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1、组合练四(限时35分钟)I完形填空(2018福建省毕业班质量检查)Growing up, I always hid my thumbs ( 拇指) in my fists because of their unusual shape. 1 they do look more like big toes (脚趾)2 thumbs. And from an early age, my thumbs 3 anothername “toe thumbsIn high school, I served as a cashier in a grocery store.One day, I was 4 th

2、e bill of a sweet little old lady and as I 5 her change back to her, she suddenly took my hands and said in a thick Polish 6 , “You are Polish! Look at those 7 Polish thumbs! They match mine ! ” She raised her hands and 8 her thumbs to me that 9 weathered and wrinkled, looked exactly like mine! She

3、10 my hands again and said,“Be of those thumbs ! ”I ll never forget that 30-second 12 with a stranger that forever 13 my view of a part of me I once was 14 at and now accept.As I was eating dinner with my son, Samuel, that night, he looked down at my hand 15 on the table next to his and said,“ Mommy

4、! Our thumbs ! ” I smiled andanswered, “Yes, they do, buddy! Those are strong Polish 17 you have! Take pride in them! Maybe someday you ll have a little boy or girl who will have the same thumbs ! ” I 18 my son never hides his thumbs like I did. I hope he ll be proud of their“unusualness and the)ehi

5、nd them.He inherits(遗传)a(n)20 part from me and that for me will always be beautiful!而孤限工工丁点而乱:一I)面7二m后3而而1通EMtmT!自己异常的大拇指,建立自己 独特”的自尊、自爱和自豪感的故事。!1 . A.FortunatelyB. AdmittedlyC. NormallyD . Basically解析:选B 不可否认,它们的确看起来更像大脚趾,而不是大拇指。 fortunately幸运地”;admittedly诚然,不可否认地 ”;normally正常地”; basically基本地,本质上C.

6、 instead ofD. along with解析:选C 参见上题解析。instead of代替,而不是”符合语境。 other than 除了 以外”;due to 由于 ,因为 ;along with 与 一 起,与同样地”。3. A.earnedB. clonedC. foundD. deserved解析:选A 根据前一句中的“they do look more like big toes(脚趾)诃知, 我的大拇指赢得了另外一个名字-oe thumbs。earn赚得,挣得,赢得;clone克隆”;deserve应得,应受到”。4. A.checking outB. hunting fo

7、rC. talking withD. watching over解析:选A 一天,我正在核实一位和蔼可亲的、身材娇小的老太太的账单。 check out检查,核实;watch over照管,监督”。5. A.paidB. chargedC. donatedD. counted解析:选D正当我数好零钱给她的时候,她突然抓住我的手。charge收费,要价;donate捐赠,捐献;count总数目”。6. A.tuneB. voiceC. languageD. accent解析:选D 她用浓重的波兰口音说:你是波兰人。 accent 口音”符合语境。tune曲调,调子”;voice声音,嗓音;lan

8、guage语言”。7. A.beautifulB. strangeC. longD. clumsy解析:选A 根据下文可知,老太太是在赞美这些独特的大拇指,且文章最 后一句中的beautiful也是提示,故此处选beautiful 0 clumsy笨拙的,不灵活的”。8. A.passedB. showedC. recommendedD. offered解析:选B 她举起她的手,把她的大拇指给我看。show绐看”;recommend 建议,推荐9. A.tillB. unlessC. althoughD. once解析:选C 尽管她的大拇指历经岁月,风霜,皱纹斑斑,但是它们看起来和 我的完全一

9、样。根据语境,此处应用although引导的让步状语从句,在although 与 weathered 之间省略了 “her thumbs were :10. A.raisedB. inspectedC. examinedD. held11. A.proud解析:选D 根据上文中的“she suddenly took my hands和空处后面的“my hands again可知,她又一次抓住我的手,故选heldraise举起,抬起”;inspect视 察,检查;examine 检查”。D. sureB. skepticalC. afraid解析:选A根据下文中的“Take pride in t

10、hem! ”和 “be proud of可知,止匕处应选 proud, be proud of 对7感到骄傲/自豪”。skeptical怀凝的”。12. A.appointmentB. bargainC. conversationD. deal解析:选 C根据上文可知,我与这位陌生人进行了30秒的交谈。conversation交谈”符合语境。appointment 约会”;bargain 讨价还价;deal 交 易”。13. A.supportedB. changedC. provedD. hurt解析:选B 这次交谈永远改变(changed) 了我对自己的身体的一部分(大拇 指)的看法,我曾

11、经为这一部分(大拇指)感到尴尬,现在我接受了。support支持”; prove 证明 ;hurt 伤害14. A.amazedB. terrifiedC. delightedD. embarrassed解析:选 D 参见上题解析。be embarrassed at对感到尴尬B. restingD. drawingamazed 惊讶的;terrified非常害怕的;delighted高兴的”。15. A.scratchingC. knocking解析:选B 那天晚上当我和我的儿子塞缪尔一起吃饭的时候, 他低头看我 的手,我的手靠在桌子上,紧挨着他的手。他说: 妈咪,我们的大拇指一样。 rest

12、支撑,倚靠:16. A.differB. fitC. fightD. match解析:选D 参见上题解析。且根据第二段中的 “They match mine!诃知, 此处应选match相配,相致。differ不同,相异”;fit适省;fight打斗,争 吵”。17. A.fistsB .thumbsC.toesD.hands解析:选B 根据上下文的内容可知,此处应选 thumbs。18. A.guaranteeB.figureC.prayD.insist解析:选C 根据语境,此处表示我祈祷(pray)我的儿子不要像我一样藏起 他的大拇指。guarantee保证;巾gure认为,以为;insis

13、t坚决认为。19. A.sceneB. lessonC. historyD. moment解析:选 C 我希望他将会为他的大拇指的独特之处”和其背后的历史(history)感到骄傲。20. A.uniqueB. elegantC. authenticD. sensitive解析:选 A 根据第一段第一句中的“unusual shape”和空前一句中的“unusualness可知,他遗传了我身体中方4特的部分,故选 unique独特的”。elegant 优雅的;authentic 真实的;sensitive 敏感的”。I语法填空(2018 广州综合检测)More than 700 years a

14、go, a 17-year-old Italian youth followed his father and uncle on a journey to the East, dreaming about the mysteries of China.The three set 1 on a path that might have frightened even the most ambitious travellers.The young adventurer was Marco Polo.Having a talent for languages, Marco Polo learned

15、to speak Mongolian2 (travel)language and Chinese.Later under the orders of Kublai Khan, hefar and wide across China.Along the way, he stopped 3 (record) detailed notes about the local customs, geography and values of the people, so as to report back to the Khan.Marco Polo returned to Venice 24 years

16、 later.With 4 (count) treasures brought back from the East, he became 5 wealthy man overnight. _6 he witnessed in China aroused much interest among his countrymen.Marco Polo s journey to China and the contents of the 7 (vivid) written book, The Travels of Marco Polo, which 8 (think) to be a fairy ta

17、le in Europe at the time, triggered a wave of European interest in the Orient.Majco Polo s story is both one about an explorer s search for riches and a Westerner 9 (follow) his dream to reach China.More than 700 years later, China, the once mysterious oriental nation, is igniting the Chinese dream

18、of many modern Marco Polos, attracted by its rapid 10 (develop) and its growing importance in the world. ntnamaavanava nn nnA ma/n j语篇解读:本文是一篇夹叙夹议文。马可 波罗在17岁时就随父亲和叔叔来|到中国,并在马可 波罗行纪中讲述了中国那时的发展情况。七百多年后的 | 今天,中国以其快速的发展和在世界上日益重要的地位吸引了更多人。!一彳厂商施荷一一万不折丽吊厂画布1才1二不入而F7二一而足 勃勃的旅行者都害怕的道路。set off/out为固定短语,意为启程,

19、出发”。2. travelled/traveled考查动词的时态。根据第一段第一句中的时间状语“More than 700 years ago可知;此处讲述的事情发生在七百多年前,故用一般 过去时。3. to record考查非谓语动词。一路上,他停下来详细记录当地的风俗、地理和人们的价值观,以便向可汗汇报。根据语境可知,空处表示停下来的目的, 故用动词不定式作目的状语。4. countless 考查形容词。根据语境可知,他从东方带回了无数的珍宝, 一夜之间成了富翁。空处修饰名词treasures ,故用形容词形式,再根据语境可 知,应填countless ,表示数不尽的”。5. a考查不定冠

20、词。该处泛指 工位富翁”,且wealthy的读音以辅音音素 开头,故用不定就词a o6. What考查主语从句。分析该句结构可知,空处引导主语从句,并在从 句中作及物动词witnessed的宾语,故用 What引导该主语从句。7. vividly 考查副词。空处修饰动词 written ,故用副词形式。8. was thought 考查动词的时态和语态。which指代The Travels of Marco Polo,为从句的主语,且该主语和动词 think之间是被动关系,故用被动语态; 再根据前文时态可知,应用一般过去时的被动语态。9. following 考查非谓语动词。a Western

21、er和动词follow之间是主动关 系,且该处作后置定语,故用动词-ing形式。10. development 考查名词。空前由形容词rapid修饰,且空处与后面的 importance并列,故用名词形式。出.短文改错(2018石家庄-一模)March 5th is a day in h onor of Lei Feng, who people are called on to help others.On the morning of that day this year, our class met the school gate and went to a Hope Primary Sc

22、hool by the bus. Upon arriving there, they gave us a warmly welcome. We gave the students some books, food or clothes. And then, we played several game with them and told them stories. Before we leave, we took a photo with them. See their smiling faces, we both felt a sense of happiness.We went home and promised to go back whene ver possible.How an unforgettable experience it was!答案: 第一句: whgwhen第二句:met后加at;去掉by后的the第三句:warmly一warm第四句:or -and第五旬:gamgames第六旬:leave -left第七句:See-Seeing; both -all第九句:HowWhat

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