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1、题型五 任务型阅读考情分析 从近八年陕西中考任务型阅读题的考查情况可以看出: 1.文体及话题文体及话题:文体以说明文为主,话题涉及异国风情(4次)、学校生活(1次)、人物介绍(1次)、事物介绍(1次)和环境保护(1次)。从2013年起,分值由5分(每小题1分)变成10分(每小题2分)。 2.难易度难易度:词数在210260词之间,生词量为14个,设置5道小题。 3.考查方式:考查方式:以细节理解题为主,同时也考查学生处理信息、推理判断、数字计算以及总结概括的能力。考情分析解题技巧(2018陕西)任务型阅读:阅读下面短文,根据短文内容,完成下列各题。 Eleven countries are b

2、uilding a great wall of trees across Africa. It is called the Great Green Wall. The aim is to bring life to the dry lands and help to fight the bad environment. The wall is 8,000 kilometers long and 15 kilometers wide. It covers from Senegal in the west to Djibouti in the east, on the south of the S

3、ahara Desert(撒哈拉沙漠). So far, Senegal has made the best progress by planting about 11,000,000 trees. Many years ago, there were few trees in that area and the winds used to be very strong. It was harmful to the fields. Also, there was little rain, so few plants could grow and many people went hungry.

4、 Since the tree planting project started, the trees have provided food for the local people and increased the wetness (湿度) of the air. Little by little, there appeared green fields for people to grow plants. The project which began in 2007 is supposed to cost a total of 8,000,000,000 dollars. Many c

5、ountries are trying their best to help to continue the planting. So we will be able to see the whole green wall across Africa in the near future! 71.Why are the countries building the wall of trees? They want to bring life to the dry lands and help to . 72.Where is the great wall of trees? Its of th

6、e Sahara Desert. 73.Why couldnt many plants grow in that area many years ago? Because there were few trees, strong winds and . 74.When did the project begin? It began . 75.What does the passage mainly talk about? It mainly talks about in Africa.解题技巧一、明确任务,做到有的放矢。一、明确任务,做到有的放矢。71. Why are the countri

7、es building the wall of trees?任务: The reason for building the wall of trees.72.Where is the great wall of trees?任务:The place of the great wall of trees.73.Why couldnt many plants grow in that area many years ago?任务:The reason for many plants not growing in that area many years ago.74.When did the pr

8、oject begin?任务:The time that the project began.75.What does the passage mainly talk about?任务:The main idea of the passage.解题技巧二、速读全文,了解大意,圈定答题区。二、速读全文,了解大意,圈定答题区。 明确任务后,带着任务快速浏览文章,了解文章大意,掌握文章的感情基调、作者的意图。同时,抓住关键词,圈定答题区。典例典例(2018陕西)71.根据题干中的the countries building the wall of trees划定答题区“Eleven countrie

9、s are building a great wall of trees The aim is to bring life to the dry lands and help to fight the bad environment.”。72.根据题干中的where可知本题询问“绿色长城”的地点,划定答题区“It covers from Senegal in the west to Djibouti in the east, on the south of the Sahara Desert(撒哈拉沙漠).”。解题技巧73.根据题干中的couldnt many plants grow in t

10、hat area many years ago划定答题区“Many years ago, there were few trees in that area and the winds used to be very strong. It was harmful to the fields. Also, there was little rain, so few plants could grow”。74.根据题干中的the project begin划定答题区“The project which began in 2007 is supposed ”。解题技巧三、读细节,逐题攻克。三、读细节

11、,逐题攻克。 在阅读前先浏览题后任务(一般5个),明确任务,然后带着任务去阅读。这样一方面增强阅读的针对性,提高了阅读的效率,另一方面避免了与题目无关的生词、难句对阅读的阻碍。1.细节理解题:细节理解题:细读答题区,找出问题原句涉及的细节,加以对比,用尽可能的表达方式转换成同义句,找出与所给表达方式相同的即为答案。典例典例 (2018陕西)71.The aim is to bring life to the dry lands and help to fight the bad environment.=They are building the great green wall to bri

12、ng life to the dry lands and help to fight the bad environment.=They want to bring life to the dry lands and help to fight the bad environment.解题技巧72.It covers from Senegal in the west to Djibouti in the east, on the south of the Sahara Desert(撒哈拉沙漠).=It is from Senegal in the west to Djibouti in th

13、e east, on the south of the Sahara Desert.73.Many years ago, there were few trees in that area and the winds used to be very strong. It was harmful to the fields. Also, there was little rain, so few plants could grow=There were few trees, strong wind and little rain in that area, so few plants could

14、 grow.74.The project which began in 2007 is supposed to cost a total of 8,000,000,000 dollars.=The project began in 2007. =It began in 2007.解题技巧2.主旨大意题主旨大意题典例典例(2018陕西)75.本题考查主旨大意,根据首段第一、二句“Eleven countries are building a great wall of trees across Africa. It is called the Great Green Wall.”可确定本文主要描

15、述the Great Green Wall in Africa。3.推理判断题:推理判断题:在理解全文的基础上,把握文章内在的逻辑关系,从字里行间对文章的表面意思进行挖掘加工,悟出其后所含的深层含义或弦外之音。(2017陕西)75.What does the writer think of the festival? The writer thinks its .本题为推理判断题,通读全文可知作者对这个节日的看法是正面的,尤其首句“Friendship Day is a great day for celebrating friendship.”及一些关键词汇are interested in,popular,enjoy等都说明了这一点,所以本题答案可填great/good/wonderful/ fantastic/解题技巧四、复读检查,注意细节四、复读检查,注意细节 结合完成的文章,复读检查。尤其要复读在刚刚阅读过程中圈点的阅读痕迹,确定答案。注意答题细节,切忌照抄原文,根据需要对句子的人称、时态、主谓搭配等做适当的调整;要正确拼写单词,注意首字母的大小写、名词的单复数、主谓一致及非谓语动词的使用等。另外,回答需完整,能覆盖所有需要的信息;书写工整在答题的过程中也十分重要。解题技巧陕西真题即训

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