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1、Lesson 28 Five pounds too dear 一、 单词讲解1、 wares n.制品,器皿 table wares 餐桌用品 iron wares 铁制品 silver wares 银制品 glass wares 玻璃制品 hard wares shop 五金商品 warehouse 仓库 goods :things to be sold in a shop consumer goods 消费品 electrical goods 电器制品 merchandise 商品(goods bought or sold,trade goods ) commodity n.用于交换而获利

2、的商品 commodity society 商品社会 agricultural commodities 农产品 household commodities家庭用品(锅,碗,瓢,盆等) product 工厂生产的或自然的产物(things useful made in a factory or taken from nature)steel product necessities 必需品 life necessities 生活必需品2、 anchor n.v. used to hold a ship still 锚 be at anchor 停泊 cast anchor 抛锚 weigh anc

3、hor 起锚 anchorman :a person who reads news on TV and gives reports 主持人,新闻播放员 TV presenter 电视节目主持人 MC:(US)Member of Congress 国会议员 Master of Ceremony 大会司仪 DJ:Disk Jockey 唱片骑师 Background notes: Jockey is a professional horse rider and as a verb ,to Jockey means to lead a horse into a good position .In t

4、he 1920s,radio began to enter American homes ,thousands of stations began to play recorded songs. In time, a name was invented for these radio men who talked and played music .They Jockeyed (influenced)the public taste in music. 3、 deck n. 1) 甲板,舱面 clear the decks 准备妥当 (to do a lot of work that need

5、s to be done before you can do other things) eg. Im going to clear the decks before Christmas. 我准备为了过圣诞节把一切都安排妥当。 2)层 a double decker 双层汽车 Many things are different at sea .Even the language Is different .Simple words like right and left are Not the same. In a ship,rightis starboard and leftis port.

6、 4、 tempt v. to attract sb to have or do something 吸引,引诱 tempt sb into doing sth tempt sb to do sth eg. Advertisers devise hundreds of competitions to tempt consumers into buying their products and free samples to tempt never go wrong! seduce v. 勾引,吸引 seduce sb into doing sth eg. He was seduced into

7、 leaving the company by the offer of higher pay. induce (通过劝说)引诱做某事 (to lead somebody to do something by persuading) eg. What on earth possessed you to be induced into embezzling such a large sum of money? 你是怎么了?竟被引诱去挪用了那么一大笔数额的钱。 lure v.(to persuade someone to do sth esp. something wrong by promisi

8、ng something they want) eg. Life in the city lured him from home. allure v. to attract by offering something pleasant n. allure 2000 魅力2000 tantalize v.吊人胃口,逗你玩 (Tantalus, in Greek Mythology , is said to be the son of zeus ,when he felt thirsty ,the water which was up to his mouth would disappear ;w

9、hen he felt hungry ,thefruit on trees near to his mouth would disappear too. ) eg. He was tantalized by he beauty , but lacked the courage to speak to her. egg sb on 怂恿,促使 (to encourage someone to do sth, esp. that they should not do) eg. Egged on by his mistress ,the cold-hearted man abandoned his

10、family. 5、 bargain v. 讨价还价 bargain with sb over price bargain for better pay 讨个好价钱 bargain hunter、 到处买便宜货的人 a real bargain真划算 a wonderful bargain a bad bargain 真不划算口语补充: eg. Can you come down a little bit? eg. Well then , how about splitting the difference? eg. Thats my final offer. eg. Thats more l

11、ike it!eg. Take it or leave it! 6、 embark vi. to get onto a ship embark on : to start something new and difficult 开始做某事或某种事业 eg. In the 1950s, China embarked on a major program of Industrialization. 在20世纪50年代,中国开始了实现工业化的主要任务。 board ( to get on a bus ,plane ,train in order to travel somewhere) eg. Fl

12、ight N654 for New York is now boarding at Gate. 乘坐N654号航班飞往纽约的乘客请登机。 board the train 上火车 mount:to get on a horse or a bicycle mount a horse mount a bicycle ride 骑,坐(在任何可以双脚悬空的东西上) ride a bicycle ride a motorbike ride a horse ride on fathers back(儿童)骑大马 -ride 受支配的,(饱)受之苦 mosquito-ridden swamps 蚊子遍野的沼

13、泽地 crisis-ridden 危机四伏 eg. It is reported Japanese economy is crisis-ridden. drive v.(坐在有轮子的车辆里面操纵它) drive a car drive a train drive a cart eg. We drove to Cambridge. disembark vi. to get off a ship or a plane 7、 assail v.纠缠 1) to worry or upset somebodyeg. On my way home ,I was assailed by a man who

14、 wanted to sell me a diamond ring.2) to attack someone violently 猛烈攻击(抨击) assail sb with stheg. The angry crowd assailed the police with stones and bottles. pester v. (to annoy someone repeatedly , esp. by asking them to do something)(提要求而)使某人烦恼,纠缠 pester sb for sth 缠着向某人要eg.the beggars kept pesteri

15、ng us for money.pester sb to doeg The kids have been pestering their father to buy them new jigsaw puzzle. harass 骚扰,打断 sexual harassment 性骚扰 badger v. to ask again and again 吵着要,烦扰 badger sb to do sth eg. Kids badgered their father to get a home computer. n.獾(badge n. 徽章,标记) As early as the 18th ce

16、ntury ,a game was played in England in which a badger was put in bucket and a dog was seduced to bite it.8、 inscribe v. 刻写,刻字(于石头或硬币上) (to carefully cut ,print or write words on sth, esp. on the surface of a stone or coin) eg. The tomb was inscribed with a short epitaph. 墓碑上刻有简短的墓志铭。 eg. These war h

17、eroes have inscribed their names on the pages of history. Impress v. 留下刻痕 eg. Mothers words are impressed on my mind. 9、 favor/favour 1) help ask a favor of sb 请别人帮个忙do sb a favor 给别人帮个忙Allow me!请让我来吧!Owe sb a favor 欠了份人情2) support or approval 支持或赞同find favor withgain favor with win favor witheg. G.

18、W.Bush found great favor in presidency election.小布什在总统竞选中受到民众的普遍支持。 in favor of 赞成,支持,偏袒 show favor to sb eg. Parents always show favor to their smallest kids. 父母亲总是护着家里最小的孩子。 most-favor-treatment 最惠国待遇 favorable a.有利的 favorable winds 顺风 二、 课文讲解1、 speed to 全速驶向(开向) eg. Cars are speeding on the expre

19、ss way 汽车在高速上全速行驶。 roar down 呼啸驶入 flash down 像闪电一样地行驶 eg. A large car ,with its headlights on and its horn blaring, roared down the arcade 一辆大车亮着前灯,响着喇叭,呼啸着驶入了拱廊街。 eg. A police car flashed past ,sirens wailing. 一辆警车响着警笛,飞驰电掣。 spin around : to turn around very quickly 车辆疾驰飞奔 eg. A motor car spun arou

20、nd the corner. 一辆摩托车飞一样转过街角。 eg. The young man with confidence embarked on his career as he just finished his college education. 这个充满信心的年轻人当完成了大学学业时,开始了他的职业生涯。2、 before (连)不等就;还没就eg. Before I could speak ,he had taken the words out of my mouth.我还没来得及说话,他就说出了我的想说的话。3、 rug: of a small size (小)地毯carpet

21、: of a big size (打)地毯tapestry:n. 挂毯mat: n. 席子,草垫,脚踩垫mattress:n. 床垫 4、 Iran used to be know as Persia伊朗旧称为波斯Iraq n.伊拉克 (An oil-producing country in southwest Asia .Under its leader Saddam Hussein ,Iraq was at war with Iran from 1980 to 1988 and its invasion of Kuwait in 1900 led to the Gulf war) 5、 e

22、g. The Chinese are an industrious ,friendly ,diligent ,generous and hospitable people 中国人时勤劳,友好,慷慨和好客的民族。(逗号用于隔开一句话中的同类词,同类短语)6、 copper 铜 (material) bronze (铜锡合金)青铜 (alloy of copper and tin) bronze medal 铜牌 Bronze Age 青铜器时代 Ice Age Stone Age Bronze Age Iron Age brass (铜锌合金)黄铜 (alloy of copper and zi

23、nc) brass band 铜管乐队7、 had no sooner than刚一 就 ,一就no sooner 置于句首需要倒装eg. No sooner had he heard the news than he flew into rage. 他已得知这个消息,就勃然大怒。had scarcely whenhad hardly wheneg. Scarcely had she heard the failure when she gave a big mouth to it. 她刚一听说失败了,就立刻惊讶的张大了嘴。8、 go to great lengths to do go to

24、any lengths to do 极力做某事eg. The young man determined to go to any lengths to prove himselfin the new job.这个年轻人下定决心在新的工作中证明自己。 go to great pains to do take great pains to do 努力下工夫 eg. It takes him great pains to learn English. go to /take a lot of trouble to do sth 费神,花心思 eg. It took me l lot of troub

25、le to put my computer right. 我花了好大的劲才把我的电脑修好。 put a lot of effort into sth make a lot of effort to do sth 做了许多努力 eg. UN makes a lot of effort to keep the world peace.9、 to get rid of him 摆脱get rid of the unwelcome visitor摆脱这位不速之客get rid of debts 摆脱债务get rid of ex-boyfriend摆脱前男友的纠缠to get rid of cough

26、 祛除咳嗽的病根 eg. He opened the window to get rid of the smell of tobacco. 他打开窗户,去去烟味。 10、 at the base of 在 底部 on the basis of 以 为基础 eg. Promotion to high ranks is on the basis of work performance. 晋升高职是以工作表现为基础的。11、shake your head 摇头 (to mean no) shrug your shoulders 耸肩(表示不知道或对什么不感兴趣,无所谓) (to raise and

27、then lower your shoulders in order to showthat you dontn know something or do not care about sth ) throw up ones arms(in despair)12、hold up 5 fingers 伸出五个手指1) 举起,抬起hold up ones nose(show pride)hold up your head 扬起头(在逆境中) (to show pride or confidence in a difficult situation) hold up a banner 高举旗帜2)

28、停顿,耽搁eg. Our car was held up in the heavy snow.我们的车被困雪中。3) 支持重量,支撑eg. Two great towers hold up four huge cables.两座巨塔支撑着四根粗大的钢缆。4) 抢劫eg. A pack of gangsters held up a bank.13、indicate v.2) 用手势,目光等说明,表明 eg. Indicate when the pain is with your finger.3) 表明,说明 eg. In America , a car and a house may indi

29、cate its owners social rank. 14、gesticulate v.打手势 eg. Peter gesticulated wildly and shouted:Stop! gesture n.手势 (esp. with your hands) the language of gestures 肢体语言 body language sign language 手势语,哑语15、 act as if as if/ as though 引导方式状语从句,经常用到下列动词之后。 feel as if look as if smell as if taste as if eg.

30、I feel as though I were floating on the air. eg. It sounds as if a war would break out.16、 reduce the price to 10 eg. Hard work reduced him skin and bone. 辛苦的工作使他变得骨瘦如柴。 eg. The fire reduced the forest to ashes. 一场大火将整个森林化为灰烬。 reduce to order 恢复秩序 reduce to silence 安静下来 reduce to tears 哭了起来 eg. Pove

31、rty reduced him to begging on the streets.18、thrust the pen into my hands thrust oneself into 设身于中 eg. A soldier thrust himself into danger. 这个战士置身于危险中。 thrust the prisoner into the cell eg. Aunt thrusts a box of chocolates into my hand. 19、 no matter how hard 不管怎么 no matter whono matter whatno matt

32、er whichno matter where no matter when no matter how eg. No matter what happens, shell always love him.三、成语1、seek the truth from facts . 实事求是2、The pot calling the kettle black. 五十步笑百步 Lesson 29 Funny or not?一、 单词讲解 1、universal adj. 普遍的 eg. Love , a topic of universal interest. a universal truth 放之四海

33、皆成的真理 eg. It is a universal truth that you think of noting else if you dont have money and think of other things if you do. 这是一个普遍的真理:没钱的时候你想的只有它,而一旦有了钱,你就会想其它。 universal suffrage 普选权 be of universal significance 广泛的意义 universally adv. It is universally true that2、distasteful adj. 讨厌的,让人倒胃口的,难吃的 a d

34、istasteful story eg. It is distasteful to me to say so. 我很不愿意这么说。 a distasteful task 难完成的任务 a distasteful medicine 难吃的药3、recovery n. 康复 eg. Make a quick recovery from the influenza 感冒之后很快就会好了。 economic recovery economic resurgence 经济复苏 recovery program a course of treatment for people who are addict

35、ed to drugs or alcohol 康复疗程(针对吸毒成瘾或酗酒的人)4、console v.安慰,慰问 to make someone feel better when they are feeling sad or disappointed console sb with 用来安慰某人 eg. The doctor consoled the little boy with the promise that he would go back home to celebrate Christmas Day. console oneself with 聊以自慰,以自我安慰 eg. No

36、 matter how hard I tried to repair my computer , it refused to work .But I still consoled myself with the thought that even the specialized labor may not put it right. condole v.吊唁 eg. Peter wrote to condole with his friend on his mothers death. Peter写信给他的朋友,对他母亲的过世表示慰问。 solace v.(文雅的表达方式) eg. He so

37、laced himself with a book. 他从书中得到慰藉。 consolation n. a word of consolation 一句安慰的话 consolatory adj. a consolatory letter 慰问信 booby prize 安慰奖5、 hobble v.: to walk with difficulty, especially as a result of an injury to your leg or feet hobble along 一瘸一拐地走 limp adj./n./v. adj.(not firm or strong)无力的 lim

38、p body n. walk with a limp 跛行 v. limp to school 一瘸一拐去上学 lame adj./v.(because of injury) go lame become lame 致瘸了 lame duke 无能的人 cripple n./v.四肢残疾 an offensive word for somebody who is physically unable to use their arms or legs properly the disabled 无能力者,残废者 the handicapped 残疾人 the deaf and dumb 聋哑人

39、6、compensate for 补偿 eg. His rise in status more than compensate for his loss of money eg. Only when you lose your health can you realize that nothing can compensate for it. 只有到失去健康的时候,你才意识到健康无以弥补。 make up for eg. Beauty can never make up for stupidity 愚蠢是无法靠美貌来弥补的。 atone (for)v.: to do sth to show t

40、hat you are sorry for having done sth wrong 弥补过失,赎罪 eg. Dimitri atoned for his behavior to make a hundred and one apologies. Dimitri 为自己的鲁莽行为而向他深表歉意。 7、mumble v.喃喃而语,嘟囔 to say something too quietly and not clear enough so that it is difficult or impossible to hear 声音太小或听不清楚 eg. The little boy mumble

41、d something about going to the toilet. 小男孩嘟囔着要上厕所。 murmur v. : to say something in a soft low voice which is difficult to hear (轻柔低沉的声音)喃喃 eg. The shy girl murmured thanks. 害羞的小女孩轻轻地说了声谢谢。 a murmuring brook 溪水潺潺 mutter v.生气或抱怨而低声说 eg. Students mutter continually about having too much homework. 二、 课文

42、讲解 1、bring sb up 在哪里长大 raise eg. The mother raised ten kids all her life. nurse v.哺育 eg. The mother cat refused to nurse the kittens. rear 养 rear a large family 养活一家人 foster: to take a child into your family for a period of time but without becoming his/her legal parents (非法律意义上的)单纯的认养 foster father

43、 干爸 foster mother 干妈 adopt: to legally make another persons kid part of your family 领养 adoptive father 养父 adoptive mother 养母 adopted son 养子 adopted daughter 养女 god-father教父god-mother 教母2、whether 1)虽然从属连词whether 与if 意义相同,但当引导主语从句时,必须用 whether,而不用if。 eg. Whether it will do us harm or good remains to b

44、e seen. 到底它带给我们的是好是坏还是未知数。 2) whether 引导的从句也可作介词宾语(但if不行) eg. It all depends on whether they have received good education.3)引起不定式短语(也不能用if代替) eg. I dont know whether to accept or refuse. Whether by accident or design 不知是有意还是无意 whether or not 是否 eg. I cant decide whether or not to return home.3、depen

45、d on 依赖,依靠 to need support , help of somebody eg. Human behavior is mostly a product of learning , while the behavior of animals largely depends on instinct. 人的行为主要是学习的产物,而动物则更多依赖本能。 eg. The country depends heavily on its tourist trade. 该国主要是依赖旅游业的收入。 rely on sb /sth: to trust somebody to do what yo

46、u need or expect them to do 相信,信赖 eg. He is not a person you can rely on. 他不是个可依靠的人。 it depends /that depends: to say you cannot give a definite answer 这都难说,得看情况 eg. Is failure a good thing or a bad one? The answer depends on who does it.4、the sense of humor the sense of responsibility the sense of

47、shame the sense of priority the sense of inferiority 5、be bound up with 与密切相关 to be closely connected with something eg. Peoples living standard is bound up with the prosperity of the country. 人民的生活水平同该国的繁荣昌盛息息相关。 eg. The future of a nation is bound up with the education of the young. 一个国家的未来同年轻人所受的

48、教育是分不开的。 be bound to do 一定,免不了 eg. On our road ahead ,we are bound to meet with difficulties. be bound up in : be busy with eg. She is bound up in her new job. 她正忙于自己的新工作。 abound v.: to exist in large numbers 充满,富于 abound with /abound in eg. The garden abounds with sails after a heavy shower. 一场大雨后,

49、花园里有许多蜗牛。 6、characteristic n.特性,典型 national characteristic 民族特性 eg. A national characteristic of Chinese is self-contain. 中华民族的民族特性之一是独立自主。 character 个性特色,性格,品质 a man of good and noble character 一个有高尚品格的人humor n.体液(学者认为这种体液会影响性格)7、find it hard to laugh at fail to see anything amusing in8、national di

50、fferences 民族的不同,民族差异 time difference 时差 temperature difference温差 differential n.(收入)差额 scissors differential 剪刀差 (成品国向原料国倾销成品) 9、Charlie Chaplin Background notes: Charlie Chaplin (1889-1977),a British film actor and director who worked mainly in the U.S. on humorous silent films during the 1920s. He usually appeared as a humorous character who has a small moustache. a bowler hat and a walking stick and who walked in a funny way with the backs

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