新课标PEP小学英语五年级下册《Unit3 My Birthday》精品教案

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1、新课标PEP小学英语五年级下册Unit3 My Birthday精品教案一Preparation: 1. Free talk师:Hello, everyone!Today,we have some little super stars (师介绍不同的羊羊代表队同时问候他们)Nice to meet you.生:Nice to meet you, too. 师:How are you? 生:I am fine,and you? 师:I am very well, thank you!2.师:What day is it today? 生: It is Tuesday.师:(well done!)

2、 What is the date today? 生:It is April 13th.师:When is your birthday? Lets sing together.教师播放三单元的歌曲:(于课件) 学生跟唱。二Presentation: 1.师:OK.Kids ,tell me your birthdays, please!When is your birthday? (板书)生:My birthday is in (板书)师:(Great!Give the prize to the student)what is the date? (板书)生:It is (板书)2.师:Is

3、your birthday in,too?生:No. 师:When is your birthday?生:My birthday is in3.师:What about you?生:My birthday is in师:what is the date? 生:Its.4. 师以部分节日展示其中几个月份。(板书)5.师生一起读出以出示的月份,找学生到黑板补充剩下的月份。三、Practice: 1.教师提供情景(于课件),让学生调查小组内成员的生日,2.完成生日调查表(由教师课前发给学生),小组内练习后做汇报。(并给予表现好的小组奖励)3.Interview the birthdays of th

4、e new teachers and their classmates.四、Production:(习题见课件)1、写出下列单词的缩写形式.(1) September: January: October: (2) first: second: third: eighth: twentieth: 2、连词成句.(1) date, is, What, the (?)(2) Who, has, birthday, a, in, October (?)(3) is,When, birthday, your, brothers (?)(4) uncles, my, in, is, July, birth

5、day (.)3、读短文判断(对的T错的F)(于课件)Hi, Im Alice. My birthday is July 5th. My brother Johns birthday is November 21st. My grandmas name is Helen. Her birthday is December 3rd. My grandpa is Mark. He was born(出生于) on September 9th. John and I like playing computer games with our uncle Bill. Bills birthday is

6、March 8th. My cat Jacks birthday is January 6th. Johns birthday is November 21st.() Bills birthday is May 8th .() Jack has a birthday in January. () There are three birthdays in Amys family()五Home work(于课件)1、 完成基础训练上的部分习题:P27 第5、6题;2、 做一个生日贺卡送给即将过生日的亲人或朋友,体现出你对他们的关心。板书设计Revision:Unit 31.When is your birthday? January My birthday is in . March 2.Whats the date? Augest1st Its in . December 25th 教学反思: 本节课围绕生日这一话题展开,复习了十二个月份及序数词,以主句型When is your birthday? Whats the date?及其答句进行练习,学生表现出极大地积极性。在这节课的设计上有许多不足。其中老师布置任务时说表现好的给予小小惊喜,但后面没有具体体现。在一定程度上完成了预设任务。

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