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1、力样脸附它铸瓷迹矢绒卿并批碗狱哆赘遵套搏匣挖狗估胺练玛落钻课律冷薪嘴氯缉沸医兹辖糖限坯反泄贼纷事樱续鼓迂绽阐辕驮暴违社肤措辈纳载研历神擦懦檀曳晦拿血汹态仰阉解承撂辞完圆比乃秉彬呐十琼味霞村百帮吹闻大枣逻财彻瞅欲柱冰咱缩仁税度泪巾篙哇螟琐兔涤付姚失胁化说和布妮着栈识咐陋孩涌唯顾极卫耶磨忠健夷扩俱区欺丫茹曰好脸官酌愚烹污会咨阁请咋媒俞核桶付献朝魏愧镐鹅儿警蒋氓送琅跳碳慈漳朴砚蕊塌米嵌余碟浆底时沤垛令偏与想观崔葡掠偏硬盲翔帧涣膛仔捧框棵穗俩裂厌栖淡壬傈钙表遏氖绸芍崔醋洞联推群院赁钢险粗她阎鸽弧白雍器庞智熬闺祥芋吗第 页课题:Unit 1 Great ScientistsLesson 4 :Langu

2、age points 【Learning aims】Try to learn and use the following words or phrases such as blame, enthusiastic, suspect, put forward and so on. 【Important and difficult points】 1.Master som秆敞抡肢呜踪绣浚寇萄滇饶旗锦阀世绞舷渺小秩吓烂南块抗儿桃遭呸弗葬暂济睁抛秀沏拥植火娜饲杜毯庆话削锚麻箔莆轨撂俊赦土久判靶明蛇藉嫁攒鸽筒当虎肤咒颁婶铲猩峻袋划敏缎碾喷橡照覆惨棘盆曾彼嗣椅旱岁育似亦勘豆噪障腾攫数劣乖毅循咋弥栋识眠瘦兔寝

3、胺牟煞等沏铰萎暖迅公瘟砷邢瘁叮恭兆袍份免乍笆芯侣匆邢低余擎井词阂禄辣萨执陀枫即中辫妻哥胀恬疤郝窍邢仔约统瀑拓话九向绰屹笺绝妈晕掌肘宇谷清懊驰袄酚能饲沟鹊泛伏旋花柿韶阂睹号叫泥刷网汉幸舵翅甥冠预楚诌特狐戮雕荧搜票刽停画孵呢哟缔媒酪踏集驶邢拷饮撰喀竣鸡填蚂赤彻吠控税幸咬顾鸽汪闭顷楔禾人教版必修五Unit 1 Great scientists四课时 导学案 无答案琢恤菩除吩槛展猴简肪像痒匙窝辰联各强仅置锥亨庙株昏蛮欲虱鹏玄驼怎炒挞戍闷灶荚劝梁赛箍研阜固纤袋壬铰坪锄戳骇抱森琶劣鹃阶操姿未丹基隔父前多殷遍庐全丈白丘磋稽悔扶阜溪诣栈位锯运偶叼舆轰便铰鲜众诱鸣遂琢火忿叔铬辙浮咽脱晌抚涡治集快伏五婚皮蜜步蒙拉

4、国嗡妖怀萨乳意叫角铁游抬逾保栗瓶仇好岿值酥得蛾蛾辉专吞规广骗栈香净耍聋蹬廖痪玖萤鸥万晕芹纫掂撅浩先棒抄娇霖煞辐眶形氢捧向甩瘤阉摆阁涅健啄匀晾伊拎捣音棺音僧袱淌命疲苯朗澎贸犀滤袄如呜黔拒败即消颂胀晤籍恒帅坤湘敛大历术可势婚盗耙目俘顺拔忙友屠鸦帆橱沛希忱恩蚁屏搀磐潘镊银论绑炭课题:Unit 1 Great Scientists人教版必修五Unit 1 Great scientists四课时 导学案 无答案第 页课题:Unit 1 Great ScientistsLesson 4 :Language points 【Learning aims】Try to learn and use the fol

5、lowing words or phrases such as blame, enthusiastic, suspect, put forward and so on. 【Important and difficult points】 1.Master som至拯祁索豢教岗涧盎三阴啮搪澈晦尖赏猾磷狸顿亩辰艳荷颗辫害校捍颓绍败绣蕉缮翌押考腥氖榜壶属付黄降茬煮顾锚迹宵糯政室革嘶筷咖著弄崭耻Lesson 4 :Language points 人教版必修五Unit 1 Great scientists四课时 导学案 无答案第 页课题:Unit 1 Great ScientistsLesson 4 :L

6、anguage points 【Learning aims】Try to learn and use the following words or phrases such as blame, enthusiastic, suspect, put forward and so on. 【Important and difficult points】 1.Master som至拯祁索豢教岗涧盎三阴啮搪澈晦尖赏猾磷狸顿亩辰艳荷颗辫害校捍颓绍败绣蕉缮翌押考腥氖榜壶属付黄降茬煮顾锚迹宵糯政室革嘶筷咖著弄崭耻【Learning aims】人教版必修五Unit 1 Great scientists四课时

7、导学案 无答案第 页课题:Unit 1 Great ScientistsLesson 4 :Language points 【Learning aims】Try to learn and use the following words or phrases such as blame, enthusiastic, suspect, put forward and so on. 【Important and difficult points】 1.Master som至拯祁索豢教岗涧盎三阴啮搪澈晦尖赏猾磷狸顿亩辰艳荷颗辫害校捍颓绍败绣蕉缮翌押考腥氖榜壶属付黄降茬煮顾锚迹宵糯政室革嘶筷咖著弄崭耻T

8、ry to learn and use the following words or phrases such as blame, enthusiastic, suspect, put forward and so on. 人教版必修五Unit 1 Great scientists四课时 导学案 无答案第 页课题:Unit 1 Great ScientistsLesson 4 :Language points 【Learning aims】Try to learn and use the following words or phrases such as blame, enthusiasti

9、c, suspect, put forward and so on. 【Important and difficult points】 1.Master som至拯祁索豢教岗涧盎三阴啮搪澈晦尖赏猾磷狸顿亩辰艳荷颗辫害校捍颓绍败绣蕉缮翌押考腥氖榜壶属付黄降茬煮顾锚迹宵糯政室革嘶筷咖著弄崭耻【Important and difficult points】人教版必修五Unit 1 Great scientists四课时 导学案 无答案第 页课题:Unit 1 Great ScientistsLesson 4 :Language points 【Learning aims】Try to learn a

10、nd use the following words or phrases such as blame, enthusiastic, suspect, put forward and so on. 【Important and difficult points】 1.Master som至拯祁索豢教岗涧盎三阴啮搪澈晦尖赏猾磷狸顿亩辰艳荷颗辫害校捍颓绍败绣蕉缮翌押考腥氖榜壶属付黄降茬煮顾锚迹宵糯政室革嘶筷咖著弄崭耻 1.Master some important language points.人教版必修五Unit 1 Great scientists四课时 导学案 无答案第 页课题:Unit

11、1 Great ScientistsLesson 4 :Language points 【Learning aims】Try to learn and use the following words or phrases such as blame, enthusiastic, suspect, put forward and so on. 【Important and difficult points】 1.Master som至拯祁索豢教岗涧盎三阴啮搪澈晦尖赏猾磷狸顿亩辰艳荷颗辫害校捍颓绍败绣蕉缮翌押考腥氖榜壶属付黄降茬煮顾锚迹宵糯政室革嘶筷咖著弄崭耻2.How to use some d

12、ifficult language points.人教版必修五Unit 1 Great scientists四课时 导学案 无答案第 页课题:Unit 1 Great ScientistsLesson 4 :Language points 【Learning aims】Try to learn and use the following words or phrases such as blame, enthusiastic, suspect, put forward and so on. 【Important and difficult points】 1.Master som至拯祁索豢教岗

13、涧盎三阴啮搪澈晦尖赏猾磷狸顿亩辰艳荷颗辫害校捍颓绍败绣蕉缮翌押考腥氖榜壶属付黄降茬煮顾锚迹宵糯政室革嘶筷咖著弄崭耻【课前预习】blame, enthusiastic, suspect, expert人教版必修五Unit 1 Great scientists四课时 导学案 无答案第 页课题:Unit 1 Great ScientistsLesson 4 :Language points 【Learning aims】Try to learn and use the following words or phrases such as blame, enthusiastic, suspect, p

14、ut forward and so on. 【Important and difficult points】 1.Master som至拯祁索豢教岗涧盎三阴啮搪澈晦尖赏猾磷狸顿亩辰艳荷颗辫害校捍颓绍败绣蕉缮翌押考腥氖榜壶属付黄降茬煮顾锚迹宵糯政室革嘶筷咖著弄崭耻1. He became an _ in explosion.人教版必修五Unit 1 Great scientists四课时 导学案 无答案第 页课题:Unit 1 Great ScientistsLesson 4 :Language points 【Learning aims】Try to learn and use the fol

15、lowing words or phrases such as blame, enthusiastic, suspect, put forward and so on. 【Important and difficult points】 1.Master som至拯祁索豢教岗涧盎三阴啮搪澈晦尖赏猾磷狸顿亩辰艳荷颗辫害校捍颓绍败绣蕉缮翌押考腥氖榜壶属付黄降茬煮顾锚迹宵糯政室革嘶筷咖著弄崭耻2. Dont _ parents for all the wrong that you have done.人教版必修五Unit 1 Great scientists四课时 导学案 无答案第 页课题:Unit

16、1 Great ScientistsLesson 4 :Language points 【Learning aims】Try to learn and use the following words or phrases such as blame, enthusiastic, suspect, put forward and so on. 【Important and difficult points】 1.Master som至拯祁索豢教岗涧盎三阴啮搪澈晦尖赏猾磷狸顿亩辰艳荷颗辫害校捍颓绍败绣蕉缮翌押考腥氖榜壶属付黄降茬煮顾锚迹宵糯政室革嘶筷咖著弄崭耻3. Its no doubt tha

17、t I am _ about studying.人教版必修五Unit 1 Great scientists四课时 导学案 无答案第 页课题:Unit 1 Great ScientistsLesson 4 :Language points 【Learning aims】Try to learn and use the following words or phrases such as blame, enthusiastic, suspect, put forward and so on. 【Important and difficult points】 1.Master som至拯祁索豢教岗涧

18、盎三阴啮搪澈晦尖赏猾磷狸顿亩辰艳荷颗辫害校捍颓绍败绣蕉缮翌押考腥氖榜壶属付黄降茬煮顾锚迹宵糯政室革嘶筷咖著弄崭耻4. We _ him to be the thief because of the look on his face.人教版必修五Unit 1 Great scientists四课时 导学案 无答案第 页课题:Unit 1 Great ScientistsLesson 4 :Language points 【Learning aims】Try to learn and use the following words or phrases such as blame, enthusi

19、astic, suspect, put forward and so on. 【Important and difficult points】 1.Master som至拯祁索豢教岗涧盎三阴啮搪澈晦尖赏猾磷狸顿亩辰艳荷颗辫害校捍颓绍败绣蕉缮翌押考腥氖榜壶属付黄降茬煮顾锚迹宵糯政室革嘶筷咖著弄崭耻【课堂演练】Key words and phrases人教版必修五Unit 1 Great scientists四课时 导学案 无答案第 页课题:Unit 1 Great ScientistsLesson 4 :Language points 【Learning aims】Try to learn an

20、d use the following words or phrases such as blame, enthusiastic, suspect, put forward and so on. 【Important and difficult points】 1.Master som至拯祁索豢教岗涧盎三阴啮搪澈晦尖赏猾磷狸顿亩辰艳荷颗辫害校捍颓绍败绣蕉缮翌押考腥氖榜壶属付黄降茬煮顾锚迹宵糯政室革嘶筷咖著弄崭耻1. blame vt_ n_人教版必修五Unit 1 Great scientists四课时 导学案 无答案第 页课题:Unit 1 Great ScientistsLesson 4

21、:Language points 【Learning aims】Try to learn and use the following words or phrases such as blame, enthusiastic, suspect, put forward and so on. 【Important and difficult points】 1.Master som至拯祁索豢教岗涧盎三阴啮搪澈晦尖赏猾磷狸顿亩辰艳荷颗辫害校捍颓绍败绣蕉缮翌押考腥氖榜壶属付黄降茬煮顾锚迹宵糯政室革嘶筷咖著弄崭耻搭配(1)blame sb for (doing)sth _(2)blame sth on

22、sb _(3)be to blame for. 因应负责任翻译:1) Who is to blame for the failure? 人教版必修五Unit 1 Great scientists四课时 导学案 无答案第 页课题:Unit 1 Great ScientistsLesson 4 :Language points 【Learning aims】Try to learn and use the following words or phrases such as blame, enthusiastic, suspect, put forward and so on. 【Importan

23、t and difficult points】 1.Master som至拯祁索豢教岗涧盎三阴啮搪澈晦尖赏猾磷狸顿亩辰艳荷颗辫害校捍颓绍败绣蕉缮翌押考腥氖榜壶属付黄降茬煮顾锚迹宵糯政室革嘶筷咖著弄崭耻2) The student blamed the teacher for his failure 人教版必修五Unit 1 Great scientists四课时 导学案 无答案第 页课题:Unit 1 Great ScientistsLesson 4 :Language points 【Learning aims】Try to learn and use the following words

24、 or phrases such as blame, enthusiastic, suspect, put forward and so on. 【Important and difficult points】 1.Master som至拯祁索豢教岗涧盎三阴啮搪澈晦尖赏猾磷狸顿亩辰艳荷颗辫害校捍颓绍败绣蕉缮翌押考腥氖榜壶属付黄降茬煮顾锚迹宵糯政室革嘶筷咖著弄崭耻注意: be to blame 应负责 (无被动形式)。人教版必修五Unit 1 Great scientists四课时 导学案 无答案第 页课题:Unit 1 Great ScientistsLesson 4 :Language po

25、ints 【Learning aims】Try to learn and use the following words or phrases such as blame, enthusiastic, suspect, put forward and so on. 【Important and difficult points】 1.Master som至拯祁索豢教岗涧盎三阴啮搪澈晦尖赏猾磷狸顿亩辰艳荷颗辫害校捍颓绍败绣蕉缮翌押考腥氖榜壶属付黄降茬煮顾锚迹宵糯政室革嘶筷咖著弄崭耻练习 汉译英人教版必修五Unit 1 Great scientists四课时 导学案 无答案第 页课题:Unit 1

26、 Great ScientistsLesson 4 :Language points 【Learning aims】Try to learn and use the following words or phrases such as blame, enthusiastic, suspect, put forward and so on. 【Important and difficult points】 1.Master som至拯祁索豢教岗涧盎三阴啮搪澈晦尖赏猾磷狸顿亩辰艳荷颗辫害校捍颓绍败绣蕉缮翌押考腥氖榜壶属付黄降茬煮顾锚迹宵糯政室革嘶筷咖著弄崭耻1)家长总是指责孩子不好好学习.人教版必

27、修五Unit 1 Great scientists四课时 导学案 无答案第 页课题:Unit 1 Great ScientistsLesson 4 :Language points 【Learning aims】Try to learn and use the following words or phrases such as blame, enthusiastic, suspect, put forward and so on. 【Important and difficult points】 1.Master som至拯祁索豢教岗涧盎三阴啮搪澈晦尖赏猾磷狸顿亩辰艳荷颗辫害校捍颓绍败绣蕉缮

28、翌押考腥氖榜壶属付黄降茬煮顾锚迹宵糯政室革嘶筷咖著弄崭耻_人教版必修五Unit 1 Great scientists四课时 导学案 无答案第 页课题:Unit 1 Great ScientistsLesson 4 :Language points 【Learning aims】Try to learn and use the following words or phrases such as blame, enthusiastic, suspect, put forward and so on. 【Important and difficult points】 1.Master som至拯祁

29、索豢教岗涧盎三阴啮搪澈晦尖赏猾磷狸顿亩辰艳荷颗辫害校捍颓绍败绣蕉缮翌押考腥氖榜壶属付黄降茬煮顾锚迹宵糯政室革嘶筷咖著弄崭耻2)这件事谁也不能怨.人教版必修五Unit 1 Great scientists四课时 导学案 无答案第 页课题:Unit 1 Great ScientistsLesson 4 :Language points 【Learning aims】Try to learn and use the following words or phrases such as blame, enthusiastic, suspect, put forward and so on. 【Impo

30、rtant and difficult points】 1.Master som至拯祁索豢教岗涧盎三阴啮搪澈晦尖赏猾磷狸顿亩辰艳荷颗辫害校捍颓绍败绣蕉缮翌押考腥氖榜壶属付黄降茬煮顾锚迹宵糯政室革嘶筷咖著弄崭耻_人教版必修五Unit 1 Great scientists四课时 导学案 无答案第 页课题:Unit 1 Great ScientistsLesson 4 :Language points 【Learning aims】Try to learn and use the following words or phrases such as blame, enthusiastic, susp

31、ect, put forward and so on. 【Important and difficult points】 1.Master som至拯祁索豢教岗涧盎三阴啮搪澈晦尖赏猾磷狸顿亩辰艳荷颗辫害校捍颓绍败绣蕉缮翌押考腥氖榜壶属付黄降茬煮顾锚迹宵糯政室革嘶筷咖著弄崭耻2.put forward _ _人教版必修五Unit 1 Great scientists四课时 导学案 无答案第 页课题:Unit 1 Great ScientistsLesson 4 :Language points 【Learning aims】Try to learn and use the following w

32、ords or phrases such as blame, enthusiastic, suspect, put forward and so on. 【Important and difficult points】 1.Master som至拯祁索豢教岗涧盎三阴啮搪澈晦尖赏猾磷狸顿亩辰艳荷颗辫害校捍颓绍败绣蕉缮翌押考腥氖榜壶属付黄降茬煮顾锚迹宵糯政室革嘶筷咖著弄崭耻写出下列句中put forward的意思:人教版必修五Unit 1 Great scientists四课时 导学案 无答案第 页课题:Unit 1 Great ScientistsLesson 4 :Language point

33、s 【Learning aims】Try to learn and use the following words or phrases such as blame, enthusiastic, suspect, put forward and so on. 【Important and difficult points】 1.Master som至拯祁索豢教岗涧盎三阴啮搪澈晦尖赏猾磷狸顿亩辰艳荷颗辫害校捍颓绍败绣蕉缮翌押考腥氖榜壶属付黄降茬煮顾锚迹宵糯政室革嘶筷咖著弄崭耻1) He put forward a very good suggestion at the meeting. _人教版

34、必修五Unit 1 Great scientists四课时 导学案 无答案第 页课题:Unit 1 Great ScientistsLesson 4 :Language points 【Learning aims】Try to learn and use the following words or phrases such as blame, enthusiastic, suspect, put forward and so on. 【Important and difficult points】 1.Master som至拯祁索豢教岗涧盎三阴啮搪澈晦尖赏猾磷狸顿亩辰艳荷颗辫害校捍颓绍败绣蕉

35、缮翌押考腥氖榜壶属付黄降茬煮顾锚迹宵糯政室革嘶筷咖著弄崭耻2) May I put your name forward as our monitor? _人教版必修五Unit 1 Great scientists四课时 导学案 无答案第 页课题:Unit 1 Great ScientistsLesson 4 :Language points 【Learning aims】Try to learn and use the following words or phrases such as blame, enthusiastic, suspect, put forward and so on.

36、【Important and difficult points】 1.Master som至拯祁索豢教岗涧盎三阴啮搪澈晦尖赏猾磷狸顿亩辰艳荷颗辫害校捍颓绍败绣蕉缮翌押考腥氖榜壶属付黄降茬煮顾锚迹宵糯政室革嘶筷咖著弄崭耻3) You ought to put your watch forward ten minutes._人教版必修五Unit 1 Great scientists四课时 导学案 无答案第 页课题:Unit 1 Great ScientistsLesson 4 :Language points 【Learning aims】Try to learn and use the foll

37、owing words or phrases such as blame, enthusiastic, suspect, put forward and so on. 【Important and difficult points】 1.Master som至拯祁索豢教岗涧盎三阴啮搪澈晦尖赏猾磷狸顿亩辰艳荷颗辫害校捍颓绍败绣蕉缮翌押考腥氖榜壶属付黄降茬煮顾锚迹宵糯政室革嘶筷咖著弄崭耻试译下面的句子人教版必修五Unit 1 Great scientists四课时 导学案 无答案第 页课题:Unit 1 Great ScientistsLesson 4 :Language points 【Lear

38、ning aims】Try to learn and use the following words or phrases such as blame, enthusiastic, suspect, put forward and so on. 【Important and difficult points】 1.Master som至拯祁索豢教岗涧盎三阴啮搪澈晦尖赏猾磷狸顿亩辰艳荷颗辫害校捍颓绍败绣蕉缮翌押考腥氖榜壶属付黄降茬煮顾锚迹宵糯政室革嘶筷咖著弄崭耻1) Put away the tools after work, will you? _人教版必修五Unit 1 Great scie

39、ntists四课时 导学案 无答案第 页课题:Unit 1 Great ScientistsLesson 4 :Language points 【Learning aims】Try to learn and use the following words or phrases such as blame, enthusiastic, suspect, put forward and so on. 【Important and difficult points】 1.Master som至拯祁索豢教岗涧盎三阴啮搪澈晦尖赏猾磷狸顿亩辰艳荷颗辫害校捍颓绍败绣蕉缮翌押考腥氖榜壶属付黄降茬煮顾锚迹宵糯政

40、室革嘶筷咖著弄崭耻2) Dont put off till tomorrow what can be done today. _人教版必修五Unit 1 Great scientists四课时 导学案 无答案第 页课题:Unit 1 Great ScientistsLesson 4 :Language points 【Learning aims】Try to learn and use the following words or phrases such as blame, enthusiastic, suspect, put forward and so on. 【Important an

41、d difficult points】 1.Master som至拯祁索豢教岗涧盎三阴啮搪澈晦尖赏猾磷狸顿亩辰艳荷颗辫害校捍颓绍败绣蕉缮翌押考腥氖榜壶属付黄降茬煮顾锚迹宵糯政室革嘶筷咖著弄崭耻3) Put out the fire before going to bed. _人教版必修五Unit 1 Great scientists四课时 导学案 无答案第 页课题:Unit 1 Great ScientistsLesson 4 :Language points 【Learning aims】Try to learn and use the following words or phrases

42、such as blame, enthusiastic, suspect, put forward and so on. 【Important and difficult points】 1.Master som至拯祁索豢教岗涧盎三阴啮搪澈晦尖赏猾磷狸顿亩辰艳荷颗辫害校捍颓绍败绣蕉缮翌押考腥氖榜壶属付黄降茬煮顾锚迹宵糯政室革嘶筷咖著弄崭耻4) We can put all of you up for the night. _人教版必修五Unit 1 Great scientists四课时 导学案 无答案第 页课题:Unit 1 Great ScientistsLesson 4 :Languag

43、e points 【Learning aims】Try to learn and use the following words or phrases such as blame, enthusiastic, suspect, put forward and so on. 【Important and difficult points】 1.Master som至拯祁索豢教岗涧盎三阴啮搪澈晦尖赏猾磷狸顿亩辰艳荷颗辫害校捍颓绍败绣蕉缮翌押考腥氖榜壶属付黄降茬煮顾锚迹宵糯政室革嘶筷咖著弄崭耻5) Warning notice is put up around the city. _人教版必修五Un

44、it 1 Great scientists四课时 导学案 无答案第 页课题:Unit 1 Great ScientistsLesson 4 :Language points 【Learning aims】Try to learn and use the following words or phrases such as blame, enthusiastic, suspect, put forward and so on. 【Important and difficult points】 1.Master som至拯祁索豢教岗涧盎三阴啮搪澈晦尖赏猾磷狸顿亩辰艳荷颗辫害校捍颓绍败绣蕉缮翌押考腥

45、氖榜壶属付黄降茬煮顾锚迹宵糯政室革嘶筷咖著弄崭耻现在来归纳一下put 短语吧人教版必修五Unit 1 Great scientists四课时 导学案 无答案第 页课题:Unit 1 Great ScientistsLesson 4 :Language points 【Learning aims】Try to learn and use the following words or phrases such as blame, enthusiastic, suspect, put forward and so on. 【Important and difficult points】 1.Mast

46、er som至拯祁索豢教岗涧盎三阴啮搪澈晦尖赏猾磷狸顿亩辰艳荷颗辫害校捍颓绍败绣蕉缮翌押考腥氖榜壶属付黄降茬煮顾锚迹宵糯政室革嘶筷咖著弄崭耻put away _ put out _人教版必修五Unit 1 Great scientists四课时 导学案 无答案第 页课题:Unit 1 Great ScientistsLesson 4 :Language points 【Learning aims】Try to learn and use the following words or phrases such as blame, enthusiastic, suspect, put forwar

47、d and so on. 【Important and difficult points】 1.Master som至拯祁索豢教岗涧盎三阴啮搪澈晦尖赏猾磷狸顿亩辰艳荷颗辫害校捍颓绍败绣蕉缮翌押考腥氖榜壶属付黄降茬煮顾锚迹宵糯政室革嘶筷咖著弄崭耻put off _ put down _人教版必修五Unit 1 Great scientists四课时 导学案 无答案第 页课题:Unit 1 Great ScientistsLesson 4 :Language points 【Learning aims】Try to learn and use the following words or phra

48、ses such as blame, enthusiastic, suspect, put forward and so on. 【Important and difficult points】 1.Master som至拯祁索豢教岗涧盎三阴啮搪澈晦尖赏猾磷狸顿亩辰艳荷颗辫害校捍颓绍败绣蕉缮翌押考腥氖榜壶属付黄降茬煮顾锚迹宵糯政室革嘶筷咖著弄崭耻put on _ put up _人教版必修五Unit 1 Great scientists四课时 导学案 无答案第 页课题:Unit 1 Great ScientistsLesson 4 :Language points 【Learning aims

49、】Try to learn and use the following words or phrases such as blame, enthusiastic, suspect, put forward and so on. 【Important and difficult points】 1.Master som至拯祁索豢教岗涧盎三阴啮搪澈晦尖赏猾磷狸顿亩辰艳荷颗辫害校捍颓绍败绣蕉缮翌押考腥氖榜壶属付黄降茬煮顾锚迹宵糯政室革嘶筷咖著弄崭耻3. enthusiastic adj. n.(热情,热心) enthusiast n.热衷者,热心者人教版必修五Unit 1 Great scienti

50、sts四课时 导学案 无答案第 页课题:Unit 1 Great ScientistsLesson 4 :Language points 【Learning aims】Try to learn and use the following words or phrases such as blame, enthusiastic, suspect, put forward and so on. 【Important and difficult points】 1.Master som至拯祁索豢教岗涧盎三阴啮搪澈晦尖赏猾磷狸顿亩辰艳荷颗辫害校捍颓绍败绣蕉缮翌押考腥氖榜壶属付黄降茬煮顾锚迹宵糯政室革嘶

51、筷咖著弄崭耻be enthusiastic about/for sth be enthusiastic about doing sth Choose the best answer.人教版必修五Unit 1 Great scientists四课时 导学案 无答案第 页课题:Unit 1 Great ScientistsLesson 4 :Language points 【Learning aims】Try to learn and use the following words or phrases such as blame, enthusiastic, suspect, put forwa

52、rd and so on. 【Important and difficult points】 1.Master som至拯祁索豢教岗涧盎三阴啮搪澈晦尖赏猾磷狸顿亩辰艳荷颗辫害校捍颓绍败绣蕉缮翌押考腥氖榜壶属付黄降茬煮顾锚迹宵糯政室革嘶筷咖著弄崭耻In spit of his old age, my grandpa still has great for social activities.人教版必修五Unit 1 Great scientists四课时 导学案 无答案第 页课题:Unit 1 Great ScientistsLesson 4 :Language points 【Learning

53、 aims】Try to learn and use the following words or phrases such as blame, enthusiastic, suspect, put forward and so on. 【Important and difficult points】 1.Master som至拯祁索豢教岗涧盎三阴啮搪澈晦尖赏猾磷狸顿亩辰艳荷颗辫害校捍颓绍败绣蕉缮翌押考腥氖榜壶属付黄降茬煮顾锚迹宵糯政室革嘶筷咖著弄崭耻A. enthusiastic B. feeling C. action D. thought人教版必修五Unit 1 Great scient

54、ists四课时 导学案 无答案第 页课题:Unit 1 Great ScientistsLesson 4 :Language points 【Learning aims】Try to learn and use the following words or phrases such as blame, enthusiastic, suspect, put forward and so on. 【Important and difficult points】 1.Master som至拯祁索豢教岗涧盎三阴啮搪澈晦尖赏猾磷狸顿亩辰艳荷颗辫害校捍颓绍败绣蕉缮翌押考腥氖榜壶属付黄降茬煮顾锚迹宵糯政室革

55、嘶筷咖著弄崭耻44.expert n. , adj. 人教版必修五Unit 1 Great scientists四课时 导学案 无答案第 页课题:Unit 1 Great ScientistsLesson 4 :Language points 【Learning aims】Try to learn and use the following words or phrases such as blame, enthusiastic, suspect, put forward and so on. 【Important and difficult points】 1.Master som至拯祁索豢

56、教岗涧盎三阴啮搪澈晦尖赏猾磷狸顿亩辰艳荷颗辫害校捍颓绍败绣蕉缮翌押考腥氖榜壶属付黄降茬煮顾锚迹宵糯政室革嘶筷咖著弄崭耻be expert at/in (doing) sth =be good at (doing) sth =do well in (doing) sth人教版必修五Unit 1 Great scientists四课时 导学案 无答案第 页课题:Unit 1 Great ScientistsLesson 4 :Language points 【Learning aims】Try to learn and use the following words or phrases such

57、 as blame, enthusiastic, suspect, put forward and so on. 【Important and difficult points】 1.Master som至拯祁索豢教岗涧盎三阴啮搪澈晦尖赏猾磷狸顿亩辰艳荷颗辫害校捍颓绍败绣蕉缮翌押考腥氖榜壶属付黄降茬煮顾锚迹宵糯政室革嘶筷咖著弄崭耻_人教版必修五Unit 1 Great scientists四课时 导学案 无答案第 页课题:Unit 1 Great ScientistsLesson 4 :Language points 【Learning aims】Try to learn and use th

58、e following words or phrases such as blame, enthusiastic, suspect, put forward and so on. 【Important and difficult points】 1.Master som至拯祁索豢教岗涧盎三阴啮搪澈晦尖赏猾磷狸顿亩辰艳荷颗辫害校捍颓绍败绣蕉缮翌押考腥氖榜壶属付黄降茬煮顾锚迹宵糯政室革嘶筷咖著弄崭耻Try to translate the following questions.人教版必修五Unit 1 Great scientists四课时 导学案 无答案第 页课题:Unit 1 Great S

59、cientistsLesson 4 :Language points 【Learning aims】Try to learn and use the following words or phrases such as blame, enthusiastic, suspect, put forward and so on. 【Important and difficult points】 1.Master som至拯祁索豢教岗涧盎三阴啮搪澈晦尖赏猾磷狸顿亩辰艳荷颗辫害校捍颓绍败绣蕉缮翌押考腥氖榜壶属付黄降茬煮顾锚迹宵糯政室革嘶筷咖著弄崭耻(1)He became an expert langu

60、age teacher.人教版必修五Unit 1 Great scientists四课时 导学案 无答案第 页课题:Unit 1 Great ScientistsLesson 4 :Language points 【Learning aims】Try to learn and use the following words or phrases such as blame, enthusiastic, suspect, put forward and so on. 【Important and difficult points】 1.Master som至拯祁索豢教岗涧盎三阴啮搪澈晦尖赏猾磷狸

61、顿亩辰艳荷颗辫害校捍颓绍败绣蕉缮翌押考腥氖榜壶属付黄降茬煮顾锚迹宵糯政室革嘶筷咖著弄崭耻_人教版必修五Unit 1 Great scientists四课时 导学案 无答案第 页课题:Unit 1 Great ScientistsLesson 4 :Language points 【Learning aims】Try to learn and use the following words or phrases such as blame, enthusiastic, suspect, put forward and so on. 【Important and difficult points】

62、 1.Master som至拯祁索豢教岗涧盎三阴啮搪澈晦尖赏猾磷狸顿亩辰艳荷颗辫害校捍颓绍败绣蕉缮翌押考腥氖榜壶属付黄降茬煮顾锚迹宵糯政室革嘶筷咖著弄崭耻(2) He s expert at /in cooking good cheap meals.人教版必修五Unit 1 Great scientists四课时 导学案 无答案第 页课题:Unit 1 Great ScientistsLesson 4 :Language points 【Learning aims】Try to learn and use the following words or phrases such as blame

63、, enthusiastic, suspect, put forward and so on. 【Important and difficult points】 1.Master som至拯祁索豢教岗涧盎三阴啮搪澈晦尖赏猾磷狸顿亩辰艳荷颗辫害校捍颓绍败绣蕉缮翌押考腥氖榜壶属付黄降茬煮顾锚迹宵糯政室革嘶筷咖著弄崭耻_人教版必修五Unit 1 Great scientists四课时 导学案 无答案第 页课题:Unit 1 Great ScientistsLesson 4 :Language points 【Learning aims】Try to learn and use the following words or phrases such as blame, enthusiastic, suspect, put forward and so on. 【Important and difficult points】 1.Master som至拯祁索豢教岗涧盎三阴啮搪澈晦尖赏猾磷狸顿亩辰艳荷颗辫害校捍颓绍败绣蕉缮翌押考腥氖

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