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1、2016学年第一学期期中考试高三英语试题卷考生须知:1本试卷分第一卷(选择题)和第二卷(非选择题)两部分。共120分。考试时间120分钟。2每小题选出答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如有改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号,答在试卷上无效。3考试结束后,请考生将答题卷交回。第一卷 (共80分)第一部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分30分)第一节 单项填空(共20小题;每小题0.5分,满分分)从A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该选项标号涂黑。1. - What do you think of the newcomer to your off

2、ice, Lily? - Oh, it seems that his manner is _ of a gentleman.A. oneB. thatC. itD. what 2. John was so sleepy that he could hardly keep his eyes _.A. openB. opened C. opening D. to open3. - Watch out! Theres a pet ahead! -_ it. That was lucky.A. To missB. Missing C. Missed D. Miss4. - Then what abou

3、t going hiking?- Ok. I _ and get _.A. am going; changing B. would like to go; changing C. am going; changed D. will go; changed5. Go to Shanghai, and you will find the parks there more magnificent than commonly _.A. supposingB. supposed C. to suppose D. suppose6. Busy as he is, he tries to _ a few m

4、inutes each day to do some exercise.A. set off B. set out C. set about D. set aside 7. Look!Here comes the bus and I have to go now. Thank you for coming to see me off. Goodbye,and_! Acongratulations Bcheer up Call the best Dgo ahead8. A Christmas tree is _ sign that can only be understood as far as

5、 _ certain cultural understanding is concerned. A. the, / B. a, the C. a, a D. the, a 9. Can you imagine what the Great Wall is like _ from the shuttle in space?A. to seeB. seenC. seeing D. being seen10. Believe it or not, he will stop showing off in no time if _ is taken of him.A. no attention B. n

6、o measures C. no notice D. no effect11. Have you checked the engine? Yes, I did twice; there _ be anything wrong with the car. A. wont B. mustnt C. needntD. shouldnt12.- Where have you been?- I got caught in the traffic; _ I would have been here sooner.A. howeverB. otherwise C. anyhowD. nevertheless

7、13. All these photos were taken _ stood the famous Eastern Bright Pearl.A. whichB. in which C. whatD. where14. If nature does not provide man with the necessary material, it is the laboratory _ he will turn to for it. A. where B. thatC. which D. what15. It is requested that all traffic participants

8、should _ the traffic rules to make traffic safer and faster. A. performB. observeC. supportD. possess16. The story is moving, and the questions, I suppose, are not so difficult as they appear _.A. to answer B. to be answeredC. answeringD. being answered 17. Sorry my dog frightened your daughter. For

9、get it! _. A. She deserved it B. Every dog has its dayC. Bad luck comes three D. Animals will be animals18. _ the rising birth rate and immigration, the declining death rate also resulted in the population growth.A. In addition to B. In terms of C. In consequence of D. In spite of19. By law, when on

10、e makes a large purchase, he should have _ opportunities to change his mind.A. accurate B. annual C. actualD. adequate20. Both products come with detailed _ for use.A. explanations B. instructions C. descriptions D. introductions第二节 完形填空(共20小题; 每小题1分,满分20分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从2140各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最

11、佳选项,并在答题卡上将该选项标号涂黑。“So teach him to close the door”, my daughter Emma responded after listening to me 21 , again, about the dog coming in from the back door, bringing with him a blast of Buffalo January 22 airTeach a dog to close a door behind him? That has got to be a really, really 23 thing to doB

12、ut then she took it a step 24 “Come on, Kolby”, she said, grabbing some treats(犒劳物) and 25 him in front of the open door“Touch” And “touch” he did, which moved the door to a 26 positionShe 27 him with a treat, smiled, looked at me, and said “see!” And I saw and became 28 Over the last few days I hav

13、e been with KolbyEach time he comes in I bring him back to the 29 door and ask him to closeThere have been 30 in the beginning, but lately more and more successesHowever, there remains much work to be doneI have to get him to follow my hand signal again and again 31 he will close the door from a dis

14、tanceBut, I now realize, as long as you keep to the focus , the 32 will be completed, and, with the way things are 33 , completed quicklyWhat a 34 treat to have a dog that can close the door after himself! Even more wonder can be found in the 35 I learned so clearly from both Emma and KolbyA wish is

15、 just a wish until you decide to take 36 Once you 37 the belief that it is “too hard”, then it remains “too hard ” and out of 38 Once you want to accomplish a goal, and 39 that it is “easy”, then it becomes “easy” to do what needs to be doneJust 40 doing it21AcomplainBscreamCworryDscare22AthinBfresh

16、CdirtyDcold23AinterestingBfunnyCtoughDpossible24AagainBfurtherCdeeperDbackward25ApushingBcatchingCdrivingDpositioning26AstoppedBfixedCclosedDchecked27ArewardedBprovidedCofferedDthanked28AmovedBconvincedCconcernedDpuzzled29AopenBclosedCbrokenDperfect30ApleasuresBexperimentsCfailuresDpauses31Ain caseB

17、even ifCas ifDso that32AinterestBtaskCprofitDharmony33AchangingBreactingCprogressingDhappening34AwonderfulBsmallCdifferentDsimple35AknowledgeBskillsClessonsDexperience36ApatienceBpartCdelightDaction37Ahold on to Bpay attention toCcome up with Dlive up to38AdateBtouchCreach Dpower39AproveBdecide Capp

18、roveDrealize40AimagineBstartCkeepDenjoy第二部分:阅读理解(第一节小题,第二节小题;每小题分,满分分)第一节:阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该选项标号涂黑。AAndy rode slowly on his way to school, day-dreaming about the fishing trip that his father had promised him. He was so busy dreaming about all the fish he would catch that he

19、was unaware of everything else around him. He rode along until a strange sound drew him to the present. He came to a stop and looked curiously up to the heavens. What he saw shocked and terrified him. A huge swarm of bees filled the sky like a black cloud and the buzzing mass seemed to be heading an

20、grily towards him. With no time to waste, Andy sped off in the opposite direction, riding furiouslybut without knowing how to escape the swarm. With a rapidly beating heart and his legs pumping furiously, he sped down the rough road. As the bees came closer, his panic increased. Andy knew that he wa

21、s sensitive to bee stings(蜇). The last sting had landed him in hospitaland that was only one bee sting! He had been forced to stay in bed for two whole days. Suddenly, his fathers words came to him. “When you are in a tight situation, dont panic. Use your brain and think your way out of it. ”On a ne

22、arby hill, he could see smoke waving slowly skywards from the chimney of the Nelson family home. “Bees dont like smoke,” he thought. “They couldnt get into the house.” Andy raced towards the Nelson house, but the bees were gaining ground. Andy knew he could not reach the house in time. He estimated

23、that the bees would catch up with him soon. Suddenly, out of the corner of his eyes, he spotted a small dam used by Mr. Nelson to irrigate his vegetable garden. Off his bike and into the cool water he dived, disappearing below the surface and away from the savage insects. After holding his breath fo

24、r as long as he could, Andy came up for air and noticed the bees had gone. Dragging himself out of the dam, he struggled up the hilly slope and rang the doorbell. Mrs. Nelson took him inside and rang his mother. “Youll really need that fishing break to help you recover,” laughed his mother with reli

25、ef. “Thank goodness you didnt panic!” But Andy did not hear her. He was dreaming once again of the fish he would catch tomorrow. 41. Why did Andy fail to notice the swarm of bees earlier?A. He was riding to school. B. He was lost in the thought of the fishing trip. C. He was going fishing with his f

26、ather. D. He was listening to a strange sound.42. Which of the following is NOT mentioned about the swarm of bees in the passage? A. They crowded like a black cloud. B. They shocked and terrified Andy. C. They tried to attack Andy in a mass. D. They made Andy stay in hospital for two days. 43. How d

27、id Andy avoid the bees in the end? A. He asked Mr. Nelson for help. B. He hid himself under the water. C. He rushed into the Nelson house. D. He rode off in the opposite direction. 44. Which of the following can best describe Andys escape from the bees?A. No pains, no gains. B. Once bitten, twice sh

28、y. C. Where there is a will, there is a way. D. In time of danger, ones mind works fast. BBelow are reviews for three books and two book series. Each has been read and loved by students across the country. The OutsidersThis book, first published in 1967. has become a classic for teens across the nat

29、ion. It focuses on Ponyboy , who has been labeled all his life as a greaser. The greasers opposing group is the “ socs ”. kids who have lots of money and can break any rules without getting in trouble. As the novel develops, S. E. Hinton allows the reader to see exactly how these labels affect teens

30、 in both the greaser and the soc group.If youve ever watched the movie The Outsiders, this story may sound familiar, as the movie was based on the book . The Outsiders gives teens a look into life in the 50s and 60s, offering timeless lessons that still apply to todays youth.Out of the DustAny stude

31、nt interested in the Great Depression and the Dust Bowl should read Out of the Dust by Karen Hesse. Hesse is able to capture the mood and spirit of this era through the use of poetry. The main character of the book, Billie Jo, is growing up in Oklahoma, the heart of the Dust Bowl. Through free verse

32、 poetry, Billie Jo narrates (讲述)her tale of poverty and survival during this difficult time.Out of the Dust is an excellent lesson in history . Due to the short length and writing style, the book is a quick but worthwhile read. By the end of the book, the reader is eager to start the story over agai

33、n . Hesse is able to pack a lot of emotions and details into her short book , making the story very real and believable. The GiverThe Giver depicts a perfect society in which citizens experience no pain, have never felt fear, and life is completely under control. However, as the reader progresses th

34、rough the story, its easy to see that this community is far from utopia (乌托邦). Instead, through the experiences felt by the main character Jonas, the reader learns there is a missing from life in this world.During the Ceremony of the Twelves, each 12year old is assigned their life long career in the

35、 community . Jonas is chosen to be the Receiver of Memories, a very special job assigned to one person at a time . When Jonas receives his training . he learns many truths about his community that change how he feels about his life, making him determined to do something to change it .The Giver is a

36、good book for teens who enjoy science fiction and fantasy. The book makes you examine your own life, values, and beliefs, striving to find how you would define the perfect society.Anne of Green GablesThis eight-book series depicts the life of Anne Shirley, an orphan that is adopted in Prince Edward

37、Island, Canada . The books are set in the 1800s to the 1900s, the last one taking place during World War I. Anne is a loveable spirit who has many misfortunes and laughable experiences when growing up and going to college. The Anne of Green Gables series is fun to read. creating a strong attachment

38、to the reader and making the last book a bitter sweet experience. Teenage girls who are looking for a female role model will love Anne Shirley.Harry PotterJ. K. Rowlings Harry Potter series has sold more copies than any other series in history. The series , which includes seven books in all , fallow

39、s a boy wizard named Harry Potter.Harry attends Hogwarts School of Witcheraft and Wizardy. The seven books follow Harry through seven years of wizarding school . During this time , readers experience the wizarding world through Harrys eyes and watch him make friends. Learn magic and fight a wizard.

40、The Harry Potter books are an enchanting read for all ages. No matter who you are. you will find yourself absorbed in the magical world created by J. K. Rowling. 45The greaser group may refer to those kids .Awho are poor in their lessons at schoolBwho get along well with the soc groupCwho go between

41、 the poor and the rich childrenDwho are poor and often get into trouble for breaking rules46Which of the following is written in a poetic style?AThe Giver.BThe Outsiders.CAnne of Green Gables.DOut of the Dust.47We can learn from The Giver that .Apeople in the community live an imperfect lifeBJonas i

42、s satisfied with his life in the communityCeveryone in the community can get a good jobDJonas is loved by all the people in the community48According to the passage , many be chosen to be an example by teenage girls.AHarry PotterBAnne ShirleyCBillie JoDJonas49You would like to Read the Harry Potter s

43、eries probably because .Ayou admire Harry for his patienceByou like watching musical moviesCyou are interested in the magical worldDyou enjoy reading the eight-book seriesCFrom the health point of view we are living in an amazing age. We are free from many of the most dangerous diseases. A large num

44、ber of once deadly illnesses can now be cured by modern medicine. It is almost certain that one day medicines will be found for the most stubborn remaining diseases. The expectation of life has increased greatly. But though the possibility of living a long and happy life is greater than ever before,

45、 every day we witness the unbelievable killing of men, women and children on the roads. Man vs the motor-car! It is a never-ending battle which man is losing. Thousands of people the world over are killed or horribly killed each year and we are quietly sitting back and letting it happen. It has been

46、 rightly said that when a man is sitting behind a steering wheel(方向盘), his car becomes the extension of his personality. There is no doubt that the motor-car often bringsout a mans very worst qualities. People who are normally quiet and pleasant may become unrecognizable when they are behind a steer

47、ing-wheel. They say, they are ill-mannered and aggressive, willful as two-year-olds and completely selfish. A. their hidden angers and disappointments seem to be brought to the surface by the act of driving. The surprising thing is that society smiles so gently on the motorist and seems to forgive h

48、is behavior. Everything is done for his convenience. Cities are allowed to become almost uninhabitable because of heavy traffic; towns are made ugly by huge car parks; the countryside is ruined by road networks; and the deaths become nothing more than a number every year, to be easily forgotten. It

49、is high time a world rule was created to reduce this senseless waste of human life. With regard to driving, the laws of some countries are unbelievable lenient(宽容的) and even the strictest are not strict enough. A rule which was universally accepted could only have an obviously beneficial effect on t

50、he accident rate. Here are a few examples of some of the things that might be done. The driving test should be standardized and made far more difficult than it is; all the drivers should be made to take a test every three years or so; the age at which young people are allowed to drive any vehicle sh

51、ould be raised to at least 21; all vehicles should be put through strict tests for safety each year. Even the smallest amount of alcohol in the blood can damage a persons driving ability. Present drinking and driving laws(where they exist) should be made much stricter. Speed limits should be require

52、d on all roads. Governments should lay down safety specifications for car factories, as has been done in the USA. All advertising stress power and performance should be banned. These measures may not sound good enough. But surely nothing should be considered as too severe if it results in reducing t

53、he number of deaths. After all, the world is for human beings, not motor-cars. 50. What is the main idea of this passage?A. Traffic accidents are mainly caused by motorists. B. Thousands of people the world over are killed each year.C. The laws of some countries about driving are to lenient.D. Only

54、stricter traffic laws can prevent accidents. 51. What does the author think of society toward motorists?A. Society laughs at the motorists. B. Huge car parks are build in the cities and towns. C. Victims of accidents are nothing. D. Society forgives their rude driving 52. What does the author mean b

55、y saying “his car becomes the extension of his personality” in Paragraph 2?A. Driving can show his hidden qualities B. Driving can show the other part of his personality.C. Driving can bring out his character D. Driving can represent his manners53. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a way ag

56、ainst traffic accidents?A. Perfect the road network B. Stricter driving testsC. Test drivers every three years D. Raise age limit and lay down safety specifications 54. The authors attitude towards the traffic situation is _. A. confused B. discontented C. appealing D. doubtful DMy parents have cert

57、ainly had their troubles, and as their child Ill never know how they made it to 38 years of marriage. They loved each other, but they didnt seem to like each other very much. Dad was too fond of his beer, and he talked down to Mom a lot. When she tried to stand up to him, a fight would unavoidably f

58、ollow. It was my dads disease that began to change things. The year 1998 was the beginning of a remarkable transformation for my family. My father, Jim Dineen, the always healthy, weightlifting, never-missed-a day-of-work kind of dad, discovered he had kidney disease.The decision to go ahead with a

59、transplant for my father was a long and tough one, mostly because he had liver damage too. One physicians assistant told him, “According to your file, youre supposed to be dead.” And for a while, doctors mistakenly thought that he would need not just a kidney transplant, but a liver transplant too.

60、Dads future hung in midpoint.When the donor testing process finally began in the spring of 2003, numerous people, including me, my uncle Tom, and my mom, came back as matches of varying degrees. But Mom was the one who insisted on going further. She decided to donate a kidney to my father. She said

61、she wasnt scared, and it was the right thing to do. We all stepped back in amazement.At last a date was chosenNovember 11, 2003. All of a sudden, the only thing that seemed to matter to Dad was telling the world what a wonderful thing Mom was doing for him. A month before the surgery, he sent her birthday flowers with a note that read, “I love you and I love your kidney! Thank you!”Financially, the disease was upsetting to them. So my sister and I were humble

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