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1、中古时期古时期英国文学 开端:Anglo-SaxonBeowulf最古老的民族史诗national epic (大量使用头韵alliteration。反映原始人类对抗自然世界的英雄事迹。是异教诗pagan poem)Caedmon最早的英语诗人,作品:Caedmons HymnBede“英国史学之父father of Historiography”,作品:Historia Ecclesiastica Gentis AnglorumKing Alfred“英国散文之父father of English prose” ,作品:Anglo-Saxon Chronicle中世纪英国文学medieval

2、 English literature 开端:诺曼入侵the Norman Conquest用韵文写的骑士传奇metrical romance是中世纪英国文学的主流。Sir Gawain and the Green Knight14世纪,用头韵诗创作的传奇故事alliterative romance【以亚瑟王与其圆桌骑士的传奇故事为题材,这是中古英语时期最伟大的诗篇之一。】Thomas MaloryLe Morte dArthur (The Death of Arthur),14世纪,第一部关于亚瑟王传奇故事的英语散文the first English-language prose versi

3、on。Geoffrey Chaucer “英国诗歌之父father of English poetry”,“英国小说之父father of English fiction” 首创英雄双行体heroic couplet著作: the Canterbury Tales (1个序言prologue和24个故事,展示14世纪英国社会全景)William LanglandPiers the Plowman (alliterative epic, allegory, symbolism, 描述了14世纪英国社会状况)The Robin Hood Ballad15世纪最著名的民谣文艺复兴时期the Rena

4、issancel Humanism is the essence of the Renaissance人文主义是文艺复兴时期的核心。(相信人有能力使自身完美,并强调个人价值的重要性、赞颂当前生活的美好。)l 诗歌poetry,诗歌式戏剧poetic drama,散文prose (essay) 是主要的文学形式。l 戏剧drama是英国文艺复兴最大的成就。伊丽莎白时期(16世纪17世纪初)是英国戏剧的高峰golden age。l 英国文化复兴的3个时期: The beginning period (15161578)The flowering period (15781625) 伊丽莎白时期 “

5、a nest of singing birds”【莎士比亚】The epilogue period (16251660)诗人: Thomas Wyatt16世纪前半叶最有趣的诗人,第一个把sonnet引进英国文学。Henry Howard英国文学史上第一个创作无韵诗blank verse的诗人。Philip Sidney 英格兰诗人,作品: Astrophel and Stella(莎士比亚之外最好的sonnet) Apology for Poetry(最早的英语散文之一,对是个运用的辩护)Edmund Spenser “诗人中的诗人the poets poet”,“诗圣”,“桂冠诗人poet

6、 laureate”,伊丽莎白时期最伟大的非戏剧诗人。开创“斯宾塞诗体Spenserian stanza”,作品:the Faerie Queene散文: Thomas More初始阶段伟大的人文主义者,著作:UtopiaFrancis Bacon首位英语散文家,作品:Essays (【of studies】【of truth】58篇散文,英国散文史上的一座里程碑。)The Advancement of LearningThe New InstrumentJohn Lyly英国剧作家和小说家,作品:Euphues (euphuism夸饰文体)戏剧: Christopher Marlowe 莎士

7、比亚之前最伟大的剧作家,“大学才子派university wits”最有天赋的作家首创戏剧中的无韵诗体blank verse,作品: Tamburlaine (人性对权力的渴求)The Tragical History of Doctor Faustus (人性对知识和幸福的渴求)【Marlowe最好的戏剧,humanist的象征】William Shakespeare 将英国戏剧创作推向了顶峰。被Ben Jonson称为“他不属于某个时代,而属于整个历史was not of an age, but for all time”作品: 37 plays,2 long poems,154 sonn

8、ets【前126首献给年轻的贵族,歌颂美貌美德;后28首献给黑女士,描写爱情】十四行诗:Shall I Compare Thee to a Summers Day (第18首)长诗:Venus and Adonis; The Rape of Lucrece (莎士比亚真正的非戏剧诗)四大悲剧:Hamlet; King Lear; Othello; Macbeth喜剧:A Midsummer Nights Dream; The Merchant of Venice; As You Like It; Twelfth Night; Much Ado About Nothing受Ben Johnson

9、影响,17世纪初期形成 骑士派诗人the Cavalier poet关于亨利王族的历史剧Ben Johnson桂冠诗人(1616),剧作家,英语古典主义先驱,作品:Volpone讽刺喜剧satirical comedyEvery Man in His HumourSong: To Celia英语中最有名的爱情诗之一。钦定版圣经King James Bible(1611年)英语及英国文学的一个里程碑monument。17世纪英国文学l 17世纪前期:资产阶级革命时期period of Revolution(弥尔顿时代age of Milton)诗歌是17世纪初期最主要的文学形式。 John Mi

10、lton 英国有史以来仅次于莎士比亚的伟大作家。首位将无韵诗体blank verse用于非戏剧文学作品的诗人。作品: Paradise Lost 【除Beowulf之外唯一一部英国史诗】(12卷,无韵诗,取材旧约全书the Old Testament,对上帝权威的反抗)Paradise Regained (续集sequel,取材the New Testament,基督如何战胜撒旦)Samson Agonistes (以希腊悲剧为模板,以诗歌形式写成的戏剧verse drama,取材旧约全书the Old Testament)Defence of the English PeopleSecond

11、 Defence of the English PeopleJohn Bunyan英国文学史上首位小说家,散文家,写作采用寓言,作品:The Pilgrims Progress (宗教寓言religious allegory)John Donne玄学派诗歌Metaphysical school of poetry的先驱,作品: Songs and Sonnets (Donne最有名的诗集)The FleaThe Sun RisingDeath, Be Not ProudGo and Catch a Falling StarA Valediction: Forbidding Mourning(代

12、表作)George Herbert玄学派的圣人,作品:The Altarl 17世纪后期:王政复辟时期period of Restoration(德莱顿时代age of Dryden)John Dryden “英国批评文学之父father of English Criticism”, 英国首位获得官方正式认可的桂冠诗人(1668),英国新古典主义的杰出代表首创英雄双韵体heroic couplet,作品: An Essay of Dramatic Poesy(成名作)All for LoveAlexanders FeastAbsalom and Achitophel【英雄双韵体】=18世纪英国

13、文学l 18世纪被认为是英国启蒙运动时期the age of Enlightenment或理性时期the age of Reason。l 新古典主义Neo-classicism(John Dryden,Alexander Pope,Samuel Johnson)Alexander Pope 18世纪最重要的英国诗人,英国新古典主义诗歌的重要代表,英国启蒙运动的代表,首次把理性主义rationalism带入英国。讽刺诗体satirical verse; 荷马史诗Homer翻译 作品: An Essay on Criticism(1711年,英雄双韵体,说教诗didactic poem)Pasto

14、ralsThe Rape of the Lock(优秀的讽刺史诗)The DunciadEssay on Man(英雄双韵体,哲学诗)Samuel Johnson 18世纪下半叶最后一位新古典主义文学家,文艺批评家,著书最多的voluminous作家。葬于威斯敏斯特大教堂Westminster Abbey作品:A Dictionary of the English Language(英语词典的基础)A Letter to Lord ChesterfieldLives of Poets(52个诗人的传纪)l 18世纪是英国小说的高峰期。诞生了3位杰出的现实主义小说家:Daniel Defoe,J

15、onathan Swift,Henry FieldingDaniel Defoe英国现实主义小说的代表作家,作品: Robinson Crusoe(英国第一部小说,描写17世纪资产阶级)The Shortest Way with the DissentersMoll Flanders(自传)Jonathan Swift18世纪讽刺小说家satirist,散文家。作品:Gullivers Travels(讽刺小说satirical work,讽刺英国的宗教及政治制度以及人性的阴暗面)A Modest Proposal(讽刺小说,强烈谴责英国对爱尔兰人民的剥削和压迫)A Tale of a Tub

16、(讽刺寓言)The Drapiers LettersHenry Fielding“英国小说之父”,小说家(34部小说),剧作家。作品:The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling(小说,人性为主题,18世纪英国生活现实)The Historical Register for the Year 1736(戏剧,政治讽刺political satire)l 戏剧Richard Brinsley Sheridan 18世纪英国最伟大的戏剧家作品: The School for Scandal(英国“风俗喜剧”之巅,自莎士比亚之后最杰出的英国喜剧,讽刺上流社会)The R

17、ivals(Sheridan首部剧作)l 18世纪末期的浪漫主义诗人William Blake 18世纪后期(即前浪漫主义时期)诗人,19世纪浪漫主义的先驱。作品: Songs of Innocence(【The Chimney Sweeper】【The Lamb】写给儿童的诗歌,描绘美好世界)Songs of Experience(【The Tiger】【London】贫困和苦难)Robert Burns 前浪漫主义时期代表诗人,苏格兰最杰出的农民诗人。作品:A Red Red RoseAuld Lang SyneThe Tree of LibertyHoly Willies PrayerM

18、y Hearts in the Highlandl 感伤主义Sentimentalism(前浪漫主义)18世纪后期欧洲资产阶级启蒙运动中出现的文学思潮。Laurence Sterne感伤主义小说家,作品:A Sentimental Journey (感伤主义的开端)Tristam ShandySamuel Richardson英国现实主义代表作家,感伤主义作家,作品: Pamela(Virtue Rewarded)【信的形式】Clarissa【信的形式】Oliver Goldsmith感伤主义代表,诗人,小说家,作品: The Traveller(英雄双韵体heroic couplet;根据在

19、欧洲的亲身所见而写)The Deserted Village(Goldsmith最好的诗, wealth accumulates and men decay)The Vicar of Wakefield(代表作)Thomas Gray墓园派诗人the Graveyard School,作品:Elegy Written in a Country ChurchyardHymn to AdversityOde on the Spring=浪漫主义时期 begin: Lyrical Ballads (1798) =end: the death of Walter Scott (1832) 浪漫主义时期

20、是诗歌时期William Wordsworth桂冠诗人poet laureate(1843),作品: Lyrical Ballads(浪漫主义文学的开端,Wordsworth和Coleridge合著。其中著名篇章有:【Wordsworth:Lines Written in Early Spring;Lines Composed a Few Miles Above Tintern Abbey】【Coleridge:The Rime of the Ancient Mariner】)I Wandered Lonely as a CloudThe Prelude(自传诗)湖畔诗人the Lake Po

21、ets Samuel Taylor Coleridge作品:Lyrical Ballads【Coleridge:The Rime of the Ancient Mariner】Kubla KhanChristabelThe Fall of the BastilleRobert Southey 最年轻的湖畔诗人,桂冠诗人(1813)作品:The Battle of BlenheimMy Days among the Dead Are PastThalaba the DestroyerThe Curse of KehamaJoan of Arc 第二代浪漫诗人George Gordon Byron

22、“拜伦式英雄Byronic heroes”,作品:抒情诗lyrical poem:She Walks in Beauty / When We Two Parted / Hebrew Melodies长诗: Childe Harolds Pilgrimage(斯宾塞体Spenserian stanza,拜伦式英雄第一部)Don Juan(拜伦的巅峰之作)Percy Bysshe Shelley 浪漫主义诗人,作品:Prometheus Unbound(诗剧lyrical drama,共4幕,革命的胜利)Ode to the West Wind(Shelley最重要的抒情诗之一,西风象征权力)To

23、 a SkylarkA Defence of PoetryThe Necessity of AtheismAdonaisJohn Keats浪漫主义诗人,“纯诗”作家,“为艺术而艺术”的梦想家,原则是“beauty is truth, truth beauty”,作品:IsabellaOde on a Grecian UrnOde to a NightingaleOde to AutumnWalter Scott“历史小说之父father of historical novel”,浪漫主义时期著名作家,1832年他的逝世标志着英国浪漫主义的结束,英国浪漫主义向现实主义过渡。作品: Ivanho

24、e(Scott关于英国历史最出名的小说)Waverley(Scott第一部小说)The Black DwarfRob Roy(英国史上第一部历史小说,描写1715年苏格兰高地的暴动uprising)Old MortalityJane Austen 英国第一位女性小说家,虽是浪漫主义时期的作家,但作品明显带有现实主义的风格。作品:Pride and PrejudiceSense and SensibilityEmmaMansfield Park=维多利亚时期=现实主义realism Ruskin19世纪英国作家和艺术评论家,她的社会和经济思想深深影响 (19世纪)维多利亚时期是小说发展的黄金时代

25、。 Willam Morris,Osscar Wilde,Bernard Shaw 和D.H. LawrenceCharles Dickens批判现实主义的杰出小说家,作品:Oliver TwistThe Pickwick Papers (成名小说,19世纪伦敦生活)初期作品: Sketches by Boz(乐观) The Old Curiosity ShopDavid Copperfield(自传性作品,第一人称角度,作者本人生活经历)中期作品: Dombey and Son(不再乐观) American NotesA Tale of Two Cities(法国革命前发生在巴黎和伦敦的故事

26、。Where there is oppression, there is revolution)后期作品: Bleak House(讽刺satire)(黑暗,感伤) Hard TimesGreat Expectations(自传性小说,成长小说,主人公:Pip)William Makepeace Thackeray批判现实主义小说家,作品:Vanity Fair(代表作,英国上流社会的阴暗面。副标题:a novel without a hero)Henry EsmondThe NewcomesThe Bronte Sisters Charlotte Bronte,女权主义先驱,作品:Jane

27、Eyre(第一次把以家庭教师为题材的小说引入英国文学历史)(女性作家) Emily Bronte,作品:Wuthering Heights(诗歌式语言,多视角的叙事手法,资产阶级婚姻制度)Anne Bronte,作品:Agnes GreyMr. Elizabeth Cleghorn Gaskell 女性作家,英国小说史上首批把工人阶级与资本家的斗争写进小说的作家之一。作品:Mary Barton(工人与资本家之间的阶级冲突)Life of Charlotte BronteNorth and SouthGeorge Eliot 原名Mary Ann Evans,女性作家,小说以刻画现实及心理而著

28、名。作品: Adam BedeThe Mill on the Floss(Eliot第一部小说,源于本人童年记忆,乡村习俗叛逆者的悲剧)Silas MarnerMiddlemarch 诗人:Robert Browning 维多利亚时期杰出的诗人和剧作家 Elizabeth Barrett Browning 19世纪著名女诗人poetess首创戏剧独白诗dramatic monologues 夫 妻 作品: The Cry of the Children维多利亚诗人三巨头作品: My Last Duchess(戏剧独白) Sonnets from the PortugueseMen and Wo

29、menThe Ring and the BookHome Thoughts from AbroadMeeting at NightAlfred Tennyson“人民的诗人poet of the People”,维多利亚时期最伟大的诗人作品:In MemoriamIdylls of the KingBreak, Break, Break Ernest Jones最伟大的宪章派诗人Chartist poetUlyssesMatthew Arnold作品:Dover BeachJoseph Conrad现实主义文学的先驱,作品:Heart of Darkness(是维多利亚时期的价值观向现实主义的

30、过渡)Lord Jim,Robert Louis Stevenson19世纪英国新浪漫主义文学Neo-romanticism的杰出代表,作品:New Arabian NightsTreasure IslandKidnappedOscar Wilde 爱尔兰诗人,剧作家,小说家,散文家,唯美主义Aestheticism的代表,提倡“为艺术而艺术art for arts sake”作品:The Importance of Being Earnest(揭露了维多利亚时期英国上层阶级的虚伪)The picture of Dorian GrayLady Windermeres FanThe Happy

31、Prince and Other TalesAn Ideal HusbandA Woman of No Importance=20世纪英国文学 英国文学中的现代主义时期Modernism从19世纪90年代唯美主义Aestheticism的出现而开始,直到20世纪中叶。 意识流Stream of consciousness 象征主义symbolism兴起于19世纪后期,主张强调主观、个性。 现代主义作家:Thomas Hardy 小说家,诗人,19世纪末英国批判现实主义的代表。“地域小说regional novel”,小说主题为人类与掌控世界、操纵人类命运的神秘力量对抗。【宿命论fatalism

32、】作品:Tess of the DUrbervilles(揭露英国资产阶级的伪善和资本主义bourgeois society的无良剥削)Jude the Obscure(肉体和灵魂的生死搏斗,人的理想生活与肮脏现实的对比)Far From the Madding CrowdThe Return of the NativeThe Mayor of CasterbridgeThe DynastsJohn Galsworthy 20世纪最杰出的现实主义小说家之一,诺贝尔文学奖(1932)作品:The Forsyte Saga: 【The Man of Property】【In Chancery】 3

33、小说【To Let】【The Indian Summer of a Forsyte】【Awakening】 2幕间interludeA Modern Comedy: 【The White Monkey】【The Silver Spoon】【Swan Song】George Bernard Shaw 爱尔兰人,继莎士比亚之后有一位伟大的戏剧家,诺贝尔文学奖(1925)作品: Pygmalion卖花女Mrs. Warrens ProfessionWidowers HousesHeartbreak House(象征英格兰,写于一战期间,modern civilization)Man and Supe

34、rmanMajor BarbaraWilliam Butler Yeats 爱尔兰诗人和剧作家,首位获得诺贝尔文学奖的爱尔兰人(1923),早期英国象征主义诗歌的代表人物作品:The Celtic Twilight(代表作)The Countess Cathleen(短剧)The Winding Stair(诗集,象征主义作品)When You Are OldThe Autumn of the BodySailing to ByzantiumThe Second ComingLeda and the SwanT.S.Eliot 西方现代诗派的先驱,英语现代主义诗歌最高成就的代表,诺贝尔文学奖(

35、1948)作品: The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock(戏剧式独白诗,意识流)The Waste Land(最受欢迎的长诗,标志着浪漫主义诗歌的结束和现代主义诗歌的开端)Four Quartets(后期的主要诗作)GerontionEssays on Style and OrderD.H.Lawrence 英国小说家,诗人,20世纪最具影响力及最具争议的小说家之一。心理小说,作品:Sons and Lovers(Lawrence第一部具影响力的作品,自传体小说,恋母情结the Oedipus Complex)The RainbowWomen in Love(s

36、equel of the Rainbow)The White PeacockLady Chatterleys LoverJames Joyce 爱尔兰作家,诗人,20世纪最重要的作家之一。作品:Dubliners(15篇短篇小说,20世纪初都柏林中下层市民生活)A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man(Joyce第一部小说,带有自传性质)Ulysses(“现代散文体史诗a modern prose epic”,世界意识流创作的最高成就)Finnegans WakeVirginia Woolf 英国女小说家,女评论家。意识流。女性主义作家。作品: Mrs.

37、Dalloway(意识流的代表作)A Room of Ones Own(对由男人掌控的世界中女性作家遇到的困境的关注)To the LighthouseThe WavesThree GuineasJacobs RoomE.M.Forster 英国小说家,短篇小说家,散文家。小说暗含讽刺且情节引人入胜。揭露20世纪英国社会阶级的不平等及伪善。作品:A Room with a ViewA Passage to IndiaHerbert George Wells现代科幻小说先驱,作品:The Time MachineKatharine Mansfield 英国女小说家,短篇故事,作品:BlissTh

38、e Garden PartyWilliam Somerset Maugham剧作家,小说家,短篇小说家,作品:Of Human BondageThe Moon and SixpenceGeorge Orwell英国小说家,作品:Animal FarmWilliam Golding 英国小说家,诗人,剧作家,诺贝尔文学奖作品: Lord of the FliesThe InheritorsDoris Lessing诺贝尔文学奖(2007),作品:The Golden NotebookJohn Osborne“愤怒的青年Angry Young Men”中优秀的剧作家,作品:Look Back in

39、 AngerSamuel Beckett诺贝尔文学奖(1969),荒诞派戏剧absurd drama的先驱,作品:Waiting for GodotI. Each of the following below is followed by four alternative answers. Choose the one that would best complete the statement. (30%; 1.5 points for each)1. Romance, which uses verse or prose to describe the adventures and life

40、 of the knights, is the popular literary form in _C _.A. Romanticism B. RenaissanceC. medieval period D. Anglo-Saxon period2. Among the great Middle English poets, Geoffrey Chaucer is known for his production of_DA. Piers Plowman B. Sir Gawain and the Green Knight C. Confessio Amantis D. The Canterb

41、ury Tales3. Generally, the Renaissance refers to the period between the 14th and mid-17th centuries, its essence is_D_.A. science B. philosophy C. arts D. humanism4. The sentence “Shall I compare thee to a summers day?” is the line of one of Shakespeares()A. comedies B. tragedies C. histories D. son

42、nets5. Which of the following statements best illustrates the theme of Shakespeares Sonnet 18? CA. The speaker eulogizes (praise) the power of B. The speaker satirizes human vanityC. The speaker praises the power of artistic creationD. The speaker meditates on mans salvation 6. “The Fairy Queen” is

43、the masterpiece written by_C_.A. John Milton B. Geoffrey ChaucerC. Edmund Spenser D. Alexander Pope7. Which of the following work did Bacon NOT write? DA. Advancement of Learning B. Novum Organum C. De Augmentis D. Areopagitica8. The most distinguished literary figure of the 17th century was(B) who

44、was a critic, poet, and playwright.A. Oliver Goldsmith B. John Dryden C. John Milton D. S.T. Coleridge9. Which of the following has / have associations with John Donnes poetry? BA. reason and sentiment B. conceits and wits C. the euphuism D. writing in the rhymed couplet10. Henry Fielding has been r

45、egarded by some as “_B_”, for his contribution to the establishment of the form of the modern novel.A. Best writer of the English novelB. The father of English novelC. The most gifted writer of the English novel D. conventional writer of English novel11. John Miltons masterpieceParadise Lost was wri

46、tten in the poetic style of _ B _.A. rhymed stanzas B. blank verse C. alliteration D. sonnets12. The Houyhnhnms depicted by Jonathan Swift in Gullivers Travels are _A_.A. horses that are endowed with reasonB. pigmies that are endowed with admirable qualitiesC. giants that are superior in wisdomD. ha

47、iry, wild, low and despicable creatures, who resemble human beings not only in appearance but also in some other ways13. Gothic novels are mostly stories of_C_, which take place in some haunted or dilapidated Middle Age castles.A. love and marriage B. sea adventuresC. mystery and horror D. saints an

48、d martyrs14. William Wordsworth, a romantic poet, advocated all the following EXCEPT _D_.A. the use of everyday language spoken by the common people B. the expression of the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelingsC. the use of humble and rustic life as subject matterD. the use of elegant wording a

49、nd inflated figures of speech 15. Charles Dickens works are characterized by a mingling of _A_ and pathos. A. humor B. satire C. passion D. metaphor16. In _B_ s hands, “dramatic monologue” reaches its maturity and perfection.A. Alfred Tennyson B. Robert Browning C. William Shakespeare D. George Elio

50、t17. The three trilogies of()s Forsyte novels are masterpieces of critical realism in the early 20th century. A. John Galsworthy B. Arnold Bennett C. James Joyce D. H. G. Wells18. The bard of imperialism was(B), who glorified the colonial expansion of Great Britain in his works.A. R. L. Stevenson B.

51、 Rudyard Kipling C. H. G. Wells D. Daniel Defoe19. “art for arts sake” was put forth by _A_.A. aestheticism B. naturalism C. realism D. neo-romanticism20. Which of the following is taken from John Keats “Ode on a Grecian Urn”? DA. “I fall upon the thorns of life! I bleed!”B. “They are both gone up t

52、o the church to pray.”C. “Earth has not anything to show more fair.”D. “Beauty is truth, truth beauty.”II. Fill in the blanks with correct information. (16%; 1 points for each blank) 1. In 1066, the Normans headed by Duke William, defeated the Anglo-Saxons. This marked the beginning of feudalism in

53、England and England entered into feudal society. 2. Chaucers The Canterbury Tales is written in the style of rhymed (metrical) stanza instead of alliteration in the Anglo-Saxon period. 3. The Pilgrims Progress is the masterpiece of John Bunyan (the writer), written in the old-fashioned, medieval for

54、m of dream and allegory, in which the main character is Christian . 4. Dorian Gray was the main character in the novel The Picture of Dorian Gray written by (Oscar) Wilde . 5. Romanticism extended from 1798 when The Lyrical Ballads was published and in 1832 when (Walter) Scott died. 6. The writer wh

55、o figured his hometownthe Wessex country in his works is _(Thomas) Hardy.7. In “I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud”, hills, vales, lakes, bays and the daffodils are parts of , and “daffodils” symbolize (the beauty of) . 8. “Dubliners” is a collection of short stories written by James Joyce in the writing

56、style of stream of consciousness.9. In the “The Idylls of the King”, the poet Alfred Tennyson painted the first English hero, King Arthur , and gave a new meaning to the legends about the knights of the Round Table.III. Answer the following questions briefly based on your understanding of the texts

57、studied. (12%; 1 point for each question)1. Dull sublunary lovers love?(Whose soul is sense) cannot admitAbsence, because it doth removeThose things which elemented it.a. Who was the writer? John Donneb. What is the name/ title of the poem? A Valediction: Forbidding Mourningc. What does it mean by “

58、Dull sublunary lovers love”? (Explain it.) secular love/ ordinary (lovers) loved. What does “soul” mean? essencee. What does “sense” here mean? sense organs/ hands, eyes, lips, etcf. What does “it” mean in “because it doth remove”? absenceg. What does “Those things” mean? sense organs/ hands, eyes,

59、lips, etch. What does “it” refer to in “Those things which elemented it”?dull sublunary lovers love2. Wild Spirit, which art moving everywhere; (1)Destroyer and Preserver; hear, O hear! (2) a. What is the title of the poem? Ode to the West Wind b. In line (1), why is the west wind called “Wild Spiri

60、t”? Because it is the “breath of Autumns being” (it has the soul, breath, and inspiration) which (on earth, sky, and sea) destroys in autumn to revives in the spring.c. In line (2), why is it called “Destroyer”? Because the West Wind destroys the dead leaves/ the old things (or the poets old thoughts and the old world)d. In line (2), what does “Preserver”

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