认知方法- 直觉 Ways of knowing - intuition

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《认知方法- 直觉 Ways of knowing - intuition》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《认知方法- 直觉 Ways of knowing - intuition(13页珍藏版)》请在装配图网上搜索。

1、Intuition Intuition The ability to understand something instinctively, without the need for conscious reasoning. Two modes of thinking Automatic system(intuition): fast, unconscious, intuitive and inflexible Reflective system(reason): slow, conscious, deliberative and flexible Heuristics (rule of th

2、umb): a mental shortcut or “rule of thumb” we use to make intuitive judgments and decisions. Naive academic intuitions 1 . Linda is thirty-one years old, single, outspoken, bright, and very much involved in social issues like disarmament and equal rights. Which of the following statements is more li

3、kely? A) Linda is a bank teller. B) Linda is a bank teller and is active in the feminist movement. 2 . If an unbiased coin is tossed six times in a row, which of the following sequences is more likely? A) H-T-H-T-H-T B) H-H-H-H-H-H 3 . You and a friend have just spent $ 1 0 each to go to the cinema

4、and watch a film. After about half an hour you both realize that it is really bad film. List some good reasons for staying until the end of the film, and then list some good reasons for leaving after half an hour. 4 . Imagine that you are standing on a large flat plain holding a bullet in your left

5、hand and a loaded gun horizontally and at the same instant drop the bullet from your left hand, which of the two bullets will hit the ground first? Social intuitions If you are speaking to a friend on the phone, how good are you at sensing whether they are tried or upset simply from their tone of vo

6、ice? Can you tell if people have just been talking about you when you come in to a room? How? Fake smile? What evidence is there that women generally have better social intuitions than men? Social intuition How quickly do you form an impression of a new teachers effectiveness? How accurate do you th

7、ink your first impression is? Do you believe in love at first sight? To what extend does it confirm the power of our social intuitions? The original title of Jane Austens famous novel Pride and Prejudice was First Impressions. What light does it or any other novel you have studied throw on the dange

8、r of such impressions? Expert intuitions Folk intuition Vs. Expert intuition A historian who feels suspicious about a historical document and later confirms that it is a forgery. A senior doctor who can tell at a glance that someone is about to have a heart attack. A chef who puts together a gourmet

9、 meal without mechanically following a recipe. Requirement for good intuitions Experience Feedback Cognitive biases Affect heuristic 情绪启发 Tendency to take our gut feelings about something as an indication of its merits Confirmation bias 证实性偏见 Familiarity bias 熟悉偏差 Familiarity breeds fondness Fluency

10、 heuristic If something is easy to process mentally, then we tend to believe it Hindsight bias后视偏见 knew it all along Sunk cost bias the unthinking assumption that once you have invested time, money or effort, you should stick with it. The halo effect晕轮效应 Blind spot bias We all believe that we have no biases Conflicting intuitions If something is intuitively obvious, must everyone agree about it? Could you be wrong in thinking that something is intuitively obvious? Whose intuitions should you trust? Are some peoples intuitions better than others?

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