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1、六年级上册英语作文汇集六年级上册英语作文汇集一、介绍你和家人上学或上班的方式一、介绍你和家人上学或上班的方式 I go to school on foot.My sister goes to school on foot,too. My brother goes to school by bike. My father goes to work by car. My mother goes to work by bike.二、介绍你和朋友各自上学的方式。二、介绍你和朋友各自上学的方式。 I go to school by bus. My friend Amy goes to school on

2、 foot. John goes to school by bike. Mike goes to school bySubway. Sarah goes to school by bus. 三、看图,说说你怎样去电影院三、看图,说说你怎样去电影院 I go to the cinema. I start from here. Go straight for fiveminutes. Then turn left at the library. Go straight for one minute. The library is on the right.四、读读下周末你和朋友的计划四、读读下周末

3、你和朋友的计划 Im going to have a busy weekend with my friends. On Saturday morning,we are going to go shpping. On Saturday afternoon, we are going to the park. On Sunday morning,We are going to go fishing. On Sunday afternoon,we are goingto climb mountains. We will be happy.五、说说这个星期天,你和家人的安排。五、说说这个星期天,你和家

4、人的安排。 I am going to have a busy Sunday with my family. We are going to the zoo on Sunday morning. We are going to see elephants. On Sunday afternoon,we are going to visit my grandparents. We are going to clean the room for them.六、说说你和你家人的爱好。六、说说你和你家人的爱好。 I like flying kites. My father likes diving.

5、My mother likes playing the violin. My brother likes riding a bike. My sister likes listening to music. 七、介绍你和你朋友的爱好。七、介绍你和你朋友的爱好。 I like diving. My friend John likes flying kites. Amy likescollecting stamps. Zhang Peng likes playing football. ChenJie likes riding a bike.八、介绍你一家人的职业和上班地点和方式。八、介绍你一家人

6、的职业和上班地点和方式。 My father is a teacher. He works in a school. He goes towork by car. My mother is an accountant. She works in a bank.She goes to work by bus.九、写一封信给你的笔友,介绍你一家人的情况。九、写一封信给你的笔友,介绍你一家人的情况。Dear Amy, My name is Sarah. Im 13. Im tall and thin. I like swimming.My father is 40. Hes tall and str

7、ong. He likes reading books.He is an engineer. He works in a car company.He goes to workby car.My mother is 39. Shes short and thin. She likes cooking.She is a salesperson. She works in a bookstore. She goes towork on foot. Yours, Sarah 十、看图介绍图中这个人的情况。十、看图介绍图中这个人的情况。 He is Ben. He is 26.He is a poli

8、ceman. He goes to work by bus. He likes playing the violin. He likes going fishing ,too. 十一、看图,写作。十一、看图,写作。 The sun shines and the water becomes vapour. The cloudcomes from the vapour. The rain comes from the clouds.The water in the river comes from the rain. This is the rain cycles.十二、看图,写种花的过程。十二、

9、看图,写种花的过程。 First, dig the soil. Then put the seeds in the soil. Put it in the sun. Water it often. We can see the sprout. Then waitfor a flower to grow.十三、看图,以十三、看图,以plant a corn为题,写一篇短文为题,写一篇短文 First, dig the soil and put some seeds in the soil. Water them. We can see a sprout. We can see a big pla

10、nt. We can see the corn.十四、介绍你是如何种树的。十四、介绍你是如何种树的。 I can plant trees. First ,dig the soil. Then put the plant inthe soil. Water it. Wait for it to grow.十五、根据提示写一篇短文十五、根据提示写一篇短文 He is John. He is 12. He likes collecting stamps. He getsup at 6:40 in the morning. He goes to school at 7:30. He reads boo

11、ks at 8:00 in the evening. 六年级英语作文:六年级英语作文:My Family Members 时间时间:2010-04-13来源来源:精品学习网精品学习网 I am student of Southwest Weiyu Middle School. I am in Class Two Grade Six. Im a girl. Im twelve years old. Im tall and thin. I like to sing and dance. I can sing POP music very well. I like to eat meat, beca

12、use I think its very delicious. I good at English, because I like it very much. I like to write a composition and I like to read many nice books. I think its good for me. I like drawing, but I cant draw very well. I like cats very much, but I cant have them, because my mother doesnt like them, she t

13、hink theyre very dirty. I want to travel around the world, but I havent enough money. But Im happy, because I have many friends and a happy family.My mother is a shop assistant. Shes thirty-six years old. Shes tall and thin too. Shes pretty. Her hair is short and straight. She likes to sing and she

14、likes Zhang Xueyous songs and English songs. She likes to eat crabs. She always goes shopping with me. Shes good at Maths. When I have problems with Maths she will help me. She doesnt like pets; because she thinks they are dirty. I like my mother very much.My father is a manager. Hes forty-six years

15、 old. But he looks like very young and handsome. He always goes to park with me. He likes to smoke. But I think smoke is bad for himself. He likes English songs. Hes good at Chinese. He sometimes helps me to write a composition. My father likes pets very much. I like my father very much.My grandmoth

16、er and my sister live together. My grandma is sixty-three years old. Shes retiring. My sister is a student of fourteen years old. She has two big eyes and long straight hair. Shes a small famous singer in her city. She likes to sing and dance. She can sing very well. She joins in many competitions a

17、nd she always be champion.初中作文指导选材与剪裁考考你 以春节为例,有这样三个文题,大家思考以春节为例,有这样三个文题,大家思考一下,应该怎样选材?有怎样的侧重点?一下,应该怎样选材?有怎样的侧重点? 作文题目:作文题目:1、快乐的一天、快乐的一天 2、家乡的春节、家乡的春节 3、我最喜爱的传统文化、我最喜爱的传统文化 选材,是指选材,是指写作写作时材料的选择;剪裁,是一时材料的选择;剪裁,是一种比喻的说法,指种比喻的说法,指写作写作中材料的取舍。中材料的取舍。 经过审题、立意,明确了经过审题、立意,明确了“任务任务”、确立了、确立了“主旨主旨”和和“方向方向”。下一

18、步应当考虑的就。下一步应当考虑的就是是“行动路线行动路线”文章结构的问题了:写文章结构的问题了:写什么、不写什么;先写什么、后写什么;多什么、不写什么;先写什么、后写什么;多写什么、少写什么;怎样开头、怎样结写什么、少写什么;怎样开头、怎样结尾尾方法: 一、写有用的,不写没用的一、写有用的,不写没用的 二、写典型的,不写一般的二、写典型的,不写一般的 三、写新颖生动的,不写陈腐呆板的三、写新颖生动的,不写陈腐呆板的 四、写具体的,不写空洞的四、写具体的,不写空洞的 新手段向难度挑战 一、反弹琵琶,新颖脱俗一、反弹琵琶,新颖脱俗 二、铺排巧妙,引人入胜二、铺排巧妙,引人入胜 三、主题高雅,言之有

19、物三、主题高雅,言之有物 从中你看到什么? 据载,在宋代,宋徽宗赵佶喜爱绘画,于是就把考绘画列据载,在宋代,宋徽宗赵佶喜爱绘画,于是就把考绘画列为科举制度的一部分。一次,主考官出的题目是为科举制度的一部分。一次,主考官出的题目是“深山藏深山藏古寺古寺”。怎样表现这个主题呢?怎样把这个古寺。怎样表现这个主题呢?怎样把这个古寺“藏藏”得得更好更妙呢?有的人在崇山峻岭间画上一座古庙,有的人更好更妙呢?有的人在崇山峻岭间画上一座古庙,有的人在茂密丛林中伸出庙的一个角,或露出一段残垣断壁,但在茂密丛林中伸出庙的一个角,或露出一段残垣断壁,但主考大人都不甚满意。另有一位考生则独辟蹊径:画面上主考大人都不甚

20、满意。另有一位考生则独辟蹊径:画面上画有崇山、清泉,还有一个老和尚正一瓢一瓢地将泉水舀画有崇山、清泉,还有一个老和尚正一瓢一瓢地将泉水舀进桶里。画和尚而不画庙,有和尚则必有庙,这就把这座进桶里。画和尚而不画庙,有和尚则必有庙,这就把这座古寺深深地古寺深深地“藏藏”起来了,真是别出心裁,令主考官拍案起来了,真是别出心裁,令主考官拍案称绝。这位考生巧妙地选择了另一个角度来表现这个题目,称绝。这位考生巧妙地选择了另一个角度来表现这个题目,选材新颖,令人眼前一亮。选材新颖,令人眼前一亮。 原则 1、紧扣中心思想,与中心思想关系不大但、紧扣中心思想,与中心思想关系不大但是有必要交待的内容尽量少写,材料不能是有必要交待的内容尽量少写,材料不能游离主题。游离主题。 2、材料不能胡编滥造、材料不能胡编滥造 3、选鲜活新颖的材料。、选鲜活新颖的材料。 4、选底蕴深厚的材料。、选底蕴深厚的材料。 操练 题目我的爸爸 题材:1、_ 2 、_ 3 、_ 4、_作业 以以我的初中生活我的初中生活为题,写一篇为题,写一篇文章文章 要求:记叙文要求:记叙文 500字左右字左右

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