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1、学号:J200706016 分 类 号: H315 密级: 公 开 学校代码: 10636 四川师范大学教 育 硕 士 学 位 论 文An Analysis on Negative Transfer of Mother Tongue in Senior High School English Writing高中英语写作中母语负迁移现象分析赵冬菊学 生 类 别 教育硕士 培 养 单 位 四川师范大学外国语学院 指 导 教 师 张叉 职称 教 授 专 业 名 称 学科教学 英语 研 究 方 向 中学英语教学 论文完成日期 2011年3月9 日 2四川师范大学学位论文独创性及使用授权声明 本人声明:

2、所呈交学位论文,是本人在导师 张叉教授 指导下,独立进行研究工作所取得的成果。除文中已经注明引用的内容外,本论文不含任何其他个人或集体已经发表或撰写过的作品或成果。对本文的研究做出重要贡献的个人和集体,均已在文中以明确方式标明。本声明的法律结果由本人承担。本人承诺:已提交的学位论文电子版与论文纸本的内容一致。如因不符而引起的学术声誉上的损失由本人自负。本人同意所撰写学位论文的使用授权遵照学校的管理规定:学校作为申请学位的条件之一,学位论文著作权拥有者须授权所在大学拥有学位论文的部分使用权,即:1)已获学位的研究生必须按学校规定提交印刷版和电子版学位论文,可以将学位论文的全部或部分内容编入有关数

3、据库供检索;2)为教学、科研和学术交流目的,学校可以将公开的学位论文或解密后的学位论文作为资料在图书馆、资料室等场所或在有关网络上供阅读、浏览。本人授权中国科学技术信息研究所将本学位论文收录到中国学位论文全文数据库,并通过网络向社会公众提供信息服务。(保密的学位论文在解密后适用本授权书)学位论文作者签名: 导师签名:签字日期:2011年3月9 日 签字日期:2011年3月9 日高中英语写作中母语负迁移现象分析摘要 专 业:英 语 方 向:英语教学法 硕士研究生:赵冬菊 指导教师:张 叉 在中学英语教学中,英语老师经常会遇到由母语迁移引起的错误的问题。在应用语言学第二语言习得和外语教学中对于语言

4、负迁移的讨论已经进行了将近一个世纪。尽管在中学英语写作中已经做了大量的有关负迁移的研究,但是在实际的高中英语写作中,由负迁移引起的错误问题仍然时有出现。本文分析了出现在高中英语写作中的母语负迁移现象,并且就如何处理这些负迁移的问题提出了一些解决办法。 众所周知,口头语言是人在日常生活中用来交流的一种重要方式,但是,从某种意义上说,书面写作也是一种交流手段。如果中国高中学生能够用英语正确地表达自己的观点的话,那么他们就算是在学习英语方面取得了一定的成绩。然而,普遍认为,写作是听、说、读、写四种基本技能中最难的一种,而在英语写作中,还总是受到汉语的负面影响。本文运用语言迁移、对比分析和中介语理论,



7、英语写作教学方法,持续提高英语写作教学水平。关键词:高中英语教学 迁移错误 母语负迁移 写作技巧An Analysis on Negative Transfer ofMother Tongue in Senior high school English WritingAbstractMA Candidate: Zhao Dongju Supervisor: Zhang ChaEnglish teachers are often confronted with different kinds of mother tongue transfer errors made by senior high

8、 school students in their English teaching. Language negative transfer has been discussed for a long time in foreign language teaching, second language acquisition and applied linguistics. Because mother tongue negative transfer often appears in Chinese senior high school English writing, mother ton

9、gue negative transfer caused errors are major in students English writing. Though much research has been done on the negative errors in senior high school English writing, transfer errors still exist. This thesis tries to analyze transfer errors which appeared in senior high school English writing.I

10、t is known that spoken language is a good means used to communicate in daily life, but writing is to some extent a better communication way. If Chinese senior high school students can express themselves properly in English, they are very successful in their English study; however, writing is usually

11、 considered the most difficult task in the four basic skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing. Their writing is always influenced by their mother tongue Chinese. Thesis gives ideas on language transfer, contrastive analysis and Interlingua, which is to do with the errors caused by negativ

12、e transfer of mother tongue in senior high school English writing.This thesis consists of four parts besides Introduction and Conclusion: Chapter I, Chapter II, Chapter III and Chapter IV.Introduction reviews the related studies of Language Transfer, Contrastive Analysis and Interlingua Hypothesis,

13、which created further significant on writing.Chapter I introduces the related study of transfer, contrastive analysis and Interlingua Hypothesis to solve the problems to be mentioned in Chapter Three and Chapter Four.Chapter II offers a questionnaire about the present situation of writing teaching a

14、nd the problems of writing. This thesis collects and analyzes 100 compositions written in the same period of time on the same topic by 100 students in Zhong He Senior high school of Sichuan province. In these 100 compositions, altogether over 200 errors are identified.Chapter III classifies the erro

15、rs. The findings through the analysis of errors are main problems in senior high school English writing teaching lacking enough vocabulary, writing time, an effective teaching and writing approach. Chapter IV discusses the ways out for negative transfer of mother tongue in English teaching: encourag

16、ing students to think in English, enforcing English writing motivation to practice, enforcing language input through reading and reciting, enforcing lexical and grammar learning, dealing with the negative transfer in a correct way, enforcing translation practice, and enforcing cross-cultural communi

17、cation awareness.Conclusion lists the problems that have not been solved in this thesis and puts forward some suggestions.The purposes of the study in this thesis are: firstly, to try to help senior high school students avoid negative transfer of their mother tongue and improve their English writing

18、 ability; secondly, to enrich senior high school teachers experience of writing teaching, reduce English writing errors, help them tackle the English writing errors and adjust their teaching methods. Key words: English teaching; transfer errors; writing skills; negative transfer of mother tongue89-C

19、ontentsIntroduction1Chapter Literature Review41.1 The Definition of Transfer41.2 Historical Perspective on Transfer Studies51.2.1 Definition of Language Transfer51.2.2 Behaviorist Views on Language Transfer61.2.3 Classification of Language Transfer71.3 Contrastive Analysis91.4 Error Analysis111.4.1

20、The Concept of Error121.4.2 Errors and Mistakes121.5 Interlingua Hypothesis13Chapter Research Design on Negative Transfer in Senior high school English Writing162.1 Purpose of the present study162.2 Research Procedure162.3 Objectives172.4 Subjects172.5 Instruments and Methods182.5.1 Writing Task182.

21、5.2 Descriptive Analysis202.5.3 Interview282.6 Result28Chapter The Common Negative Transfer of Mother Tongue in Senior high school English writing293.1 Errors in Substance293.1.1 Errors in Capitalization.303.1.2 Errors in Punctuation Mark.303.2 Lexical Negative Transfer323.2.1 Errors in Function wor

22、ds323.2.2 Errors in Nouns.373.2.3 Errors in Verbs383.2.4 Errors in Adverbs403.3 Syntax Negative Transfer423.3.1 Errors in Agreement of Subject423.3.2 Errors in Sentence Fragments443.3.3 Errors in Word Order453.3.4 Errors in Run- on Sentence473.4 Grammatical Negative Transfer483.5 Habit of Expression

23、 Negative Transfer51Chapter : Ways Out for Negative Transfer of Mother Tongue in Senior High School English Writing574.1 Encouraging Senior High School Students to Think in English584.2 Enforcing English Writing Motivation to Practice594.3 Enforcing Language Input through Reading and Reciting614.3.1

24、 Enforcing reading614.3.2 Enforcing reciting624.4 Enforcing lexical and Grammar Learning634.5 Dealing with the Negative Transfer in a Correct Way664.6 Enforcing Translation Practice664.7 Enforcing Cross-cultural Communication Awareness67Conclusion70Bibliography72Appendix 75Appendix 76Appendix 80Appe

25、ndix IV87Appendix V88Acknowledgements89IntroductionThe impact of first language on second language acquisition has been discussed in second language acquisition research. This impact is called native language interference phenomenon. It is very common for senior high school students to make errors i

26、n their English study. But different linguists hold different views on how to deal with learners errors. Three main western theories on errors are Contrastive Analysis (CA), Errors Analysis (EA) and the Interlingua Hypothesis (IH). After studying the main three categories of theories, some linguists

27、 think that language interference cant deal with all the aspects of second language acquisition, nothing can be explained clearly. Mother tongue transfer is divided into two groups: positive transfer and negative transfer. In English, positive transfer can improve ones English study, while, negative

28、 transfer cramps the learners to study and use the English language. In this thesis, the errors which caused by mother tongue negative transfer were discussed. After studying the main three theories, the students have understood native languages negative transfer more and better. Through studying th

29、ese errors which occurred in students compositions, the teachers have been improving their foreign language proficiency and increase students English writing ability. Chinese senior high school students learn English on the basis of their mother language, so they are always influenced by Chinese, wh

30、ich limits Chinese students thoughts on how to deal with this influence and understand the differences between the English and Chinese language. Because most students English knowledge is very limited, it is necessary for them to find out effective approaches to deal with the errors. These errors ha

31、ve become a main obstacle in Chinese senior high school English study, especially in their English writing, so some findings and effective ways were found out. Based on native language interference phenomenon, a study of writing and the result of the relative questionnaires were made. From these que

32、stionnaires and the test, three findings are following.(1) Composition teaching is a serious teaching task during our teaching procedure, modern English teachers should constantly improve teaching method with the development of society, or the situation of present English writing teaching can not me

33、et the need of the students of today.(2) In fact, most of teachers paid little attention to their writing teaching, even their teaching methods are simple and boring, quite lots of students are not satisfied with their writing lessons.(3) During the procedure of writing, a lot of students were inter

34、fered by mother tongue, which is the most difficult problem, Thus appropriate ways were made to promote ability and motivation the students English writing.In the study, lots of negative transfer errors were analyzed, in terms of substance transfer, lexical transfer, syntax transfer, grammatical tra

35、nsfer, habit of expressions transfer etc, while the negative transfer of Chinese is just the main cause of these errors. Some suggestions were put forward in learning English writing and teaching.(1) Encouraging students to think in English.(2) Enforcing English writing motivation.(3) Enforcing lang

36、uage input through reading and reciting. (4) Enforcing lexical and grammar learning.(5) Dealing with the negative transfer in a correct approach. (6) Enforcing Cross-cultural Communication Awareness.In order to make the study scientific and believable, more material on writing were collected. Data c

37、ollecting, error collecting, data analysis and questionnaire in the test are used, which will make a stronger foundation for the suggestions on English teaching, and also the study is expected to give English teachers and Chinese senior high school students some useful advice on their teaching and s

38、tudying. Someone who will be interested in this study do more care and much further research in the field of the mother tongue negative transfer.Chapter Literature Review1.1 The Definition of TransferThe rationale for this language learning theory lies within behaviorism and the belief that learning

39、 is a question of a habit formation. The behaviorists believed that when a new habit was learned, old (already learned) habits would have some effect on the learning process. Looking at the effects of one habit on learning another is known in psychology as the study of transfer (Keith Johnson 2002,

40、59-60). Transfer is a psychological term, which refers to the influence of previous learning on subsequent learning. Transfer was meant in Websters Third New World International Dictionary (1986) the carry-over or generalization of learned responses from one type of situation to another, especially

41、the application in one field of study or effort of knowledge, skill, power, or ability acquired in another. One of the concerns of learning psychologists is the effects of one learning task on a subsequent one. It is very obvious that prior learning effects subsequent learning, so it leads to the hy

42、pothesis of transfer. Educationists assume that transfer of training will be pervasive, so that : what is learned in school will be relevant in later life; successive steps in a course will be associated through transfer earlier to later steps; gains made in one skill, say speaking, will effect gain

43、s in other skills. Ellis also supplies a definition of transfer; it is the hypothesis that the learning of task A will affect the subsequent learning of task B”. Lado (1957:2) Transfer is the psychological cornerstone of CA. I have shown how it is manifested in second language learning. The notion o

44、f transfer originates in behaviorist psychology, which has been superseded by cognitive psychology. It appears that attempts to accommodate CA under cognitive are not very profitable: thinking in terms of a “strategy” of transfer seems to add little to our understanding of the mechanisms involved (J

45、ames, Carl. 1980).1.2 Historical Perspective on Transfer StudiesEllis (1994) claims that no theory of second language acquisition (SLA) that ignores the learners prior linguistic knowledge can be considered completely. Opinions about language transfer have undergone considerable changes as the devel

46、opment of SLA. I think the following discussions will help the learners to understand and study about language transfer studies. 1.2.1 Definition of Language TransferLanguage transfer often happens between native language and target language. Language transfer is divided into two kinds, one is posit

47、ive; the other is negative in second language (L2) learning. Many researchers have put forward and much research has proved the phenomenon of language transfer. In foreign learning and teaching, two types of transfer may occur; negative transfer may influence language teaching and studying, while, p

48、ositive transfer can help the learners to study a foreign language. Although many researchers have been working on the study of language transfer for a long time, it is not an easy job to give a correct definition because of some controversy in the field of language learning. A lot of linguists like

49、 Kellerman (1995) and Yip (1986:3) gave their different suggestions on language transfer. According to the suggestion of Odlin (1989), language transfer is a kind of cross-linguistic influence. Generally speaking, peoples attitude on language transfer has three stages of development: criticism and n

50、eglect; rediscovery and revolution, proposal and application. Lado (1957)viewed that the learners errors and difficulties could be predicted through the contrast of native and target language and linguists believed in Lidos hypothesis that similarities between L1 and L2 facilitate the period of L2 l

51、earning and differences between them.1.2.2 Behaviorist Views on Language TransferEarly research on language transfer can be traced to the 1940s and 1950s when behaviorism predominated in the field of linguistics. When behaviorists learn theory, they attempts explain all learning in terms of some for

52、m of conditioning. Behaviorists view pointed that all human behaviors could be explained in terms of the way in which simple S-R (stimulus and response) connections were built up. Therefore, in linguistic studies, the learners linguistic competence was analyzed as a series habits (Bloomfield, 1933).

53、 Linguists gave a behaviorist view; it regards language learning as a habit formation. That is to say, the learners first language habit can be easily transferred to their second language learning in the process of language learning. Within this framework, researchers came up with new approaches to

54、the studies of second language learning.1.2.3 Classification of Language TransferThere are some similarities and differences between the native language and the target language according to language transfer theory. The study of native language may have an effective on the target language, language

55、transfer always may occur in English study. Generally speaking, according to the effectiveness of language transfer, transfer is divided into positive transfer and negative transfer. And a distinction was made between positive transfer and negative transfer. While the former would facilitate target

56、language learning, the later would interfere. Therefore in second/foreign language learning and teaching the basis of language instruction was the differences between the native language and target language. (戴炜栋2002, 161) In the process of foreign language teaching and learning, positive transfer a

57、nd negative transfer may occur. When the native language and the target have the same form, this situation which can help the students to understand and master a second language faster and more correctly. On the other hand, if some elements which affect the native language are used in our study, neg

58、ative transfer will occur. Such kind of transfer will lead to the transfer errors in the target language. Positive TransferThere are two habits shared on positive transfer in language learning, such that knowing one will help with learning the other, thats to say, the prior learning can help

59、 subsequent learning, the first language can also facilitate the second language learning. Facilitation is evident but not so much in the total absence of certain errors -as would be expected on the basis of behaviorist notions of positive transfer -but rather in a reduced number of errors and also

60、in the rate of learning. In many cases, this is frequent and clear, as when two kinds of languages share a large number of cognates (such as, English and French), thus the learners are given a head start in vocabulary learning. Negative TransferNegative transfer is also called interference,

61、it has a negative effect on language learning and it leads to be equated with production errors, there are several kinds of results of negative transfer, in speech and writing, production errors arise from differences in the native and target language. 1.3 Contrastive Analysis There is plenty of evi

62、dence to show the widespread influence of the mother tongue. In the field of language learning theory, much effort has been devoted to the systematic study of evidence of the sort. Such a study is called Contrastive Analysis and it has grown to be a major concern of applied linguistics (胡壮麟 2001. 37

63、7).The behaviorist Contrastive Analysis (CA) approach to second language acquisition in Lado (1957) attributed an almost exclusive role to transfer. Its fundamental assumption is language transfer. Lado (1957) cited in Cook V, (1993)that individuals not only tend to transfer the forms and meanings,

64、but tend to the distribution of forms and the meanings of their native language and culture in the foreign language and foreign culture. Lado (1957) claimed that the differences existed in cross-linguistic and second language acquisition extremely different from first language acquisition. Another claim made by Lado was

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