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1、江苏省无锡市宜兴外国语学校 九年级英语3月月考试题(无答案) 牛津版第1卷 (选择题,共70分)一 听力测试(本大题共20分,每小题1分)听力材料见 英语听力与阅读训练 9A P40 综合测试(二)二、 单项填空 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。(本大题共14分,每小题1分。)( ) 1. - What do you think of _ story? - Oh, Ive never read _ more interesting one before.A. the; a B. the; the C. a; the D. a; a( ) 2. The plane _

2、take off at 11:50, but Im not quite sure. Ill check it for you.A. mustB. needC. should D. may( ) 3. The robot did all the housework. _ , Mr. Li no longer needed to get up early. A. At first B. As a result C. As usual D. At last( ) 4. He hardly spent any time on his subjects, _? _, so he does badly i

3、n his lessons. A .didnt he; Yes B. did he; Yes C. didnt he; No D. did he; No( ) 5. _ you have offered her! She is out of trouble now.A. How a useful advice B. What a useful advice C. What useful advice D. How useful advice ( ) 6. I dont know if Mr. Wang _. I think he _ if it doesnt rain. A. will com

4、e; comes B. will come; will come C. comes; comes D. comes; will come( ) 7. _ of that country _ by snow. A. Second thirds; is covered B. Two thirds; is covered C. Two thirds; are covered D. Two third; covers( ) 8. Miss Gao has _ education that she has difficulty getting a job. A. so a little B. so li

5、ttle C. such a littleD. such little( ) 9. I wondered _ my parents did that for. A. that B. if C. whether D. what( ) 10. Did your father tell you _? A. why did he visit Suzhou B. how he goes to ShanghaiC. where he has spent his holidays D. when he travelled to Hong Kong( ) 11. Be careful! A car may h

6、it you. Thank you! I I so close to the road. A. didnt know; am standing B. dont know; am standing C. didnt know; was standing D. didnt know; would stand( ) 12. We have so many kinds of guitars for you _. Which one would you like _? A. to choose, to choose from B. to choose from, to choose C. to be c

7、hosen, to choose from D. to be chosen from, to choose( ) 13. Billwastoldtowriteanoticeand_.A.putitup B.putiton C.putupit D.putonit( ) 14. Its been such a wonderful evening with you! Thank you very much! _ A. Glad to hear that. B. My pleasure! C. Its nothing. D. No thanks.三、完形填空 先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后在每小题

8、所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。(本大题共10分,每小题1分)Once the King of India was ill and sent for his doctor. The doctor came, examined (检查)him and said, “You will be well soon in a few days if you take a bulls milk.” The King was 1 , for he had never heard of a bull that gave milk. “How is it 2 ?” he asked.“Order G

9、ulbo to get it for you,” answered the doctor, “He can do anything.” Gulbo was a person with great knowledge and was 3 to the doctor. So the doctor thought this would be a way of making him suffer. When the King told Gulbo what the doctor said and ordered him to get bulls milk, Gulbo 4 understood wha

10、t the doctor was trying to do.When he got home, he sat thinking how to get out of the situation. His daughter, seeing him worried, asked what was 5 . On hearing what the King had asked for, she said, “dont worry, Father, I will help you.”The next day she took some old clothes, went to the bank of th

11、e river near the palace, and chose a place 6 the Kings bedroom window. In the middle of the night, she started to do her washing. She made so much noise that the King could not sleep. The King got very angry and sent a guard (哨兵;卫兵) to 7 what was the matter. The soldier found the girl, and led her t

12、o the King. “Why do you wash your clothes here at night?” said the King.The girl pretended(假装) to be afraid and said, “I had to wash clothes at night. This afternoon my father had a baby, I was busy all day 8 that. Then I found there were no clean clothes for the baby, so I had to come and wash them

13、 now.”“What!” cried the King. “Are you trying to make a fool of me? I have never heard of man having a baby.”“Well, if the King 9 orders someone to get bulls milk for him, why cant a man have a baby?”The King smiled and said, “You must be Gulbos daughter. Go and tell your father that he may 10 the b

14、ulls milk for his baby.”( ) 1. A. pleased B. surprised C. excited D. interested( ) 2. A. possible B. necessary C. usual D. strange( ) 3. A. a friend B. an enemy C. a neighbour D. a patient( ) 4. A. suddenly B. certainly C. immediate D. directly( ) 5. A. matter B. wrong C. thing D. problem( ) 6. A. a

15、bove B. on C. below D. under( ) 7. A. find out B. get out C. take out D. bring out( ) 8. A. since B. so C. because of D. because( ) 9. A. him B. himself C. he D. his( ) 10. A. keepB. buy C. borrow D. have四、阅读理解。阅读下面短文,然后从各题所给的选项中选出最佳的答案。(本大题共26分,每小题2分) AMary Cassatt is considered one of Americas mos

16、t famous female artists She was born in Pennsylvania in 1844When she was a child,Mary and her family spent five years travelling and living in EuropeMary saw the great art museums,and she wanted to become an artist When she was seventeen,she said that she wanted to go to Paris to study artAt that ti

17、me people thought that only men could become paintersIt was not considered proper work for a woman Her father refused to let her study artFinally he said she could study it if she went to a school near their homeShe attended the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts At her graduation(毕业)in 1866,she agai

18、n said that she had to go abroad to learn more about paintingHer father agreed to let her goAt 22 she sailed for ParisShe lived in France,but she went to other countries in EuropeShe spent a lot of time in museumsShe worked hard to improve her workShe studied the famous paintings of the old masters,

19、and she copied and sketched(画素描)for hours She found,though,that she referred the new ideas used by a group of artists living in ParisThey called themselves impressionists(印象派画家)Like them Mary Cassatt tried to show real people and the real worldBecause these ideas were new,it took some years before p

20、eople recognized(承认)her as the great artist that she was( ) 1Mary Cassatt showed that she was serious about becoming an artist by_ Aspending long hours painting Btaking many trips to Europe Creading many art books Dtalking to older artists ( ) 2From this passage we can learn that in the 1800s_ Aall

21、careers were open to women Bsome careers were not open to women Call women wanted to stay at home and have children Dmale artists welcomed female artists( ) 3We learn from the passage that Mary Cassatt became a great artist because she_ Acame from a rich family Bworked hard and never gave up Chad go

22、od teachers Dtravelled in Europe BWe had known for a long time that flowers of different plants open and close at different times of day. Yet no one really understands why flowers open and close like this at special time. The question is not as simple as we might think, as recent experiments have sh

23、own. In one experiment, flowers were kept in constant (持续的) darkness. We might expect that the flowers, without any information about the time of the day, did not open as they usually do. In fact, they continue to open at their usual time. This shows that they have some special ways of knowing the t

24、ime. Their sense time does not depend on(依赖于) information from the outside world. It is inside them: a kind of “inner (内部) clock”. This discovery may not seem to be very important. However, it is later found that not just plants but animals have this “inner clock” which controls the working of their

25、 bodies and influences their activities. Humans, then, are also influenced by it. Whether we wish or not, it affects such things in our life as our need for sleep or need for food.( ) 4. What had people thought before the experiment arrived at a conclusion(结论)? A. The flowers would never open in con

26、stant darkness. B. The flowers would change their usual time to open. C. The flowers would open ahead of the time as they usually did. D. The flowers would continue to open at usual time.( ) 5. What is connected with the sense of time that flowers have? A. Its age and size.B. Light and temperature.C

27、. A kind of strange power inside them.D. Some unknown information from the outside world.( ) 6. What will happen if we make good use of the “inner clock”? A. Well need less sleep or food.B. Well be able to sleep as long as we wish to. C. Well be able to change our work tie when necessary. D. Well ha

28、ve more energy to do our work better. CIs your mobile phone directory full of phone numbers of people you dont really want to talk to? Do you go out with people from work or school more often than with your real friends? Do you say “yes” to invitations because you think you should, not because you w

29、ant to? If you answered yes to at least two of these questions, then perhaps you need to “edit your friends”. Nowadays people like to spend a lot of time with people at work or classmates at school. The result is that we dont have enough time to see our real, close friends. As our lives get busier,

30、it becomes more important to spend the little free time we have with people we really want to see, people we love and who really love us.Who are the friends you need to edit? A few years ago, I read a book about how to get rid of unnecessary possessions (物品). It said you should ask yourself about ea

31、ch thing you have: Is it useful? Do I like it? Do I feel better every time I look at it? If the answer is no to any of those questions, you should throw it away. Maybe we should ask similar questions about our friends. What kind of friends will you probably need to edit? Sometimes its an old friend.

32、 Somebody who you used to have a lot in common with, but who, when you meet now, you have very little or nothing to say to. Or it might be a new friend who you get on quite well with, but who is taking up too much of your time. Next time one of these people calls you and suggests a meeting, think “D

33、o I really want to see this person?” and if the answer is no, say no, and make an excuse. In that way youll have more time to spend with your real friends.( ) 7. When do people need to edit their friends?A. They have moved to a different area.B. They have no time with their real friendC. Some of the

34、ir friends dont talk very much.D. Their friends are people from work or school.( ) 8. Which kind of friends dont people need to edit? A. Real friends.B. Old friends.C. Young friends.D. New friends.( ) 9. What does the word “edit” in the passage mean? A. Examine and choose.B. Believe and help. C. Mis

35、s and see.D. Call and meet. DEach year Ben is glad when school is closed on Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Ben knows that this day honours an important man, but Ben does not feel connected to him. However, the small-world theory (理论) connects Ben to Dr. King. Bens mom has a close friend, Amy. Amys uncl

36、e, Mark, once met and spoke to John Carter, the son of President Jimmy Carter. Jimmy Carter knew Dr. King. In a way, Ben is only “five people away” from Martin Luther King Jr.The small-world theory says that everyone in the world is connected through a short chain (链条) of people they know. Another n

37、ame of this chain is degrees of separation. Each degree is a step that separates a person from someone he or she does not know. There are zero degrees of separation between a person and the people he or she knows directly. This means that there are zero degrees between Ben and his mom. There is one

38、degree of separation when just one person separates someone from a person he or she does not know. Ben knew his mom but he hasnt met her close friend Amy. Therefore Ben is one degree away from Amy. As the chain continues Amys uncle Mark is two degrees. John Carter is three degrees and his father is

39、four degrees. Dr. King is five degrees away from Ben. The theory says that there are no more than six degrees of separation between any two people in the world. The small-world theory has a lot to do with math. The theory assumes (假定) that each person knows 100 people. Each one of those 100 people k

40、nows 50 different people. Each of those 50 people knows another 50 people and so on. When someone continues the calculation(计算) to six degrees it is like this: 1005050505050 = 31.25 10 .This number is greater than 31 billion (a billion = a thousand million). There are over 6 billion people in the wo

41、rld. These numbers show it is possible that six degrees of separation could include everyone in the world.Does the small-world theory work? No one has ever proved it. Maybe the theory just invites people to think a little more about their places in the world.( ) 10. After reading the article, do you

42、 think what connects Ben to Dr. King?A. Bens mom and her friend, AmyB. the small-world theoryC. Bens schoolD. Martin Luther King Jr. Day( ) 11. Ben is four degrees away from _.A. Jimmy CarterB. John CarterC. AmyD. Mark( ) 12. What is the meaning of “degrees of separation” in Paragraph 2?A. The chain

43、 to connect people.B. The relations between people.C. The steps of knowing strangers.D. The separation between strangers.( ) 13. What is the small-world theory mainly about?A. How far Ben is away from Dr. King.B. How many people one can get to know.C. How people are connected in the world.D. How the

44、 degrees of separation are set up.第卷 (非选择题,共40分)五、单词拼写 (本大题共8分,每小题1分。)根据句意,在空格内写出单词的正确形式。1. Last Sunday I met Mrs Sun in the street, she _ (点头) to me in a friendly way.2. He never _(想象) such meaningless things. Its just a waste of time. 3. The kind of illness is _(扩散) over the whole town.4. China is

45、 a developing country with a large _(人口).5. Two _ (nine) of the students in our school suffer from stress. 6. I dont think beef is _(taste) than pork. Do you agree with me? 7. The dog waited _ (hope) beside the table for some food.8. Both of the _ (salesman) wives work in the same school.六、动词填空用括号内所

46、给动词的适当形式填空。(本大题共8分,每小题1分)1. I tried all the ways I could think of_ (make) the little boy stop crying.2. You had better _ ( not laugh ) at others because everybody makes mistakes.3. The ball _ (fly) into the river before Tom realized how to deal with it.4. The woman is very pleased because her son _

47、(sweep) the floor clean.5. No one knew how long the rainstorm _ (last). They had to wait.6. Mike works over 10 hours a day but he _ (pay) only 1000 dollars a month.7. Dont worry. You can spend enough time you want _ (prepare) for the work.8. On Earth, gravity makes anything we drop _ (fall) towards

48、the ground七、 首字母填空 先通读下面的短文,然后根据短文内容和所给首字母,在空格内填入一个适当的单词,是短文意思完整。所填单词必须在答题卡标有题号的横线上完整写出。(本大题共5分,每格0.5分)Do you have a mobile phone? Do you send text messages to your friends and family?Text messaging or “texting” is becoming very p_1. But scientists have p_2 that texting can give us problems with our

49、 h_3. Be careful! Too much texting can cause RSI (Repetitive Strain Injury) in our thumbs (大拇指) and wrists (腕关节). We spoke to a doctor called Harriet Wilson, who treats many patients with RSI. She says if we spend more than 10-15 minutes texting each time, we could have p_4 in the future.Dr. Harjet

50、Depa, who treats RSI patients, said that the y_5 patient she had treated was a 5-year-old girl. She had such bad RSI in her hands that she couldnt h_6 a pencil.As mobile phones d_7, they are getting smaller with buttons (按钮)c_8 together. Texting with a smaller phone is worse than using a larger phon

51、e with b_9 buttons. Using computers and playing video games can c_10 the same problem. So more and more people could find themselves with RSI.Many university students and teenagers have RSI. If we dont do anything about this, too many young people could grow up in terrible pain.八、完成句子按所给的汉语,用英语完成下列句

52、子。(本大题共9分,每小题1.5分)1. 我不知道加勒比海盗4是否在2012年以3D的形式拍摄的。I dont know whether the film Pirates of the Caribbean _3D in 2012.2. 和太阳系的其它行星相比,水星离太阳更近。_planet in the solar system, Mercury is closer to Sun.3. 更换电池后,这个钟开始出毛病了。 The clock _ the batteries were changed.4. 据说这种病毒再也不会对人类造成不良影响。It is said that the virus will_.5. 大卫问他妈妈压缩食品是否能储藏很长时间。David asked his mother _ for a long time or not.6. 太空睡袋被固定在墙上以防飘走。The sleeping bag is _.九、书面表达 (本大题共10分) 昨晚,一个年轻的生意人在10:00到11:00被谋杀了。在那时有人听到了喊救命的声音。受害者被刀所袭,结果失血过多而亡。一个目击者报告当时一个男子气喘吁吁并且衬衫上有血迹。他当时不安并且冷酷。此疑犯因谋杀罪正被通缉。警方已经悬赏¥10,000征询线索。请知情人拨打110联系警方。

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