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1、第九届河南省翻译竞赛试题专科组I. Translate the Following Passage into Chinese. (50 Points)A superstition is a belief people hold which is not based on reason. There is no logic to superstitions. These beliefs often go against the laws of nature as we know them. People who have superstitions, or who are superstitio

2、us, believe that they can either bring themselves good luck or avoid bad luck or disasters by acting in certain ways. An example of this involves salt. When some people spill salt, they immediately take some of it and throw it over their left shoulder. In this way, they feel they will avoid bad luck

3、. Why do people believe in superstitions? How did they begin to think that they could control their luck? People in ancient times believed that the gods controlled their lives and all of nature. They tried to keep their gods happy by giving them gifts. When there were natural disasters, people thoug

4、ht that the gods were angry with them, so they tried to make the gods happy again.Many superstitions have been held by people for centuries. Yet there is little need for them today, since people in most parts of the world dont believe that there are a lot of gods. We no longer try to make the gods h

5、appy with gifts or to keep them from anger with certain actions. Somehow, however, many of the actions continue in modern times. We still have our superstitions.In ancient times, people thought their gods lived on the tops of mountains. They therefore believed that anything above them was nearer to

6、their gods than they. Naturally, they thought that birds were messengers from the gods. People also believed that birds carried their souls to the gods when they died. II. Translate the Following Passage into English. (50 Points)小时候我害怕狗。记得有一回在新年里,我到伯父家去玩。在他那个花园内,一条大黑狗追赶我,跑过几块花圃。后来我上了楼,才躲过了一场灾难,并没有让狗



9、现在却不需要它们了,因为在世界上大多数地方,人们都不相信有神灵了。(3分)我们不再以奉献贡品来取悦神灵或以某种行为请神灵不发怒(3分)。然而,由于某种原因,时至今日,许多迷信活动仍在继续,(3分)我们仍然迷信。(1分)在古代,人们认为他们的神灵住在山顶。(2分)因此他们相信任何高于他们的东西都比他们离神灵更近。(3分)他们自然会认为鸟是来自神灵的信使。(2分)人们还相信,死后鸟会把他们的灵魂带到神灵那里去。(3分)汉译英I used to be afraid of dogs when I was a child.(3分) One day during the lunar new year, I

10、 remember, I happened to be chased after by a big black dog while I was playing about in the garden of Uncles home.(5分) Fortunately, after running past several flower beds, I gave him the slip by rushing upstairs in a building, thus avoiding the mishap of having my legs bitten by the fierce animal.(

11、5分)From then on, I always played the fugitive while the dog the pursuer. (3分)He would bark furiously at the sight of me. (3分)And the more scared I was, the fiercer he became.(3分)I developed a canine phobia.(2分)As I was growing up, one day it suddenly downed on me somehow that it was shameful to be a

12、fraid of a dog. (3分)Hence instead of shying away in fear, I stood confronting him.(3分)I stood firm and so did he. (2分)He barked angrily with his mouth wide open as if he were about to run at me. (3分)But, nevertheless, he never moved a single step towards me. (3分)He glowered at me, and so did I at him. (2分)But he always kept the same distance between us.(3分)After a time, the minute my back was turned he immediately followed in pursuit.(3分)However, as I looked back he stopped right away and stood barking at me savagely, but dare not attack me.(4分)

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