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1、品牌营销战略参考文献和英文文献翻译-英语论文品牌营销战略参考文献和英文文献翻译目 录外文文献翻译.1摘要.11. 品牌战略内涵与其功能意义.22. 我国企业品牌发展概况.32.1 国内品牌与国外品牌相比,存在着很大的差距.32.2 品牌发展缺乏整体规划.42.3 产品质量低下,品牌个性不足,缺乏创新和发展能力.42.4 品牌发展策略存在误区.43. 企业品牌策略选择.63.1 树立正确的品牌竞争意识,着力提高品牌竞争能力.63.2 搞好品牌定位,培养消费者品牌偏好与品牌忠诚.63.3 遵循品牌设计规律, 注重品牌形象.73.4 采用多种品牌竞争手段.7外文翻译原文.91. Brand stra

2、tegy with its connotations of the functional significance 102. Enterprise Brand Development Overview .122.1 Domestic brands and foreign brands.132.2 Brand Development Planning .132.3 Overall lack of poor product quality.142.4 Brand Development Strategy exist Mistakes .143. Brand strategy to establis

3、h a correct choice .163.1 Brand awareness of competition and strive to improve the competitiveness .163.2 Brands improve brand positioning.163.3 Followed branding laws.173.4 Oriented brand image using a variety of means to brand competition .17参 考 文 献1 年小山. 品牌学M . 北京: 清华大学出版社,2003,5 .2 余鑫炎. 品牌战略与决策M

4、 . 吉林: 东北财经大学出版社,2001,7 .3 梅清豪. 市场本文源自六维论文网M .北京: 电子工业出版社,2001,156.4 叶海名. 品牌创新与品牌营销M .石家庄: 河北人民出版社出版社,2001 .5 翁向东. 本土品牌战略M . 杭州: 浙江人民出版社,2002,30-46 .6 刘威. 品牌战略管理实战手册M . 广州: 广东经济出版社,2004 .7 广州本田汽车有限公司EB/OL.8 李辉. 2007年度家用电器品牌分析J . 2007:39 宋永高. 品牌战略与管理M . 浙江大学出版社,2003,73-75. 10 巨天中. 品牌战略M .北京: 中国经济出版社,

5、2004,231.11 Charles W,Lamb Joseph,Hair Carl McDaniel,Marketing M 6thed北京大学出版社,2001 . 12 Hart. C.WL, Heskett, J.L Sasser, W. E. Jr. The Profitable Art of Service RecoveryM . Harvard Business PreviewJ . 1990 :1, 48-56 .13 Kate Bertrand,Marketers Discover What Quality Pearly MeanM . Business Marketin6,

6、 1987, 4:58-72 . 14 苻国群消费者行为学M . 武汉: 武汉大学出版枉,2000, 52 . 15 菲利普-科特勒市场营销原理M 北京:清华大学出版社,2001 .16 刘强军. 商场现代化J . 2005, 2(453): 23-27 .17 (美) 理查德 .L. 霍德霍森 .市场营销学M 上海: 上海人民出版社, 2004M 1326品牌营销战略参考文献和英文文献翻译摘 要从品牌战略的内涵与其功能意义入手,探讨了品牌战略在企业营销中的作用。在分析我国企业营销品牌战略发展状况的基础上,认为,提高品牌意识,搞好品牌定位,塑造良好品牌形象,综合运用多种竞争手段,是企业品牌营销

7、的必然选择。关键词:品牌战略;企业;品牌策略;品牌定位1. 品牌战略内涵与其功能意义所谓品牌战略是指企业通过创立市场良好品牌形象, 提升产品知名度, 并以知名度来开拓市场,吸引顾客, 扩大市场占有率, 取得丰厚利润回报,培养忠诚品牌消费者的一种战略选择。品牌战略是现代企业市场营销的核心。从品牌战略的功能来看, 一个品牌不仅仅是一个产品的标志, 更多的是产品的质量、性能、满足消费者效用的可靠程度的综合体现。它凝结着企业的科学管理、市场信誉、追求完美的精神文化内涵, 决定和影响着产品市场结构与服务定位。因此, 发挥品牌的市场影响力,带给消费者信心, 给予消费者以物质和精神的享受正是品牌战略的基本功

8、能所在。实践证明, 良好品牌往往能给人以特别印象, 在同等质量下可以索取较高价格。有些公司拥有良好的品牌甚至还可以在不同国家逆周期、反季节制造产品, 从而使成本与收益流量畅通1 。经济全球化背景下, 国际竞争越来越表现为品牌的竞争, 现代跨国公司绝大多数都是世界知名品牌公司, 尤其注重品牌战略的运用, 通过品牌这种全方位的输出形态, 跨国公司逐步占领了国际市场, 可以毫不夸张地说, 而今, 品牌已是跨国公司 市场选择的唯一要素。第二,监督和保证产品价值品牌是一个集合概念,它包括产品质量、形象、技术、功能、效用等诸多内容。创造一个广受消费者欢迎的品牌产品,需要日积月累的努力和长期的品质、价值保证

9、。第三,实现规模经济效益品牌成长带动了企业产品价格上扬,需求增加,有利于企业扩大再生产,增加规模经济收益。第四,保证企业不断壮大和持续发展许多跨国公司认为,成功品牌的价值不仅在于它们能够保证将来的收入,增加顾客对公司产品的需求,更在于企业出现危机时能给他们予以支持,确保企业长期发展。2. 我国企业品牌发展概况市场开放以来,外商、外资大量涌入,在给我国企业和市场注入了新鲜血液和活力的同时,也为我国企业带来了前所未有的竞争压力。受传统观念和落后经营方式的影响,我国企业在品牌竞争意识方面普遍不强,因此吃了不少苦头。一些企业为此丢了市场,一些企业因为品牌保护力度不够被挤出了市场,还有些企业良好知名品牌


11、争力方面,投入了一定的人力,物力与财力关注,也取得了一定的骄人成绩,形成了一批如长虹、海信、TCL 、海尔、格兰仕、联想等颇有世界影响力的知名品牌。甚至在整个社会层面上,连普通的民营企业主、个体商贩,也懂得了要进行商标注册,要进行品牌宣传。形势虽然喜人,情况却依然不容乐观,从品牌战略发展的高度来看,我国企业还存在着诸多问题:2.1 国内品牌与国外品牌相比,存在着很大的差距这种差距反映在国内品牌的数量、质量、规模、影响力方面,和品牌成长环境方面(包括法规、管理、规划、战略实施) ,以及品牌理论的深入和品牌观念的普及方面,都还处于起步阶段。以中外企业品牌对抗为例,国外企业知名品牌在中国市场上长驱直

12、入,占据大半河山,市场占有率每年以10 %左右的速度递增3 。国内企业知名品牌则寥寥无几, 市场不兴,前景堪忧;国外企业品牌成长已经上升到了知识产权保护的高度,国内企业品牌却还在与假冒伪劣产品纠缠不清;国外企业靠经营和技术树立品牌,国内企业靠宣传和命名树立品牌;国外企业早已转向开发品牌内在价值,强调品牌的产品扩散效应和产业组织聚合效应,以获取更高的溢价收益和稳定收益。国内企业却还停留在品牌外在标记形象上认识品牌作用,将品牌仅仅看作是产品的附属和象征而已;国外企业对知名品品牌营销战略参考文献和英文文献翻译牌的巩固是以保护产品质量和声誉为观念。国内企业反以满足无形资产评估,坐享其成为观念。如此种种

13、,均将表明,我国企业品牌发展的道路必将是路漫漫其修远兮,尚需上下而求索。2.2 品牌发展缺乏整体规划成功的品牌形象塑造绝不是品牌战略自身的事情,它要涉及到企业经营管理的所有重大战略决策,诸如产品质量、技术开发、经营规模、品牌设计、广告策划、市场营销、人才战略设计等各个方面。当前,国内相当企业没有将品牌融入到企业的整体规划当中,也不重视品牌的研究开发,只把产品宣传交给一般的员工去完成,或者直接把它交给广告公司,这样,企业管理者对其重要的无形资产品牌,缺乏应有的了解,甚至产生疏远感,加剧了产品与消费者之间沟通困难,从而导致消费者困惑和不满,丧失了品牌竞争力。2.3 产品质量低下,品牌个性不足,缺乏

14、创新和发展能力国内不少企业产品品位低下,质量不稳定,包装不新颖,售后服务不到位,宣传工作没力度,严重影响了品牌地位的提升。从另外一个层面讲,也有的企业品牌设计个性不鲜明,科技、文化、艺术等含量不高,内涵不丰富,缺乏强烈的吸引力。最为严重的是,不少企业品牌老化严重,资产与内在价值开始衰退甚至消失, 如中国最早一批“十大驰名商标”凤凰、永久、霞飞等早已风光不再。品牌的生命在于创新。不能随着市场需求的变化,消费者偏好的转移,及时对现有产品进行改进改造,重新设计形象,是我国企业品牌普遍创新不足的主要原因。2.4 品牌发展策略存在误区企业品牌发展策略是一种经营之道,需要有科学的经营理念和高超的运作技巧,

15、但国内不少企业品牌策划者在此方面表现得尤为拙劣和急功近利, 影响了企业品牌的发展, 实际工作中出现了不少这样的误区: 如认为创建品牌工作就是给产品取 名品牌等同于高价, 必须不切实际地提高产品价格等等。有的企业甚至在品牌操作误区上走得更远, 不惜放弃企业自身品牌, 采用外国公司品牌, 或将自身品牌低价出售转让, 如我国现有20多万个“三资”企业中, 有90 %以上的合资企业在使用外方品牌; 广州洁银牙膏厂以200 万元低价将品牌转让给合资企业4 等等, 就是这样的突出事例, 现今其可怕后果已日渐显现出来丧失了本国企业自身品牌、产品与知识产权, 民族产业竞争力究竟何在?3. 企业品牌策略选择品牌

16、战略是企业总体战略的重要组成部分, 而品牌战略的实施又是增强产品竞争能力的必然选择。适应当前市场开放情况, 搞好品牌策略选择,是我国企业营销工作的一项急迫任务。3.1 树立正确的品牌竞争意识,着力提高品牌竞争能力随着对外开放和国际化进程的加快,我国已经进入了品牌竞争时代,创立品牌、宣传品牌、保护品牌、发展品牌,走品牌之路已经形成了共识。但品牌的成长并不是一个简单的一踏而蹴的事情,而是一个长期的系统工程,需要整体规划,通盘考虑。结合当前实际,我国企业可以根据自身的条件与特点,在分析市场环境的基础上,制定出品牌战略,实施品牌工程,包括采取“发展拳头产品,巩固品牌;扶植新兴产品,创造品牌;开发尖端产

17、品,培养品牌。”的战略方针,来壮大品牌实力,拓展市场份额,树立品牌形象。当然,良好品牌是市场消费者认可的结果,而不是企业自吹自擂的力作,提高品牌竞争力不仅要求企业在广告宣传上是一流的,同时也应该在产品质量、技术性能、款式造型、售后服务、商标设计等方面都是一流的。3.2 搞好品牌定位,培养消费者品牌偏好与品牌忠诚品牌形象竞争并非全方位的竞争,每一个品牌都有自己的市场定位。定位的基本方法不是去创作某种新奇的或与众不同的事项, 而是去操纵已经存在于心的东西, 即将顾客心目中潜在的购买欲望挖掘出来, 使之转化为消费冲动5 。品牌定位离不开具体行业, 否则毫无价值可言, 如”百事可乐”是种碳酸饮料, 这

18、一品牌至多延伸到食品行业, 再往外延伸, 其价值就无法转移了。品牌是竞争力的综合表现。品牌偏好与品牌忠诚的建立是品牌树立的前提, 这不是一件容易的事情, 它需要企业有良好的市场信誉与道德规范作保证, 同时还要有保持对消费者AAU (消费者对品牌的知名Awareness ,态度Attitude , 使用状况Usage , 的缩写) 进行追踪调整的能力。因此, 建立顾客信息反馈系统, 不断搜集消费者偏好变化情况, 了解顾客对品牌意见, 为消费者提供个性化服务, 就显得十分必要了。顾客对企业品牌的忠诚是长期累积的结果, 并非一日之功, 可口可乐品牌树立有100 多年历史,万宝路形象风靡全球有40 多

19、年, 均得益于企业执行长期营销策略的结果。而消费者对品牌的深刻印象也只有经过长期一致的营销活品牌营销战略参考文献和英文文献翻译动, 才能产生满意和接受。3.3 遵循品牌设计规律, 注重品牌形象品牌设计是一门艺术。既要在消费者心目中留下深刻印象, 又要刺激消费者的消费欲望, 除产品功能、质量、包装、造型设计是关键外, 商标设计也很重要。通常, 具有美感, 文化内涵丰富, 简洁醒目,易于传诵, 构思精巧, 能超越时空, 并朗朗上口的品牌最易为广大消费者所接受。品牌设计往往要体现出企业宗旨和核心价值, 但其立足点大多根植于企业优势、消费者特点、同行比较这三维坐标。如3M 品牌优势在于机械、动力与管理

20、, 服务并满足的是公司办公需要与工厂制造需要, 在同行中凸现的是“小而精”的个性与数字化技术领先的魅力。诚然, 品牌设计必须顺应市场的变化而不断丰富、创新, 这是品牌竞争制胜的法宝。3.4 采用多种品牌竞争手段我国企业目前大多处于成长阶段,品牌实力较弱,在竞争中处于不利地位,这是勿庸置疑的事实,但根据行业、市场和企业资源状况,趋利避害,消除不利影响,不失为明智选择。第一,与具有知名品牌的境外公司合作生产,借壳上市。如将我国生产的皮夹克运至意大利进行最后加工,皮夹克成品出口时标注“意大利”品牌,可获高额利润。当时机成熟时,再推出我们 的品牌或公司,消除其对本地品牌或公司的威胁。 如香水业近十年来

21、一直深受法国各种品牌的影响,为了消除这种影响,有资本实力的公司或企业可对法国化妆品公司进行收购。第三,使用挂钩策略。如市场上,“可口可乐”、“百事可乐”是主要饮料品牌,具有很好的口感和形象,我国企业推出“非常可乐”,将自己产品与国外可乐联系起来,可以在消费者心目中产生联想,制造购买冲动,树立良好形象。第四,重新界定品牌形象,避免在同类产品竞争中发生冲突。如可以借鉴日本最大化妆品公司资生堂的经营模式,强调自己是护肤产品从而避免了法国化妆品(香水) 公司的围攻。 第五,利用名人为品牌作保证,加强品牌宣传。可参考美国耐克公司雇用篮球明星迈克尔乔丹为其运动服装在欧洲市场作宣传的营销模式。第六,加强品牌

22、联合。用两个或多个品牌(如健力宝和中国女排) 有效地组成协作联盟,提高自己品牌的社会接受力,效果比单独走出去好得多。第七,重视品牌营销创意和售后服务,以达到品牌轰动效应和强大冲击力。“白加黑”药片的营销创意, “海尔”集团对售后服务的高度重视,都是树立成功知名品牌的例子。第八,多角化经营,多品牌策略。诸如顶益食品企业,在高收入层次目标市场采用“康师傅”品牌,在低收入层次目标市场采用“福满多”品牌。有效满足了不同需求消费者,扩大了品牌知名度。第九,事实宣传造势策略。广东蛇胆口服液生产厂家,为消除消费者对保健品不信任态度,引领消费者对产品的生产程序和制作方法进行全程参观,并邀请有关专家进行咨询,结

23、果口碑极佳,品牌声誉迅速上升。品牌营销战略参考文献和英文文献翻译AbstractFrom the connotation of brand strategy with its functional significance, this paper discusses a brand marketing strategy in the role. In analyzing corporate brand marketing strategy development on the basis that a higher brand awareness, improve brand position

24、ing, Building a good brand image, using a combination of competition means of Brand Marketing is the inevitable choice.Keywords : brand strategy; Enterprise; Brand Strategy; Brand positioning sources1. brand strategy with its connotations of the functional significanceThe so-called brand strategy re

25、fers to the market through the creation of good brand image, improving product visibility, and visibility to open up the market to attract customers, expand market share and achieved substantial profit, cultivate brand loyalty consumers a strategic choice. Brand strategy is the modern enterprise mar

26、keting at the core. From the functional brand strategy, a brand is not just a product of the signs, more products of the quality, performance, meet consumer effectiveness of the reliability of the comprehensive embodiment. It demonstrates the scientific management of the confidence, provide consumer

27、s with material and spiritual enjoyment of the brand strategy is the basic function of the host. Practice has proved that good brand often give people a special impression that the same quality can be obtained from the higher prices. Some companies have a good brand even in different countries can r

28、everse cycle-season manufactured products, so that the cost and revenue flows in the area 1. Against the background of economic globalization and international competition is increasingly reflected in the competition for the brand, the vast majority of modern multinational companies are world-renown

29、ed brand companies, with particular emphasis on the use of brand strategy. This brand through all the output patterns, multinational companies gradually occupied the international market, it is no exaggeration to say that now, Brand is a multinational companies to achieve the global strategic object

30、ives of sharp weapons, is to expand capital important means. Brand Strategy by a rise, namely countries in the world as companies and enterprises, which values it at the global implementation of the industrial sector, universal significance lies : Firstly, to promote sales of brand products is the c

31、ore product and brand marketing effect of other means than the, In developed markets, brand recognition has been replaced product identification, the market has become the only factor. Second, supervision and guarantee of value brand is a combination of concept, which includes product quality, image

32、, technology, function, effectiveness of many other content. Create a widely welcomed by consumers brand products, takes a long-term effort and the quality assurance value. Third, the economies of scale driven by growth brand products rising prices and an increase in demand, help enterprises to expa

33、nd production and increase economies of scale benefits. Fourth, ensure that enterprises continue to grow and sustained development of many multinational companies that success of the value of the brand is not only because they are able to guarantee future income, increased customer demand for the co

34、mpanys products, but also because enterprises crisis can give them support, to ensure the long-term development. 品牌营销战略参考文献和英文文献翻译2. Enterprise Brand Development OverviewOpening of the market, foreign companies and foreign capital influx Chinese enterprises to the market and injected fresh blood and

35、 vitality in the meantime, Chinese enterprises also brought unprecedented pressure of competition. Traditional concepts and backward way business, Chinas enterprises in the competitive brand awareness in general is not strong, So eat a lot of bitterness. Some enterprises that lost market, as some en

36、terprises have not done enough to protect brand being squeezed out of the market. Some enterprises also well known brand is a vicious foreign enterprises fact that henceforth the doldrums. brand competition everywhere in a passive position. In contrast, foreign firms, most of them in the vanguard of

37、 the brand to a huge amount of capital and advanced technology as a backup, and at all costs to occupy the host market, products and services in the host country full market every corner. Generally, the internationally renowned brands concentrated mainly in the high rate of return, the market capaci

38、ty of vehicles, household appliances, household chemicals, beverages, pharmaceuticals, and telecommunications industries. In China, as long as a reference to Sony, Panasonic, Philips, Motorola, Nokia, Siemens, Mercedes, General Motors, Coca-Cola, BAYVIEW, P & G and other internationally renowned bra

39、nds, I believe that every one people are not unfamiliar, and perhaps this is a quality of life change, But I am afraid it is more of its own brand of helplessness. Cruel reality of market competition, education, the value of Chinas enterprises operators, but also awakens the enterprises brand awaren

40、ess. In recent years, Chinas enterprises in cultivating brand competitiveness, a certain input of manpower, material and financial concerns, also made some remarkable achievements, such as the formation of a number of Changhong, Hisense, TCL, Haier, Glanz. Lenovo quite influential in the world-renow

41、ned brands. Even in a social level, even an ordinary private enterprise owners and individual traders, but also how to conduct the registration of trademarks, for brand publicity. Although the situation is gratifying, however, the situation is still not optimistic from the brand strategy at the heig

42、ht of view, Chinese enterprises still exist many problems : 2.1 domestic brands compared with foreign brands, there is a considerable gap Between this gap reflected in the number of domestic brands, quality, size, influence, Brand development and the environment (including rules and regulations, man

43、agement, planning and implementation of the strategy) and the in-depth brand theory and the concept of universal brand, are still in the infancy stage. Chinese and foreign enterprises to brand confrontation example, the well-known brands of foreign enterprises in China to drive straight into the mar

44、ket, occupy most of the rivers. annual market share to 10% growth rate 3. Domestic enterprises were very few well-known brands, the market quite calm, the field; Brand development of foreign enterprises has risen to the height of intellectual property protection, Brand domestic enterprises still in

45、with fake and shoddy products entangling; Foreign enterprises depend on business and technology for establishing brand, domestic enterprises depend on publicity and establish brand names; Foreign companies have shifted brand development intrinsic value. Brand stressed that the effect of the prolifer

46、ation of products, and industrial organization polymerization effect, in order to obtain a higher premium income and stable on the protection of the quality and reputation of the concept. Anti-domestic enterprises to meet the evaluation of intangible assets, thus enabling concepts. All these have to

47、 show that Chinese enterprises brand development for the road is the road long course to you, yet and earth.2.2 Brand lack of overall planningFor the development of a successful brand image is not shaping its own brand strategy matters, It involves the operation and management of enterprises of all

48、major strategic decisions, such as product quality, technology, size, brand design, advertising planning, marketing, human resources strategy design, among other areas. At present, domestic enterprises do not quite brand into the overall business plan, not to brand research and development, Product

49、publicity only to the general staff to complete, or direct it to advertising companies so that Enterprise managers to their important intangible - brands, the lack of understanding, even a sense of alienation. Products and exacerbated the difficulties in communication between consumers, leading to c

50、onsumer confusion and discontent, loss of a brand competitiveness. 2.3 poor product quality, brand personality, lack of innovation and development capacity Many low-grade products. quality, packaging is not new, after-sales service is not in place, no publicity, and a serious impact on the brand sta

51、tus improvement. From another angle, and some brand personality is not distinctive design, technology, culture, art and other contents, rich content, the lack of a strong attraction. The most serious is that many enterprises have serious aging brand, and the intrinsic value of assets began to declin

52、e or even disappear. If the first batch of Chinas Ten well-known trade mark - Phoenix, permanent and Xiafei have long been passed their prime. Brands life lies in innovation. Not with the changing market demands, the shift in consumer preference, in a timely manner to improve existing products trans

53、formation redesign the image of our brand enterprises generally the main reason for innovation. 2.4 Brand Development Strategy MistakesExist Brand Development Strategy is a business management, need science business ideas and the operation of superb skills, However, many domestic enterprises brand p

54、lanning in this regard was especially poor and rich, affected the enterprises brand development, actual work a lot of this misunderstanding : If work is to create brand products to obtain a good name. improve product visibility of the product or packaged; good brand is painting a satisfactory visual

55、 signs it; Advertising is to cultivate well-known brands only means, in addition to vigorously in the media for advertising, the other has no concern; Once the scale enterprises formed a well-known brand on the establishment of a naturally; well-known brands in the same price, be unrealistic to rais

56、e prices, and so on. Some enterprises even in the operation Mistakes on Brand gone farther, has abandoned its own brand enterprises, the use of foreign brand companies, or to sell its own low-priced brand transfers, such as Chinas current 10,000 over 20 three-capital enterprises, 90% of the joint ve

57、nture in the use of foreign brand; 品牌营销战略参考文献和英文文献翻译Guangzhou Kit silver toothpaste plant to 2 million low-priced brand will be transferred to the joint venture, etc. 4. This is an outstanding example of the horrible consequences of today has become increasingly apparent - the loss of their own bran

58、d enterprises, products and intellectual property, competitiveness of the national industry, where does it go? 3. Brand StrategyBrand Strategy overall enterprise strategy is an important component part, and the implementation of brand strategy is the ability to enhance the competitiveness of its pro

59、ducts in the inevitable choice. Adapt to the current market opening, Brand Strategy, Marketing is a work of the urgent tasks. 3.1 establishing the correct brand awareness of competition and strive to improve the competitiveness of BranWith the opening up of international and the acceleration of the

60、process, China has entered the era of brand competition, the creation of brand, brand publicity. brand protection, brand development, and follow the road of brand has formed a consensus. But brand growth is not a simple one riding off task, but a long-term project, need overall planning, the overall

61、 consideration. In connection with the reality of Chinas enterprises in accordance with its own conditions and characteristics, the analysis of the market environment on the basis of develop brand strategy, brand implementation projects, including the development of competitive products, consolidati

62、ng brand; foster new products, brand; highly sophisticated product development, cultivate brand. The strategy, brand strength to grow and expand market share, establish a brand image. Of course, a good brand is the market of consumers recognized the results, instead blowing of work, enhance brand co

63、mpetitiveness not only in the advertising business, is a first-class, but also in the quality of products, technical performance, style shapes, and after-sales service, trademark design aspects are first-class. 3.2 Brand positioning, Training consumer brand preference and brand loyaltyBrand image of the industries or no value, such as the Pepsi is a kind of carbonated beverages, This brand extension of up to the food industr

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