2002年全国普通高等学校招生统一考试 英语试题

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1、绝密:启用前试卷类型:B2002年全国普通高等学校招生统一考试英语试题英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节:单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)21. Im taking my driving test tomorrow. ! A. Cheers B. Good luckC. Come onD. Congratulations这种情景反应的题目,我们做题的时候最好来假设场景,比如像这道题,“我明天要参加驾驶考试了!”,就好比一个朋友对你说:“我要参加高考了!”那你自然要祝愿他运气好(Good luck),考个好成绩了。至于Cheers和 Congratulations只能等到考试

2、结果出来后,成绩还不错的时候再说。给你举一个例子:I have got a high mark in the English exam._ Congratulations/Cheers !22. Excuse me for breaking in. I have some news for you. A. so B. andC. butD. yet这四个选项都是连词,但到底用哪一个就看前后句的语气了,那这两句之间到底是什么关系呢?“很抱歉我来插话了”,“我有消息带给你们。”,说话人对他插话表示抱歉,但他同时也表明,但他这样做不是没有原因的,并说出了原因(have some news for y

3、ou),很明显,前后句是转折关系,那我们就用but.23. You havent said a word about my new coat, Brenda. Do you like it? Im sorry I anything about it sooner. I certainly think its pretty on you. A. wasnt saying B. dont say C. wont say D. didnt say从第一句来看,“我”表示抱歉的原因应该是“我”刚才没有对新衣服发表评论,所以从时态上我们需要过去时,而文中并没有表达过去正在干某事的意思,只是陈述过去发生的

4、一个事实(那就是“我”没有尽快的对那件新衣服发表意见。),所以用上D. didnt say正合适。24. The mother didnt know to blame for the broken glass as it happened while she was out. A. who B. whenC. how D. what从语法上来说,这四个选项都可以和to do搭配,遇到这种“棘手”的的情况,我们只能到题干意思中寻求帮助了,玻璃打破的时候妈妈正好出去了,现在又没有人站出来主动承认,那么妈妈要责怪只会是责备“凶手”了,那我们就得选提问人的疑问代词who,Who to blame“责备

5、谁”。25. Is John coming by train? He should, but he not. He likes driving his car. A. must B. canC. needD. may这个题的题干太简单了,给我们的理解增加了不少困难,不过来看题干的第二行,我们应该还是能找到突破口:He should “他应该(坐火车来)”,这可能因为路程远,而最后一句又说,He likes driving his car.(他喜欢开汽车。),这两句之间有什么关系呢?这就是两种可能性之间的比较了,“他应该(坐火车来),但可能不会(may not)坐火车,因为他喜欢开汽车。(因为喜

6、欢,所以不在乎路远。)”;那么其它几个选项表达的是什么关系呢?must not “必须不能”,can not“不能”,need not “不必要”,语气似乎都太强烈,在没有上下文提示的情况下,我们从仅有的信息中怎么能判断它们是正确的呢?26. Jumping out o f airplane at ten thousand feet is quite exciting experience. A. 不填; the B. 不填; an C. an; anD. the; the要选择使用什么样的冠词,我们就得看冠词修饰限定的词是否特指,拿第一空来说,“从一只在一万英尺高空的飞机上,”,没有特指,但

7、又需要一个冠词修饰,那你看,我们是不是就要选用an呀?而对于后一空,则要选用an来表示“一次”。(都是用an,原因可不一样哟!)27. Boris has no brains. In fact, I doubt whether anyone in the class has IQ. A. a high B. a higher C. the higherD. the highestBoris智力很差,那么我怀疑的就是可能班上任何一个人都比他的智商高,“一个更高的智商(a higher IQ).”28. The taxi driver often reminds passengers to the

8、ir belongings when they leave the car. A. keep B. catch C. hold D. take下车的时候,司机提醒的肯定是要乘客带上行李,take their belongings.而keep /hold their belongings “随身带着,保管好行李”,take /hold是延续性动词,可以用在一个比较长的时间过程中,比如呆在车里时,Please hold your belongings when staying in the train.29. I wonder why Jenny us recently. We should ha

9、ve heard from her by now. A. hasnt written B. doesnt write C. wont write D. hadnt written从后一句“到目前为止我们本应该收到她的信了。”来看,第一句要说的肯定是Jenny最近没有写信给我们。她最近没写信这件事已经发生了,那么这句话从时态上就不会是一般现在时或将来时,而这件事又不是发生在过去的过去(从句中找不出一个过去的时间点),那就没道理用过去完成时了,由此看来,是不是A项最合适呀?30. John shut everybody out of the kitchen he could prepare his

10、 grand surprise for the party. A. which B. when C. so that D. as if空格前后的两句是什么关系呢?我们可以从意思上来加以理解和推测(当然也不能忽略了一个重要的提示性词语could.),“John把每个人都关在厨房外边,”,那么他有什么目的呢?“这样他就能够准备他的作品以便给晚会一个惊喜。”很显然这是一个目的状语从句(觉得这个词很陌生呀,那没关系,你可以这样来看,题干中后一句是不是前一句中John的做法的目的呀?),那我们就需要一个相应的连词so that(以便,为了)。31. We thought of selling this

11、old furniture. But weve decided to it. It might be valuable. A. hold on to B. keep up with C. turn to D. look after先不看选项,我们来想一下题干说的什么意思,“我们”本来打算把那件旧家俱卖掉,但最终决定把它保留下来,因为它可能很值钱。由此看来,空格处需要一个表示“继续保留”的词组,那你知道这四个选项是什么意思吗?hold on to something(保有或保留某物),keep up with(跟上某人或某物,与某人或某物同步前进),turn to(开始干某事,转向某人或某物求得

12、帮助),look after (照顾,照看),好,看了这些解释,你肯定很很清楚该如何选择了吧!32. Having a trip abroad is certainly good for the old couple, but it remains whether they will enjoy it. A. to see B. to be seen C. seeing D. seen首先,你对这句话是怎么理解的?“进行一次出国旅行对一对老年夫妇来说自然是件好事,你这还要看他们是不是喜欢。”33. It is said in Australia there is more land than

13、the government knows . A. it what to do with B. what to do it with C. what to do with it D. to do what with it这句话的意思是说:“据说澳大利亚的土地多得政府都不知道该如何处理了。”“该如何处理它们(这些土地)”,what to do with it。34. The research is so designed that once nothing can be done to change it. A. begins B. having begun C. beginning D. be

14、gun这个题有难度,你理解了题干的意思了吗?“这个研究是如此的精心设计以致于它一旦开始就不能进行任何改动。”that后的空格处要填的其实是一个省略句,如果把它补全那就是:Once it was begun nothing can be done to change it.其中it指代的是the research,它只能是被开始实行,所以动词要用被动形式(begun)了。35. Meeting my uncle after all these years was an unforgettable moment, , I will always treasure. A. that B. one C

15、. it D. what这里需要一个词来代替前一句“Meeting my uncle after all these years was an unforgettable moment(过了这些年再次遇见我的叔叔是一个让人难忘的时刻。)”,我们选择使用one来代指和强调“就是那一刻我会永远珍惜。”(如果空格后没有逗号,我们又应该填哪一个代词呢?你是说which吗?对了,用which可以和前一句构成一个非限制性定语从句,前一句话作为一个整体,由which来指代。)第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从3655各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D

16、)中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 What is intelligence(智力) anyway? When I was in the army I 36 an intelligence test that all soldiers took, and ,against 37 of 100, scored 160. I had an auto-repair man once, who, on these intelligence tests, could not 38 have scored more than 80. 39 , when anything went w

17、rong with my car I hurried to him and he always 40 it.Well, then, suppose my auto-repair man 41 questions for some intelligence tests. By every one of them Id prove myself a 42 . In a world where I have to work with my 43 . Id do poorly.Consider my auto-repair man 44 . He had a habit of telling 45 .

18、 One time he said, “Doe, a deaf-dumb(聋哑)man 46 some nails. Having entered a store, he put two fingers together on the counter and made 47 movements with the other hand. The clerk brought him a hammer. He 48 his head and pointed to the two fingers he was hammering. The clerk 49 him some nails. He pic

19、ked out the right size and left, well, Doe, the 50 man who came in was blind. He wanted scissors(剪刀). 51 do you suppose he asked for them?” I lifted my right hand and made scissoring movements with my first two fingers. He burst out laughing and said, “Why, you fool, he used his 52 and asked for the

20、m. Ive been 53 that on all my customers today, but I knew 54 Id catch you.” “Why is that ?” I asked, “Because you are so goddamned educated. Doe, I knew you couldnt be very 55 .”And I have an uneasy feeling he had something there.36. A. failed B. wroteC. receivedD. chose做题之前你最好先浏览一遍全文,了解一下大致意思,它讲的是作

21、者对智力测试的看法,并以自己和一个汽车修理工相对比,“我”的测试成绩是160,他不到80,但从他的能力和他讲了笑话之后对我的测试来看,我的智力水平似乎丝毫不比他高,而且从不同的方面来看,他似乎更有超过“我”的地方。现在我们来看一下第一题,空格后的状语说“(这个测试是)所有的士兵都参加的”,前文又说“当我在军队的时候(When I was in the army),那看来肯定是“我”也接受(receive)了这个测试.37. A. an averageB. a totalC. an examD. a number“我”的成绩能够与之比较的,从选项来看,只能是大家的平均成绩(an average

22、of 100),而不可能是总成绩(a total)或一个无任何特定意义的数字(a number).38. A. alwaysB. possiblyC. certainlyD. frequently从上下文来看,作者要说的显然是“他的成绩几乎不大可能超过80。”用来表示“可能性”的选项自然最好是B. possibly了;这个成绩很可能是多个测试(on these intelligence tests)后的平均成绩,所以用always和certainly似乎都显得过于肯定了。39. A. ThenB. ThusC. ThereforeD. Yet空格前后连接的两句话一句说那个汽车修理工的智力测试结

23、果很差,后一句却说我的汽车一有问题就去找他,并且他每次都能修好,这两句的语气正好相反,那么在空格处我们就需要填一个表转折关系的连词,从选项看来,只能是yet(然而)了。40. A. fixedB. checkedC. droveD. changed我把修理工叫来,自然是想要他把我的汽车修理好(fix it)了.如果把其它几个选项(B. checked,检测;C. drove,开走;D. changed,改变,更改)放在空格处,你试着读一读看,是不是上下文就很不连贯了?41. A. answeredB. practicedC. designedD. tired根据文意来看,最有可能的就是C. d

24、esigned(设计),因为从下文看来,作者显然想说的是”如果让这个汽车修理工来出这些智力测试题,我肯定会被证明是一个大傻瓜的.”, “出题”自然是design questions了.42. A. teacherB. doctorC. winnerD. fool前面加别人出的题目我被测试为智力超常,而修理工则显得智力低下,现在如果让修理工来出这些测试题,那在作者想来,相对应的,他肯定会被测试证明为一个大傻瓜了(a fool).43. A. brainsB. effortC. handsD. attention这个题很有难度,不过我们可以根据上下文进行假设,上文说了,如果这些测试题由那个汽车修理

25、工来出,作者认为他的成绩一定很差,那么作者为什么会这样认为呢?在他看来,他自己是个受过很多教育的人,可能是一个脑力劳动者;而修理工则是一个靠双手工作和生活的人,可能受教育不多,因此他们思维的方式就不同,作者认为在一个靠双手谋生的世界里,他一定做的很差(In a world where I have to work with my hands. Id do poorly.),所以做起汽车修理工出的测试题,成绩自然不会好了.44. A. againB. as usualC. tooD. as well下文是以 “我”和汽车修理工之间发生的一件事为详细的例证,这开头的一句话就起承上启下的作用了,由此

26、看来,作者要说的肯定就是: “再次(again)以那个汽车修理工为例.”too 和as well都有 “也”的意思,但如果用在这里,那就是说,上文讲的是那个汽车修理工,下文接着讲的却是另外一个人了,而事实是否如此呢?当然不是!45. A. liesB. jokesC. newsD. tales从下文来看,这个修理工讲的是一个小玩笑,或者说叫小故事,那我们选jokes就最合适了.也许你还会问,tales也有 “故事”的意思,为什么不选它呀?是的,tales确实有 “故事”的意思,但它一般指比较长的故事或者传言,传说比如:tales of adventure,冒险故事.46. A. boughtB

27、. testedC. foundD. needed开始通读全文的时候我们了解到,这个聋哑人要到商店去买一些钉子,那么他之所以进商店就是因为他需要(need)钉子了.47. A. cuttingB. hammeringC. wavingD. circling从下文店员的误会我们可以了解到,那个聋哑人模仿的肯是用锤子把钉子往下锤的过程(不然店员怎么会理解错了意思而给他拿锤子呢!),所以他就是用另一只手模仿往下锤打(hammering)的动作.至于其它几个选项,你可以设想一下,用钉子和锤子,怎么可能模仿成cutting(切割), waving(挥动,摇动), circling(围绕,环绕)的动作,而

28、店员还能够理解?48. A. noddedB. raisedC. shookD. turned从下文来看,那个聋哑人要的是钉子,而店员拿来的是锤子,那个聋哑人所能做的,只能摇头(shook his head)了.49. A. broughtB. packedC. sendD. sold店员把钉子从柜台里拿出来,最合适的动词就是bring了,因为bring就是表示 “把某物从别的地方拿过来”.你还能记住跟bring的用法刚好相反的一个词吗?记不住了?好,我提示你一下,不过做完题以后要做好复习哟,这个词就是take ,它的意思是 “把某物从这里带到别的地方去”,看,它们的用法是不是刚好相反呀?(其

29、它几个词的意思我还是提示一下,在复习的时候我们要做的不仅仅是找出正确选项吗!pack,打包,包扎好;send,送;sold(sell) ,卖.)50. A. cleverB. otherC. rightD. next从上下文来看,开始走进商店的是一个聋哑人,而后一次走进的是一个盲人,那么讲完前一个再接着说下一个自然要用the next了,哦,你是不是选成了the other?文中可并没有说就他们俩同时走进了商店,而全文的连贯性来看,作者要说的显然是 “接下来(the next)走进店的人是个盲人.”51. A. WhatB. HowC. WhoD. Which在上文中那个聋哑人向店员要钉子的方

30、式很特别,那么这个汽车修理工接下来要问 “我”的肯定是: “那个盲人会用何种方式向店员要剪刀呢?” 寻问方式,这个疑问词自然是how了.52. A. imaginationB. handC. voiceD. information空格后边紧跟的词是asked for them , 能够 ask的自然是voice(声音)了.(这个汽车修理工讲的故事就像一个脑筋急转弯,前边那个聋哑人不能说话,自然只能比划了,而接下来进来的这个人只是盲了,并不表示他就不能说话呀,可我们的惯性思维就会沿着第一个人来,会想,这个人会怎么比划呢?在接着看下文之前,你是不是也这样想的呀?唉,受着跟作者差不多的教育,不这样想

31、才怪呢!)53. A. tryingB. provingC. practisingD. examination从下文我们可以猜到,这个修理工说的肯定是他今天在所在的顾客身上试验了这个小故事,然后看我们的反应,try something on somebody,在某人身上试验某事物.你说practise也有 “实践”的意思,那为什么不选它呀?对,practise确实有这个意思,但practise something on something的意思则是 “练习,实习”,而且这个用法很少见,我们平常用的有关practise的词组是practise something/on something,比如:

32、Shes practising on the piano.她正在练习弹奏.You need to practise listening English everyday.你应该每天练习听英语听力.54. A. for sureB. at onceC. in factD. right now从这一句的动词knew(过去时)可以看出,那个修理工用过去时态表明他预先就知道 “我”肯定会被 “捉住”(被他的笑话愚弄一下).用上for sure显示出当 “我”中了他的圈套时他得意的情形,在这种情形下,他自然就非常得意地说他一开始就非常确信(for sure)地知道 “我”会中圈套.55. A. clea

33、rB. sillyC. slowD. smart在那个修理工的试验过程中,只有“我”中了圈套,所以在他看来, “我”自然显得不够聪明(smart)了.阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2.5分,满分50分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A,B,C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AIn 1901. H.G. Wells, an English writer, wrote a book describing a trip to the moon. When the explorers(探险者) landed on the moon, they discovered that th

34、e moon was full of underground cities. They expressed their surprise to the “moon people” they met. In turn, the “moon people” expressed their surprise. “Why, ” they asked, “are you traveling to outer space when you dont even use your inner space?”H. G. Wells could only imagine travel to the moon. I

35、n 1969, human beings really did land on the moon. People today know that there are no underground cities on the moon. However, the question that the “moon people” asked is still an interesting one. A growing number of scientists are seriously thinking about it.Underground system are already in place

36、. Many cities have underground car parks. In some cities, such as Tokyo, Seoul and Montreal, there are large underground shopping areas. The “Chunnel” , a tunnel(隧道)connecting England and France, is now complete.But what about underground cities? Japans Taisei Corporation is designing a network of u

37、nderground systems. called Alice Clues.” The designers imagine using surface space for public parks and using underground space for flats, offices, shopping, and so on. A solar dome(太阳能穹顶) would cover the whole city.Supporters of underground development say that building down rather than building up

38、 is a good way to use the earths space. The surface, they say, can be used for farms, parks, gardens, and wilderness. H.G. Wells moon people would agree. Would you? 56. The explorers in H. G Wells story were surprised to find that the “moon people ” . A. knew so much about the earth B. understood th

39、eir language C. lived in so many underground cities D. were ahead of them in space technology做题之前,你读了文章吗?固然你可以说“我可以看了题目再到原文中找相应的内容,这样更有目的性!”,不过以我的体会,如果你先快速地略读一遍原文了解大意,再看题目并根据题目和选项到文中找相应的段落或句子,以判断它们是否正确,这样不仅不影响你的做题速度,而且可以提高正确率,所谓“磨刀不误砍材工”吗!不信呀,试试看!浏览一遍全文,现在我们来看第一题:看一下问题和选项,现在回到原文,看一下文章的第二句,“they disc

40、overed that the moon was full of underground cities.(他们发现月亮上到处都是地下城市。)”,从接下来的一句可以看出,这正是地球人对月球人的惊奇所在,那你就知道这个题的答案了吧?对,让地球人惊奇的就是月球人居然住在那么多的地下城堡里,选择C.57. What does the underlined word “it” (paragraph 2) refer to? A. Discovering the moons inner space. B. Using the earths inner space C. Meeting the “noon

41、people” againD. Traveling to outer space我们来看一下it 所在的那句话,“然而,外星人提出的问题仍然相当的有趣,越来越多的科学家也在慎重的考虑这个问题(it).” 从文中的对应关系来看,it指代的显然是前一句中“the question that the “moon people” asked”,那么外星人到底问了什么问题呢? 这就需要我们到第一段去寻找了,看一下第一段最后一句,“are you traveling to outer space when you dont even use your inner space?” 由此看来,外星人问的就是:

42、“地球人为什么能够飞行到外太空却不使用地球的内部空间?”那么答案就是B了。58. What sort of underground systems are already here with us? A. Offices, shopping areas, power stationsB. Tunnels, car parks, shopping areas C. Gardens, car parks, power stationsD. Tunnels, gardens, offices.这是一个细节性的题目,它问我们现在已经出现了什么样的地下系统,那么文中什么地方讲了地下系统呢?第三段。好,现

43、在我们就到第三段寻找看它讲了什么样的地下系统,它提到了地下停车场(underground car parks),地下购物中心(shopping areas),当然了,最后还专门提到了连接英国和法国的一个地下隧道Tunnels,那么现在你知道应该如何作出选择了吧!59. What would be the best title for the text? A. Alice Cities cities of the future. B. Space travel with H.G. Wells C. Enjoy living undergroundD. Building down, not up给

44、文章找一个好标题,那你就得俯瞰全文了(千万别“一叶障目,不见泰山”呀!),文章开头以H.G. Wells的书作引子,提到月球人建议地球人开发内层空间,接着又讲了现在已经有哪些投入使用的地下建筑,接着,文章为我们介绍了新设计的地下系统模型,由此看来,文章主要就围绕介绍地下建筑来写的。现在我们再来看选项,哪个选项最接近呢?D. Building down, not up(向下建,而不是向上!)既简洁,又贴切!5660 CBBDC6165 BAAAD 6670 ADCBC7175 BDACABLONDON (Reuters) Organic fruit, delivered right to the

45、 doorstep. That is what Gabriel Gold prefers, and he is willing to pay for it. If this is not possible, the 26-year-old computer technician will spend the extra money at the supermarket to buy organic food.“Organic produce is always better, Gold said. “The food is free of pesticides(农药),and you are

46、generally supporting family farms instead of large farms. And more often than not it is locally (本地) grown and seasonal, so it is more tasty.” Gold is one of a growing number of shoppers buying into the organic trend, and supermarkets across Britain are counting on more like him as they grow their o

47、rganic food business. But how many shoppers really know what they are getting, and why are they willing to pay a higher price for organic produce? Market research shows that Gold and others who buy organic food can generally give clear reasons for their preferences but their knowledge of organic foo

48、d is far from complete. For example, small amounts of pesticides can be used on organic products. And about three quarters of organic food in Britain is not local but imported(进口) to meet growing demand. “The demand for organic food is increasing by about one third every year, so it is a very fast-g

49、rowing market ,” said Sue Flock, a specialist in this line of business.60. More and more people in Britain are buying organic food because . A. they are getting richer B. they can get the food anywhere C. they consider the food free of pollutionD. they like home-grown fruit从Gold的话中我们就能看出大多数人买绿色食品的原因

50、,其中Gold给出的第一条具体的理由就是The food is free of pesticides(食品没有农药污染。),C选项刚好符合,而其它几个选项我们在文中都找不到内容支持,只好“放弃”了!61. Which of the following statements is true to the facts about most organic produce sold in Britain? A. It grows indoors all year roundB. it is produced outside Britain C. It is grown on family farms

51、D. It is produced on large farms文章第二段前 半部分都是写消费者对绿色食品的观点以及对绿色食品的消费者群体的描述,那我们要想找到对在英国市场上出售的大多数(而不是全部)绿色食品的真实情况的陈述就得看第二段的后半部分了,它说,生产绿色食品还可以使用少量的农药,并且英国市场上出售的绿色食品大约3/4是进口的,以便迎合不断增长的消费者需求。根据这两点,我们再来看选项,能够符合的只有B了,至于C项“It is grown on family farms(它是由小农场出产的。)”,这只是Gold和一些消费者的观点,至于实际情况是否如此我们并不知晓。(这一项判断起来有些难度

52、,你是不是已经被它迷惑倒了?)62. What is the meaning of “the organic tread” as the words are used in the text? A. growing interest in organic foodB. better quality of organic food C. rising market for organic foodD. higher prices of organic food要找出the organic tread的真实含义,我们就得到原文中找一找看它到底被用来指代什么,找到the organic tread所

53、出的那句话(不过要理解它 ,你还首先得知道buy into “成为,进入”的意思,不然理解起来还真有些困难!),它说,Gold是越来越多地进入the organic tread中的人中的一员,那么作者用这个词来描述的显然就是人们对绿色食品不断增长的兴趣(growing interest in organic food)。63. What is the best title for this news story? A. Organic food- healthy, or just for the wealthy? B. The making of organic food in Britain

54、 C. Organic food- to import or not?D. Good qualities of organic food不知道文章的原来标题是什么,看了这四个选项,觉得都不大对,遇到这种情况,我们只能求助于“排除法”了。我们首先看D选项,Good qualities of organic food(质量优良的绿色有机食品),从全文来看,它确实讲到了在消费者看来绿色食品要比一般食品少农药污染,但这并不是全文重点讲述的对象,排除它!接着看C项,Organic food- to import or not?(有机食品进口还是不进口?)文中只是客观陈述了英国市场上大约3/4的有机食品是

55、进口的,并没有对是否应该进口有机食品发表评论,所以用这样的标题也有失偏颇;再看B项,The making of organic food in Britain(英国绿色食品的生产过程),这就完全无中生有了,因为文中压根没提到呀;我们最后来看A项,Organic food- healthy, or just for the wealthy?(绿色食品健康食品还是仅仅供富人消费的食品?),文中确实提到了绿色食品使用农药 的 真实情况,并且也说了绿色食品要比普通食品贵,A项的内容没有错误,但给人的感觉是仍然没有完全归纳全篇的内容,可其它几个选项又明显不对,如此以来,我们只能委曲求全选A了!CTHEA

56、TRE City Varieties The Headrow, Leeds, Tel. 430808 Oct 10 11 only A Night at the Varieties. All the fun of an old music hall with Barry Cryez, Duggle Brown, 6 dancers, mystina, Jon Barker, Anne Duval and the Tony Harrison Trio. Laugh again at the old jokes and listen to your favourite songs.Performa

57、nces: 8 pm nightly.Admission: 5; under 16 or over 60 4 .York Theatre RoyalSt Leonards Place, York. Tel. 223568Sept 23- Oct 17 Groping for Words a comedy by Sue Townsend. Best known for her Adrian Mole Diaries. Townsend now writes about an evening class which two men and a woman attend. A gentle come

58、dy.Admission: First night, Mon; 2; Tues- Fri: 3.25-5.50; Sat: 3.50-5.75.Halifax PlayhouseKings Cross Street, Halifax. Tel. 365998Oct 10- 17 On Golden Pond by Ernest Thompson. This is a magical comedy about real people. A beautifully produced, well-seted play for everyone. Dont miss it.Performances:

59、7:30 p.m.Admission: 2. Mon; 2 seats for the price of one.Grand TheatreOxford Street, Leeds. Tel. 502116Restaurant and Caf.Oct 1-17 The Secret Diary of Adrian Mole, Aged 13, Sue Townsends musical play, based on her best-selling book.Performances; Evenings 7:45 October 10-17, at 2:30 p.m. No Monday pe

60、rformances.Admission: Tues- Thurs; 2-5; Fri & Sat; 2-6.64. Which theatre offers the cheapest seat? A. Halifax Playhouse. B. City Varieties. C. Grand Theatre D. York Theatre Royal对于像这样每一条信息相对独立的阅读文章,你做题的最佳方法却是先看题目,然后根据问题到原文中找到答案,所谓“因地置异”,不过在这儿叫“因题置异”!好,现在我们首先来看问题,“哪个剧院提供最便宜的位置?(也就是它每个位置的票价最便宜了!)”,从每条

61、信息来看,票价都显示在最后一行,我们来比较一下,Halifax Playhouse不仅票价最低,而且买一张票可以有两个位置,那就相当于每个位置的票价只有1磅了,毫无疑问,我们应该选A.65.If you want to see a play with old jokes and songs, which phone number will you ring to book a seat? A. 502116 B. 223568C. 365998D. 430808这个问题要求我们把戏剧的特点与剧院的电话对应起来,我们首先看有a play with old jokes and songs这样的特点

62、的戏剧在哪个剧院上演,你找对了,在City Varieties,那么它们的联系电话是多少呢?430808!66. We may learn from the text that Sue Townsend is . A. a writerB. an actressC. a musicianD. a director首先从这些信息中找到Sue Townsend这个人名,对,在York Theatre Royal的信息中我们找到了这个人名,前两句似乎还看不出她的职业,但接着的一句,“Townsend now writes about an evening class which two men an

63、d a woman attend.”由writes这个动词可以看出,Sue Townsend应该是个剧作者(a writer)。D Treasure hunts(寻宝) have excited peoples imagination for hundreds of years both in real life and in books such as Robert Louis Stevensons Treasure Island, Kit Williams, a modern writer, had the idea of combining the real excitement of a treasure hunt with clues(线索) found in a book when he wrote a childrens story, Masquerade, in 1979. The book was about a hare, and a mont

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