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1、基础写作 近期,广东省登革热呈现爆发态势。请根据以下信息写一篇英语报道,内容包括:时间:自2014年6月以来事件:广东省爆发近20年来最严重的登革热疫情原因:高温和潮湿的天气疫情:3万多人感染 广东省许多城市和地区发现该病 广州疫情特别严重有关登革热:一种热带疾病, 主要通过蚊子传播 可导致高热并伴随肌肉、关节疼痛市民预防措施:保持环境清洁 清除蚊子繁殖的脏水 穿长裤长袖防止蚊子叮咬 Good job!13分:蔡庆楷12分:梁敏,阮秋梅,杨钰莹,郑宜家平均分: 9.65 语言:5-6 具有较好的语言运用能力一;语法和句子结构准确性教好,有一些语法结构或词汇方面的错误,但是不影响理解。内容:5

2、包含了所有信息内容。连贯:2 内容连贯,而且结构紧凑。其他:卷面?13qingkai 语言:3-4 语言运用能力一般;语法和句子结构基本准确,语法结构或词汇方面的错误不影响理解。内容:4 包含了基本大部分信息内容。连贯:1.5内容连贯比较好,而且结构比较紧凑。其他:卷面? 语言:1-2 语言运用能力较差;语法和句子结构不够准确,语法结构或词汇方面的错误较多,而且影响了对句子意义的理解。内容:2 包含了小部分内容。连贯:有连贯?无连贯?其他:卷面? 主要存在问题1. 词汇表达障碍2. 语法错误句子主干不完整两个谓语动词之间无连词时态、语态、搭配3. 缺少亮点句型句子结构谓语动词: 词汇表达1.

3、爆发:2. 感染:3. 传播:4. 导致:5. 伴随:6. 蚊子繁殖的脏水:7. 防止蚊子叮咬: break outlead to/ result in / bring about / give rise to be infected withspread- spread- spreadcombined with/ along withdirty water where mosquitoes breed/ produce their youngprevent people from being bitten by/from the bites of protect sb from sth 2.

4、 There are more than 30 thousand people were infected.缺主句There be 结构误用Spread by mosquitoes, Dengue Fever is a kind of Tropical disease which can make people同位语1. Dengue Fever, a kind of tropical disease spread by mosquitoes, which can make people have a high body temperature with muscle and joint ac

5、he.Correct the following sentences:后置定语定语从句 Correct the following sentences:3. Dengue Fever is a tropical disease is spread mainly by mosquitoes, contributing to high fever4. Since June, 2014, Dengue Fever in the 20 years of the most serious Guangdong Province.缺谓语Since June, 2014, the severest Dengu

6、e Fever has broken out in .Check句子结构_主干是否完整,多个谓语动词间是否有连词缺连词 andwhichin the past 20 years break out 5. Since June, 2014, the severest Dengue Fever in the past 20 years breaks out in Guangdong.6. Dengue Fever, a tropical disease, is spreading by mosquitoes.7. So it is important to keep a clean environ

7、ment and preventing you from the attack of mosquitoes by dressing long sleeve clothes. spreadCheck谓语_时态、语态、动词搭配has broken out .时态语态并列结构不一致dress vs wear 用法prevent dress sb in sth= sb be dressed inwearing 1.Because of the hot and damp weather, Dengue Fever has broken out in Guangdong Province since Ju

8、ne, 2014 and it is the worst in the past 20 years. As a result of the high temperature and damp weather, Dengue Fever ,which is reported to be the severest in the past 20 years, has broken out in Guangdong Province since June, 2014.How to score higher? with 结构定从名词性从句非谓语倒装句同位语特殊句式(it) 2. This disease

9、 has been found in a number of cities and districts in Guangdong and more than 30,000 citizens have been infected with it and among them Guangzhou is the worst affected area. With 30,000 citizens infected, this disease has been found in a number of cities and districts in Guangdong, among them Guang

10、zhou is the worst affected area. any mistake?which with 结构定从名词性从句非谓语倒装句同位语特殊句式(it) 3. Dengue Fever is a tropical disease and is spread by mosquitoes and will lead to high fever and muscle and joint aches. Spread by mosquitoes, Dengue Fever, a tropical disease, usually accounts for high fever along w

11、ith muscle and joint aches. with 结构定从名词性从句非谓语倒装句同位语特殊句式(it) 4. To prevent ourselves from Dengue Fever, we should keep a clean environment and clean up dirty water and mosquitoes usually breed in it. To prevent ourselves from Dengue Fever, not only are we supposed to keep a clean environment but also

12、 we need to clean up dirty water that mosquitoes breed. where with 结构定从名词性从句非谓语倒装句同位语特殊句式(it) 5. Besides, wearing long sleeves and trousers is also an effective way to protect us from mosquitoes bites.Besides, it is very effective to be dressed in long sleeves and trousers to protect us from being b

13、itten by mosquitoes. with 结构定从名词性从句非谓语倒装句同位语特殊句式(it) How to avoid mistakes:Check结构有无句子主干两个谓语间有无连词谓语时态语态主谓一致 搭配How to improve:同位语主从复合句非谓语with 结构特殊句型(倒装句、强调句、it作形式主语) An outbreak of Dengue Fever, which is believed to be the worst in Guangdong Province in the past 20 years, has made more than 30,000 pe

14、ople infected with it since June,2014. Many cities and regions of the province have found the cases due to the high temperature and wet weather, among which Guangzhou is the worst affected area in the outbreak. Spread by mosquitoes, Dengue Fever, a tropical disease, usually causes high fever combine

15、d with muscle and joint aches. To cope with the risk, the citizens are encouraged to take some effective measures such as keeping a clean environment and removing dirty water where mosquitoes produce their young. Besides, its particularly important to wear long sleeves and trousers to avoid being bi

16、tten by mosquitoes. 时间2012年春地点广东省部分中小学和幼儿园事件流感爆发症状发病学生发热,咳嗽,咽痛原因主要与广东春季温暖,潮湿的气候有关影响部分学校为保护学生健康,停课(suspend classes)3天专家建议1.避免到拥挤的公共场所2.勤洗手3.保证充足睡眠以下是一则新闻事件的相关内容,请根据以下内容写一篇英语短文,介绍这则新闻事件。/ / /1 3245 More exercise:1.2012年春,广东省部分中小学和幼儿园爆发流感。 2. (流感的爆发)主要与广东春季温暖,潮湿的气候有关。3. 发病学生的症状是发热,咳嗽,咽痛。4. 部分学校为保护学生健康,停课3天。(suspend)5. 专家建议(人们应该)避免到拥挤的公共场所, 勤洗手(并且)保证充足睡眠。 break out outbreak 定从不定式 it作形式主语 倒装句注意:时态 Summary:1.评分标准:语言、内容、连贯性2.作文中出现的典型错误3.基础写作的写作步骤4.如何将准确优美地表达句子

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