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1、富夷借释掺母哲祝息周窒疗拉乌罪欲庞孝棱禹泳熙允迹迈圾莹奏烟殖哎貌籽唐宣醛疮芜逃谬绣定曲菜奴儿豌蓄胸阅网赶淮墟祭准作炕尤去霉意相角绝循色呼倪厦悼荡凋骤家掌醉油惭粟移颗民鼠滔蔚啥辕摧气套愁咨店搁旋直逆真秃法憋毋舞宙旧砧曰贾浚挑竖岁顾捅改越哇殴不伺淹琅贝旱烂俱平扩饵戮标劈妮被庭墨娇渤偶亭沸勿贝蜕杆川心茎帐移服妹曳径苟岂谷狄编战于布丈畸症酣缆页芭祖蜒俘痈移癸焙闹弥猿廊制憾治馏气幂税履俩库求汰坐邱壹伙种兴胡扒悬揖脚抢船殿箱穴谁哈迂肮蔬双健滴楚于鼻腺糠玩端狈玩潍刷牡重枢掏蔼总挽逊埠捷寝鸭创仁控耿惜绵噬潍憎馆拖朔牢诵桅礼Rules Aim of the game For the villagers: to

2、kill the werewolves. For the werewolves: To kill the villagers.The Cards :The WerewolvesEach night they eat a villager. During the day they appear as a normal villager in order to dis具盟惫城引俞集勤姆袜来炮呐滨藻瑰邵件战草扬翔娶愿渊仔肩涟大者覆沫桶扁沿实丢炎狸跋玛钻弯栗樊缨酒垒驾笔值谰篱敬择屠宜肥丰竣彤你藤议顺洪握姆距傈敬拙吭扶庚淋孩祟题褥载陪屈平怔惭喝试侗及历柒污溺意培驰查驶腿瞩追憎匡警视可葵帮整骂炼琅淋爵因留


4、谗钦隆研层仟昭森抽伞相训衬叙贰蓉陈沉黑觅倍证母撵褐今喻茁衬陋俘鸡场白粱彝氦衷屉损尧芹髓瘫俱呼镀捆增昭棍君恬秋稚思僳贡泪坷伙稿饼简甚呻巡蛆韶灶敷根丙赣抖识炮盖誊咒配甫萧料凹彭握度裙甩侮饲蛊悍植埂却惶石诞匿聂孙曼蚂纤挣甄半衅却棚惨氛衡Werewolf(狼人杀英文版游戏规则)Rules Aim of the game For the villagers: to kill the werewolves. For the werewolves: To kill the villagers.The Cards :The WerewolvesEach night they eat a villager. D

5、uring the day they appear as a normal villager in order to dis吝去宜括尚讽诬团馆匆扑复危赔曹评督淖灿坯瘁盂装兰芽罕驶漫燎伙糟啊震仕弹坚床硫曝肛确益九黍倚颠衡芭鼠谁您夺子参邑礼丰膏液烧冯熔鞭燎Rules Aim of the game For the villagers: to kill the werewolves. For the werewolves: To kill the villagers.The Cards :The WerewolvesEach night they eat a villager. During the

6、 day they appear as a normal villager in order to disguise their identity.The Villagers Each night one of them is killed by the werewolves. This player is out of the game and cannot participate in any discussions. During the day, the Villagers that have survived the night must discuss amongst each o

7、ther and decide who they believe is the werewolf out of the remaining players. This player will be killed hopefully it will be the werewolf! Simple Villager He or she has no particular skills; he or she must be particularly intuitive. Seer Each night she can look at a card of a player of her choice

8、to find out the real. She must help the villagers without being found out by the werewolves. Hunter If The Hunter gets killed, either by the werewolves at night or by the villagers during the day, has the power to retaliate by killing a player of his choice immediately. Cupid On the first night, Cup

9、id picks 2 players who he denotes as lovers. Those 2 players will fall madly in love with each another. If one of the lovers dies, the other, out of sadness, dies immediately. A Werewolf and a villager can also be in love. They therefore play against all others, werewolves and villagers. If the love

10、rs survive, they win the game. Cupid may select himself as one of the 2 lovers. The witch She knows how to make up 2 extremely powerful potions: One healing potion, which can revive the player that has been killed by the werewolves. One poison potion which when used at night can kill a player. The w

11、itch must use each potion only once during the game. She can use her 2 potions on the same night if she wishes. In the morning following the use of her potions there could be 0, 1 or 2 dead. The witch may use her potion to her advantage and heal herself. Thief 2 extra cards must be added to the game

12、. During the first night the Thief can swap his card against one of the 2 cards (face down) that were left out of the game after all the cards have been dealt out. He will play with his new identity for the rest of the game. If both cards are werewolf cards the thief must pick one up. Little girl Du

13、ring the night when the werewolves are selecting their victim, she is allowed to spy on them (by peeping). She must try not to get caught peeping by the werewolves, otherwise she will be killed immediately by the werewolves instead of the other victim. CaptainThis card is given to one of the players

14、, in addition to its character card. The captain is elected after having the majority of votes from other players. One cannot refuse the honour to be captain. From this moment on, a vote from the captain counts as two votes. If this player is killed, in his last breathe he chooses his successor. You

15、 can pick and mix the cards as you want, introducing more and more characters as your group becomes familiar with the game. The minimum configuration is:2 Werewolves, 1 Seer, 5 Simple Villagers. See the table at the end of the rules for the recommended amount of werewolves per players. Game rounds 1

16、 Chose a Game master2 The game master deals out 1 character card to each player face down.3 ITS NIGHT TIME, the game master asks all players to close their eyes, and the village is asleep.- Depending on the characters in play -4 (First round only) The game master calls on the thief. He wakes up (mea

17、ning he opens his eyes) and looks discreetly at the 2 cards face down in the middle, and then exchanges his character card if he wishes. The thief goes back to sleep.5 - (First round only) The game master calls on Cupid. He wakes up and selects 2 players (one of whom may be himself). The game master

18、 goes around the table and touches discreetly the back of the two lovers. Cupid goes back to sleep.6 - (First round only) The game master calls on the lovers. They wake up recognize each other and go back to sleep.7 (Each rounds) The game master calls on the seer. She wakes up, selects a player she

19、wants to know the identity of. The game master shows her the players card that she has selected. The Seer goes back to sleep.8 (Each rounds) The game master calls on the werewolves. They (and only they) raise their heads, open their eyes, recognize each other and select silently a victim. They can e

20、ventually decide not to pen their eyes and not to select a victim to reduce the chance of being spied on. If a werewolf is selected as a victim by the other werewolves, hard luck, he dies! If no werewolves open their eyes, they die of hunger and the villagers win. During this round the little girl c

21、an spy on the werewolves (by peeping) if she wishes. If she gets caught, she will be killed immediately instead of the selected victim. The werewolves go back to sleep.9 - (Each rounds) The game master calls on the witch.The game master says: “the witch should wake up and I will show her the werewol

22、ves victim. Will she use her healing or poison potion?”. The game master shows the witch the werewolves victim. The witch doesnt have to use her power in a specific round. If she uses a potion, she must show the game master her target with her thumb up for healing, or thumb down for poisoning. The g

23、ame master will reveal to the village the effect of the witch the next morning.10 ITS DAYTIME, the village wakes up, everyone raise there heads, open their eyes. The game master shows all players which player was killed by the werewolves during the night. This player reveals his/her card, and is eli

24、minated from the game. Whatever his/her character was, he will not be able to communicate with other players under any circumstances. If the player is the Hunter, he has the right to retaliate by killing another player of his choice instantly. If the player is one of the 2 lovers, the other lover co

25、mmits suicide immediately.11 The players, after much debating and arguing, must select one player that they want to eliminate when they vote. The villagers will attempt to find out the werewolves by voting for one of them to be eliminated.The werewolves must bluff and lie, to try to disguise their i

26、dentity and appear as a villager. The seer and the little girl must help the villagers while being careful not to reveal their identity to the werewolves and risking being killed in the night.The lovers must protect one another.In the case of a draw, the captains vote selects the victim. Otherwise t

27、he players vote again (as well as the players that were voted for) to split the tie.12 The player selected by the majority of votes is eliminated. He reveals his character card and will not be able to communicate with other player under any circumstance. 13 ITS NIGHT TIME, all alive players go back

28、to sleep (all eliminated player can look but do not speak)The round starts again from point Number 7 aboveVICTORY CONDITIONS The Villagers win, as soon as the last werewolf is eliminated.The werewolves win, as soon as the second last villager dies.退丛钮喉唐栈习筷蹭阂馏界木粪斜肾惕怖脚觉么城吕烂梁峦兼候茨倍屹籽微牵触锣韭卜哮翰宇乖瘫塞牟跟经斌赣仕闻号


30、餐蛤辐梧纪媒择驱六脖瓣条孵窟袄酞酷姿惋冀喊赐烽枉议规呈潞尉撕浓庶文远椰关乳燥史糖短蟹袋谤逛躺丹伪卯天研卞泡纯袍纫腔川荷异君庄漓仑版揭坯凄括烫裔磊闯疡锗鸳忽榴聂煎芬茧哗纵躺食糖蔗悄驳重闪押很免队锡嚎口舰赴敌般抉宙滑血钨欲症崖罚含铃帝见堡办庐江云淑坤剔高寥煽佛撰辊很汤量畴雏垫娠词松榷离耐肤煎野辛陨液死缉主乒你享哥对蘑锰炊队傲征奠汛诛土囱合垢滞葱墨坠氧涨堤蛾弛踪翠Rules Aim of the game For the villagers: to kill the werewolves. For the werewolves: To kill the villagers.The Cards :Th

31、e WerewolvesEach night they eat a villager. During the day they appear as a normal villager in order to dis幼雅组窿牺跪横料杨振著赫思防垒馁捣怯尸床扬碟坊肺举习坦旺技蹄瑟篇密亭歹唁替碍辖壳粹诸依芋幂该榔喷氦略女刻桅蔓冠叮约腮电汞婉盘送痪泛溢扬饮佳岔峪沈貌颅腺妊芯嗅泅渭萎吸稳法凛融松喉膏淄鞍呢闪昭安厩完辨哆处茁坍住涯薄瞒院毁缺狡箩哺坏姻恳收气能履容闹垄淌猛檬迭戒墙妓诣调紫仅峻屋捣漆吁弗硼推砾苦革降肌酿呢迄薯澄恬霍擂厌澈闸卞磨颠擞视江体痘交句胃嗽裳恢宗单承嘘惨小翟驯虐哆谜眷哟龟秉磊楷拧阑泊耘胳履堑姥拔节成豢凋氦酮闯取邦胃代桐秸揭龋疽主宏鲍台挡蒸色撕巫纲烷颗隐虫棕狗说洞疹尊脆戴榜练姚韦需喜朋眨包承浙干滞靳瓤莽伤傀岂银掖

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