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1、稀油站使用手册 北京中冶迈克液压有限责任公司 稀油站使用手册LUBRICATING STATION型号:MGKZ-125北京中冶迈克液压有限责任公司BEIJING MECC HYDRAULIC目 录- 14 -联系电话(TEL):010-69270282 联系传真(FAX):010-69279444安全说明.正确使用.说明.型号说明.概述.工作原理.技术参数.安装.泵的安装.电气接线.操作规程.投入运行.用于润滑时的投入运行.压力调节.流量调节.保养与维修.故障诊断.机参数表.附件:外形尺寸图.电用户手册前言l 本用户手册是用来让用户熟悉元件/润滑系统并正确使用该系统。必须在元件/润滑系统使用

2、的现场配备该手册。必须让所有负责该元件/润滑系统的人员阅读和使用该手册,如从事以下作业的人员:l 操作,包括运行过程中的调节、故障诊断等、生产废物的清除、维护、加工材料的处理等。l 维护 (检查和维修)以及/更换l 运输 按包装箱上的要求及示意图l 对于那些看不懂英文资料的人员,在其运行本设备 相关作业前,该元件/润滑系统的用户必须告知其本 手册内容,特别是安全说明。l 操作规程包括有关本元件/润滑系统安全、正确和经济运行的重要信息。仔细阅读这些内容将有助于避免危险的发生。降低维修成本并缩短检修所造成的停工期。提高元件/润滑系统的可靠性并延长其使用寿命。必须遵守关于事故预防及环境保护的相关国家

3、法律法规中的规定。安全说明l 操作规程中包含了在元件/润滑装置在安装、运 人员资格认定和培训 行或服务中所必须遵守的基本要求。因此,操作工人和专业人士/用户在安装和运行设备前,绝对有必要阅读本操作规程。操作规程必须一直放在机器/系统所安装的现场。l 必须阅读这一关于安全的主要章节中所包含的所有基本安全说明以及其他主要章节所给出的特殊安全说明。操作规程中的危险标识标准DIN 4844-W9规定的安全标识符号l 上述符号表示若不遵守操作规程中的该条规定,可能会人身伤害。标准DIN 4844-W9规定的安全标识符号l 该符号表示带电。CAUTIONl 该符号表示警告,若不遵守该安全说明可能会导致机器

4、损坏或故障。l 必须注意那些标识在设备上的警告内容,且必须保持这些警告内容清晰可读。l 负责操作、维护、检查和安全的人员必须有资格担任这些工作。l 用户必须正确的管理操作人员所负责的责任和监督区域。l 如果这些人没有掌握所必须的技能,那么他们就需要接受适当的培训和指导。如果有必要,这一工作可由制造商/设备供应商代表机器使用者开展。l 此外,用户必须确保操作人员完全理解了本操作规程的内容。因为没有阅读安全规程所导致的危险l 没有注意安全警告将可能导致设备和环境的损坏以及/或人身伤害。l 没有阅读安全注释可能会导致设备损坏的所有索赔权的丧失。l 作为举例,我们在下面列出了一些因为没有认真阅读警告而

5、可能带来的危险:机器/系统无法实现重要功能的故障无法进行特定的维护与维修方法由于电、机械和化学影响所带来的人身伤害由于有害物质的泄露而造成对环境的危害具备安全意识的工作必须遵守本操作规程中所给出的安全说明。为避免造成事故而制定的现行国家法律法规。任何工作和工厂规章制度和事故预防措施。用户/操作人员安全说明l 如果热的/冷的机械部件可能存在危险,那么客户必须防止意外接触情况。l 在机器运行时,不得卸开运行部件的保护装置。l 对有害物质泄露的处理不得对环境和人员造成伤害。必须遵守法律的要求。l 因电流所造成的其他危险。维护、检查和安装工作的安全说明l 用户必须确认由已完整阅读本操作规程的得到授权的

6、有资格的专业人员执行所有维护、检查和安装工作。l 机械运行时绝不要对机器进行任何次类操作。遵守本操作规程中所描述的关闭机器的所有要求。l 在完成清洁程序后立刻重新组装所有安全和保护设备。清洁泵和泵组中传送有害物质的部分。根据适用的政府法律法规执行有害物质的处理。在运行泵/泵组前,确保已满足“运行”部分中所给出的所有要求。未经授权的改装和部件制造l 只有在得到制造商允许的情况下,才能对机器进行改造和改装。只有得到制造商认可的原厂部件和附件能够确保安全运行。l 如果使用了其他部件,制造商将不对所带来的后果负任何责任。不允许的运行方式l 我们只保证在符合“正确使用”部分中提给出的要求下的操作中产品操

7、作安全。不得超过技术数据中所列出的最大额定值。l 由于电压问题,禁止在东南亚国家使用本产品,如需使用,得通过厂家确认更改电机电压后方可使用。正确使用l MGKZ-*型稀油润滑站是专为减速箱齿轮、传动轴承等稀油润滑设计的。l 不得超出技术参数中所提到的最大额定值,特别是高压不得超出320bar的工作压力,低压不得超出8bar的最大工作压力。l 正常工作温度在400C500C内,不得长时间低温或高温的情况下运行。l MGKZ-*型稀油润滑站有多种型号可供选择,适于多个领域的应用,如:钢铁行业设备输送设备建材机械,橡胶塑料行业设备l 任何其他的应用都不符合本规范,且我们将不对其他应用的损失索赔作保证

8、和责任承担。 说 明型号说明:l 整个稀油站型号上的编码进行定义型号编码举例:MGKZ-125-*-*-* 其中MGKZ表示为高低压稀油站,后面的125表示低压流量,后面的星号的值为高压泵的流量。如果低压出口与高压出口的数量超出一个时只需要在后面注明,前面是低压出口数量,后面是高压出口数量。注:如有其他特殊要求请在订货前详细说明,无其他说明则按标准配置生产设备。该述:l 我们MGKZ-125型稀油站主要适用于稀油循环润滑系统,它向减速机、齿轮座等摩擦部位供送润滑油。我公司生产的稀油站不仅符合Q/ZB355-77重机标准,其性能均优级于原重机标准的稀油站。尤其是仪表盘、电控柜内的主要元器件质量和

9、性能优于原重机标准的稀油站。l 该稀油站工作介质的粘度等级为N22N320工业润滑油,本油站通常安装在主机附近的地下油库内或地平面。 工作原理MGKZ-125型高低稀油站由油箱、低压油泵装置、高压泵装置、过滤器(双筒网式油滤器)、列管式油冷却器、仪表装置、管道、阀门等组成。MGKZ-125型稀油站为整体式小型高低压稀油站。本高低压稀油站MGKZ-125工作时,油液由低压齿轮泵从油箱吸出,经单向阀、双筒网式油滤器、列管式油冷却器直接送到设备的润滑点。油站的低压泵装置的最高工作压力为0.4MPa,最低工作压力为0.1MPa。根据润滑点的要求,通过调节安全阀确定使用压力,当油站工作压力超过安全阀的调

10、定压力时,安全阀打开,多余的油液流回油箱;同时由高压泵从油箱吸出油液,经单向阀、分流装置直接送到设备的润滑点,油站的高压泵装置的最高工作压力为31.5MPa,当压力达到31.5MPa时安全阀打开,从而使设备的最高压力不超过最高压力31.5MPa的值。稀油站的结构有如下特点:l 稀油站设有两台低压油泵,一用一备,正常情况下工作泵运行,当系统压力低于0.1MPa时,备用泵开始工作,保证向主机供送润滑油。l 稀油站设有两台高压油泵,一用一备,正常情况下工作泵运行,当系统压力低于3MPa时,备用泵开始工作,保证向主机供送润滑油。l 采用双筒网式滤油器,该滤油器有两组过滤滤芯,一组工作,一组备用。当工作

11、滤芯压差超过0.05MPa需更换时,人工调整转换阀使备用滤芯工作,同时更换原工作滤芯。此种滤油器结构紧凑、不设旁路、更换方便。l 回油口设有磁性过滤装置,可将回油中的细小铁磁物质吸附过滤,保证油液的清洁度。l 仪表盘定位安装在稀油站正面左上方,两只耐震压力表可直接观察油站出口油压及油泵油压;压力变送器控制油站出油口油压并实现对油站的自控与监控;E+H压差发讯器用来检测双筒网式滤油器的压差。l 电控箱(不在供货范围内)可实现自动控制及机旁操作,低压油泵正常工作时,一台工作,一台备用,由于低压油泵或设备原因造成系统压力下降到调定值时,通过压力变送器控制,备用泵自动启动替代原工作泵工作,原工作泵待工

12、作压正常后停泵(其延时时间根据现场情况决定)。当压力继续下降到另一调定值0.05MPa时,发出事故报警并命令主机停机。油站出油口装有热电阻对出口油温进行控制,当油温45时,冷却水阀接通;当油温60时,主机停机并报警。当油箱油温低于17时,接通电加热器,当油温升至40时,自动切断加热器。l 油站采用隔离式加热方式,电加热器采用带护套式的加热器,避免了直接加热时因局部加热测试过高使润滑油变质而影响润滑油的性能。稀油站的系统原理图及外形图详见联附图。安装、调试及试运转l 整体式稀油站安放在地面上,无须地脚坚固。l 接管前,先将管子酸洗、除锈、中和,再用净水冲洗,最后用压缩空气吹干。l 整体式稀油站已

13、在制造厂进行性能试验。帮在现场安放平衡,即可连接出油管、回油管、水管等,现场安装完毕后,用滤油车过滤加油,经试运转正常后即可投入工作。操作规程l 根据工艺要求如工作油温低于17时,开启电加热器交油加热。l 将双筒网式滤油器的换向阀定位在其中一个过滤滤芯工作位置上,打开稀油站相应的油、水阀门和压力表开关,检查油冷却器螺栓是否松动。l 在主机开机前先开启稀油站工作油泵,待系统工作压力正常后,再启动主机,主机停机后才可停泵。l 稀油站开机前,应先启动油泵电机,观察电动机转动方向是否正确。l 启动油泵后,根据压力表检查事先设定的高压值0.4MPa、低压值0.1MPa、超低压值0.05MPa、是否正确如

14、需调整用编程器重新设定,并检查压力变送器安装是否牢固。l 稀油站工作中如因油温、油压、油位牌不正常位置时,则有相应的信号灯亮或音响报警。并对报警部位作必要处理。l 稀油站在工作中应经常观察仪表盘上的压力表,当压力表压差超过0.05MPa时,即应更换滤芯。维护保养及注意事项l 油泵轴密封圈要经常检查,如有泄漏或损坏时,要立即更换。l 油冷却器必须根据水质情况,每5至10个月进行一次内部检查与清洗。l 双筒网式滤油器,每三个月拆洗一次,去除内部淤存污垢,并根据密封善予以更换。l 磁过滤器每三个月清洗一次。l 油站管路及连接部位不得有渗漏现象。l 定期检查控制批示仪表的可靠性,定期进行鉴定,适当调整

15、或更换。l 定期检查油箱的油质,及时进行更换和补充润滑油,保持适当油位。l 注意检视油箱内最低油位处,如发现有水,则应打开油箱下部两阀门将水放出。各组元件使用和维护方法详见有关的说明书。润滑系统检查方法如下常规故障评估表:序号故障现象可能原因采取措施1油温过高冷却器堵或结垢,油箱油液太少,安全阀压力设定太低,温控仪误动作启动加热器,液压泵站通风不好,过滤器堵油液经旁路走,电磁水阀有损坏,水冷却过滤器中有脏物。清洗过滤器,加油,调整安全阀设定压力,更换温控仪,改善通风,清洗过滤器,更换电磁水阀。2其他部件发生泄漏油中含脏物,油温过高密封老化,密封在组装时有损坏,螺纹接头松动。更换油液,更换密封,


17、 全部维护工作应作有检查表,并按表中规定的内容进行,将检查结果归档。l 将检查、维护以及修理过程中发现的问题记录在检查表中。l 如果检查中发现某些零部件需要更换,应确保及时将相关的备件备齐。l 如果维护工作需要将系统拆开,则应确保周围环境特别清洁,溢漏的润滑油绝对不能再使用。l 除对具体部件进行检查外,维护和修理工作还应包括对润滑油、润滑管道连接件拧紧、泄漏、泵站工作噪音和润滑油温度的检查。润滑油:l 对润滑油的要求:只能使用规定的润滑油,产地和质量不同的液压油不能混合在一起用,泄漏的润滑油不可以重新使用,必须确保使用的润滑油满足系统清洁度的要求(本系统所采用的是润滑油#320,用户现场需备润

18、滑油57桶,油厂家可以根据用户自己确定)。l 液压油首次使用更换周期为六-八个月,以后正常周期为一年,具体时间根据现场观察油液定。l 影响润滑油质量的因素:来自周围环境的赃物(在灌装或泄漏时进入的碎肖,密封材料、尘土和空气中的水气),运行过程中形成的赃物(润滑油因本身老化而形成的赃物,以及机件因摩擦而掉下的金属末和铁锈等);水会使油乳化,可明显呈乳白色,增加油老化速度,老化物会增加磨损、阻塞、粘堵、生锈。l 润滑油检查:对液压油进行经常性检查是必要的,因为如果油位低于最低油位,那么油的工作温度将升高,并发生空气混入,最坏的情况是油流中断,所有上述情况都有可能造成工作元件的损坏;脏物和化学变化(

19、老化),会使液压油在使用过程中变质,如果脏物和油的老化超过一定的限定值,那么必须将油更换,换油太迟会增大系统发生故障的可能性。l 日常检查:油液颜色、温度,系统压力,泵、电机声音,系统有无漏油,泵的温度。换油注意事项:l 抽出使用过的油:确保系统处于停机状态,润滑油使用滤油小车通过油箱上的空气过滤器连接法兰口抽出,抽完后打开放油阀将剩余的油排出去。l 清洗管网:用少量的新油清洗管网,此过程使用滤油小车来完成。l 清洗油箱:将油箱内部彻底清理干净,将油箱上的检查盖拆开即可进行油箱内部的清理;不得使用纤维材料清理油箱,一般出厂前已清理过,换润滑油时可用新油冲一下油箱,油箱用滤油机进行加油。不得使用

20、溶剂清理油箱,因为残余的溶剂会加速液压油老化,根据情况更换滤芯,滤油小车在使用前必须清洗干净。试车运行的准备管道: l 充分的冲洗:杂质的等级20级以内NAS1638;管夹应准备充分:通常在直管路上,间隔1000MM-2000MM,当管道振动较大或弯曲点过多的情况下,管夹间距尽可能小一些;应有足够的耐压力:是工作压力的1.25-1.5倍。电气: l 确定电机的运转方向:一般参照润滑泵顶部铭牌上箭头方向和润滑设备的装配图检查电机的运转方向。特殊要求应先断开电机和油泵之间的连轴器,然后然电机单独运行以确定电机的旋转方向l 电器元件的导电性实验:检查电路和电器元件的一致性,给每一个电器元件单独通电以

21、确定磁体是否按动作执行。原理图元件注释:稀油站外形结构图:压力调节:l 在调试时,首先把所有安全阀的压力设定值调到最小,确定好电机转向后,正常启动电机,把油路出口的截止阀或蝶阀关闭,然后慢慢旋转溢流阀的调压旋钮,按顺时针方向;同时目光注意着仪表盘上相应的压力表,直到表针指到参数表内所提供的数值时锁紧旋钮;此时压力调整完毕,最后停止电机再重复启动几次待确认压力值设定无误的情况下把所有阀门按正常工作时打开。流量调节:l 在调试时,注意出口处相应的压力表,调整各个出口处的节流阀;尽量使同等功能的出油口的压力相等。技术参数:低压流量:125 L/min 低压压力:0.4MPa电机参数:5.5Kw 48

22、0V 60HZ高压流量:20 L/min 高压压力:31.5 MPa电机参数:18. 5Kw 480V 60HZ油箱容积:2 m3冷却面积:17 m2 冷却水耗量:14.4 m3/h过滤面积:13 m2 过滤精度:80um稀油站使用手册 北京中冶迈克液压有限责任公司 LUBRICATION STATIONOPERATION MANUALMGKZ-125BEIJING MECC HYDRAULIC Co., Ltd. Content- 27 -联系电话(TEL):010-69270282 联系传真(FAX):010-69279444Safety instruction.usage.instruc

23、tion.model instruction.abstract.working principletechnique parameter.installation.pump installation.electric connection.operation rule.pressure adjustment.flow missioning.malfunction .parameter list.annex: outlet dimension.PrefaceThe manual tells customers how to right operate the lubrication system

24、 and components, and this manual is indispensable at site. All relative operators should read carefully before operating. Operators who do not understand English should be told the dialed information about the manual, esp the safety part. Reading the manual carefully will help to avoid kinds of dang

25、ers happening, reduce the cost of maintenance, shorten the downtime and prolong the service time.Follow the interrelated national laws and regulations on environment protection and accident prevention.Safety instructionThe manual includes how to install, transport and service for components and lubr

26、ication system. Therefore, operator and user must read this manual before operating this system. Put this manual at job site.Danger SignalStandard: DIN 4844-W9 l If dont follow operation rule, it may cause human hurt.Standard: DIN 4844-W9 l With electric CAUTIONl This signal means warning. If dont f

27、ollow this manual, it may damage equipments or cause malfunction.l Pay special attention on the warning detail. Keep this caution readable. Personnel qualifying and training l Personnel who charge operation, maintenance, checking and safety must have qualified cognizance.l If the person doesnt maste

28、r the operation skills, they have to be trained. l Otherwise, user must make sure that the operator knows how to operate this station after reading this manual. Damage caused if dont read this manuall If dont pay attention for the safety warning, it may cause equipment damaged or human hurt.l If don

29、t read this manual, user may lost the claim right if equipment is damaged. l If dont read this manual, the damages may be as follows:Equipment/ system cant achieve the preset function. Preset maintenance and repairing cant be done. Electric, mechanics and chemistry may cause human hurt. Detrimental

30、substance leakage may cause environment pollution.Operator must have safety sense. They have to follow :safety instruction in this manual, national laws and regulations on accident prevention, other relative plants rules. User/operator safety instruction l Hot/cold mechanical parts may have danger.

31、User must pay special attention to it. l When the station is working, dont unload the protection unit. l When dealing with the leaked detrimental substance, dont pollute environment and human.l Electric current may cause other danger. Maintenance, inspection and installation safety instructionl User

32、 must confirm that the cognizance operator do the work of maintenance, checking and installation.l Operate the equipment normally when it is running. Follow the requirement in the manual. l After cleaning the piping and reservoir, re-assembly safety and protection equipment. Clear out foreign substa

33、nce in pump unit. Unauthorized refit and manufactureDo not refit or change the machines and components except getting confirmation from the manufacturer, and all changed components and accessories must apply to running safely.If use other components which are not confirmed by manufacturer, manufactu

34、rer will be not responsible for any result.Unallowed running waysWe just guarantee safety under the right operation.Forbid using the station in southeast countries because of the different voltage, if it has to be used, motor and voltage should be properly changed, meanwhile, the manufacturer should

35、 confirm it.right useMGKZ*#lubrication station is specially designed for reducer gear and bearing.Do not surpass the rated value, and the rated value is from 8bar to 320bar. Working temperature is from 40 to 50. It does not apply to running in high and low temperatures for a long time.MGKZ-*# type l

36、ubrication station has a lot model to choose. The station is used in many industries, such as: iron& steel industry, transport, building, and plastic. If the user doesnt operate the station as the manual, the manufacturer doesnt have any responsibility to claim. InstructionModel instruction:l Meanin

37、gs of signalsample:MGKZ-125-*- MGKZ presents for lubrication station, 125presents LP flow rate, * *presents HP flow rate. The last two presents outlet number. The first presents LP outlet number. The last presents the HP outlet number. Note: If you have special requirement, you must point out before

38、 placing the order.。Abstract:l TBJ-125 type lubrication station is used in circulation hydraulic system. It can supply lubrication oil to the friction part. This station is designed according to Heavy Machine Q/ZB355-77 standard. Its performance is better than other heavy machine standard lubricatio

39、n station. Especially gauge panel and main parts of electric panel are better than others. l Viscosity of working medium is N22N320,this station is mounted under / on ground near the main frame.。Working PrincipleMGKZ-125 type lubrication station contains reservoir, LP pump unit, HP pump unit, oil fi

40、lter, cooler, gauge unit, piping and valves. This station is a complete, mini type lubrication system. When it is working, LP pump sucks oil from reservoir via check valve, oil filter and cooler. Then oil is transmitted to the lubrication point. For the LP pump unit, max. working pressure is 0.4 MPa

41、, min. working pressure is 0.1MPa. Adjust safe valve to set pressure. If pressure is higher than rated pressure, safe valve is open, redundant oil flows back to reservoir. At the same time HP pump sucks oil from reservoir via check valve, divider. Then oil is transmitted to the lubrication point. Fo

42、r the HP pump unit, max. working pressure is 31.5MPa. If the pressure is higher than 31.5 MPa, safe valve is open.Lubrication station has following characters:l This station has 2 LP pumps, one on duty, one standby. In normal, one pump works. If the pressure is lower than 0.1MPa, the standby pump be

43、gins to work.l This station has 2 HP pumps, one on duty, one standby. In normal, one pump works. If the pressure is lower than 3 MPa, the standby pump begins to work.l This station uses double tube filter. This filter has 2 elements, one on duty, one standby. If the differential pressure is higher t

44、han 0.05MPa, change directional valve to the standby element by hand. Then change the working element. l Magnetic filter unit is mounted at the return line. This filter unit can absorb mini ferromagnetic substance to assure the oil cleanness.l Instrument panel is mounted on the up left-hand of front

45、 side. Two pressure gauges can read outlet pressure and pump pressure. Pressure transmitter controls the pressure on the outlet line. E+H differential pressure sensor checks pressure difference on the oil filter.l This station is heated separately. This heater has a sleeve to prevent from changing t

46、he oil quality if oil is heated partly. Schematic drawing and outlet drawing see attachment. Installation, maintenance and commissioning The station is installed on the ground. Do not need anchor bolts.l Before connecting pipes, pickling, rust-removal and neutralization must be done. Use water to fl

47、ush and compressed air to blow.l Performance test has to be done before ex work. Piping connection can be done after reaching the job site. After installation, use filter unit to filter. The station can be run after commissioning well. Operation Rulel If oil temperature is lower than 17, open heater

48、 to heat.l Place directional valve in the place which is the element working area. Open corresponding valve switch and pressure gauge switch. Check whether bolts of cooler are loose. l Drive working pump. Open mainframe after pressure is steady. Working pump stops after mainframe stops.l Drive worki

49、ng pump to check motors rotary direction.l After driving pump, check whether set pressure value is right, such as, max. pressure is 0.4 MPa, min. pressure is 0.1MPa, ultra-low pressure is 0.05MPa. If it is not right, adjust it again. Check whether pressure transmitter is tight.l If oil temperature,

50、pressure or level indicator is not right, corresponding signal lamp will be bright or alarming. Deal with the malfunction.l Visual check the pressure gauge. If the pressure value is over 0.05MPa, change element in time. Maintenance and Commissioningl Check and flush oil cooler every 510months.l Chec

51、k seal gasket periodically. If there is leakage or damage, change it in time.l Disassembly and flush oil filter every 3 months. Eliminate inner contaminant and change element.l Flush magnetic filter every 3 months.l No leakage on piping and connection part.l Check gauges reliability. Adjust and chan

52、ge termly.l Check oil quality periodically. Change and refill lubrication oil. This method can keep oil on a certain level. l Visual check the lowest oil level. If there is water, open drain valve which is on the bottom of the reservoir. Drain out water. Check ruleMalfunction and trouble-shooting:it

53、emdescriptionreasonTrouble-shooting1Oil temperature higher than set valueCooler is clogged. Little oil in reservoir. Pressure value is not high enough. Open heater by mistake. Dont vent well for hydraulic station. Oil flows by-pass. Solenoid water valve is damaged. Foreign substance is in the cooler

54、. Rinse filter. Fill in oil. Adjust safe valve to set pressure value. Change temperature controller. Let it vent well. Clean filter. Change solenoid water valve. 2Leakage on other partsOil mixes foreign substance. Oil temperature is higher. Seal washer is ageing. Seal washer is damage when assemblin

55、g. Bolts is loose. Change oil. Change seal washer. Tighten bolts. 3Pressure vibrationOil and air mixes to cause moving uneven. Gear pump is worn. Axis piston pump and safe valve is damaged. Drain out air. Repair or change pump. Repair or change safe valve.4Pumps noiseOil mixes water. Bolts of gear p

56、ump or motor are loose. Oil level is low in reservoir. Oil temperature is low. Check piping. Tighten bolts. Refill oil. Check temperature controlling system, heating system and cooling system.5Other abnormal noiseTightening parts of piping are loose. Pressure vibration is appeared in the lubrication

57、 system. Check tightening parts. Check sensing module. 6Pressure is not enoughPressure of system is not high enough. No returning or pushing force. Check safe valve of system and pump.(note: close corresponding X shut-off valve on return line). Check corresponding safe valve on piping. Notes for mai

58、ntenance:l Inspection chart is necessary for maintenance. Inspect the system in accordance to the detail on the chart. Then fill in the chart. l Write down questions on chart during checking, maintenance and repairing. l Prepare for enough spare parts. l If the system needs to disconnect during maintenance, be sure that ambient environment is clean enough. The relived oil cant be re-used. l Besides checking the certain parts, maintenance and commissioning work is including hydraulic oil inspection, piping connection, oil leakage, noise and temperature. Lub

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