新课标PEP小学英语五年级上册《Unit6In a nature park》教案

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《新课标PEP小学英语五年级上册《Unit6In a nature park》教案》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《新课标PEP小学英语五年级上册《Unit6In a nature park》教案(5页珍藏版)》请在装配图网上搜索。

1、新课标PEP小学英语五年级上册Unit6 In a nature park教案PartA Lets learn and Lets talk【教学目标】1 能够听、说、读、写主要单词:flower,grass,river,lake,forest,path2 能够听、说、认读单词:sky, cloud,mountain及句子There is a forest in the nature park.3 能够听懂、会说Is there a? Yes,there is./No,there isnt.并能在前景中运用。4 能够完成Lets find out中找图片区别的任务。5 学唱歌曲“The Pand

2、a”.【教学重、难点分析】 重点:有关自然景物的单词及相关句子:There is a forest in the nature park ./Is there a?/Yes,there is./No,there isnt.难点: “找图片的区别”,要求教师逐步引导学生找出区别并最终用存在句式表达。【教具准备】准备1 Lets learn 和 Lets talk 的教学挂图、第五单元B Lets try 部分的挂图及本课所需词卡。2 录音机,录音带 ,风景照【教学过程 】Step1 Preparation1 Sing the song “The Panda”.2 Free talk: Can y

3、ou do housework ? What can you do ? Whats in the room ?(出示第五单元B Lets try部分的挂图)用歌曲创设良好的英语氛围,激发学习兴趣,利用挂图复习,为学习新课做铺垫。Step2 Presentation1a 教师从学生的回答:Theres a picture over the bed .中引入话题:-Whats in the picture? -A nature park .-What can you see ? 学生回答“tree”,此时适当向学生呈现新词(出示单词卡片):river ,mountain,sky .b利用图画教学单

4、词cloud,grass,flower,lake,forest,path . c 听录音,要求学生边听边指,力求做到眼到、手到、口到、心到。 d Read in different forms. e Lets find out 教师出示此部分的第一幅图片,请一组学生按座位顺序依次描述图画:There is a mountain/forest/river/grass in the nature park .教师出示第二幅图片问:Is it a nature park? Whats in it ? What difference can you find ? 引导学生作答。用同样的方法鼓励学生找出

5、图片1与图3、图4的区别并用恰当的语言表达。2 利用Lets find out 的图画教学:Is there a ?Yes, there is ./No,there isnt .可出示几张风景照来操练此句型(先由教师和学生操练,后由学生和学生操练)。Step3 Practice1 Lets try Show the pictures ,let students look ,listen and circle . check the answer.2 lets talka Say : Now, Zhang Peng and John are in a nature park. Heres a d

6、ialogue between them. Please listen carefully and answer the question : Is there a river in the park ?(Books closed, show the question) Check the answer .b Listen and repeat(注意语音语调)。c 小组合作 分角色读对话。做替换练习。 利用对话巩固练习所学句型。Step4 Production1 Act out the dialogue2 Pairwork3小黑板呈现以下句子,引导学生用歌曲“两只老虎”的曲调唱歌Is ther

7、e a monkey ,is there a monkey .In the tree , in the tree ?Is there a bird ,is there a bird .In the sky ,in the sky ?4 小小设计师:让学生自己设计一个自然公园,以小组为单位先说说自己的设想,然后用英语介绍,比一比谁设计的公园最好。下列句子可供参考:Look at the There is a river in the nature park .The water is clean.Its so beautiful.利用音乐和绘画既激发了学生的学习兴趣又巩固了所学语言点。Step5 Progress1总结评价 2 做活动手册配套练习。Homework让学生跟读录音读所学单词和对话,并且会默写四会单词。板书设计单 词 卡 片 There is a forest in the nature park .Is there a?Yes,there is.No,there isnt

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