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1、Module 7 单 元 分 析教 学 目 标 分 析语言知识目标功能通过谈论物品的数量及位置初步介绍“There be ”结构语法全体学生能初步运用:There is a cat in the tree. There are three brown monkeys.词汇1. 全体学生能理解:there is, animal, can, see, there, are, help, over there, table, we, some, at2全体学生能初步运用:there is, there are, we3部分学生能初步运用:animal, can, see, help, over th

2、ere, table, some, at语音能感知“there is, there are”的发音特点。语言技能目标听全体学生能听懂:There is a cat in the tree. There are three brown monkeys.说全体学生能说:There is a cat in the tree. There are three brown monkeys.读全体学生能初步整体感知:there is, there are, we写全体学生能初步视觉感知:there is, there are, we运用全体学生能运用“There be ”描述身边的事物。学习策略积极与他人

3、合作,共同完成学习任务文化意识感知英语和汉语在表达人或事物存在时的差异。情感态度积极参与各种课堂学习活动,激发学习英语的兴趣。任 务Unit 1:用“There be”描述图片,说明两幅图的异同。Unit 2:参与设计小组动物园“Our Favourite Zoo”,说明人选动物的特征。教 学 内 容 分 析l 本模块的话题是物品的数量及位置。l Unit 1的课文情境是Daming和Sam放学回家,他们在路上看到一只小猫爬到很高的树上不敢下来,于是赶忙跑去帮助小猫。虽然他们找来了椅子、桌子,但因为个子矮仍然够不着猫,最后只好向路过的警察叔叔求助,并在警察叔叔的帮助下救下了小猫。l Unit

4、2的课文情境是熊猫妈妈带着小熊猫去动物园,他们看到了猴子、老虎、马等许许多多的动物,熊猫妈妈一一向小熊猫进行了介绍。l 本模块的新学内容是“There be” 结构,这一结构的学习有一定难度,要允许学生在第一次学习时出现不能完全掌握的情况,因为以后还有机会再次学习和巩固。我们可以要求学生根据自己表达的需要,掌握“ There is ”或 “There are”中的一项,对于另一项,则只要求理解即可。l “There be”结构应用十分广泛,对于这一结构的复杂性,我们在这里不需要给学生讲清楚,但一定要让学生感知到其中一些主要的特性。 “There be” 结构的学习是一个从大范围到校范围逐步聚焦

5、的过程,本模块我们先让学生整体感知这一结构,在今后的学习中再逐步讲解,从而使学生循序渐进地掌握“There be”结构。第一课时 总第26课时课题Unit 1 There is a cat in the tree. (新授课)教学目标知识技能目标全体学生能听懂:There is a cat in the tree.全体学生能说:There is a cat in the tree.情感目标爱护、保护动物。教学重点词汇:there is, animal, can, see, help, chair, over there, table, we, some句型:There is a cat in

6、the tree.难点能够理解并运用“There is a chair over there.”表达在那儿有什么。课前准备点读机,单词卡片:各种已学过的名词。教 学 过 程 设 计教学步骤教 学 活 动设计意图Step1Warming up1. Greeting.2. Lets chant. ZooAsk the children to look at the picture and ask:What can you see under the tree?What can you see in the tree?引导学生用chant里的句子回答。再引导学生观察并解释为什么会有There is

7、和There are 两种句子。.3. Review the words of animals with the word cards.通过这一环节来创造英语学习氛围,激发学生良好的学习情绪。Step2PresentationStep 2. Presentation此课时的设计作为第二课时。本节课还是从课文入手。目的是让学生在情景中认识句型、理解句型的含义及其使用。1、 看动画,了解故事中发生了什么。2、 看图回答:What can you see in the tree? Is the cat happy or sad? Why? What will Daming and Sam do fo

8、r the cat? What can you see under the tree? Can they reach the cat? Who helped them/3、 Listen and repeat.4、 Read in roles.1.出示图片,图片上有一群动物,T: Look at this picture. How many animals can you see? There is a cat. There is a dog. There is a pig.老师重复该句型。学生跟读。2.出示另外两张图片:How many toy cars can you see?-There

9、 is a toy car.How many chickens can you see?There is a chicken.Step 3.DrillShow some pictures to the Ss, get the Ss to drill as following.There is a .Step 4.Presentation1.展示图片,一只小狗在树下,老师问How many dogs can you see? 学生回答There is a dog. Where is the dog? 学生回答Its under the tree.我们也可以把这两句合并起来There is a d

10、og under the tree.老师重复该句型,学生跟读。2.展示其他图片,学生描述。朗读句型可以让学生更加熟悉它,并且加以巩固。学生边看边听录音可以降低听力难度,能够增强学生自信心。Step 3Text learning.Step 5.PracticeGet the Ss to describe the pictures.There is a tiger under the tree.There is a giraffe at the zoo.There is a lion in the tree.Step 6.PresentationShow some pictures to the

11、Ss, present the words policeman, present the sentence There is a policeman over there.学生跟读。然后学生看图片,描述图片。There is a chair/table over there.Step 7.GameT: Boys and girls, I know you all like playing computer games. 那么现在我们就来玩一玩“大家来找茬”的游戏。课件出示画面一:There is a monkey in the tree. There is a giraffe in the t

12、ree.课件出示画面二:There is a chair over there. There is a table over there. 课件出示画面三:There is a dog under the tree.There is a cat under under the tree.运用真实的教具,及动作教学形象生动的再现了教学内容,学生学得比较直观。回答问题可以锻炼学生运用英语口头表达能力这个活动可以培养学生的观察力并且加强学生的口头表达能力板书设计Module 7 Unit 1 There is a cat in the tree.There is a cat in the tree.

13、There is a chair over there.There is a table over there.There is a policeman over there.作业设计1 跟磁带朗读P38-40页课文五遍。2 听P41页课文五遍。第二课时 总第27课时课题Unit 1 There are three brown monkeys. (句型操练课)教学目标知识技能目标单词学习:at the zoo, some horses, some snakes, some tigers句型学习:There are some horses/snakes/tigers/birdsThere are

14、 seven black and yellow tigers.There are so many animals at the zoo.情感目标通过多种形式的活动激发学生的学习兴趣。教育学生要爱护小动物,保护大自然。教学重点熟练运用there are句型,很好地区别there is, there are教学难点能够理解there is / there are 的区别。课前准备点读机、动物单词、颜色单词卡片。教 学 过 程 设 计教学步骤教 学 活 动设计意图Step1Warming up and revisionStep 1. Warming up1. Greetings.2. Free ta

15、lk.3.Revise the sentences There is by using the CAI. Get the Ss to describe them .4.Revise the chant on page 38课前对话涉及前面所学内容,是对所学知识的一个巩固,也是提供给学生一个练习口语的机会.这是对所学知识的一个巩固,也是提供给学生一个练习口语的机会Step2课文导入Step 2.Presentation1.Show a picture of a tiger to the Ss, and get the Ss to say There is a tiger.Then repeat

16、with the other pictures.2.Get the Ss to drill the sentence There isStep 3.Presentation1.Show a picture of two tigers to the Ss, and get the Ss to say There are two tigers. 2.Show some pictures to the Ss, get them to say There areStep 3.PracticeAsk the Ss to practice in pairs to make sentences with t

17、here is and there are.造句练习可以让学生更加熟悉它,并且能加以巩固。学生进行操练,加以巩固句型。造句练习可以更大面积地加以巩固,而且要求每人造句不能相同,这就要求每个孩子认知听讲,从而培养良好的学习习惯。Step 3 Learn the new structure.Step 4.Listen and chant1.Ask the Ss to listen to the tape ,and then chant after the tape.2.Play the tape again.3. Get the Ss to chant after the tape.Step 5.

18、Listen and say1. Sb page 41,2.Get the Ss to listen to the tape and then say after the tape.2. Play the tape again.3. Get the Ss to read the dialogue together.Step 6.ActingAsk the Ss to act out the dialogue in pairs. Then choose some pairs to act it out.Step 7.Look and say1.Sb page 42,3.Get the Ss to

19、 look at the pictures, and get the Ss to describe the picture by using there is there are2. Choose some Ss to speak it out.Step 8.Listen and say1. Sb page 42, 4.Get the Ss to listen to the tape and sing the song after the tape.2. Play to the tape again.3. Get the Ss to sing the song together.4.Choos

20、e some Ss to sing the song in front of the Bb.歌谣学习不仅激发学生的学习兴趣,而且可以巩固句型。学生看图片,进行描述,可以提高学生运用there be 句型的能力,并且加深句型的运用。对话扮演,可以激发学生的学习兴趣,而且加深巩固句型练习。学生看图片,进行描述,可以提高学生运用there be 句型的能力,并且加深句型的运用。此目的也是巩固句型,加深句型运用的一种方法,而且也可以激发学生学习的兴趣。学生表演,比较深受学生喜爱,而且也能调动其他学生的积极性。板书设计Module 7 Unit 2 There are three brown monke

21、ys.There are some horses.There are seven black and yellow tigers.There are so many animals at the zoo.作业设计1、 跟磁带朗读P38-41页五遍。2、 熟练唱42页歌曲给家长听。第三课时 总第28课时课题Module 7 Unit 2 There are three brown monkeys.教学目标知识技能目标单词学习:at the zoo, some horses, some snakes, some tigers句型学习:There are some horses/snakes/tig

22、ers/birdsThere are seven black and yellow tigers.There are so many animals at the zoo.情感目标通过多种形式的活动激发学生的学习兴趣。教育学生要爱护小动物,保护大自然。教学重点和难点词汇:there is, animal, can, see, there, are, help, over there, table, we, some, at句型:There is a cat in the tree. There are three brown monkeys at the zoo.课前准备单词卡片、点读机、课件

23、教 学 过 程 设 计教学步骤教 学 活 动设 计 意 图Step1Warming up and revision1. Greeting.2. Lets chant. Zoo. How many animals can you se? There are some horses, one, two, three.3. Lets sing.4. Review the words of animals and colours.5. Review the dialogue of unit 1 and unit 2.利用单词卡片,大量复习已经学过的颜色单词和物品和动物单词,为句子的学习积累素材。Ste

24、p2Lets play.Step 2.Presentation1.Show a picture of a tiger to the Ss, and get the Ss to say There is a tiger. Then repeat with the other pictures.2.Get the Ss to drill the sentence There isStep 3.Presentation1. Show a picture of two tigers to the Ss, and get the Ss to say There are two tigers. 2.Sho

25、w some pictures to the Ss, get them to say There areStep 3.PracticeAsk the Ss to practice in pairs to make sentences with there is and there are.造句练习可以让学生更加熟悉它,并且能加以巩固。学生进行操练,加以巩固句型。造句练习可以更大面积地加以巩固,而且要求每人造句不能相同,这就要求每个孩子认知听讲,从而培养良好的学习习惯Step 3课文学习.Step 4.Listen and chant1. Ask the Ss to listen to the

26、tape, and then chant after the tape.2. Play to the tape again.3. Get the Ss to chant after the tape.Step 5.Listen and say1. Sb page 41, 2. Get the Ss to listen to the tape and then say after the tape.2. Play to the tape again.3. Get the Ss to read the dialogue together.Step 6.ActingAsk the Ss to act

27、 out the dialogue in pairs. Then choose some pairs to act it out.Step 7.Look and say1.Sb page 42,3.Get the Ss to look at the pictures, and get the Ss to describe the picture by using there is there are2. Choose some Ss to speak it out.Step 8.Listen and say1. Sb page 42, 4.Get the Ss to listen to the

28、 tape and sing the song after the tape.2. Play to the tape again.3. Get the Ss to sing the song together.4.Choose some Ss to sing the song in front of the Bb.歌谣学习不仅激发学生的学习兴趣,而且可以巩固句型。学生看图片,进行描述,可以提高学生运用there be 句型的能力,并且加深句型的运用。对话扮演,可以激发学生的学习兴趣,而且加深巩固句型练习。学生看图片,进行描述,可以提高学生运用there be 句型的能力,并且加深句型的运用。此

29、目的也是巩固句型,加深句型运用的一种方法,而且也可以激发学生学习的兴趣。学生表演,比较深受学生喜爱,而且也能调动其他学生的积极性。板书设计Module 7 Unit 2 There are three brown monkeys.There are some horses.There are seven black and yellow tigers.There are so many animals at the zoo.作业设计1、 唱第42页歌五遍。2、跟随磁带朗读第38-41页课文五遍。第四课时 总第29课时课题Exercises. (练习课)教学目标知识技能目标通过练习来巩固本模块所

30、学内容。情感目标在练习中感受到学习的成就感。教学重点完成活动用书所有练习。课前准备点读机,活动用书教 学 过 程 设 计教学步骤教 学 活 动设计意图Step1Warming up1. Greeting. 2. Lets sing:Zoo and at the zoo3. Review the text of unit 1 and unit 2. 唱已经学过的歌曲,再学习一首新歌,以活跃课堂气氛。歌谣学习不仅激发学生的学习兴趣,而且可以巩固句型。Step2Do the exercises.Step 1. Listen and number1.Wb page 26, 1. Get the Ss

31、to listen to the tape and number the pictures.2.Play to the tape again.3.Check the Ss.answers.4.Get the Ss to repeat the sentences that thet hear.学生听磁带,给图片排列顺序。学生再次听一遍磁带。学生重复所听到的句子。学生自己独立做题。学生说出答案。Step 2.Read and tick or cross.1.Wb page 26,2. Get the Ss to read the sentences by themselves,then tick

32、or cross.2.Check the Ssanswers.3.Get the Ss to speak out the answers. 学生读句子判断句子正误。Step 3.Read and match1.Wb page 27,4.Get the Ss to read the sentences and match the pictures.2.Check the Ssanswers.3.Get the Ss to speak out the sentences. 学生读句子,连线图片。学生读出句子,说出答案。Step 4.listen and circle.1.Wb page 28, 1

33、. Get the Ss to listen to the tape and circle the right words.2.Play to the tape again.3.Ask the Ss to repeat the sentences that they hear.4.Check the Ssanswers.学生听磁带,圈出正确的单词。学生再听一遍磁带。学生重复所听到的句子。Step 5. Read and tick or cross.1.Wb page 28,3. Get the Ss to look at the pictures, and tick or cross.2.Ch

34、eck the Ssanswers.3.Get the Ss to speak out the sentences.学生看图片,判断对错。学生说出答案。Step 6 Listen and circle.学生听老师朗读听力材料,然后选择正确的答案。Step 7. sing and tick.唱歌勾出听到的动物。Step8. Read and tick or cross.读一读,标对错。学生自己朗读句子,判读对错。Step 9. Find and write.1) There are _ elephants.2) There are _ lions.3) There are _ monkeys.4

35、) There are _ tigers.在做练习题时,注重学生听力的训练和读的训练。这样的听力练习可以培养学生做题的能力,而且可以锻炼学生的独自思考能力。听力练习除了可以培养学生良好的听力习惯外,还可以促进学生回家多做此类练习,增强听力能力。让学生重复所听到的句子,无疑使在培养学生养成一个良好的听力习惯,为以后的英语听力学习打下一个良好的基础。作业设计1、 跟磁带朗读第3842页五遍。2、听指第4445页五遍。教学反思:There be 句型是一个难点,本模块还涉及到单复数,为了让学生清楚地掌握此句型的单复数形式,我通过课件,利用大量的图片,将单复数先分开、再一起分三次进行了专项训练,并在练习中强调单复数的变化。通过这样的训练,学生基本能较清楚there be句型的单复数变化。不过,在今后的学习中,只要有机会还要进行大量的练习。

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