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1、heart and lungs or that it was more difficult for smoking couples to become pregnant. I certainly didnt know their babies may have a smaller birth weight or even be abnormal in some way. Neither did I know that my cigarette smoke could affect the health of known-smokers. However, what I did know was

2、 that my girlfriend thought I smelt terrible. She said my breath and clothes smelt, and that the ends of my fingers were turning yellow. She told me that she wouldnt go out with me again unless I stopped! I also noticed that I became breathless quickly, and that I wasnt enjoying sport as much. When

3、I was taken off the school football team because I was unfit, I knew it was time to quit smoking.I am sending you some advice I found on the Internet. It might help you to stop and strengthen your resolve. I do hope so because I want you to live as long and healthy a life as I have.Love fromGrandad

4、How can you stop smoking? It is not easy to stop smoking, but millions have managed to quit and so can you. Here are a few suggestions.Prepare yourself. Decide on a day to quit. Dont choose a day that you know is going to be stressful, such as the day of an exam. Make a list of all the benefits you

5、will get from stopping smoking. Then throw away your last packet of cigarettes.Be determined. Every time you feel like smoking a cigarette, remind yourself that you are a non-smoker. Reread the list of benefits you wrote earlier.Break the habit. Instead of smoking a cigarette, do something else. Go

6、for a walk, clean your teeth, drink some water, clean the house; in fact, do anything to keep your mind and especially your hands busy.Relax. If you start to feel nervous or stressed, do not reach for a cigarette. Try some deep breathing instead. Do some relaxation exercises every time you feel stre

7、ssed.Get help if you need it. Arrange to stop smoking with a friend so you can talk about your problems, or join a stop-smoking group. If you feel desperate, you might lie to talk to a doctor or chemist about something to help you, like nicotine chewing gum.Keep trying. Do not be disappointed if you

8、 have to try several times before you finally stop smoking. If you weaken and have a cigarette, do not feel ashamed. Just try again. You will succeed eventually. HIV/AIDS; ARE YOU AT RISK?HIV is a virus. A virus is a very small living thing that causes disease. There are many different viruses, for

9、example, the flu virus or the SARS virus. HIV weakens a persons immune system; that is, the part of the body that fights disease. You can have HIV in your blood for a long time, but eventually HIV will damage your immune system so much that your body can no longer fight disease. This stage of the il

10、lness is called AIDS. If you develop AIDS, your chances of survival are very small.HIV is spread through blood or the fluid that the body makes during sex. For a person to become infected, blood or sexual fluid that carries the virus, has to get inside the body through broken skin or by injection. O

11、ne day scientists will find a cure for HIV/AIDS. Until that happens, you need to protect yourself. Here are some things you can do to make sure you stay safe.If you inject drugs: do not share your needle with anyone else. Blood from another person can stay on or in the needle. If a person has HIV an

12、d you use the same needle, you could inject the virus into your own blood. do not share anything else that a person has used while injecting drugs. Blood could have spilt on it.If you have sex with a male or a female: use a condom. This will prevent sexual fluid passing from one person to another.Th

13、e following statements are NOT true. A person cannot get HIV the first time they have sex. WRONG. If one sexual partner has HIV, the other partner could become infected. You can tell by looking at someone whether or not they have HIV. WRONG. Many people carrying HIV look perfectly healthy. It is onl

14、y when the disease has progressed to AIDS that a person begins to look sick. Only homosexuals get AIDS. WRONG. Anyone who has sex with a person infected with HIV/AIDS risks getting the virus. Women are slightly more likely to become infected than men. If you hug, touch or kiss someone with AIDS or v

15、isit them in their home, you will get HIV/AIDS. WRONG. You can only get the disease from blood or sexual fluid. Unfortunately, people with HIV sometimes lose their friends because of prejudice. Many people are afraid that they will get HIV/AIDS from those infected with HIV/AIDS. For the same reason,

16、 some AIDS patients cannot find anyone to look after them when they are sick. You can get HIV/AIDS from mosquitoes. WRONG. There is no evidence of this.Unit 4 THE EARTH IS BECOMING WARMER- BUT DOES IT MATTER?During the 20th century the temperature of the earth rose about one degree Fahrenheit. That

17、probably does not seem much to you or me, but it is a rapid increase when compared to other natural changes. So how has this come about and does it matter? Earth Cares Sophie Armstrong explores these questions.There is no doubt that the earth is becoming warmer (see Graph 1) and that is it human act

18、ivity that has caused this global warming rather than a random but natural phenomenon.All scientists subscribe to the view that the increase in the earths temperature is due to the burning of fossil fuels like coal, natural gas and oil to produce energy. Some byproducts of this process are called “g

19、reenhouse” gases, the most important one of which is carbon dioxide. Dr Janice Foster explains: “There is a natural phenomenon that scientists call the greenhouse effect. This is when small amounts of gases in the atmosphere, like carbon dioxide, methane and water vapor, trap heat from the sun and t

20、herefore warm the earth. Without the greenhouse effect, the earth would be about thirty-three degrees Celsius cooler than it is. So, we need those gases. The problem begins when we add huge quantities of extra carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. It means that more heat energy tends to be trapped in

21、the atmosphere causing the global temperature to go up.”We know that the levels of carbon dioxide have increased greatly over the last 100 to 150 years. It was a scientist called Charles Keeling, who made accurate measurements of the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere from 1957 to 1997. He f

22、ound that between these years the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere went up from around 315 parts to around 370 parts per million (see Graph 2).All scientists accept this data. They also agree that it is the burning of more and more fossil fuels that has resulted in this increase in carbon dioxide. S

23、o how high will the temperature increase go? Dr Janice Foster says that over the next 100 years the amount of warming could be as low as 1 to 1.5 degrees Celsius, but it could be as high as 5 degrees.However, the attitudes of scientists towards this rise are completely different. On the one hand, Dr

24、 Foster thinks that the trend which increases the temperature by 5 degrees would be a catastrophe. She says, “We cant predict the climate well enough to know what to expect, but it could be very serious.” Others who agree with her think there may be a rise of several metres in the sea level, or pred

25、ict severe storms, floods, droughts, famines, the spread of diseases and the disappearance of species. On the other hand, there are those, like George Hambley, who are opposed to this view and believe that we should not worry about high levels of carbon dioxide in the air. They predict that any warm

26、ing will be mild with few bad environmental consequences. In fact, Hambley states,” More carbon dioxide is actually a positive thing. It will make plants grow quicker; crops will produce more; it will encourage a greater range of animals all of which will make life for human beings better.”Greenhous

27、e gases continue to build up in the atmosphere. Even if we start reducing the amount of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases, the climate is going to keep on warming for decades or centuries. No one knows the effects of global warming. Does that mean we should do nothing? Or, are the risks too

28、great? WHAT CAN WE DO ABOUT GLOBAL WARMING?Dear Earth Care,I am doing a project on behalf of my school about global warming. Sometimes I feel that individuals can have little effect on such huge environmental problems. However, I still think people should advocate improvements in the way we use ener

29、gy today. As Im not sure where to start with my project, I would appreciate any suggestions you may have.Thank youOuyang GuangDear Ouyang Guang,There are many people火锅店创业计划书 吃火锅是中国多数大喜爱的餐饮习惯,特别是四川的火锅发展到今天,从火锅的品种、档次、规模、制作、调配、风味等方面已经浮现出了多元化的特点,使各种从事火锅制作并供给火锅消费的企业迅速发展,也引起了从事和即将火锅产业的企业和经营者的极大的热情和兴趣。但是,如


31、更和消费的不稳固性等几慷慨面的因素。2、传统因素对火锅的影响,其中包含了火锅的历史性、广泛性、文化性、奇特征等。3、周边环境对火锅的影响,包含政策环境,如创办地的治安状态、职能部门的效率等;基础设施,如道路交通、停车地位、水电气供给、通信网络、采购道路、消费人群、金融、卫生、劳动等与经营密切相干的配套设施;措施优惠,如税务、各类收费、租金、人才引进等方面是否有优惠政策。 (二)、客源的调查分析: 1、服务对象分析: (1)、消费者的职业特点:一般学生、民工、普通工薪阶层,与高级白领阶层、公务人员,他们的消费习惯和消费档次是不同的; (2)、消费者的年纪特点:如老年人爱好清淡型,年轻人偏好味重味

32、厚型等等; (3)、消费者的性别特点:女性和男性往往在对于火锅的锅品、口味轻重、菜品类型等方面都有必定的差别; (4)、消费者的地区和民族特点:不同地区、不同民族的人们对于火锅的锅品请求千差万异,应当加以差别。 当然,由于火锅的相互渗透性、交杂性,很多火锅已经被改良、创新,合适大多数人的口味,具有共性了。但是对于消费者的分析必不可少。2、顾客消费行动分析:消费是一个综合概念,消费行动包含消费程度、消费结构、消费方法和消费习惯等。(1)、消费程度和顾客的经济遭遇能力有直接的关系,体现了顾客的支付力和这种支付力相合适的需求满足,直接表现为顾客选择火锅店的档次和类型;(2)、消费结构是顾客各种消费支

33、出的比例,其开支与职业、年纪、性别、地区民族等因素有密切接洽; (3)、消费方法有个人、家庭、商务、团体等,不同的消费方法在选择档次与品种方面各有不同; (4)、消费习惯体现在,对就餐环境、气氛、品牌、风味、经济等方面形成的习惯。 3、顾客消费特点分析: (1)、不断定性:大部分顾客是流动的,小部分是断定的,因此选址要合理。 (2)、随机性:顾客数量多、差别大,对火锅的消费具有选择性,因此要把握火锅发展动态,及时调剂口味,改良创新。 (3)、机动性:这是由成功的品牌所决定,以顾客就餐的频率和回头率为标记。 (4)、领导性:调剂经营策略、成功的广告运作等,都会对顾客的消费产生必定领导。 三、火锅

34、市场的划分: (一)、划分请求: 1、对经营品种、酒水饮料、服务程度、营业时间、交通状态等具体的方面要正确控制,用于对照自己的品牌能否进入市场; 2、具有可操作性。如果得出的市场成果与自己的人力、财力物力等不配套,难以实现经营目标,必须放弃,重新划分市场,找准地位; 3、具有稳固性。市场划分后,只要符合实际,就勇敢开辟,制定长期打算,占领市场。(二)、划分种类: 1、地理地位:火锅店的地区性对其经营有较大的影响,要充分懂得火锅地理因素。同一区域,不同的店和锅品服务于不同的消费群体;而同一店和锅品到了不同地区也会有变更。 2、人口分类:受人们的居住、文化、宗教、民族等因素的影响,对火锅的消费有差

35、别,对品种、档次、目标均有不同。不同层次的消费群,对档次、品种请求也不同。 3、顾客区分:除了考虑顾客、的职业、收入等外,还要分析其动机,是传统节俭型、经济实惠型、新潮激动型,还是豪华张扬型等,才干取得实效。 4、行动分析:将顾客分为常客、一般客人、流动散客、新客等,这与火锅店的火锅质量、服务程度、顾客的信任等有关。 四、火锅市场的定位: (一)、火锅市场定位的分析,有着不同的标准:1、按档次分:高、中、低档,或豪华店、风味店、大众店、自助店等;2、按功效分:特点火锅、快餐火锅、小火锅、滋补火锅等;3、按起源分:川味火锅、蒙古火锅、宫廷火锅、老火锅等;4、按经营分:品牌火锅、餐厅火锅、自助火锅

36、、火锅吧等。 开店前要根据这些标准,联合自身特点,选择自己的经营品种。 (二)、价格的定位,影响经营的重要因素之一,在其它条件成熟后,价格是决定因素:1、高低联合法:在开业初期,以高质量火锅、高程度服务、较低廉的价格迎接顾客。可以很快博得顾客、建立形象、打开局面,实现正常经营。2、高高联合法:起点高,效益也高。以高质量火锅、高级次的环境、高品位的装修、高程度的服务吸引高层次的顾客。风险大、利润也大,进入良性循环后收益也很大。3、品牌垄断法:奇特的锅品、奇特的配方、专利火锅产品,可用较高的价格经营火锅,但品种的风味特点要保持不变。4、大众化法:以大众火锅品种、大众化的价格低价供给,以薄利多销为主

37、。 五、火锅店的类型: 1、豪华型: 豪华型火锅店在某一区域均有较高的名誉,装修设施齐备,环境精巧,在火锅制作方面十分讲究。除了具有一般火锅店的特点外,其奇特之处为价格较高,高质量的火锅、高超的服务及就餐环境相统一具备高级的烹协调服务人员,其服务对象以高收入者居多。豪华型火锅店具有高价与火锅成本、服务程度、就餐环境融为一体,火锅产品与高度统一,服务对象稳固与社会形象突出,管理到位、制度完善等特点。 2、大众型: 大众型火锅店是火锅店中的主力军,其数量最大。经营品种比较单一,原材料以中低档为主,风味以当地大多数人可以吸收的口味为主。这类火锅店以自身的特点、规模、档次、服务的差别,在顾客中各有自己

38、的地位与形象。有自身的独有特点,价格适中与火锅成本较低和风味大众化关系密切,座位率与周转率较高。 大众型火锅店具有价格与大众化联合,经营方法机动多样,服务对象面向大众消费者、经营管理方法联合自身实际等特点。 3、风味型: 风味型火锅店是体现奇特的饮食文化,具有浓郁的处所风味、品种比较单一、但影响很大的火锅店,往往具有必定的代表性,是历史性、地区性、民族性的综合反响。词攀类火锅品种比较定型,汤卤比较固定,服务有必定特点,风味得到公认。 风味型火锅店具有布局与装修有丰富主题与内涵,顾客能感受到奇特的文化熏陶与情调,吃与乐联合、参与性强,展现某种有特别意义的运动,气氛轻松和睦等特点。 4、自助型:

39、自助型火锅店是将火锅原料(生料和半成品等)与餐具全部放在火锅厅的某一区域,由客人自行选用,服务人员较少的火锅店。词攀类火锅除了有着随便性、自由性的特点外,还拥有较大的选择性,感到较大的满足感。 自助型火锅店具有布局上履行开放式、以大厅为主,锅品上以一二个品种为主、口味大众化为好,价格上采用每人限定金额消费,服务上比较机动、服务人员较少,顾客的参与性和自我满足感得到体现,讲究原料及菜肴的丰富性、又避免糟蹋,充分利用空间与顾客的运动性等特点。 六、火锅店的经营情势: 1、独立经营: 词攀类火锅店的经营一般不受其它餐饮企业的制约,独立选择自己的经营品种,一般规模较小、费用较少,利润不高,起源以独资、

40、入股、贷款为主。这种情势在市场上占重要地位,其优点有:能根据市场的发展变更做出对经营品种、策略的调剂与适应,以满足消费者的需要;能保持自身的火锅特点,并按照市场请求调剂和创新锅品;员工关系比较密切,管理比较直接,利于调动积极性。其不足之处为:由于规模较小,经营品种单一,可能会受到大型火锅企业的冲击,在市场竞争中禁不起风浪,发展潜力不大。 因此,要采用独立经营方法创办火锅店,必需要有奇特的火锅品种、较好的口岸、比较充分的等。 2、合伙经营: 词攀类火锅店是有几个人分辨出资、或分辨以、设备、营业场地、等联合创办火锅店,进行经营。在经营上一般也不受其它餐饮企业牵制,遇到各种问题,由合伙人一致协商解决

41、。其优点有:在达成经营共鸣的前提下,解决开店遇到的如、经营品种等问题,可以施展各自优势,团结互助,形成合力;可以互相制约,补充不足之处,建立监督机制;与市场接洽紧密,信息较多,可以随时调剂经营品种,把握市场动态,紧跟消费者需求。其不足之处为:合伙人容易产生抵触和纠纷,其中一个合伙人不负责任或脱离合伙关系,经营便容易受到影响,甚至造成直接经济丧失。 因此,要采用合伙经营火锅店,需要达成共同的经营意识,具有较高的素质,要订立合伙经营协议书,明确责权利及利润分配等。 3、特许经营: 特许经营作为一种先进的经营方法,也是现代餐饮业的重要经营情势,其优点和效果均十分明显。 一个火锅企业打算履行特许经营时

42、,具体方法措施包含:多种情势进行连锁加盟;对火锅企业的品牌要素进行注册;成立统一的管理机构;管理规范化;清算净化市场;开展连锁配送等。 履行特许加盟时应当注意几个要害问题,其一是找准市场的需求定位;其二是由点到面,全面开花;其三是抓好人力资源。 七、火锅店的选址: 1、火锅店选址的区域因素: 在选址之前,必需要选择一个便于经营和发展的区域,这是选址的前提。在选址时要考虑到经济发展程度、文化教导影响、市场竞争状态、方案地位特点、软硬件环境是否优越等各方面的因素。 2、火锅店选址的原则: 第一要断定服务对象。要联合火锅店的所在地位,断定相应的设施与设备,然后选定自己的经营档次,在断定火锅品种; 第

43、二要贯彻接近原则。也就是说要交通方便、来往方便、便于进入。位于或靠近商业区、经济区、文化区、开发区等,道路畅通,顾客容易接近; 第三要环境配套到位。外部环境要形成气象,火锅店其它餐饮要混杂经营,如餐饮一条街、火锅城等,同时提倡自身综合配套,多种经营联合,形成规模效益; 第四要科学预测赢利。在开业的前、中要联合各种因素,对必定时代的销售额与毛利进行分析,预测赢利与效益。 另外,还可以用经验断定店址的选择。 3、火锅店的选址与布局: 断定选址原则后,在实行中要联合以下几点:选择商业网点集中的处所、人口凑集处、交通方便的处所、具体地位、同行凑集地、特别口岸。 布局上也应当考虑以下思路:扩散性、凑集性

44、、竞争性、多行业和谐性。 八、火锅店的名称与设计: 1、名称与设计原则:要有辨认性、独创性、整体性。其重要作用包含流传企业文化宣传企业形象、进步竞争力、塑造企业整体形象。 2、名称设计基础规律:一是字体讲究整体效果,好认好读好记;二是发音响亮有韵味,富于节奏;三是字体本意与寓意联合。 3、名称设计基础请求:一是与顾客消费层次和火锅店档次一致;二是火锅店名称的风趣与寓意;三是火锅店的名称与风味、对象、习惯相互吻合;四是火锅店名称的外延性;五是火锅店名称的取法的讲究性;六是取名请求简略明快,不要轻易修正,注意独创性。 九、火锅店的装修: 火锅店的装修设计,要从不同的火锅店实际出发,以建筑作风、火锅

45、档次、地理地位等因素来衡量,以吸引顾客。总体来说,装修作风各不雷同,但是都应当注意避免以下问题:一是火锅店结构单调;二是店内空气混浊潮湿;三是店内桌位间距过小;四是环境空间压抑;五是缺乏独创性特点装饰。 十、人员的管理: (一)、火锅店人员的构成: 1、管理人员:包含(总)经理、大堂经理、领班为重要构成人员,上了必定规模和档次的火锅企业还包含有总经办主任、策划部经理、营销部经理、财务部经理、后勤部经理等; 2、厨务人员:包含火锅师长、岗位火锅师、墩子、小吃、冷菜、荷活、杂工等;3、服务人员:包含顾客服务员、厨务服务员、保洁员、安保员等。更多创业计划书请上中国店网 heart and lungs

46、 or that it was more difficult for smoking couples to become pregnant. I certainly didnt know their babies may have a smaller birth weight or even be abnormal in some way. Neither did I know that my cigarette smoke could affect the health of known-smokers. However, what I did know was that my girlfr

47、iend thought I smelt terrible. She said my breath and clothes smelt, and that the ends of my fingers were turning yellow. She told me that she wouldnt go out with me again unless I stopped! I also noticed that I became breathless quickly, and that I wasnt enjoying sport as much. When I was taken off

48、 the school football team because I was unfit, I knew it was time to quit smoking.I am sending you some advice I found on the Internet. It might help you to stop and strengthen your resolve. I do hope so because I want you to live as long and healthy a life as I have.Love fromGrandad How can you sto

49、p smoking? It is not easy to stop smoking, but millions have managed to quit and so can you. Here are a few suggestions.Prepare yourself. Decide on a day to quit. Dont choose a day that you know is going to be stressful, such as the day of an exam. Make a list of all the benefits you will get from s

50、topping smoking. Then throw away your last packet of cigarettes.Be determined. Every time you feel like smoking a cigarette, remind yourself that you are a non-smoker. Reread the list of benefits you wrote earlier.Break the habit. Instead of smoking a cigarette, do something else. Go for a walk, cle

51、an your teeth, drink some water, clean the house; in fact, do anything to keep your mind and especially your hands busy.Relax. If you start to feel nervous or stressed, do not reach for a cigarette. Try some deep breathing instead. Do some relaxation exercises every time you feel stressed.Get help i

52、f you need it. Arrange to stop smoking with a friend so you can talk about your problems, or join a stop-smoking group. If you feel desperate, you might lie to talk to a doctor or chemist about something to help you, like nicotine chewing gum.Keep trying. Do not be disappointed if you have to try se

53、veral times before you finally stop smoking. If you weaken and have a cigarette, do not feel ashamed. Just try again. You will succeed eventually. HIV/AIDS; ARE YOU AT RISK?HIV is a virus. A virus is a very small living thing that causes disease. There are many different viruses, for example, the fl

54、u virus or the SARS virus. HIV weakens a persons immune system; that is, the part of the body that fights disease. You can have HIV in your blood for a long time, but eventually HIV will damage your immune system so much that your body can no longer fight disease. This stage of the illness is called

55、 AIDS. If you develop AIDS, your chances of survival are very small.HIV is spread through blood or the fluid that the body makes during sex. For a person to become infected, blood or sexual fluid that carries the virus, has to get inside the body through broken skin or by injection. One day scientis

56、ts will find a cure for HIV/AIDS. Until that happens, you need to protect yourself. Here are some things you can do to make sure you stay safe.If you inject drugs: do not share your needle with anyone else. Blood from another person can stay on or in the needle. If a person has HIV and you use the s

57、ame needle, you could inject the virus into your own blood. do not share anything else that a person has used while injecting drugs. Blood could have spilt on it.If you have sex with a male or a female: use a condom. This will prevent sexual fluid passing from one person to another.The following sta

58、tements are NOT true. A person cannot get HIV the first time they have sex. WRONG. If one sexual partner has HIV, the other partner could become infected. You can tell by looking at someone whether or not they have HIV. WRONG. Many people carrying HIV look perfectly healthy. It is only when the dise

59、ase has progressed to AIDS that a person begins to look sick. Only homosexuals get AIDS. WRONG. Anyone who has sex with a person infected with HIV/AIDS risks getting the virus. Women are slightly more likely to become infected than men. If you hug, touch or kiss someone with AIDS or visit them in th

60、eir home, you will get HIV/AIDS. WRONG. You can only get the disease from blood or sexual fluid. Unfortunately, people with HIV sometimes lose their friends because of prejudice. Many people are afraid that they will get HIV/AIDS from those infected with HIV/AIDS. For the same reason, some AIDS pati

61、ents cannot find anyone to look after them when they are sick. You can get HIV/AIDS from mosquitoes. WRONG. There is no evidence of this.Unit 4 THE EARTH IS BECOMING WARMER- BUT DOES IT MATTER?During the 20th century the temperature of the earth rose about one degree Fahrenheit. That probably does n

62、ot seem much to you or me, but it is a rapid increase when compared to other natural changes. So how has this come about and does it matter? Earth Cares Sophie Armstrong explores these questions.There is no doubt that the earth is becoming warmer (see Graph 1) and that is it human activity that has

63、caused this global warming rather than a random but natural phenomenon.All scientists subscribe to the view that the increase in the earths temperature is due to the burning of fossil fuels like coal, natural gas and oil to produce energy. Some byproducts of this process are called “greenhouse” gases, the most important one of which is carbon dioxide. Dr Janice Foster explains: “There is a natural phenomenon that scientists call the greenhou

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