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1、 班级 姓名 考号 考场 密封线内请勿 2012-2013学年度第一学期 八年级英语学科期中考试试卷 听力理解(20分)第一节:听句子,选择与所听内容相关的图片。每个句子读一遍。(5分)第二节:听短对话,选择正确答案回答问题。每组对话读两遍。(5分)( )6. What does Jim think the weather will be like? A.It will be rainy. B.It will be cloudy. C.It will be sunny.( )7. Whos the woman? A.The mans friend. B.The mans student. C.

2、The mans new neighbour.( )8. How does Marys brother learn English? A.By watching English films. B.By listening to the radio. C.By listening to English songs.( )9.When did the boy get to the cinema? A.At 5:55. B.At 5:45. C.At 6:10. ( )10.Where will the girl go this Sunday? A.She will go to the hospit

3、al. B.She will stay at home. C.She will go to the park.第三节:听长对话,选择正确答案回答问题。每段对话读两遍。(5分) 听第一段对话,回答第11-12小题。( )11.What are the two speakers talking about? A.Next year plan. B.Vacation plan. C.Weekend plan.( )12.What will the man do? A.Find a job. B.See a doctor. C.Take more exercises. 听第二段对话,回答第13-15小

4、题。( )13.How long did the girl spend doing her homework yesterday? A.For an hour. B.For two hours. C.For half an hour.( )14.What day is it today? A.Friday. B.Saturday. C.Sunday.( )15.Why is the girl busy today? A.Because she has a lot of homework. B.Because she wants to do some housework. C.Because s

5、he will have a party for her mother. 第四节:听短文,根据短文内容选择正确选项完成下列表格。短文读两遍。(5分) A Three-day tour to Taiwan IslandPlan1st day: the Sun and Moon Lake and the mountain next to it-a wonderful place to (16)_.2nd day: Peng Lake-a great place for swimming,(17)_.and eating delicious seafood.3rd day:(18)_.Cost8,0

6、00 yuan, including round-way (19)_tickets and a bus service around Taiwan.ContactBook by phone for next month. Call (20)_.( )16.A.have a rest B.do water skiing C.see the beautiful sunshine( )17.A. fishing B.boating C.bathing( )18.A.Go to a party BGo shopping . C.Go hiking( )19.A.train B. ship C.plan

7、e( )20.A. 568-8620 B. 659-8802 C.586-2086 笔试部分(80分)二、单项选择。(15分)( )1. -_ does your school have sports meeting? -Twice a year. A. How often B. How soon C. How long D. How much( )2. Have you finished reading the book_? A. even B. already C. yet D. ever ( )3. She had to _ her brother because her mother

8、went shopping. A. look for B. look at C. look after D. look over( )4. He has never been to Nanjng,_? A. has he B. hasnt he C. isnt he D. is he ( )5. Its difficult _English all the time in class.A. speak B. to speak C. say D. to say ( )6. China is famous_ the Great Wall.Ato Bfor Cby Das( )7. Our teac

9、hers are getting on well _ us. We all like them.Afor Bwith Cin D.about( )8. Dont forget _ him the truth. A. tell B. telling C. to tell D. told( )9.Were you watching TV at this time last night? -_AYes, I were. BNo, I werent CYes, I was. DNo, I didnt.( )10. I _when he knocked at the door. A. am cookin

10、g B. was cooking C. has cooked D. will cook( )11. -_you ever _with a group ? -Yes, I have.A.Did,study B.Are,studying C.Were,studying D.Have,studied( )12Mary can play _ organ, but she cant play _trumpet. Athe; / B/;/ Cthe;the D/;the( )13.Jim has made many friends since he _ to China. A. came B. comes

11、 C. has come D. will come ( )14. How many times _you _to Beijing? A. have; been B.did; been C.have; gone D. did; gone( )15._people have visited China for the 2008 Olympic Games.A. Million B. millions C. Millions of D. Million of三、完形填空。(10分) Thanks 1 the Project Hope, great changes have taken place 2

12、 a country school.This school used to be called Lijiazhuang 3. Most of its pupils left school because 4-families were too poor to pay 5 their education. The only unsafe schoolhouse had to be used as classrooms. And all the teachers shared one room. The playground was nothing but an open land. Things

13、 are different 6. All the children who left school have 7 to continue their studies. 8 the schoolyard(校园) stands a two-storeyed teaching building. There 9 rooms 10 music, art and computer teaching. The school is well equipped with sports goods. The Project benefits the school a great deal. For this

14、reason, it was renamed Hope School.( )1. A. from B.to C.of D. after ( )2. A. from B.to C.of D. in( )3. A. school B. Schools C. School D. a School ( )4. A.his B.he C. their D. we( )5. A. for B.to C.of D. in( )6. A.then B. now C. just now D. tomorow( )7. A.came B. come C.coming D. comes( )8. A. In B.A

15、t C. On D.Behind( )9. A. are B.is C.be D.was( )10. A. are B. since C.Too D. For四、阅读理解(30分) A.根据学过的课文,选择最佳答案: Vienna is a beautiful old city on the river Danube. Its the capital city of Austria and the centre of European classical music. From 1750 a lot of composers and musicians came to study and wo

16、rk in Vienna. The most famous family of musicians was the Strauss family. There were two composers called Johann Strauss:a father and a son. The father, Johann Strauss the elder, wrote a waltz. His waltzes made him famous all over Europe. The son, Johann Strauss the younger, was even more successful

17、 and popular than his father. He wrote more than 400 waltzes and his most famous one was The Blue Danube. He wrote it in 1867. Strauss and Mozart were two of the most important composers. Mozart was born in Australia in 1756. Before he was six he played not only the piano, but also the violin and th

18、e organ. His family took him around Europe and he gave concerts in many cities. He wrote his first opera at the age of 12 and hundreds of beautiful pieces of music for the classical orchestra. But he died in 1791 when he was only 35. Some people say he was the greatest European composer.( )1.Which c

19、ountrys capital is Vienna? A.Austria. B. Australia. C. Germany. D. France.( )2.Why did many musicians come to Vienna? A.To study English. B.To visit Vienna. C.To work and study. D. To help the city.( )3.Which family was the most famous family o musicians in Vienna? A.The Green family. B.The White fa

20、mily. C. The Mozart family. D. The Strauss family. ( )4.How old was Mozart when he wrote his first opera? A.12. B.6. C.35. D.10.( )5.Who took Mozart around Europe? A.His friends. B. His family. C.His grandfather. D. His teacher. B.根据学过的课文,判断正确(T)错误(F): Scientists think that there has been life on Ea

21、rth for millions of years. However, we havent found life on other planets yet. Why not? The Earth is a planet and it goes around the Sun. Seven other planets also go around the Sun. None of them has an environment with air, so people and things cannot grow. The Sun and its planets are called the sol

22、ar system. The solar system is a small part of our galaxy. The stars we see at night are the suns in other solar systems. There are more than 200 billion stars in our galaxy, called the Milky Way, and our Sun is only one of them. But scientists have discovered many other galaxies in the universe. Th

23、ey is a long way away and their light has traveled for many years to reach us. It is hard to understand how large the universe is. Scientists have sent lots of spacecraft to look at other planets in our solar system, and some spacecraft have gong beyond the solar system. However, no one has discover

24、ed any life in space yet. But why has no one from other planets sent us a message? Have they tried to send information to us? With so many stars in the universe, are we alone,or is there life out there in space? We dont knowyet.( )6.The Sun is one of the Earth planets.( )7.There is more than one gal

25、axy in our solar system.( )8.There are more than 200 billion stars in the Milky Way.( )9.Scientists have found no life on other planets.( )10.Theyve received no messages from space. C.任务型阅读,根据短文内容,完成表格: Alice was getting very tired. She was sitting with her sister by the river and her sister was rea

26、ding a book. Alice had nothing to do. Once or twice she looked into her sisters book, but it had no pictures or conversations in it. “And what is a book for,” thought Alice, “without pictures or conversations?” So she was thinking of making a daisy chain when suddenly a white rabbit with pink eyes r

27、an by her. There was nothing strange about that. And she didnt think it was strange when she heard the rabbit say, “Oh dear! Ill be late!” But when the rabbit took a watch out of its pocket and looked at it, Alice got up. A rabbit with a pocket and a watch? She ran across the field after it. She saw

28、 it go down a large rabbit hole under the hedge. Then Alice went down after it and never thought about how she was going to get out again.PartsContentsPara1Alice was getting very (1)_ when she sat by the river.Para2When the rabbit (2)_ by Alice, she was thinking of (3) _ a daisy chain.Para3Alice fou

29、nd a (4) _ rabbit.Para4Alice went down the rabbit(5) _ after the rabbit.五、补全对话。(5分)L: I like the music! Whos it written by? B: 1( ) Youve heard of him, havent you?L: Yes, I have. He was English, wasnt he? B: 2( )L:Where was he born? B:He was born in Macao, China,1905.L:Whats it called? B:3( )L:He wa

30、s famous for the song The Yellow River, wasnt he? B: 4( )A: The Yellow River.B: No, he was Chinese.C: Its by Xian Xinghai.D: Yes, he was.E: In 1945L: When did he write it? B:In 1939.L:When did he die? B: 5( )六、词汇运用。(10分)A 根据句意及汉语提示写出句中所缺单词。1. Do you like _(古典的) music?2. Beijing Opera is a kind of _(

31、传统的) music.3. He has been a doctor _(自从) five years ago.4 .Miss Smith told us _(几个) stories about Shenzhou .5.Can you tell me the _(秘密)?B用所给动词的适当形式填空。1. You should _(help) each other. 2. I have never _(try) western food.3. Its not easy for him _ (do) this work.4. What about _ (go) to the zoo with me?5. Listen! Who _ (sing) a song downstairs.七、书面表达(10分) 假如你的英语很好,请你以“How do I learn English ?”为题,根据下面的提示写一篇英语短文,介绍一下你学英语的方法。70词左右(开头以给出,不计入词数)可适当发挥。提示内容:经常读一些英语报纸、杂志; 经常看英语电视节目、听收音机;经常用英语给外国笔友写邮件.等等。 How do I learn English ? I am good at English. I think learning English is easy._ _第5页,共6页第6页,共6页

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