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1、Welcome To My Class ! A friend in need is a friend indeed. 患 难 见 真 情 。 To the world you may be one person, but to me you may be the world. 对 于 世 界 而 言 ,你 是 一 个 人 ;但 是 对 我 而 言 ,你 是 他的 整 个 世 界 。 We are students.We are young and happy! Part 1 询 问 他 人 职 业(Talking about jobs) Policeman pli:smn n. 警 察poli

2、cewoman pli:s.wmn n. 女 警 察taxi tksi n. 计 程 车 ,出 租 汽 车driver draiv n. 驾 驶 员 ,司 机taxi driver 出 租 车 司 机air hostess hustis n. 空 中 小 姐postman pstmn n. 邮 递 员nurse n:s n. 护 士 ,褓 姆 ,奶 妈mechanic miknik n. 技 工 ,机 修 工hairdresser hedres(r) n. 理 发 师housewife haswaif n. 家 庭 主 妇milkman milkmn n. 送 牛 奶 的 人Learn the

3、 new words and expressions Whats her job?Shes a policewoman.Whats his job?Hes a policeman. Whats the mans job?Hes a taxi driver. Whats the womans job?Shes a housewife. Is she a housewife?No, she isnt.Is she a doctor?No, she isnt.Is she a doctor?No, she isnt.So whats her job?She is a nurse. She helps

4、 doctors.nurse Whats his/her job?1 3 421 Whats her job? Is she a teacher? Yes, she is.2 Whats his job? Is she a policeman? No, he isnt. Hes a postman.3 Whats his job? Hes a mechanic.4 Whats her job? Is she a dustman(清 洁 工 )? No, she isnt. Shes a housewife. Whatre their jobs?Theyre What are their job

5、s? Are they students? Yes, they are. What are their jobs? Are they nurses? No, they arent. They are air hostesses. What are their jobs? Are they farmers? Yes, they are. What are their jobs? Are they teachers? No, they arent. They are doctors. 1 24 35 6Practice: Whats his/her job? Practice: Whatre th

6、eir jobs?doctorsair hostesses farmersstudentshousewives policemen Summary 询 问 他 人 的 职 业 ( 工 作 )单 数 Whats your/(Stevens)his/her(Helens) job? I am a/an He/She is a/an复 数 Whatre your/their(Steven and Helens) jobs? We/Theyre询 问 他 人 职 业 , 通 常 有 以 下 几 种 表 达 方 式 :( 以 第 二 人 称 为 例 ) What is your job? Whats y

7、our work? What do you do ? Part 2 对 比 描 述(Description) Learn the new words and expressionsold uld a. 旧 的 ,老 的 young j a. 年 轻 的hot ht a. 热 的 cold kuld a.冷 的tall t:l a. 高 的 short :t a. 短 的 ,矮 的dirty d:ti a. 肮 脏 的 clean kli:n a. 干 净 的busy bizi a. 忙 的 ,繁 忙 的 lazy leizi a. 懒 惰 的fat ft a. 肥 胖 的 thin in a.

8、 瘦 的 Whats his job? He is a policeman.He is tall.Whats her job? She is a policewoman.She is short. Look at the hairdresser!He is very busy.Look at the housewife.She is very lazy. It is very hot today.But its very cold here. Look at the old man !He is 92 years old. Look at the young girl!She is 21. H

9、ello! I am Steven. I am not thin. Im too fat/heavy.Hi! Good evening. I am Helen.I am not fat. I am thin/slim. I am a dustman(清 洁 工 ). So I often(经 常 ) work(工 作 ) with dirty things. I am a nurse. And I should(应 该 ) always(总 是 ) keep(保 持 ) very clean. Practice: Describe people with adj.Example: Helen/

10、well look at Helen. Shes very well.1 man/fat 2 woman/thin3 polcemen/tall 4 polcewomen/short5 dustman/dirty 6 nurse/clean7 steven/hot 8 Emma/cold9 air hostess/young 10 teacher/old11 hairdressers/busy 12 housewives/lazy TOMS EXCUSE Teacher: Tom, why are you late for school every day? Tom: Every time I

11、 come to the corner, a sign says, School-G o Slow. 汤 姆 的 借 口 老 师 : 汤 姆 , 您 为 什 么 每 天 上 学 迟 到 ? 汤 姆 : 我 每 次 路 过 拐 角 , 一 个 路 标 上 面 写 着 : 学 校 -慢 行 。 艾 宾 浩 斯 遗 忘 曲 线 这 条 曲 线 告 诉 人 们 在 学 习 中 的 遗 忘 是 有 规 律的 , 遗 忘 的 进 程 很 快 , 并 且 先 快 后 慢 。 观 察曲 线 , 你 会 发 现 ,学 得 的 知 识 在 一 天 后 , 如 不抓 紧 复 习 ,就 只 剩 下 原 来 的 25%。 随 着 时 间 的推 移 ,遗 忘 的 速 度 减 慢 , 遗 忘 的 数 量 也 就 减 少 。 Thanks for your listening!See you next time!

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