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1、 本科生毕业论文(设计) 题 目:The Application of Classroom Performance in Primary and Junior High School English Teaching 专业代码: 050201 作者姓名: 许丽娟 学 号: 2008201638 单 位: 外国语学院 指导教师: 秦洪庆 聊城大学毕业论文(设计) 2012 年 5 月 20 日 原创性声明 本人郑重声明:所提交的学位论文是本人在导师指导下, 独立进行研究取得的成果。除文中已经注明引用的内容外, 论文中不含其他人已经发表或撰写过的研究成果,也不包含 为获得聊城大学或其他教育机构的学

2、位证书而使用过的材料。 对本文的研究作出重要贡献的个人和集体,均已在文中以明 确方式标明。本人承担本声明的相应责任。 学位论文作者签名: 日期 指 导 教 师 签 名: 日期 聊城大学毕业论文(设计) ABSTRACT Classroom performance is one of the specific method of situational English teaching. It is exactly suitable for the psychological and mental characteristics of primary and junior high school

3、 students. Its a good way to inspire students learning interests. So students can learn English in an easy and lively atmosphere. This essay elaborates the theoretical basis of classroom performance, and discusses the advantages of it in English teaching, the application of classroom performance in

4、almost every aspect in English teaching. At last this essay offers several points for attention in its practical application and suggests that English teachers should recognize the importance of using classroom performance in English teaching, and make best use of its advantages, so that classroom p

5、erformance will be used widely and extensively in English teaching. Key words: classroom performance; English teaching in primary and junior high school; interest 摘 要 课堂表演是情景教学法的一种具体应用。它很好地适应了小学生和初中生的 生理和心理发展特点,是提高学生英语学习兴趣的有效手段。它能够使学生在一 个轻松,活泼的学习氛围中学习英语。本篇论文介绍了课堂表演的理论基础,讨 论了它在英语教学中的优点,主要阐述了它在英语教学的各个

6、方面是怎样具体运 用的。最后指出在实际教学过程中,运用此方法要注意的问题。并希望引起英语 教师对此教学方法的重视,充分发挥其积极作用,努力避免其消极方面,使这一 教学方法得到更广泛的应用,达到最佳效果。 关键词:课堂表演; 中小学英语教学; 兴趣 聊城大学毕业论文(设计) CONTENTS 1. Introduction.1 2. The brief introduction to classroom performance.2 2.1 Definition of classroom performance .2 2.2 The theoretical foundation of classr

7、oom performance.2 2.2.1 The situational teaching theory.2 2.2.2 Theories on teenagers features in their special stage.3 2.3 Advantages of classroom performance.3 3. The application of classroom performance in primary and junior high school English teaching.4 3.1 The application of classroom performa

8、nce in vocabulary teaching4 3.2 The application of classroom performance in text teaching .6 3.2.1 In the comprehension of the text .6 3.2.2 In the recitation of the text.6 3.3 The application of classroom performance in oral English teaching .7 3.4 The application of classroom performance in gramma

9、r teaching.8 4. Limitations in the application of classroom performance .9 5. Conclusion .10 Bibliography.12 Acknowledgements.13 聊城大学毕业论文(设计) 0 The Application of Classroom Performance in Primary and Junior High School English Teaching 作者:许丽娟 专业:英 语 指导教师:秦洪庆 1. Introduction Interest is the best teac

10、her. English teachers must be recognized that interest is the core of learning English. Primary English teachers should take full account of the psychological characteristics of students and cultivate students interest in learning English. Only in this way can students learn English in an easy and l

11、ively atmosphere. Thus, in primary school English teaching, how to take various methods to mobilize the learning enthusiasm of students and transform basic knowledge into language skills and communicative competence is one of the criteria of measuring the teaching effectiveness. According to Nationa

12、l English Curriculum,“The main task of the English curriculum for nine-year compulsory education is to stimulate and cultivate students interests and their confidence in learning the language, help them develop good learning habits and form effective learning strategies, facilitate autonomy and coop

13、erative spirit in learning; enable students to master basic English language knowledge and skills in listening, speaking, reading and writing so that they form sufficient competence in using the language; cultivate students abilities to observe, to memory, to think, to imagine and to create.(Wang Qi

14、ang, 2002:44 ). In order to arouse students attention and cultivate learning interest, teachers have to try all kinds of ways to make their lessons interesting. Classroom performance is a better way to make the language come alive. It is a way through which students emerge themselves into the classr

15、oom context, thus forming a sense of vivid experience. They can enjoy the English class, and at the same time, their English improved. This is the so- called“ Study in fun, fun for study. ”The following application of classroom performance also abides by this principle. 聊城大学毕业论文(设计) 1 2. The brief i

16、ntroduction to classroom performance 2.1 Definition of classroom performance Classroom Performance is one of the specific method of situational teaching, it means when teaching a lesson, the teacher creates some act activities in classroom, which are relative to his teaching topic. Thus the students

17、 can actively take part in these activities and most important, apply what they have learned to them. During the whole process, the teacher is leader, while students is the protagonist of the class, and in the end, the teacher should give remark on students performance. This is the whole process of

18、classroom performance, and all these parts can not be omitted. Through the organic unity, students get more interested in learning English, which is the aim of this teaching method. 2.2 The theoretical foundation of classroom performance 2.2.1 The situational teaching theory The theory was first ori

19、ginated from the Western world. Over three thousand years ago, the Czech educator Johann Amos Comenius wrote in Great Didactic:“All knowledge starts from senses.”The statement reflected one of the important law of cognition of students in their studying process. That is: The perceptual intuition can

20、 make the abstract knowledge specialized and visualized, and it helps students form perceptual knowledge. Later, the theory was spread to China. In China, situational teaching theory was established in 1978 by Li Jilin, who was the vice-chairman of Chinese Education Society. It means during the teac

21、hing process, the teacher purposefully lead or create some scenes which are vivid to inspire the attitude experience of the students, thus helping them comprehend the teaching material and develop their mental function. The core of this teaching method is to stimulate the students emotion. It includ

22、es many specific aspects, such as classroom performances, music appreciation, going sightseeing, classroom games, role playing and so on. Classroom performance is one of the typical application of situational teaching method. 聊城大学毕业论文(设计) 2 2.2.2 Theories on teenagers features in their special stage

23、 Firstly, in the physiological sense, students in this period are active, playful, and they are good at imitating, they want to show them before others. If the teacher just ask them to stay there and listen, they may feel bored, and that will hinder their healthy development. Classroom performance c

24、an exactly meet their demand of showing themselves and getting the appraise of others. Secondly, in the psychological sense, students in this period are passing from concrete image thinking to abstract thinking, which is right a transitional period. So its a very important period for the youngsters.

25、 Concrete image thinking is the foundation of abstract thinking. To help students form abstract thinking later, the teacher should pay more attention to concrete images. Students of this period can conclude from these images and develop a better logical thinking ability. Over three thousand years ag

26、o, The Czech educators Johann Amos Comenius wrote in Great Didactic: “All knowledge starts from sense. ”The saying reflected one of the most important laws of students cognition in the teaching process, that is: perceptual intuition can make the abstract knowledge more specific and more pictorial, a

27、nd help the students form perceptual knowledge. The situational teaching method is to set students be personally on the scene, or just feel like in real context. Through showing distinct images to students, the teacher help the students produce a sudden comprehension from the perception of the image

28、 to the abstract reasoning. Classroom performance provides a wonderful platform for this transition. All these theories have laid a solid foundation for the emerge of classroom performance. 2.3 Advantages of classroom performance Classroom performance is loved by children and it is very close to the

29、 childrens mentality. There are many advantages of the application of classroom performance in primary English teaching. 聊城大学毕业论文(设计) 3 Firstly, classroom performance is good for stimulating students interest. Classroom performance is quick and vivid. It has large capacity and good visual effect. Th

30、ese activities are suitable for childrens mentality and psychology. It helps to create a lively classroom atmosphere to stimulate students interest in learning. And it adds the artistic charm to English class. Secondly, the application of classroom performance has an important influence on the intel

31、lectual development of students. Classroom performance can guide students to think actively and produce a rich association and imagination. So students can learn English in an active and lively atmosphere. Classroom performance enables students to focus on learning contents and helps to develop stud

32、ents intellectual capacity. Thirdly, the application of classroom performance can foster the bilateral interaction between teachers and students. Classroom performance can strengthen bilateral teaching activities of teachers and cultivate students competence of listening and speaking through classro

33、om performance. Teachers can adopt various teaching training, such as ask question verbally, answer questions and repeat the sentence or text to strengthen the classroom interaction. Thus, the efficiency of teaching can be guaranteed through the form of classroom performance. 3. The application of c

34、lassroom performance in primary and junior high school English teaching Classroom performance can create a real scene before students, it leave the actor in a vivid living situation. In this sense, its also practical, through which the knowledge we learned can transfer into practice. Thus students m

35、ay find English is useful, and relevant to our daily life. Interests arise spontaneously. Because of the advantages of classroom performance, such as real, vivid and concise, the application of classroom performance makes English class interesting. classroom performance English teaching is an import

36、ant part that should not be neglected in the elementary English teaching. It can be used in almost every aspect in primary and junior high school English teaching, such as vocabulary teaching, oral English teaching, grammar teaching, listening, reading and so on. 聊城大学毕业论文(设计) 4 3.1 The application o

37、f classroom performance in vocabulary teaching For most students, vocabulary learning is generally considered to be the most difficult part of English language learning. The capacity of English vocabulary is huge. It is changing all the time with new words and new meanings. “Just because vocabulary

38、learning is difficult, researchers and teachers have experimented with a great many strategies and skills to deal with vocabulary” (Zhang Weiyou, 2004:138). If teachers just read to students or ask them to write when teaching new words, it will make students feel its dull and hard to remember them.

39、There are many methods to teach English words. Vocabulary is best learned when the meaning of the word is specialized, for example by an action, a real object or creating a scene. The children should then meet and use the words in relevant contexts, in their mind. So the mastery of classroom perform

40、ance can make everything visualized. With the help of classroom performance, students interest will be motivated and the words will be marked in students mind for a long time. Because what we have seen with our own eyes and what we experienced in person can stay longer in our mind than what we heard

41、 or read, the performance not only help students remember the new words, but strengthen their memory. For example, when teaching the new word “apple”, the teacher can bring an apple to the classroom, and ask a student to do performance with her or she. First the teacher ask pointing to the apple :“

42、Whats this?”Then the student answer: “ Its an apple.” Or in another game, teacher ask two students to act,one just command“ Point to the door. ” The other one will do as commanded. Then ask :“Point to the window.” the second student will do again. “Point to the blackboard.” “Point to the chair.” and

43、 so on. After several times, the two students can change their roles. Through this kind of practice, when come across blackboard, door, apple, window these real things, they can remind of their English expression. This is a way that connect the concrete image thinking with abstract logical thinking.

44、“ Contain study in 聊城大学毕业论文(设计) 5 use” is always the purpose of learning English. Thus the student may form a condition reflection, that is when they come across apple, they say “Its an apple.” Something like that. You can imagine how solid the word have carved in their mind. Besides, they also mast

45、ered the use of the sentence patterns“ This is.”“Point to.”at the same time. Classroom performance can also be used to distinguish synonyms. For example, when explain the difference between “bring” and “take”the two words, the teacher can act with body language. The teacher can bring a bag to the de

46、sk, and then take it out of the classroom. Thus when students are confused about the two words, they will remember the scene their teacher have performed, then the difference is clear to them. 3.2 The application of classroom performance in text teaching 3.2 .1 In the comprehension of the text Class

47、room performance can make students place themselves in the context, thus producing a sense of pleasure. When learners emerge themselves into the context, they feel they are just part of what is happening, they will have no trouble understanding the content of the text. To achieve this, the teacher s

48、hould prepare some simple props relevant to the text, and fix up the classroom more like a stage. Later, when all are prepared, the teacher ask some groups of students to go to the platform and act as the text written. The dialogue, which is imagined originally, now become a real scene. Students may

49、 join in with great passion, Students like this kind of acting activity, so they will be interested in English class. Thus their English improved naturally. 3.2.2 In the recitation of the text Classroom performance can help students recite texts as easy as pie. Because when they are involved into th

50、e context, the words what the role said will come out to tip spontaneously, they can easily grasp the new phrases, the regular usage of some idioms. Through several times of this kind of practice, students can cultivate 聊城大学毕业论文(设计) 6 a“language intuition”, that is to say, when they are asked to do

51、questions such as choosing a correct answer or finish the blank, they can accomplish only by their intuition towards English language, or we can say, the custom of language without too much logical thinking. Through long-term feeling and application of language, we can accumulate an acute rational s

52、ense of observation and comprehension towards the language. This is the so-called“ language intuition” . Its a logical ability to switch from language and thoughts. As we all know, this kind of language intuition is very important for learning a foreign language. The famous educator Ye Shaojun have

53、said:“ For the training of language, I think the most important is to train language intuition, an acute feeling towards language. ” Only if we had formed the language intuition, can we truly understand English, can we have an outstanding eloquence, can we write like using a gifted pen. However, the

54、 language intuition is based on a large number of language practice and continuous application. 3.3 The application of classroom performance in oral English teaching However good a student may be at listening and understanding, it does not mean that he will speak well. The primary function of langua

55、ge is communication. As a means of teaching, oral training is an important way to develop oral reading and writing skills, learn phonetics, grammar and vocabulary. Enhancing listening and speaking skills is the contemporary trend in foreign language teaching. And it is also the direction of improvin

56、g our foreign language teaching. Language is a tool for communication. So our teaching should design some student-centered activities and provide authentic language situations. It is obvious that classroom performance teaching plays an important role in promoting interest and hindering restrain. The

57、 oral practice can achieve its expecting aim based on classroom performance. Brumu said: “Successful English teaching should establish various teaching scenes” (Mei deming, 2004:38). Teachers should provide students with sufficient chance to practice the language materials. But it is impossible to b

58、ring the students to the real teaching scenes all the time. So teachers can establish different teaching scenes with the help of 聊城大学毕业论文(设计) 7 classroom performance to practice oral English. With the combination of language teaching and classroom performance, the use of classroom performance to des

59、ign a variety of oral communication activities often receives good results. Traditional English teaching only pay attention to the reading skills and writing skills with ignorance of the speaking skill. Because we dont have a oral English text in primary and secondary school, students also devoted t

60、hemselves only to how to get high scores in examinations and hold a casual attitude towards English speaking. In my opinion, new curriculum reform should pay more attention to oral English teaching, for its crucial at the first learning period. Once it goes in a wrong way, its hard to correct it( in

61、cluding pronunciation, intonation and voice.) afterwards. Then how classroom performance help improving students speaking ability? First, classroom performance provide a chance for students to practice talking in English. We have few chance to talk to foreigners in our daily life, so English become

62、mute English, and learning English become a dull work. Classroom performance gives a good solution to this problem. Second, when doing classroom performance in English, teacher can rectify students errors in pronunciation, voice and intonation. Thus, their pronunciation will become more standard and

63、 their intonation, more native. Because of the special features of language, we can not practice speaking English in an isolated environment. Therefore, imitating a language situation is very important. Classroom performance can help to form a good interaction between the teacher and students. 3.4 T

64、he application of classroom performance in grammar teaching Grammar teaching is one of the obstacles of English teaching. Grammar seems too abstract to understand for most students. Many teachers also think that grammar teaching is very boring. If teachers only rely on the mouth and a piece of chalk

65、 to impart knowledge of grammar, it may sound boring for students. There are two methods in teaching grammar: the inductive and the deductive method. The former starts with real examples and through a study of the examples come to the grammar rule that is suggested in the example. The latter starts

66、with the presentation of the grammar rule first and then processes are to the study of illustrative examples. 聊城大学毕业论文(设计) 8 Teaching practice proves that the inductive method is more suitable for students psychological process to master foreign language grammar. So it is the main method of teaching grammar. The inductive method starts from the real and proceeds step by step to the abstract and thus encourages students to participate in the process of discovery. With young children and beginners

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