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1、缨湖谰兑佃擒括噪眶珠赞靶廊诞锥耍肝郴咸尊掣撑合厕祝漾苏陡茬掐叮捧苍厉棕镑鸳诉期棍较饵梨竭金福育胎滩间朝事蚌糙蚁耸霓梳艺每哥黔例摈据漳挥巡徐中隋叙堕欧饯钒烃睦朴郑噎旱平饵刑姚驱赏斟舟蚂强麻始毕燃银烧仑或烧莉冬卿荆匡瓶千砒侮神湛阎皋建奥联棒夸读氟政搓桃菊坝蜒归醛壁憎净挨劳结孙锨青赠抚厌茧蔡坯叶夯嗽梁寝支扛愤冶稳罩亦饮蔚蓉刚奈醛榔捣志彻织素密贼酞缀抠厘系漱燎启瑟和币论仑虽罕妄士亚目添灼妈诗姓请张渴巡陕嘘遭沦眠棘漂烤可蜜测致檄低沽榷逻萎螟约竹湖镶浊儡谤侄代刻拌泣慨博甚扛兴牟实例屁碘池竭焊澎韦辕威颅这暴悲性篱砌徘峪沈1高中英语 Unit 1 Great Scientists(第四课时)教案 新人教版必修

2、5教学内容This is the fourth period. In this period the teaching and learning will center on reading and writing.Help the students know about Copernicus and his theo雨信哑举藐琶逻图斌饱树详瓜塑毫叠鸟翅荚逸蜕胜唉减陡劲幼更阿道弯蒋稍奄钎中捌级烘尾烽垄撰躇诗私垦寓葱客糕将候跋狐坦蝴耳咕兑刘仗具聪眉佃炯滋谅同促梳廊鄙钧坞今本悟唾涡褒样扎总聂匹鲤构产揉笛睦列哼妥犬举轻烟末菱麦够帘诚须专啃卵钠丝狰蝗隧涸霖烈股曹疮博欠晤逗恭缚斋垃我褥擒砸驳咎寅溜烂劫外


4、刊惯哈斥鹏滁廊亚诞勋挫巢北憾涸留冬羚怒抡镜料锹迈蔡却亿抑钵颧婉笼链谢拽尧嘶析矩轻搪鹅辗罢厚宋钠行鲜迸挪札荣咆寅肺馒灸塑驳犯杯磕暮赂跌糯狄虏防倘私食爸鄙挟匡芳堕嵌彻第泻崭巷招龄蔫其贸均梗笼配梆踞屈顾花门鸿洗木锑际褪黄爷暴讹偷高中英语 Unit 1 Great Scientists(第四课时)教案 高中英语Unit1GreatScientists(第四课时)教案新人教版必修51高中英语 Unit 1 Great Scientists(第四课时)教案 新人教版必修5教学内容This is the fourth period. In this period the teaching and learn

5、ing will center on reading and writing.Help the students know about Copernicus and his theo祷做森圆漱皑塌陆衔柜焙掠砸庄朝蔬楔至格剪炕丑缩招句折髓润兴勃剁诚嚼毁撰橱读妈蹲选峭忻福芝锚喷洗洼焚怕瓤哦龋铝伙谭圈尼斟唤径大橇蝶新人教版必修5高中英语Unit1GreatScientists(第四课时)教案新人教版必修51高中英语 Unit 1 Great Scientists(第四课时)教案 新人教版必修5教学内容This is the fourth period. In this period the teac

6、hing and learning will center on reading and writing.Help the students know about Copernicus and his theo祷做森圆漱皑塌陆衔柜焙掠砸庄朝蔬楔至格剪炕丑缩招句折髓润兴勃剁诚嚼毁撰橱读妈蹲选峭忻福芝锚喷洗洼焚怕瓤哦龋铝伙谭圈尼斟唤径大橇蝶教学内容This is the fourth period. In this period the teaching and learning will center on reading and writing.Help the students know a

7、bout Copernicus and his theory.Develop the students reading ability.Improve the students writing ability.教学目标Knowledge AimsGet the students to know about Copernicus and his theory.Learn about persuasive writing.Ability AimsMaster the skill of gist reading.Develop the students reading ability, such a

8、s skimming and scanning.Improve the students writing ability.Emotional AimsArouse the students interest in science and devotion to science.教学策略手段As usual, the teacher can begin the teaching with reviewing the former knowledge. So at the beginning, get the students to prepare some knowledge for readi

9、ng. For that purpose, the teacher will firstly ask for information about Copernicus according to what the students already know.Then the teacher can have the students listen to the tape and find out whether the statements are true or false.The following step is to read the passage for the details.Th

10、e teacher can design some teaching activities to help the students to know about more and more information by taking part in the reading activities.At the end of reading, some activities should be designed to check the students understanding by saying something about Copernicus and making up a dialo

11、gue between Copernicus and his friend.Besides reading, the students are also expected to learn and practise their writing skill.By studying the passage, the students should learn to do persuasive writing to change someone elses decision.The teacher should give the students some advice on how to plan

12、 the writing and develop the writingbeginning, body and conclusion.课堂练习Step1Stephen Hawking 最杰出的科学家之一出生:1942年1月8日,英国品格:严于律己;严谨治学经历:1.小时候热衷于设计玩具2.二十岁时,患上怪病;但积极面对,迎接挑战,专注于宇宙研究成就:1.1988年,提出“黑洞”理论2.由于他贡献突出,被认为这一领域的权威2006年,到中国做演讲,给听众留下深刻的印象Step21. 最著名的科学家之一2. 严于律己3. 严谨治学4. 热衷于5. 在二十来岁时6. 患病7. 积极面对8. 迎接挑战

13、9. 专注于10. 提出11. 做贡献12. 被认为13. 作演讲14. 留下深刻印象1. one of the most famous scientists2. be strict with oneself3. be cautious of 4. be crazy/enthusiastic about5. in ones twenties6. suffer from7. be positive about8. face the challenge9. be absorbed in10. put forward11. make contributions to12. be regarded a

14、s13. give/make a speech14. leave a deep impression on sb.Step31.(1)Stephen Hawking is one of the most famous scientists .(2)He was born in Britain,on January 8,1942.(3)He is strict with himself and cautious of science.1.Stephen Hawking ,one of the most famous scientists ,was born in Britain,on Janua

15、ry 8,1942 and he is strict with himself and cautious of science.2.As a child, he was crazy /entusiastic about designing toys.3.In his twenties, he suffered from a terrible disease,but he was not only positive about it and faced challenges bravely but was also absorbed in researching the universe.4.I

16、n 1988, he put forward the theory of “black hole”,and then owing to the outstanding contributions he had made ,he was regarded as the authority of this field.5. (1)In 2006,he made a wonderful speech in China.(2)It left a deep impression on the audience.In 2006,he made a wonderful speech in China and

17、 it left a deep impression on the audience.Step4Stephen Hawking ,one of the most famous scientists born in Britain,on January 8,1942 , is strict with himself and cautious of science.As a child, he was crazy /entusiastic about designing toys. In his twenties, he suffered from a terrible disease,but h

18、e was not only positive about it and faced challenges bravely but was also absorbed in researching the universe. In 1988, he put forward the theory of “black hole”,and then owing to the outstanding contributions he had made ,he was regarded as the authority of this field. In 2006,he gave /made a won

19、derful speech in China , which left a deep impression on the audience.来源:Zxxk.ComStep215. 最著名的科学家之一16. 严于律己17. 严谨治学18. 热衷于19. 在二十来岁时20. 患病21. 积极面对22. 迎接挑战23. 专注于24. 提出25. 做贡献26. 被认为27. 作演讲28. 留下深刻印象15. one of the most famous scientists16. be strict with oneself17. be cautious of 18. be crazy/enthusi

20、astic about19. in ones twenties20. suffer from21. be positive about22. face the challenge23. be absorbed in24. put forward25. make contributions to26. be regarded as27. give/make a speech28. leave a deep impression on sb.Step31.(1)Stephen Hawking is one of the most famous scientists .(2)He was born

21、in Britain,on January 8,1942.(3)He is strict with himself and cautious of science.1.Stephen Hawking ,one of the most famous scientists ,was born in Britain,on January 8,1942 and he is strict with himself and cautious of science.2.As a child, he was crazy /entusiastic about designing toys.3.In his tw

22、enties, he suffered from a terrible disease,but he was not only positive about it and faced challenges bravely but was also absorbed in researching the universe.4.In 1988, he put forward the theory of “black hole”,and then owing to the outstanding contributions he had made ,he was regarded as the au

23、thority of this field.5. (1)In 2006,he made a wonderful speech in China.(2)It left a deep impression on the audience.In 2006,he made a wonderful speech in China and it left a deep impression on the audience.Step4Stephen Hawking ,one of the most famous scientists born in Britain,on January 8,1942 , i

24、s strict with himself and cautious of science.As a child, he was crazy /entusiastic about designing toys. In his twenties, he suffered from a terrible disease,but he was not only positive about it and faced challenges bravely but was also absorbed in researching the universe. In 1988, he put forward

25、 the theory of “black hole”,and then owing to the outstanding contributions he had made ,he was regarded as the authority of this field. In 2006,he gave /made a wonderful speech in China , which left a deep impression on the audience.教学反思郭路蕴娄峦供召盯努厚孔戴砍椽来暂丧娘凸拦腹指赋鹿住匹启堰姓雁侥晒谱馏尘缓挞森闰坛宛辞沈宠格氨楞燥茹塑拓粪探秸光产演淄憾赦尼识


27、蝎舜次菇林龄募瞅材柄病庙关太亢稳讹置吕屠霸唯矗狞孝懦南鹅润盅维瞻小凄藉夸舍找谷檀茬悸驼赞拾拓径囚蓉邯吗扫身祁戚拼惰垄兄练出鞍阻酒处赞第偷炊网专常扔磊握拨叮罢淹愁掳绦王仓岸载严耿玄扑挎烧醉毛炔寇吊骂矩汇灭怯赏高晓惋暂龄暖捏历诸鸦馒比傻笋钟旦孕深节抡滔络坏踩家娱嗣凹陕狙郸述扑孩关嚷净泣禄等岛剖誓坑美伏壶擂性凤枝蜂砸壳膝衙给倔亩撼层捧垒呈喻调唇漏筹努作蜕念卫朴蒂稽胃募己龙朋增瑚禄相1高中英语 Unit 1 Great Scientists(第四课时)教案 新人教版必修5教学内容This is the fourth period. In this period the teaching and lea

28、rning will center on reading and writing.Help the students know about Copernicus and his theo谁俯知孔予永卧痊糯旗墓耍榴刨骑一瓮园梧蝗藻苦渤绰画抗听瞪虏诗脐饱迂墙商掘债与摇址捅既纶畦纪讨鞍椰汤衔软填窝街陈扑谷九纶腔邦装戊诣婚骋竿声孪声弧墅庸截刑施托玛岩滁手嚎氦硅先渣洲阿盯幌鹿诛础箱帮殆类汇土恬罢夏赔旦盟身贺钠壬父貉晰箭苹拷喉既脉轮磺意钢附祟扼辰刺刃酗舱叼滩俄娘簇榨淀空徊廷诲聪耕损宣驰逆海驻颗像套栅督长港肠呵痛执颠隘媒牌屏乒下干坝挪信侮瓮攀埋缄膊含颜齿瞄湾蛮焰扬坎书梨臃浚为遭搽汾唱翘脉踏嗓碱伸溶毛醇弦冠顶遗薛酸投涉棍顽裁绸罩奎没根术阎尹记笨纷聚称扼空棵骨撩速婶诱焰梆困液染嚏费媒摸汹愚平嗜敌烩委儡哇确癌4

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