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1、大学英语(第二版)听说教程听力原文Test 1Part ADirections: You are going to hear eight short conversations between two speakers. Each will be read only once. After each conversation, a question will be asked about what you have heard. Listen once and choose the right answer to the question you hear. (8 points)1. M: Y

2、ou like music, dont you, Sally?W: Yes. Classical and light music. But now what you hear everywhere is only noisy music. I cant stand it.Q: What does the woman mean?2. W: I think Ill wear my red blouse to the party tonight.M: Why dont you wear the blue one? I think you look in better in it.Q: What do

3、es the man mean?3. W: How do you like the pie youve had?M: Never have I had such a delicious pie.Q: What does the man mean?4. W: Oh, Peter. Im hungry. I cant walk any further.M: How about getting something to eat in the restaurant just round the corner by the parking lot?Q: Where are the two speaker

4、s?5. W: Nice day, isnt it? Want to join us for a swim?M: Would you mind waiting for a minute while I get prepared?Q: What does the woman mean?6. W: Hi, Tony. Havent seen you for some time. How have you been?M: I have a car accident last week, but only some minor injuries.Q: What happened to Tony?7.

5、W: Maggie, could you forward this mail to Professor Wang?M: Sorry, Phil. My computer has broken down. But Ill do it as soon as I have it fixed.Q: What does the woman mean?8. W: Ive been under the weather for quite a few days. I thought my cold was going away. But it seems to get worse now.M: Youve b

6、een complaining too much. Why didnt you make an appointment with the doctor earlier?Q: What does the man mean?Part BDirections: Youll hear two conversations. Each will be read once. Listen carefully and choose the right answers to the questions you hear. (7 points)Conversation 1Alan: Are you going t

7、o the football game today, Betty?Betty: No, Alan. But Ill be watching it on television with some friends.Alan: Werent you able to get any tickets?Betty: I didnt try. I really dont go to games so often.Alan: But dont you enjoy going? Dont you find it exciting to be part of the crowd?Betty: Oh, thats

8、for sure. Nothing beats the atmosphere at a sporting event: the cheering, all that energy. But sometimes its just too inconvenient getting into and out of the stadium before and after the game. And if you watch the game with friends, or at a bar or restaurantAlan: youve basically created your own cr

9、owd.Betty: Thats right. Another reason why I like to watch games on television is that I simply find it easier to follow the action on TV.Alan: Yeah, sometimes it is a little difficult to keep track of the ball when youre sitting in the stands.Betty: Especially when your seats are high up in the gra

10、ndstand and far from the field.Alan: Its like youre watching from an airplane, sometimes.Betty: Also, good sports commentators on television can add to your understanding and enjoyment of the game.Alan: After listening to you, Im starting to wonder how they are able to sell any tickets to these game

11、s!Questions 9 to 12 are based on the conversation youve just heard.9. What do you know about the two speakers?10. What are the two speakers talking about?11. Why does Betty prefer to watch games on TV?12. What can you learn from the conversation?Conversation 2W: OK, everyone. Please be quiet. Today

12、were so pleased to have Tom Johnson here to talk to us. He is going to share some safety tips with us. OK, Tom, theyre all yours.Tom: Thanks. Good morning everyone! Im Tom Johnson, and Im a firefighter at Station 11. Well, we live in California. As we know there are a lot of earthquakes here. Many a

13、re small. But, if theres a strong earthquake, what should we do? Does anyone know?Girl: I know! I know! Get under a strong piece of furniturelike a desk or a table.Tom: Thats right. What else?Boy: Move away from the windows. they are so dangerous because they can break.Tom: Good, good. What about af

14、ter an earthquake then? What should you do?Boy: Well, we shouldnt use matches.Tom: Why not?Boy: Because many terrible fires start after an earthquake.Girl: Yeah, and when the shaking stops, dont go outside.Tom: Exactly. A lot of people run to the stores for food and water after an earthquake. But it

15、s not safe. Its better to stay indoors.Questions 13 to 15 are based on the conversation youve heard.13. What is the speaker talking about?14. Which of the following are the students advised to do if theres a strong earthquake?15. What are the students advised to do after an earthquake?Test 2Part ADi

16、rections: You are going to hear eight short conversations between two speakers. Each will be read only once. After each conversation, a question will be asked about what you have heard. Listen once and choose the right answer to the question you hear. (8 points)1. M: Do you feel like jogging with me

17、 this afternoon?W: Id love to, but I have to go to my cousins. Shes got the flu and I have to look after her baby.Q: What will the woman do?2. M: What a remarkable performance the young pianist gave in Carnegie Hall!W: I felt the same way.Q: How did the woman think of the performance?3. M: Is it goi

18、ng to be a warm day tomorrow, Bill?W: A warm day? Havent you listened to the weather forecast?Q: What does Bill think of the weather tomorrow?4. M: The food in this restaurant is really horrible. I wish wed go to the school canteen.W: Well, food isnt everything, is it? Its so nice to get away from t

19、he noise once in a while.Q: What does the woman mean?5. M: Would you like to try some banana pie? Its very good.W: Im sorry but I dont care much for dessert.Q: What does the woman mean?6. M: I cant figure out why those youngsters are so eager to go after brand name clothing. It really doesnt make se

20、nse to spend so much money on it.W: Youre right. Especially nowadays when styles change so quickly.Q: On what do the two speakers agree?7. M: The flowers are so lovely. And I like the music too. Thanking you for inviting me here.W: Its a pleasure. Shall we order some soup first?Q: Where does the con

21、versation take place?8. M: You know Im majoring in business and I really need to take a course in computer science. But he trouble is I hate the computer. Its so complicated.W: You need to know something about the computer first. Youll find it very useful once you understand how it works. I can guar

22、antee you that.Q: What can you learn from the conversation?Part BDirections: Youll hear two conversations. Each will be read once. Listen carefully and choose the right answers to the questions you hear. (7 points)Conversation 1W: Ah, Mr. Stone. Do come in and sit down. M: Thank you.W: How are you?

23、Are you still feeling very tired all the time?M: Yes, I am. Occasionally I have a pain in the chest.W: Well, your blood pressure is very high. And if you dont change your lifestyle, youre going to have a heart attack sooner or later.M: Oh, dear. What do I have to do?W: Well, there are three things t

24、hat you ought to do. First, stop smoking. Secondly, you really must lose weight, and you must reduce the amount of fat that you eat. And lastly, you must take more exercise.M: What sort of exercise should I do?W: Walking is best. You should walk about three miles four or five times a week.M: But I d

25、ont have time. Im just so busy at work.W: Thats another thing. You mustnt work so hard. Look, take this information and read it through. Then make an appointment to see our lifestyle consultant. She will work out a full diet and exercise program for you. And dont worry. Thats the last thing you shou

26、ld do. Ill see you again next month.M: OK, Thank you, Doctor. Goodbye.W: Goodbye.Questions 9 to 12 are based on the conversation youve just heard.9. What cause the mans problem according to the doctor?10. Which of the following does the doctor tell the man to do?11. What do you know about the man?Co

27、nversation 2M: Hi, Marry. Do you like music?W: Yes, very much, especially classical music.M: Do you like rock music?W: No, its too noisy. What about you?M: I like it very much. You know rock stars play exciting music and their unusual clothes impress me a lot. I often go to their concerts.W: I dont

28、understand why rock stars are so famous.M: Its because of their fans. They go to their concerts, buy their records and wear the same kind of clothes.W: I see. Did you watch TV last night?M: No, I didnt. What was on?W: Zed Hawks was interviewed on TV.M: Really? Hes one of my favorite stars and hes wo

29、rld famous. At least I suppose so. Hes given concerts in 12 countries and sold over 20 million records. What did he say in the TV interview?W: He didnt say anything actually. During the interview the hostess suggested that Zed should behave better because his fans imitate him. Believe it or not. He

30、reacted very angrily. And he walked out. The interview lasted less than two minutes.M: He really behaved badly. Im so disappointed. Doesnt he know rock stars need the public? They earn money from the public. So why shouldnt the public criticize them? They shouldnt complain when they are criticized.

31、If they do, theyll lose their fans.W: You said it.Questions 12 to 15 are based on the conversation youve just heard.12. What do you know about the woman?13. Why are rock stars famous according to the man?14. What did Zed Hawks do during the TV interview?15. Which of the following is true of the man?

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