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1、新版村民自治规章制度汇编 民东村村民自治规章制度 一、村民会议职责 1.选举村民委员会,撤换和补选村民委员会成员。 2.审议和通过本村的经济和社会发展规划。 3.制定修改村民自治章程和村规民约。 4.讨论决定涉及全村村民利益的重大问题。 5.听取和审议村民委员会年度工作报告。 6.监督审查财务收支预算和决算。 7.监督集体资产的管理使用。 8.否决和修改村民代表会议、村民委员会不适当的决议和决定。 二、村民代表会议职责 1.听取审议村民委员会年度工作计划和工作报告,并提出意见和建议。 2.审议决定本村公共事务和公益事业基本建设项目,并做出相应的决议。 3.制订村民自治章程和村规民约草案,提交村

2、民会议审议决定。 4.审计决定村务公开民主管理的规章制度,监督审查本村财务收支和社会行政事务落实情况,督促村民委员会实行村务公开。 5.审议解决村民委员会成员内部发生重大分歧的事项和村民委员会提出的其他事项。 6.改变或撤销村民委员会不适当的决议和决定。 7.讨论决定涉及全体村民利益的事项。 8.民主评议村干部。 三、村民委员会职责 1.教育、组织村民认真贯彻执行党的路线、方针和政策,自觉遵守国家的法律、法规,切实履行法定议务。 2.执行村民会议和村民代表会议的决议,向村民会议和村民代表会议负责并报告工作。 3.依法管理本村集体所有的土地、山林、企业、水利设施和其他财产,制止非法占用土地、乱砍

3、滥伐林木、毁林开荒、破坏公共设施等行为。 4.抓好粮食生产,组织村民发展经济,依法引导村民大力发展各种形式的合作经济组织,做好村民生产的服务协调工作。 5.办理本村的公共事务和公益事业,组织村民整修道路,兴修水利,植树造林,整治村容村貌。 6.做好优抚、救灾救济、五保供养、农村低保、医疗合作和殡葬改革等社会保障和社会事务工作。 7.调解民间纠纷,维护社会治安,搞好综合治理,协助公安机关打击各种犯罪活动,保障本村正常的社会秩序和生活秩序。 8.抓好计划生育工作;关心青少年的教育和成长,保护妇女和未成年人的合法权益;教育村民合理利用和节约能源资源,保护和改善生态环境。 9.教育村民发扬艰苦朴素、勤

4、俭持家的优良传统,移风易俗,破除封建迷信,树立勤俭办婚事、丧事的新风尚。 10.完成各级政府和部门布置的行政、经济等工作任务;向上级政府和部门反映村民的意见、要求和建议,维护村民的合法权益。 11.开展创建“文明村”、“文明户”、“五好家庭”等多种形式的*精神文明建设活动。 四、村委会主任职责 1.认真贯彻执行党的路线、方针、政策和国家法律、法规,带头遵守和严格执行本村的规章制度。 2.负责村委员会的日常工作,提出本村经济和公益事业发展规划草案,提交村民会议和村民代表会议讨论决定,制订年度工作计划,并负责组织实施。 3.定期召开村委会成员会议,总结检查村委会工作开展情况并负责向村民会议或村民代

5、表会议报告。 4.组织协调好村委会内部各方面的关系,充分调动和发挥村委会成员、村民小组和村民代表的积极性,增强村委会的凝聚力和战斗力。 5.协调处理好与上级部门、驻区单位的关系;协调处理好本村村民小组之间及邻村相连的生产、生活、水利、道路、山林等关系。 6.组织村委会成员和各工作委员会实施村委会议和村民代表会议决议和村民公约,积极完成各级党委政府交给的各项任务。 7.大力引导和发展村办企业,积极推广科技致富,提供致富信息,帮助贫困群众脱贫致富。 8.认真听取和收集村民的意见、要求和建议并及时向乡镇政府反映,维护村民的合法权益。 五、村委会副主任(村秘书)职责 1.协助主任开展工作,主任不在岗期

6、间代理主任主持日常工作。 2.认真做好分管工作,并协助主任布置、检查和总结工作,帮助和指导各委员及村民小组的工作。 3.协助或管理村委会的财物收支,协助管理好村里的各项公共事务和公益事业。 4.负责各种资料、数据的收集和保管,及时准确填报各种报表材料。 5.遵纪守法,模范执行各项规章制度及决议。 6.维护班子团结。 7.维护村民的合法权益。 六、村委会委员职责 1.协助村主任、副主任开民工作。 2.按照村委分工负责做好贫乏工作。 3.自觉参加村民委员会召集的各种会议。 4.执行村民委员会的各项决定。 5.维护班子团结。 6.维护村民的合法权益。 七、村务公开监督小组职责 1.监督村委会执行落实

7、村民会议和村民代表会议各项决议的情况。 2.督促村委会定期公开本村财务收支、社会事务及群众关注的其他热点问题。 3.收集村民对村委会工作及村委会成员的意见和建议,反馈给村委会和村委会成员本人。 4.监督村民自治章程和村规民约的执行落实情况。 5.定期向村民会议或村民代表会议报告监督工作情况。 八、村务公开制度 (一)工作机构:经村民代表会议选举村民代表产生成立村务公开监督小组。由组长、副组长、成员若干人组成,具体负责村务公开监督工作。 (二)公开原则:凡涉及村民切身利益的重大事项都要向村民及时公开。 (三)公开内容:政策和办事程序;财务帐支;计划生育;救灾救济款物分配;低保、五保评定;宅基地审

8、批;土地征用补偿分配;“一事一议”筹资筹劳;农村医疗合作;种粮直补;退耕还林款物;村干部报酬;村集体经营承包合同;村民要求公开的其他事项。 (四)公开程序:村委会详细列出公开项目相关责任人汇总提供有关资料依据村务公开监督小组审核张榜公布接受村民咨询监督整改。 (五)公开形式:以固定公开栏为主,辅之以印发资料、召开会议等形式。 (六)公开时间:财务收支每季度公开1次,其他公开内容每半年公开1次,村民有要求的可随时公开。 九、村民议事制度 1.村民会议由本村18周岁以上的村民组成。召开村民会议,应当有本村18周岁以上村民的过半数参加或者有本村过2/3的户代表参加,方能对村内重要事项进行议决。 2.

9、村民会议是农村基层民主和村民自治的重要组成形式,对本村村务享有最高决策权。村民会议决重重大村务时,所在决定必须由参加会议的村民或户代表过半数以上通过方可有效。 3.村民会议的召开由村党支部、村民委员会根据工作需要和村民代表会议的提议研究确定,由村党支部和村民委员会召集。村民会议一般每年召开一次。有十分之一以上的村民提议,应当召集村民会议。 4.有五分之一以上的村民对村民代表会议的决议持不同意见提议时,应召开村民会议,重新讨论表决。 5.村民会议的决议由村委会组织实施,村民代表会议监督落实。 十、民主评议干部制度 民主评议干部制度,即组织村民按照一定程序,根据党对农村干部的要求,评介村干部的德、

10、能、勤、绩、廉。 民主评议的内容: 1.贯彻执行党的路线、方针、政策情况; 2.贯彻执行村组法,实行村务公开民主管理情况; 3.执行村民会议、村民代表会议和村委会决议情况; 4.分工任务完成情况; 5.遵纪守法、廉洁自律情况; 6.为村民服务,带领村民致富情况; 7.工作作风联系群众情况; 8.协助乡镇人民政府开展工作情况; 9.服从村党组织领导的情况。 评议形式: 评议前先由村干部向村民代表会议报告当年的工作情况,再由代表采取无记名方式测评,优秀、合格、不合格三个档次对干部进行评议,以分别得票率超过50%确认档次。对干部有严重失职、渎职及违纪行为而造成不良影响的应评为不合格。评选结果作为考核

11、村干部的重要内容,记入个人*,并及时在村务公开栏中公开。 十一、干部离任审计制度 1.本村干部任期届期满或离任时,必须接受审计。 2.审计工作由村民主理财小组负责实施,必要时报乡镇经管、审计、财政、民政和纪检监察等部门介入。 3.主要审计重大建设投资项目的管理及效益情况;财务收支情况;资金使用和村集体资产管理情况。 4.重点审查本村干部任职期间有无侵占村级集体资产、资金和其他违法违纪情况。 5.在审计中查出侵占挪用集体资产和资金及不合理的开支,要责令其如数退赔。 6.审计中发现干部违法违纪,需要给予党纪、政纪*的,移交纪检监察机关处理;构成犯罪的,移交司法机关依法追究法律责任。 十二、财务管理

12、制度 1.在村务公开监督小组成员中推选若干代表成立民主理财小组,定期审计财务收支情况,实行财务公开。 2.严格资金开支审批权限,村级日常开支坚持由村书记或村主任“一支笔”审批,重大开支由村支两委集体研究决定,必要时提交民主理财小组和村民代表会议讨论决定。 3.编制收支计划,搞好预算决算;承包合同的落实情况、预决算的执行情况、财务管理情况要及时向村民代表会议报告。 4.规范财务管理,根据会计、出纳、保管分设原则,实行账、钱、物分离,日清月结,账目、现金、实物做到账物、账款、账账相符。 5.凡须村民出资、出物、出力或需要动用村集体经济积累的事项,都要经过支两委联席会议研究,提出预算方案,提交村民代

13、表会议讨论决定。 6.定期开展村委会财务账目审计,加强对村办企业和村民小组的财务管理,及时收缴和发放各类款物。 7.做好财务*管理工作。各种合同协议、财务计划、收益分配方案和各种凭证、账册、报表、交接清单、会计资料、票据存根等,必须分类整理,装订成册,经民主理财小组审核,及时移交乡镇经管站保存。 8.村干部离任时必须自觉接受财务审计并办理好财务交接手续。 十三、民主理财小组职责 1.参与制定本村各项财务管理制度、财务预算计划、分配方案和发展经济项目等重大事项,并监督执行情况。 2.参与集体投资基建项目的立项、论证、投标及工程验收工作。 3.监督集体资产管理,债权债务的结算及经济合同签订、兑现工

14、作,防止集体资产流失。 4.审查村委会的财务收支数据和财务活动情况,监督集体资金流向,否决村委会的不合理开支。 5.监督村委会定期进行财务公开,对财务公开中存在的问题,提出处理意见和建议。 6.向村民会议或村民代表会议报告理财监督情况。 十四、财务人员岗位职责 1.财会人员必须接受上级政府有关部门的业务指导,必须认真完成各项经济报表等工作。 2.财会人员必须做到财务往来账目日清月结,妥善保管好原始资料,对已装订的原始凭证不得随意抽拆更改。 3.会计必须按有关规定对原始凭证进行审核,对不真实、不合法的原始凭证有权拒绝接收,并向村负责人报告;对记载不准确、不完整的原始凭证予以退回并要求按有关规定更

15、正、补充。 4.出纳必须作好现金收入和现金支出,做好现金日记账,每月底前与会计对好当月的现金和银行结余,并办好票据交接手续。 十五、财务公开的主要内容 1.年度财务计划及集体经济收益及其经营管理情况,包括集体企业、经济项目承包经营方案、竞争办法和经营者情况,承包费及收缴、合同履行和其他生产服务项目收入、土地转让费、其他集体收入。 2.集体资产和债权债务变动情况;生产性建设和公益福利事业项目建设方案及实施情况,资金筹措及使用情况。 3.土地征用的数量、补偿费额和劳动力安置补助费数额及使用情况,土地、荒山出卖和使用情况,企业和非农建设和用地的土地收益和支出情况;审批宅地基农户名单、建房面积、收费标

16、准及收费情况。 4.救灾救济、扶贫助残、拥军优属、低保五保、社会捐赠等项款物的接收、发放、使用情况。 5.上级下拨的补助经费、专项经费的收支情况。 6.有法律(法规、政策)依据的集资、收费、罚款的收费标准和管理使用、村民义务工、劳动积累工和以资代劳的使用情况。 7.群众用电、用水和享受和种集体统一服务项目的收费标准和使用情况。 8.农村合作医疗费的收缴和兑付情况。 9.村组干部工资、奖金、补贴及其他福利,办公费、招待费等公务活动方面的开支情况。 10.安排计划生育指标、人员名单、落实节育措施和计划外生育社会抚养费的收缴、管理、使用情况。 十六、人民调解治安保卫委员会职责 1. 进行法制和安全宣

17、传。 2.依法调解民间纠纷。 3.建立群防群治制度。 4.落实安全防范措施。 5.维护公共财物安全。 6.协助做好基层司法行政工作。 7.协助公安部门做好治安保卫工作。 十七、文教卫生委员会职责 1.科技兴村,普及科学技术、卫生健康等知识。 2.办好卫生事业,搞好环境卫生和防疫工作。 3.协助政府搞好农村大病医疗救助和农村医疗合作。 4.加强村民素质教育,保证九年义务教育到位。 十八、计划生育委员会职责 1.宣传计划生育的方针政策和法律和法规。 2.普及避孕、节育、优生优育等婚育科学知识。 3.规范计生工作管理,引导和帮助村民实行计划生育。 4.把计划生育工作纳入村民自治章程和村规民约。 5.

18、做好流动人口的计划生育工作。 十九、社会福利委员会职责 1.做好拥军优属工作。 2.做好救灾救济工作。 3.做好五保供养工作。 4.做好农村低保工作。 5.提倡移风易俗,搞好婚丧改革。 二十、村民小组长职责 1.宣传贯彻党的路线、方针、政策和国家的法律法令。 2.组织本线村民落实好村委会的决定和布置的工作。 3.协助村委会办理好本组的公共事务和公共事业。 4.做好本组的土地承包工作,管理好本组人集体财产。 5.调解本组的矛盾纠纷,维护社会治安。 6.带领村民积极开展移风易俗、创建文明家庭活动。 7.负责召集本组的各种会议,及时向村委会汇报工作。 8.及时向村委会反映本组村民的意见、要求和建议。

19、 二十一、工作移交制度 1.村组干部离任或任期届满,必须做好工作移交。 2.移交工作报告乡镇人民政府,争取其支持、指导和帮助。 3.移交内容包括公章、办公场所、办公用具、集体财务账目、现金存款、固定资产、工作*、债权债务及其他遗留问题等。 4.对拒绝移交或无故拖延移交的,报乡镇党委政府给予批评教育,督促其加以改正。 5.移交过程中发现有重大问题的,报乡镇人民政府、纪检监察机关和司法机关依法处理。 二十二、村委会和村民小组印章使用管理制度(白鹿洞镇) 为了正确行使权力,避免工作失误,根据民政部、公安部对印章使用和管理的有关规定,结合本镇实际,现对村委会和村民小组公章的使用管理规定如下。 、公章制

20、度 村委会公章一律由镇人民政府负责制发。村民小组的公章由村委会统一制发。公章要妥善保管,如有遗失要及时向制发机报告并申请补发,由制发机关登记后办理补发。使用已作废公章的,按私刻公章行为处理。 、公章的使用 1、凡需加盖公章的,一般都应事先由村委会主任或村民小组长签署意见后再盖公章。对证明村民年龄、文化、民族、职业等基本情况的,保管公章人员本着高度负责、实事求是的精神给予办理。涉及计生的证明须由计生专干或中心户长签署意见后再盖公章。 2、凡涉贷款、承包、担保、对外签订合同等重大问题使用村委会和村民小组公章时,应由村民会议或村民代表参加的会议表决通过后方可盖章。如有违规行为,保管公章人员可有权阻止

21、或拒盖公章。 3、非保管公章人员不准擅自随身带公章外出;保管公章人员家属不准随便使用公章;严禁白纸盖公章。 、公章的保管 1、村民委员会公章由村秘书专人保管、村民小组公章由组会计专人保管,保管人应严格按规定使用公章,不得借机吃、拿、卡、要,不得乱盖公章,违者按规定予以撤换和处理。 2、因人事、职务变动,公章必须移交到新的村秘书或组会计手上,拒不交公章者,视为妨碍公务,经多次做工作无效,将请求公安机关和纪检监察机关依法追究有关当事人的责任。 Trade and Industry Bureau of the end of the year summary of the work of threeT

22、he following is a small series for the general summary of the trade and Industry Bureau of the year-end summary of the work, please refer toEvery year, my right branch Party committee under the leadership of Party committees in the town of XX, the concern and support of government, comprehensive pra

23、ctice practice Scientific Outlook on Development, thoroughly implement the spirit of the party's real XX and XX all the fourth plenary session, institutionalization, standardization, standardization, procedure, rule of law construction. As the focus, continue to emancipate the mind, strengthen

24、team construction, reform of supervision mode, strengthen supervision means, earnestly fulfill their duties, made new efforts for economic development and social harmony, has made a new contribution. Now XX years work conditions are summarized as follows:First, the main achievements and experienceTh

25、e administration of industry and commerce administration departments is the main force to maintain the rank order of the market economy, its primary responsibility is to strengthen market supervision, to safeguard legal system based on fairness, honesty, ordered the market economic order, to create

26、a good market environment. This year, I think I really in accordance with the Council and the town Party committee, the government's arrangements and requirements, combined with the actual jurisdiction area, pay close attention to four key points, push forward the market supervision work carrie

27、d out.Expand the functions, broaden the channels, services, local economic development and the development of a new1, actively carry out the construction of exhibition window, open all kinds of market main body access channel. In the registration window to implement the 12345 mode of operation, the

28、implementation of the six sound service the humanized service of new initiatives, and actively for all kinds of new enterprises to simplify the registration procedures, shorten the time to do, to create high-quality the civilization of the service window image. In March this year, my house was by th

29、e provincial women's Federation awarded the women Gang civilization, the honorary title. In the registration work, my first good market access. The main body to provide a fair, for the work of the masses for justice, openness, high quality, normalization the service, do The complete information

30、 on the spot, data is not neat distinction between office, office of emergency project overtime, key projects, guidance office, special project flexible. At the same time, I also have business rental filing difficult problem, in coordination with the rental housing management center, and achieved re

31、markable results as. from November 30th, preferential treatment for quick registration of individual industrial and commercial households 2883 households, 10011 households change of registration, cancellation of registration of 383 households, I have a area of domestic enterprises, registered capita

32、l of RMB, staff member; individual industrial and commercial households, the amount of money counting million employees; foreign funded enterprises households , the registered capital of million yuan, from employees. Secondly the good market main body according to annual testing. In strict accordanc

33、e with the new Company Law > of corporate annual inspection regulations to carry out inspection work, the relationship between people's health and life safety of the enterprise, focus on the pre review qualification case, at the same time to carry out the door the door guide inspection, carr

34、ied out the fast track for trustworthy enterprises, effectively reducing the cost of the annual inspection of enterprises. As of the 111 month 30 days, subject to business households, real inspection, annual inspection rate; as a fulfillment of individual industrial and commercial households, accord

35、ing to experimental test, inspection rate.2, actively promote the implementation of the strategy of brand expansion, XXX leather market. In order to help trademark total enterprises especially SMEs do a good job of the registered trademark, where I often to the investigation on the node with annual

36、supplement this year. The same trademark archives at the same time, do everything possible to make copies of the trademark registration services, law enforcement people often deep into the enterprise, to provide door-to-door service for enterprises registered trademark. To strengthen the knowledge o

37、f the business of trademark law propaganda, protection of the exclusive right of trademark registration business, enterprise reporting report of well-known and famous trademarks of the guidance, support and guide enterprises to implement trademark battle strategy. Actively guide enterprises to estab

38、lish Brand awareness brand. Through in-depth publicity trademark laws and regulations law and the protection of intellectual property rights, guide enterprises to establish brand awareness, to timely meet the conditions of the enterprises registered trademark right protection of corporate interests

39、are not infringed. Up to now, XXX has 1 trademark was identified as Guangdong famous the trademark , 2 trademarks were awarded famous trademark of XX standard. With AOKANG , Italy 's health and Montagut and other domestic and foreign well-known brands have settled in XX, XXX has become a nation

40、al treasure industry famous brand leather industry convergence of entrepreneurship. Vigorously carrying out the heavy contract, Shou credit enterprise culture Education, training contract regulations held 2 sessions, the newly named Shou Shou entrepreneurs, compared to the same period last year incr

41、eased by%. In addition, where I add brand cultivation. At the same time, adhere to adhere to brand and the security card simultaneously, severely crack down on counterfeiting, infringement of intellectual property rights and other illegal behavior knowledge to form the enterprise, self protection, p

42、rotection system combining administrative protection and judicial protection. By the end of November 30th, I investigated the case of illegal trademark 88, worth million yuan, the amount of 500 thousand yuan fine.The 3 battalion, actively create a fair competitive environment, further improve the co

43、mprehensive management of operating mechanism. Since the beginning of this year, its function I am based in the area, regulatory responsibility for the nuclear core, through innovative mobile PDA electronic supervision system, and to continue to carry out remediation unlicensed and in the operation

44、of special action, and achieved more for the remarkable results. Since XX 100 month, I issued a monthly check each inspection group to guide 120 households without a license for a business license by the business, and no unlicensed cases 8 work task, decompose the ban unlicensed business cleaning ta

45、sks, make the target specific responsibilities fall The implementation of each group and each of the cadres and workers, the inspection group according to the section of a door one by one investigation, registration, do not leak group, no leakage group of households, households do not leak , thus gr

46、eatly improve pipe 'work enthusiasm, improve the quality of the unlicensed remediation work amount at the same time, focusing on the improvement of the regional domain, the focus of remediation market, dragnet full comprehensive investigation in the area of the various types of market players,

47、banning undocumented unlicensed card found in a timely manner, to fully grasp the cleaning progress and determine the focus on cleaning up until now. At present, I have dispatched law enforcement vehicles 6652 times, 21334 law enforcement officers, Check all types of markets, shopping malls 54, all

48、kinds of market main body 9543, has issued a notice period for business licenses of 16133 copies, 4055 copies of the notice shall be ordered to make corrections, guide users consciously submit business license up unlicensed operation of more than 2 thousand and 300 households, 489 households, a tota

49、l ban unlicensed business households, to investigate unlicensed case 197 cases.4, active and innovative initiatives to improve measures, strive to improve the effectiveness of supervision of enterprises. Since this year, the implementation process of the area where I supervision responsibility syste

50、m, through continuous innovation supervision mechanism, implement supervision responsibility, established the first advanced, coordinated operation, system improvement, standardized management, new system of supervision, effectively enhance the law enforcement work initiative, self-consciousness, ef

51、fectiveness, to achieve the city market supervision work of the three changes, through a clear regulatory responsibility, the responsibility to realize from the responsibility of the around, from the part of the regulatory transition to comprehensive key point of supervision, from special rectificat

52、ion to establish long-term supervision machine The change of regulation and law enforcement work. To achieve the three place, namely the daily supervision mode reform thorough development, effectively promote the supervision and service functions in place and can be put in place. At the same time, s

53、trengthen the strong operational norms, the implementation of the inspection system, and severely punish violations, efforts to improve the classification of supervision enterprises for the effective solution. Will the area of unlicensed phenomenon in the area under the jurisdiction of the supervisi

54、on responsibility system work, after groping research for nearly 2 months, the XXX and the innovative use of the grid electronic map with daily inspections supervision mode of regulatory responsibility area supervision tube, effectively making pipe member truly On the base of this area, the situatio

55、n is clear, the jurisdiction of the supervision responsibility system of grid management truly implemented, achieved significant results. Since XX 2 / 1 to XX in May 11th, I issued a total of individual business licence 863, is 1.7 times the same period last year issue put the individual business li

56、cense, the jurisdiction of unlicensed phenomenon has fundamentally improved. At the same time, according to my area points, wide wide, shape, the current situation of the development of leather industry leather to implement, a typical demonstration of fan, key breakthrough, and comprehensively promo

57、te the work principle, the investigating cases as the city market supervision the The focus throughout all kinds of special rectification, check the source, plugging loopholes, each inspection group inspection operation handling, which according to the law dealt with a number of unlicensed and no tr

58、ademark infringement cases.5, actively investigate and deal with illegal behavior, and effectively increase law enforcement efforts. As of November 30th for investigation section, everywhere all kinds of economic violation cases 303 cases, the amount of 1 million 550 thousand yuan confiscated. One o

59、f its trademark infringement in 88 cases, the amount of 500 thousand yuan confiscated gold; 6 case of overdue inspection, the amount of 36 thousand yuan confiscated; no unlicensed operation 197 cases the amount confiscated amount of 970 thousand yuan; 2 cases of illegal advertising, and the amount o

60、f 2 thousand yuan confiscated; food case 3, the amount confiscated 10 thousand yuan; the other 7 cases, the amount confiscated amount of 13 thousand yuan, paid 19 thousand and 900 yuan auction. In the case, for the strict implementation of City Law Enforcement Bureau The relevant provisions in the c

61、ase investigation report, the decision of administrative punishment at the discretion of the approval form of application and case management system, make administrative punishment relatively consistent, relatively appropriate, enable reasoning style documents. At the same time, to seriously study t

62、he XX engineering application software, effectively promote the use of case management the system and improvement of case entry rate was 100%, the entry, timeliness, integrity and accuracy have been continuously increasing.Highlight the focus, pay close attention to key, to rectify and standardize t

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