9第四课时:part 6 and part 8第五课时:part 10 and part 11第六课时:part 12Unit1Intheclassroom (1)Teaching Conten

6、t:part 1 part 2 part3 and part 4Teaching Aim:Knowledge Aim:能理解:How many (desks) are there?能记忆图片,说出图片中事物的数量和颜色。能听、说、读、写词汇:curtains、floor,能说出教室各种物件的名称。Ability Aim:能正确书写词汇:curtains、light、window、desk、chair、board、door。能听、说、认读句子:Number 1 is .能用该句子描述图片Emotion Aim:使学生进一步了解中西方文化的差异,了解西方教室的布置。Teaching idea an

7、d method:通过在一分钟内记忆图片并回答问题的训练,培养学生的记忆能力和用英语解决问题的能力,提高学生学习英语的兴趣。培养学生良好的书写习惯。Teaching Important Points:能听、说、读、写词汇:curtains、floor。能听、说、认读句子Number 1 is .Hard points:词汇curtains的书写,不能写掉了“s”。能用句子Number 1 is .描述图片。Teaching steps:Step 1:Warm-upRead the words quickly.(快速出示curtains、light、window、desk、chair、board

8、、door这些学生已经学过的词汇图片,让学生快速读出图片中的单词。看看谁读得又对又快。)Step 2:Presentations:1、教学part 1 和part 2(part2的贴图部分的内容已经通过家庭作业的方式,让学生先行完成了。)Play a memory game.让学生翻开书,看page 11 的 part 2 20秒,尽可能的记下图中事物的数量,20秒后,请学生关上书,由教师出示事物图片,用part 1z中的五个提问,如:How many desks are there?学生根据刚才的记忆回答。为了增加游戏的吸引力,可以加入一个掉头发的游戏,在黑板上画一个男上脸谱和女生脸谱,分别

9、画上5根头发,如一名男生答对了,就去掉女生的一根头发,以此类推。B.The pupils do part 1 on the book by themselves,then check the answer.2、教学part 3 和part 4教学新词汇curtains。(承接上一个步骤的记忆游戏,在核对了答案后,教师装作好像问掉了一个事物。)T:Oh,another(手举词卡,词卡的反面面对学生。)How many curtains are there?(停顿几秒后,再出示词卡的正面,相机教读词汇curtains。)Write the words on the board.Let the pu

10、pils writ in air, then spell them.教学句子Number 1 is .(在前几个用图片的环节中,用完后都把图片反面朝上粘贴在黑板上。)T:Look at the pictures , I think number 1 is floor , do you think so?(将第一张图片翻过来)yeah ,Im right. Number 1 is floor. (在黑板上用基线格板书句子Number 1 is )让学生用黑板上的句子猜测另外几幅图。Ask a pupil draw an apple on the board. Then say “There is

11、 an apple on the board.”and explain in Chinese “on” s meaning. Let another pupil draw an apple too, and say: There are two apples on the board.Let the pupils use “there be ” say the things in the classroom.Step 3:practise:Do the write exercise of Page 12(part 3),then check the answer。Do part 4 of Pa

12、ge 12. Then say them in pairs.Step 4:Extension任务:要给自己的教室添置东西,同桌一起列一张清单,用数字标注,然后拿着清单相互用Number 1 is .的句子交谈Homework:1.将单词补充完整chr c tin bad2、选择一张桌子(A.a desk B.two desks )两扇门(A.a door B. two doors)一盏灯(A.a light B.three lights)三张椅子(A.three chairs B.a chair)3.尝试用几个学过的词写2-3句话。(选做题) 板书设计Unit 1 In the classro

13、om (part 1)1, .floor 2.curtains, 3.light,4 window, 5desk6 Chair 7board. 8 doorUnit 1 In the classroom (2)Teaching Content:part 5Teaching Aim:Knowledge Aim:能听、说、读、写介词in, on, under, behind, in front of掌握介词的用法,能用介词in, on, under, behind, in front of说出物体的方位。Ability Aim:能听、说There is a (pen) under , on ,et

14、c(the chair)句型,能用该句型进行简单描述。Emotion Aim:通过给词汇进行逻辑分类,培养学生的逻辑思维和认真观察的习惯Teaching idea and method:通过多种形式的活动激发学生的学习兴趣。通过用旧知带旧知的方法突破难点。Teaching Important Points:能听、说、读、写介词in, on, under, behind, in front of掌握介词的用法,能用介词in, on, under, behind, in front of说出物体的方位。Hard points:区分under, behind, in front of的用法。能听、说

15、There is a (pen) under , on ,etc(the chair)句型,能用该句型进行简单描述。Teaching steps:Step 1:Warm-upA game (猜猜看),游戏规则:老师拿出几张图片,反面朝学生,让学生逐一猜一猜,图上有些什么?(图片上应该分别画上上节课接触到的chair、desk、curtains等事物,还应该在颜色上有所区别,如画五张绿色的板凳等。)引导学生不仅仅猜测图片上的事物,还要说出事物的颜色,如a green chairs.Step 2:Presentations:教学part 5(教授方位词)教学in拿出一个苹果和一个盒子,先将苹果拿在

16、手上,然后让学生闭上眼睛,将苹果放进盒子里,再让学生睁开眼睛,猜猜苹果在哪?相机引出介词in教读in在四线格里范写in,要求学生在练习本上仿写一个。继续用上面的方法教学介词on, under, behind, in front of(注意教学in front of的时候,要告诉学生front of的连读,同时有意识的灌输一些连读的概念。也要强调这个介词词组的书写)D巩固几个方位词。继续用盒子和苹果作为教具,教师将苹果任意摆放在盒子的某个方向,让学生分为男女生比赛,能最快最对回答出来的学生为自己的加一分。要引导学生用诸如:in the box的词组回答为下文学习句子打好铺垫,降低难度。2.教学句

17、子:“There is a (pen) under , on ,etc(the chair)”引出句子。T:(承接上一个环节,巩固了方位词后,教师手指盒子和苹果问学生)What are there in(on) the box?给学生一定的思考空间和尝试回答的空间后,教师可直接端出答句:There is a red apple on the desk。并板书在黑板上的基线格里。巩固操练句子。接着将苹果换几个方位,让学生用刚学的句型进行操练。让学生在学习小组内,用自己的文具进行句型操练。Step 3:practise:Open the books and turn to Page 13 , le

18、t pupils do part 5.Check the answer.Step 4:ExtensionTask:(拿出一张画了一间空房子的图片)This is our classroom. Is this beautiful? So, lets design it.任务:要布置自己的教室,先画一幅设计图,然后跟同学说一说自己的设计,用今天学习的句型去介绍。HOMEWORK:连词成句:1. three there chairs are2.a desk is there bag a3.there two books a schoolbag are green in red板书设计Unit 1 I

19、n the classroom (part 5)There is a red apple on the desk.Unit 1 In the classroom (3)Teaching Content:part 6 part 7 Teaching Aim:Knowledge Aim:进一步掌握There is(are) a (pen) under , on ,etc(the chair)句型,能听、说、认读该句型,能用该句型描述教室。(上节课学了该句型的单数形式,这节课在此基础上重点学习该句型的复数形式。)Ability Aim:能判断句子描述的是哪副图片。能正确使用介词填空,将空缺的句子补充

20、完整。正确使用系动词is和are。Emotion Aim:培养学生良好的书写习惯。Teaching Important Points:能听、说、读、写介词in, on, under, behind, in front of掌握介词的用法,能用介词in, on, under, behind, in front of说出物体的方位Hard points:掌握句型There is(are) a(two) green pen(pens) under , on ,etc(the chair),能用该句型描叙自己的教室。Teaching steps:Step 1:Warm-up描述上节课学生画的教室设计图

21、,复习介词,同时也复习上节课学的句型There is(are) a (pen) under , on ,etc(the chair)T:Guess, whats in my hands?(选一张上节课学生画的教室设计图,藏在身后。) Look, your design picture,Very beautiful. Can you describe the picture? For exaple , I can say “ there is a green book in the desk.”指名描述图片。Step 2:Presentations:教学句子There are 引出句子。T:(承

22、接上一个环节)Oh,is there only one desk in our classroom?(因上节课学的是句子的单数形式,所以有意只要学生画一件事物。)So, lets draw other desks.(快速画上几张桌子) Now, how many desks are there in the classroom?(引导学生答出:There are .)在基线格上板书该句型。B.巩固操练句子。接着让学生在同桌之间,用句型There are句型讨论,图上应该有些什么东西,即在原来单个事物的基础上添加数量。(如:I think there are three books on the

23、 desk.)汇报展示讨论结果,指名几个学生上来在图片上添加事物,然后用There are句型来描述,注意,要求学生简笔,画快一些,重点在句型的表述上,无需看重画的质量,耽误时间。最好规定学生在教师数数的几声内画好。Step 3:practise:Open the books and turn to Page 13 , let pupils do part 6 and part 7.Check the answer.Step 4:ExtensionTask:Please take out your classroom picture . continue your design .任务:继续上

24、节课的教室设计图,然后介绍自己的设计。HOMEWORK:1.选择正确的答案。( )1.Theres a blackboard _ the classroom.A.on C.near( )2.There are some apples _ the C.hear2.尝试用文字描述一下自己的教室。(使用There be句型)注:正确使用There is和There are板书设计Unit 1 In the classroomThere are three red apples on the desk.Unit 1 In the classroom (4)Te

25、aching Content:part 8、part 11 and part 12Teaching Aim:Knowledge Aim:能准确说出物体的颜色,并找出规律,给未填色的物品填色。初步感知her、his的用法。掌握人名S(如Mays)的用法.Ability Aim:能听、说、读、写句型:His(Her) schoolbag(pencil case.) is green(yellow) 能按要求给学具填色。Emotion Aim:培养学生的逻辑思维能力。Teaching idea and method:通过填色游戏和仿写一段话的拓展练习,增强学生学习英语的信心。Teaching Imp

26、ortant Points:掌握人名S(如Mays)的用法。掌握句型:His(Her) schoolbag(pencil case.) is green(yellow)Hard points:能准确书写一段话。注意系动词is(are)的运用。Teaching steps:Step 1:Warm-upFree talking: How many light are there? Are there three windows in our classroom?Step 2:Presentations教学part 11Let the pupils take out their books, the

27、n give some instructions and do the actions. Ask the pupils mime the actions with the teacher, repeat for 2-3 times.e.g. “Put it on the desk” , “Put it in your bag.” etc.(引出Marys这个表达。)Give another instructions, first tell them dont so any things but put up the hand if you know the meaning. e.g. Put

28、the frog on Marys desk.引出his,her教师用自己的文具说:This is my pen.再用学生的文 具说:This is his(her) pen. 重读强调his(her),然后拿着一个女孩的文具说:This isnt my pen. Its ( )Pen. 空出物主代词,由学生齐声补充。最后指一男孩的文具,重复上面的做法。Ask the pupils look at the pictures on Page18 , first read the sentences and sure they know the meanings. Then Colour, che

29、ck in pairs.Step 3:practice:拿一幅黑白挂图,并示范给图上的一个文具填色写一句话,然后让学生上前学着老师的做法给part12中图上的文具涂色并写句子,在学生书写过程中要及时纠正,指导。如首写字母是否大写,系动词的有没有漏掉,运用是否准确,句号的书写是否正确等。Check the writing.Step 4 Consolidation:HOMEWORK:1.将文中的单词补充完整,单词的第一个字母已经给出。Dans pen is b_. H_ ruler is y_.His d_ is green.2.介绍自己同桌的文具,不少于50个单词。Unit 1 In the c

30、lassroom (5)Teaching Content:part 9Teaching Aim:Knowledge Aim:理解如下表达:Lets catch it. Well done. Good idea.Ability Aim:能听、说、认读指令语:Put it in your bag(on the board) ect能阅读故事,理解故事的主要意思。Emotion Aim:通过阅读The frog这个趣味故事,提升学生学习英语的兴趣。培养学生阅读习惯和阅读兴趣。Teaching Important Points:掌握故事中的指令语。理解故事的主要意思。Hard points:听懂方位指

31、令,能按指令要求摆放物品。Teaching steps:Step 1:Warm-upA game(通过一个寻找青蛙玩偶的游戏,引出故事中的单词frog和重点句子put it )T:Look , whats this?(从身后拿出一个青蛙玩偶)yeah, a frog. Ill hide it and who can find it?(请出一名同学上前背向全班,准备找出被藏的青蛙玩偶)Where can I put it?put it here?(下面的学生可以说yes或者no)put it here?(再藏一个地方,如果学生说no的仍然很多,可再寻找一个藏的地方)put it herer?(藏

32、好后让那个寻找的学生转过身,在教室里寻找。)游戏可重复两到三次。Step 2:Presentations教学新词catch(承接上个游戏环节,在学生找到青蛙后)T:Well done! Lets catch it. catch(重复单词且做出抓的动作并板书。)whats meaning ?Do you know?指名猜测catch的含义,然后教读这个单词。2.、教学重点句子Put it T:(指名一个学生上前)Please catch it. Put it on the board.(教师在说的同时用手指着黑板,学生在教师肢体语言的提示下按指令行动。)板书句子Put it on the boa

33、rd.并教读。再指名一名学生上前,同时指名另一个用put it学生发指令。教师用Well done!进行评价。同桌间互相用文具来做这个指令练习。如一个学生说put it onthe book.他的同桌就按指令将it所指向的事物放到书上。过渡,引出故事。T:Two students bring the frog into the classroom. Guess, where is the frog? On the board? Under the teachers desk? Or bebind the curtains? Lets listen the story “The frog”.分段

34、放故事,每一个环节都让学生猜“Where is the frog?”。”讨论:结局可能是怎样的?此时可以允许学生同时使用英语和母语去表达。跟录音朗读故事。Step 3:practice:分角色扮演这个故事。Step 4:Let the pupils retell the storyHOMEWORK:1、抄写词组并翻译成中文,括号处做替换练习On the (board) under the (teachers) desk(behind) the curtains (in) the teachers desk2、用几句话写出故事经过。3, 编动作背故事。板书设计Unit 1 In the clas

35、sroomPut it in your bag., Put it on the board. , Put it behind the curtain., Put it under the teachers desk., , Put it in the teachers desk.,Unit 1 In the classroom (6)Teaching Content:part 10Teaching Aim:Knowledge Aim:能听、说、认读一般疑问句:Is(Are) there a (pen) under , on ,etc(the chair) ?Ability Aim:掌握疑问句中

36、any的运用。Emotion Aim:Let the pupils interested in English.Teaching idea and method:通过看图片判断句子正误的训练,培养学生的观察能力。在游戏中训练学生敢于大胆,大声开口说英语,Teaching Important Points:掌握一般疑问句:Is(Are) there a (pen) under , on ,etc(the chair) 的构成与用法。Hard points:在疑问句中正确使用any。能正确使用一般疑问句:Is(Are) there a (pen) under , on ,etc(the chair

37、)。Teaching steps:Step 1:Warm-upA game:(记忆力游戏)让学生翻开书,仔细观察17页第十部分的那幅图,尽量记在脑海里。然后关上书,凭着刚才的记忆,用学过的There be句型来说一说图上都有些什么,并且在哪个地方,为了增加游戏的刺激性和吸引力,可分为男女生进行比赛,谁说对一句,就为自己的性别这一队加一分。Step 2:Presentations1、教学一般疑问句的单数形式:Is there a (pen) under , on ,etc(the chair)l (在上个玩游戏的环节中,学生说出There is a book on the desk 时,教师相机

38、板书这个句子。同时上课前在讲台上放一本书)教师指着桌子上的一本书说:Is there abook on the desk?(同时通过声调和肢体语言提示学生理解并用Yes或者No回答。)l T:Now, look herer. Look carefully. 然后用另一颜色的小卡片覆盖住原句中的There is为Is there,同时将句号换成问号。l 教读这个句子,一定注意句尾要读升调。l 巩固操练这个句子:在学习小组中,由一个学生就第十部分的图中的单件事物用刚学过的句型进行提问。其它的学生用Yes或者No回答,由小组内的学生轮流发问。(用图上的单件事物进行操练。)2、教学一般疑问句的复数形式

39、:Are there a (pen) under , on ,etc(the chair)l (老师再放一本书在讲台上)T:Are there any books on the desk?(引导学生用Yes或者No回答。)l (再一次将板书进行替换,将Is换成Are, a换成any。)教读这个句子,同样注意句尾要读升调。l 巩固操练这个句子,操练方法同上一个步骤。(用图上的复数事物进行操练。)Step 3:practice:l T:Please turn to page 17, do part 10.l Check the answer.Step 4:Extension任务:同桌两个人进行,通

40、过问与答画出自己理想中的房间布置,一个人用学过的句型发问,一个人回答,在问与答的基础上由问的那个人画出另一个人理想中的房间。 HOMEWORK:1、 抄写句子。Is there a book on the desk?Are there any books on the desk?2、情景题。1.与陌生人相遇,该如何打招呼 ? A. How are you ? B. How do you do ? C. Hello ! D. Are you fine ?2.不小心碰倒了别人的茶杯,你应该向他说:-A. Excuse me ! B. Im sorry. C. Never mind.D. Ok, my dear!3.用今天学习的句型看图写几句话。(The picture of page 13 part 6)板书设计:Unit 1 In the classroomin , on , behind ,in front of, underThere is an apple on the desk

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