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1、辽宁省丹东市2020-2021学年高二英语下学期期末教学质量监测试题本试卷分三部分,卷面分数120分,总分150分。考试用时100分钟。第一部分:阅读(共两节,满分50分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分375分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。AThe Vancouver Summer Program (VSP) is an annual fbur-week program offered by various departments at the University of British Columbia, Canada for interna

2、tional undergraduate students. Every year, thousands of students from all over the world will take part in the VSP.Students have the opportunity to: Gain international experience Study at North Americas most international university Meet students from other universities and Canadian students through

3、 social activities Learn about Canadian culture and societySince its beginning in 2013, VSP has provided diverse and enriching educational experiences for thousands of international students. By offering globally relevant courses and cultural extracurricular activities specific to Xncouver and its s

4、urroundings, the VSP encourages students to engage in learning and develop their understanding of Canadian culture and values.WHAT YOU CAN STUDY AT VSPScience & Technology Arts & HumanitiesArchitecture & Landscape BusinessCommunity & Regional Planning EducationEvaluation may include assignments, gro

5、up projects, papers, exams, and participation marks. Students will receive a Grades Letter with a percentage grade upon program completion.While studying on campus, students will be provided accommodation in University of British Columbia (UBC) residences. Students can use the opportunity to get to

6、know campus and to meet students from other universities.Have questions or concerns?Our office is currently closed to the public. Please contact us by email at vsp.ubcubc.caDue to the continued impact of the pandemic and province-wide restrictions by the order and the direction of the provincial hea

7、lth officer, UBC has made the difficult decision to cancel the Vancouver Summer Program (VSP) fbr 2021.1. What can we know about VSP?A. It lasts nearly a month long.B. It is held by the Canadian government.C. It offers curricula about Europe.D. It has a history of more than ten years.2. What does Va

8、ncouver Summer Program provide?A. Outdoor activities and survival in the wild.B. Extracurricular activities around the world.C. Some knowledge about Canadian civilization.D. An evaluation form on program completion.3. How can someone ask fbr more information about VSP?A. Call the office by phone.B.

9、Go to the office in person.C. Send emails to VSP office.D. Contact students in the VSP.BChina has launched three astronauts into orbit to begin occupation of the country5 s new space station. The three men 一 Nie Haisheng, Liu Boming and Tang Hongbo 一 are to spend three months aboard the Tianhe modul

10、e some 380km (236 miles) above the Earth.It will be China9 s longest crewed space mission and the first in nearly five years. On Thursday, their Shenzhou-12 spacecraft successfully took off on its Long March 2F rocket. Lift-off from the Jiuquan satellite launch centre in the Gobi desert was at 09:22

11、 Beijing time (01:22 GMT).The launch and following mission are another evidence of China9 s growing confidence and capability in the space science. In the past six months, the country has returned rock and soil samples to Earth from the surface of the Moon, and landed a six-wheeled robot on Mars 一 b

12、oth highly complex.What will the crew do in space? The primary goal fbr Commander Nie Haisheng and his team on the Shenzhou-12 mission is to bring the 22.5-tonne Tianhe space station into service. UI have a lot of expectations,55 Mr. Nie said ahead of the launch. uWe need to set up our new home in s

13、pace and test a series of new technologies. So, the mission is tough and challenging. I believe with the three of us working closely together, doing thorough and accurate operations, we can overcome our challenges. We have the confidence to complete the mission.55Tianhe space station was launched in

14、 April. It is the first and core part in what will eventually be a near 70-ton space station, including living quarters, science labs and even a high-tech telescope to view the universe. The various elements and staff will be launched in the next couple of years. The construction will be accompanied

15、 by regular goods deliveries, as well as Taikonauts, conducting spacewalks outside the space station to accomplish the task.4. According to the text, what can we know about Chinas space mission?A. The newly launched spacecraft is called Tianhe module.B. China hasnt sent people into space in nearly f

16、ive years.C. China has collected rock and soil samples from the Mars.D. In the past six months China has done some simple space tasks.5. What can we infer from the Captain Nies words in the fourth paragraph?A. They have completed the task successfully.B. The mission in space is anything but complex.

17、C. Much work needs doing in the next three weeks.D. Captain Nie is optimistic and hopeful about the task.6. What does the underline word “Taikonauts mean in the last paragraph?A. Precious goods.B. Crew members.C. Experiment devices.D. Robotic arms.7. Which can be the best title for the passage?A. Lo

18、ng Way to the Moon and the MarsB. The Universe is Beautiful to ExploreC. China Launches the Crew to New Space StationD. China Has Become the Major Power in Space CompetitionCThe herd of elephants moving north after leaving the Xishuangbanna National Nature Reserve in Yunnan province has drawn widesp

19、read public attention, with tens of millions of people following its movement on TV programs and social media platforms.But this is not because ifs the first time wild Asian Elephants have wandered away from their habitat and headed northward, but for only this time the herd has traveled more than 4

20、00 kilometers as far as Kunming. Photographs, videos and stories of the herds movement have sparked widespread discussions even overseas.However, there is a need to go behind the “cute photos and the seemingly “fantastic event and identify the reasons why wild elephants are leaving their habitat, an

21、d find ways to establish harmonious human-animal relationship within habitats and the surrounding forests and human settlements. It is important to scientifically mark the limits of the habitats for elephants and other animals in Xishuangbanna and elsewhere in the country for ecological reasons as w

22、ell.Planting trees is a key and fundamental step toward restoration of nature. Yet long-term investment and a more scientific approach are needed to maintain the remaining forests as well as to extend the forest cover and strengthen conservation.Nevertheless, tree cover alone doesnt mean a suitable

23、habitat for all animals, fbr different species need different types of vegetation to survive and breed. The elephant herd in Yunnan is a reminder that we have to scientifically conserve the existing forests and turn them into suitable habitats fbr different species of animals and birds, which will u

24、ltimately benefit humans.More ambitious targets should be set to rebuild or improve the food chain, and measures taken to ensure forest resources help wildlife flourish, in order to establish a harmonious human-animal relationship.Forests around the globe are still shrinking, particularly those in t

25、ropical and developing countries. The next decade therefore will be extremely important fbr the worlds forests and wildlife, and China can play a leading role in saving them by better protecting its forests and expanding its forest cover.8. Why has the herd of elephants caused so much public interes

26、t?A. There exist heated discussions in the whole country even overseas.B. TV programs and social media platforms want to benefit from them.C. They are the first wild Asian Elephants to leave their natural habitat.D. The elephants has traveled a long distance and lived in harmony with humans.9. What

27、can we infer from the third paragraph about the fantastic95 event?A. More research on the reasons behind the event is required.B. Scientists need to limit the habitats fbr elephants and other animals.C. People should find ways to have a good relationship with elephants.D. There,s an urgent demand fb

28、r detailed information about the elephants.10. Which method is provided in the passage to restore nature?A. Expanding the coverage of forest.B. Getting the govemmenfs policy support.C. Bringing up various ways to protect the forests.D. Offering more kinds of vegetation to all animals.11. What does t

29、his event of elephants leaving their habitats remind us to do?A. To set more goals to change the food chain.B. To be aware of the situation of the existing forests.C. To realize harmonious coexistence of human and nature.D. To reduce the destruction of the forests around the globe.DLocated in a come

30、r of north Brooklyn is a 3?000-square-fbot patch of open space. Keap Fourth, at the intersection of Keap and South 4th Streets, is a community garden established in 2013. Ifs a well-known part in this largely Dominican and Puerto Rican neighbourhood, at the edge of trendy Williamsburg. The sun is ou

31、t, and its nearly planting season/9 says Crito Thornton, a volunteer who manages the garden, with a grin. After a long winter made worse by Covid-19 there are finally signs of life in the daffodils blooming around the garden.Keap Fourth is one of 550 community gardens which have sprung up at New Yor

32、ks street comers since the 1970s, when the citys economy collapsed and its landscape became dotted by abandoned lots. Activists sought to transform these urban scars into gardens where residents could relax and grow vegetables. These places now cover 100 acres across the city, tended by a volunteer

33、army of nearly 23,000 green-fingered New Yorkers. The gardens are supported by GreenThumb, a government initiative established in 1978, which is now the country9s largest urban-gardening programme.Running these spaces is no easy task. Keap Fourths neighbourhood has been troubled by drug dealers, who

34、 moved across the Williamsburg Bridge after being driven out of Manhattans Lower East Side. The garden is a popular drop-off point, with suspicious packages found among the greens. But the recent death of a local kingpin (毒枭)in a car accident and the efforts of the police may make the gardens more p

35、eaceful, says Mr. Thornton.The future looks bright. A key issue in the past has been a manpower shortage for the harvest. But volunteer numbers across the citys gardens have gone up slowly since the pandemic 9s onset, as locked-down residents have desired for more open space. And in Keap Fourths cas

36、e, the whole neighbourhood seems to have come together over the past year as few people now undergo the daily commute (通勤) across the river to Manhattan. A bountiful harvest is in prospect.12. What can we infer about Keap Fourth?A. If s mostly owned by volunteers.B. It can help save peoples lives.C.

37、 It was most depressing last winter.D. It brings its liveliness to people there.13. Why have community gardens become popular since 1970s?A. They have occupied New Yorks street comers.B. They have been regarded as urban scars.C. They can be a way to take advantage of land.D. They have covered 100 ac

38、res across the city.14. Whafs the authors attitude to the gardens9 future?A. Positive.B. Negative.C. Objective.D. Indifferent.15. What may contribute to the potential harvest this year?A.The pandemic loss last year.B. More open space.C. Togetherness of the neighbourhood. D. Daily commute across the

39、river. 第二节(共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项为 多余选项。Trees have long played a special role in all aspects of human life. In ancient times, trees provided a place for humans to take shelter from storms, heat and even enemies. Today, the importance of trees continues to increase.

40、 16Trees provide the necessary oxygen to breathe. Many industrial and development activities add huge quantities of carbon dioxide to the environment. Trees absorb carbon dioxide and in turn release fresh oxygen in the environment. 17 Thus, they are the most important contributors in maintaining the

41、 environmental balance.Trees can prevent soil erosion (侵蚀)and clean soil. Trees bind (捆绑)the soil of the earth tightly. 18 They are highly beneficial for preventing soil erosion. Besides, poisonous chemicals and pollutants from various factories enter into the soil, thus causing soil pollution. Tree

42、s have the ability to store them or change them into less harmfill forms.19 Trees satisfy the need of fuel for cooking in many areas around the world. Trees also provide wood fbr furniture and hundreds of household items. Wood pulp (浆)is used fbr making paper in industries. Also, trees produce a num

43、ber of fruits and nuts which are sold at market. Some trees are even used to make medicines.Trees provide life to birds and insects. 20 Insects get their food in the form of seeds, buds, and fruits. Thus trees are the most important supporters of life.A. This lowers global warming.B. Trees are of co

44、mmercial importance.C. This increases the drying effect on the soil.D. More benefits of trees are being discovered.E. They give them food, shelter, cover, and nest sites.F. Trees provide wood fbr making furniture and paper.G. Therefore, fast flowing water or heavy wind is unable to take away soil wi

45、th it. 第二部分:语言运用(共mr,满分30分)第一节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。When I was young, I heard stories about the Communist Party of China from my grandfather. But to be honest, only as I grew older did I begin to have a 21 understanding of the Party and its members.My grandfather

46、 is a party member. He often talked about his 22 in theWar to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea.When it 23 to the war, what hits me hardest is the guns and blood. I once asked Grandfather, “Were you 24 ? He admitted that he was, but his 25 to defend the country helped him conquer (战胜)the fear. 26 ,

47、 he also wanted to reunite with my grandmother as soon as possible after the war 27 .Grandfather fought on the frontline. They 28 in the grass and behind sandbags. One day, Grandfather was carrying a gun while sheltering himself in a 29 safe place with other comrades. At a critical moment, a bullet

48、30 over the head of one of my grandfather comrades, and he 31 to the ground. Grandfather swiftly dragged him behind a sandbag and patted him on the shoulder, 32 him to stand up and continue fighting. When the war was over, countless scars were left on Grandfather arm and the experience was one that

49、has carried much 33 throughout his life.My grandfather often tells me that our happy life today is only possible due tothe sacrifice and 34of revolutionary martyrs (烈 士). My generation should be35 to the great Party.21. A. shallowB. deepC. realisticD. pure22. A. competitionB. frictionC. positionD. f

50、ight23. A. comesB. takesC. goesD. moves24. A. surprisedB. upsetC. afraidD. desperate25. A. determination B. contributionC. valueD. analysis26. A. Apart fromB. In additionC. Rather thanD. In particular27. A. emergedB. launchedC. endedD. damaged28. A. hidB. displayedC. cutD. lay29. A. potentiallyB. ba

51、relyC. extremelyD. relatively30. A. putB. flewC. setD. kicked31. A. pushedB. walkedC.fellD. returned32. A. encouragingB. rqectingC. shakingD. warning33. A. wisdomB. capacityC. weightD. stability34. A. weaponsB. effortsC. beliefD. violence35. A. objective 第二节(共10小题;B. thoughtfulC. optimistic每小题1.5分,满

52、分15分)D. grateful阅读下面材料,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。Originating in Wenxian county in Jiaozuo, Henan Province during the mid-17th century, now Taiiiquan 36 (practice) by a wide range of people across various ages and ethnic groups throughout the country. It was added to UNESCO ,s Representative List of I

53、ntangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity on December 17, 2020. 37 (make) China become No.l in World Intangible Cultural Heritage.Taijiquan also known 38 Tai Chi, is a traditional physical practice 高二英语第7页共9页characterized by relaxed, circular movements 39 work in harmony with breath regulation and the

54、 cultivation of a righteous and neutral mind, laiiiguans 40 (base) movements center on wubu (five steps) and bafa (eight techniques) with 41 series of routines, exercises and tuishou (hand-pushing skills, performed with a counterpart). The best way to perform is slowly absorbing each movement 42 (ac

55、curate).43 (influence) by Taoist and Confucian thought and theories of traditional Chinese medicine, the practice has developed into several 44 (style) named after a clan (家族)or a master 9s personal name, such as Chen style or Yang style. These are passed down and built upon the yin and yang circle

56、and the cultural understanding of the unity of heaven and humanity.“A successful bid is not 45 (we) final goal, said Yan Shuangjun, a Tayiquan researcher of Jiaozuo. How to pass it down is the key. 第三部分:写作(共两节,满分40分) 第一节(满分15分)假定你是李华,你校将于8月29日举办艺术节,正在招募有才艺的同学在艺术节上 表演节目。请写一封邮件报名参加,内容包括:1, 写信目的;2. 表演节

57、目的内容;3 .个人优势。注意:1.词数80左右2.可以适当增加情节,以使行文连贯第二节(满分25分)阅读下面文章,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一个完整短文,续 写词数应为150左右。The medal was my grandfather Purple Heart: he earned it in a war as a soldier. It was very precious to him. The Purple Heart is only awarded to the soldiers who have been wounded when fighting against

58、 enemies in a war, It looks as it is named: a purple ribbon with a heart-shaped medal. Only on special occasions would he take it out. Every time I held the medal, my grandfiither would tell me stories about it andhow he was awarded it. Though I heard his story thousands of times, I was still absorb

59、ed by his words, hoping someday I could share it with more people.The opportunity came. With our annual Show and Tell competition approaching, I finally got a proper reason to persuade myself to borrow my grandfather treasure temporarily. I had no choice but to do it because I was told the Purple He

60、art was not allowed to be taken out. Since I knew where my grandfather kept it, I took the medal from its box without being noticed. Nervous but determined, I held it in my hand and the medal was on its way to school with me.After enjoying other students9 performances, I knew I would be the winner f

61、br sure. It was my turn. The moment I showed it to the class, everyone was very interested in my grandfather medal. None of them had ever seen one before. I was proud to tell my classmates about how my grandfather got his medal and explain to them what the medal was fbr. Everything went perfectly as

62、 I expected. I won! But I knew this didnt belong to me alone: it belonged to my grandfather.Later, it was PE lesson. I thought I should carry this medal fbr safety, so I kept it in my pocket and ran to the the playground. Having won the competition, I was extremely excited. I pushed the medal out of my mind. It was the happiest lesson I had ever had until I accidentally fell.Paragraph 1:When I picked myself up, I put a trembling hand into my pocket: empty!Paragraph 2:home, wif* the medal in my sweating lumd, I apologized to my gmndfiither fbr taking it.

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