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1、外 研九 年 级 下 册 Module 8Unit 1 Heres to our friendship! handbag beat pardon intend fetch pancake n. (女 用 )小 提 包 n. 节 拍 ; 拍 子int. 口 对 不 起 , 请 原 谅 (用 于 礼 貌 地 请 求 别 人 重 复 自 己 没 听 清 或 不 理 解 的 话 ) v. 计 划 ; 打 算 v. (去 )取 来 ; 拿 来 n. 薄 烤 饼 ; 薄 煎 饼Words Review Graduation Party Have you ever been invited to a par

2、ty? What is a Graduation Party? 高 中 学 生 RJ的 毕 业 派 对 在 美 国 , 高 中 学 生 毕 业 是 人 生 一 件 大 事 , 代 表着 成 人 和 人 生 的 另 一 段 旅 程 开 始 。 有 些 毕 业 生开 始 进 入 低 端 劳 动 力 市 场 , 另 外 更 多 的 进 入 大学 。 RJ今 年 毕 业 , 立 志 成 为 一 个 新 闻 撰 稿 人 ,按 习 惯 , 家 里 举 行 了 毕 业 招 待 会 , 请 亲 戚 、 朋友 和 RJ的 同 学 参 加 。 毕 业 帽 形 状 的 巧 克 力 点 心 , 分 为 巧 克 力 色

3、 和 香草 味 两 色 , 客 人 根 据 爱 好 取 用 。 招 待 会 分 布 在 车 库 入口 、 一 层 客 厅 和 房 后草 坪 , 以 自 助 餐 形 式进 行 。 期 间 , RJ的 同学 就 玩 一 些 游 戏 , 打发 时 间 。 RJ所 有 从 小 到 大 的 照 片 被 分 类 , 纸 质 照 片 被 扫 描 ,分 成 童 年 、 家 庭 、 学 校 等 等 专 题 在 大 屏 幕 电 视 上循 环 播 放 。 他 获 得 的 各 种 奖 章 和 奖 杯 都 陈 列 出 来 。左 图 为 RJ获 得 的 各 种 奖 牌 , 他 是 高 中 篮 球 和 网 球运 动 员 ,

4、 在 美 国 , 体 育 运 动 的 影 响 力 似 乎 大 于 各类 学 科 竞 赛 。 RJ的 妈 妈 整 理 了 几 本 相 簿 , 都 是 围 绕 RJ的 运 动生 涯 。 有 比 赛 时 候 的 照 片 , 有 与 队 友 的 照 片 ,有 报 道 比 赛 的 报 纸 。 在 美 国 中 学 , 学 习 成 绩 固然 重 要 , 不 过 运 动 同 样 重 要 。 1. To identify what Betty and Tony will do after graduation2. To learn some key words and useful expressions3.

5、To ask and give information about ones feelings and future plans4. To read the sentences correctly according to the sense group (意 群 ) of the sentencesObjectives: Words: beat, fetch, pardon, hang, pancake, handbagPhrases:excuse me, intend to, make a speech Patterns:They make the hall look wonderful.

6、Its got a great beat!Do you intend to?What are your plans, Daming?Heres to our friendship Lets enjoy a video. 毕 业 舞 会Prom If you were a party planner, the teacher want you to plan a school-leavers party, what will you do? How to host a successful school-leavers party?1. Send out the invitations. 2.

7、Create the proper atmosphere. 3. Schedule the party events. 4. Plan your food list and shop a few days ahead of time 5. Double-check the details the night before the party 1. Whats the special event?2. What is everybody doing? Its a School Leavers Party. They are singing and dancing. Listen and answ

8、er the questions.1. Where is Betty going tonight?2. What are Betty and Tony going to do?Betty is going to the school-leavers party.Betty refuses to eat because she is going to eat at the party.Shes going to help Tony put up the pictures, balloons and flags.3. Why does Betty refuse to eat before she

9、leaves? Lingling and her classmates are talking about their school-leavers party. Listen and read. Finish the following tasks. Read the passage and answer the questions.3. Why is Lingling sad?Lingling is sad because shes going to miss her friends.2. What are they talking about?They are talking about

10、 what they will do after graduation and their future plans.1. Where are Betty, Lingling and Tony?They are at the school-leavers party. Task 1 Translate the following phrases into English. 1.看 起 来 可 爱 _2.有 点 伤 感 _3.打 算 _4.即 使 _5.你 呢 _6.来 吧 _7.打 扰 一 下 _8.发 表 演 讲 _look lovelya bit sadintend toeven ifwh

11、at/how about youcome onexcuse memake a speech Read and complete the notes.Their feelingsThe hallThe music enjoy the party; a bit sadhas international flags; looks wonderful a great beat; a bit noisyTask 2P65 3 Their plans Tony: stay in China, or come back and visitBetty: finish high school but go ba

12、ck to home townDaming: become an English teacherThe menu hot dogs, pancakes, apple juice Task 3Answer the questions.1. What makes the hall look wonderful?2. What do they think of the music?3. What are Tonys plans?4. What is on the menu?5. What do they wish for when they raise their glasses?P65 4 1.

13、The international flags make the hall look wonderful.2. They think the music has got a good beat.3. He hopes to stay in China for a long time. And even if he goes back to the UK, hell come back and visit his friends.4. There are hot dogs, pancakes and apple juice on the menu.5. They wish for their f

14、riendship and their future.Reference Answer Task 4Complete the questions with the words in the box.future intend pancake pardon 1. If you say _, does it mean “please say that again” or “Im sorry?”2. Do you think a(n) _ is something to eat or something to drink?3. If you _ to do something, do you wan

15、t to do it or not?4. Do you think the _ will be better than the past? pardonpancakeintend futureP65 5 Read and try to recite the conversations in 5-10 minutes. 1. Role play the conversation in groups;2. Role play the conversation in front of the class Complete the passage wi th proper words.1. Lingl

16、ing and Betty were talking at the school-leavers party. The party looked wonderful. Tony _ international flags on the walls. Lingling felt _ sad because she didnt know _ they would be back in that hall together again. Task 5had hung a bitwhen Tony said that _ he went back to the UK, he _ come back a

17、nd visit them all. Betty would finish her high school education in China and Daming wanted to _ an English teacher in the future. And then they raised their glasses and proposed a toast _ their friendship and the future!even ifwouldbecome to 1. Do you intend to stay in China for long, Tony? 你 打 算 在

18、中 国 待 很 长 时 间 吗 , 托 尼 ?intend to do sth. 意 为 “ 打 算 、 想 要 做 某 事 ”What do you intend to do today? 你 今 天 打 算 做 什 么 ? intend sb. to do sth. 想 要 某 人 做 某 事intended for (为 .而 )准 备 We intend to go to Australia next year. 我 们 打 算 明 年 去 澳 大 利 亚 。Translation the sentence into English. 2. Lets fetch something t

19、o eat.让 我 们 拿 点 吃 的 吧 。fetch 表 示 ( 去 ) 拿 来 , ( 去 ) 请 来Could you fetch me my glasses from the other room?你 能 从 另 外 一 个 房 间 里 取 回 我 的 眼 镜 吗 ?Shes gone to fetch the kids from school.她 去 学 校 接 孩 子 了 。 选 用 合 适 的 词 填 空 。take bring fetch carry Remember to _ your book tomorrow. Its going to rain. Youd bette

20、r _ an umbrella with you. Will you go and _ some water? These books are too heavy for me to _. bring takefetch carry 3. Heres to our friendship, everyone and to the future!为 我 们 的 友 谊 , 为 我 们 每 一 个 人 , 为 未 来干 杯 !Heres to 是 祝 酒 的 常 用 语 , 意 思 是“ 为 干 杯 ” 。Heres to your new job!为 你 的 新 工 作 干 杯 !Tony smi

21、led and lifted his glass. “Heres to you, Amy.”托 尼 微 笑 着 举 起 杯 子 。 “ 为 你 干 一 杯 , 艾 米 。 ” 分 析 :一 些 长 的 句 子 需 要 按 照 意 思 的 群 落( 即 “ 意 群 ” ) 适 当 断 开 、 稍 加 停 顿( 即 “ 停 顿 ” ) , 断 开 的 几 部 分 都 具 有相 对 完 整 的 意 思 。 按 照 一 般 语 法 结 构 ,可 划 分 为 以 下 意 群 单 位 :(1)短 句 (2) 名 词 短 语 (3) 介 词 /不 定 式 /分 词 短 语 (4) 动 词 短 语 (5) 主

22、 谓 结 构 (6)动 宾 结 构 (7) 系 表 结 构 (8) 动 状 结 构 (9)主 句 -从 句 。 Ill finish my high school education here, but I want to go back to my home town one day. What are your plans, Daming?Li sten and mark the pauses.Now li sten agai n and repeat. Read and mark the pauses.Lets raise our glasses. Heres to our friend

23、ship, everyone and to the future! Now li sten agai n and repeat. Work i n pai rs. Ask and answer the questi ons.* What are your plans and hopes for the future?* Are you going to have a school-leavers party?* What will you do on your holiday?* Will you miss your friends and classmates? Why or why not

24、?TalkP65 8 For example:Are you going to have a school leavers party when you finish your junior high school? Yes, we are.Will you miss r classmates? Yes, I will.What are your plans for the future? I want to go to senior high school next year. If I go on studying in this school, Ill see some of my cl

25、assmates here. 本 课 时 主 要 短 语 和 句 型总 结 回 顾1. intend to do2. even if3. I dont know when well be back in this hall together again.4. Lets fetch something to eat.5. Heres to our friendship, everyone and to the future! Now 1 mins to test your spelling.1. English-Chinese beat ceiling pancake handbag 2. Ch

26、inese-English (去 )拿 来 ; 请 再 说 一 遍 ; 举 起When finished, exchange your papers to see who does the best. 注 : 另 附 word文 档 。 点 击 此 处 链 接 1. You must be thirsty, Dad. Shall I _ (去 拿 来 ) some water for you?2. This type of music has a strong _ (主 节 奏 ) to it. 3. Please _ (举 起 ) your hand if you agree with Ma

27、ry.4. This room has a very low _ (天 花 板 ).5. _ (请 再 说 一 遍 )? I didnt hear what you said.一 、 根 据 句 意 及 汉 语 提 示 写 单 词 。 fetchbeatraise ceilingPardon 二 、 用 括 号 内 所 给 单 词 的 适 当 形 式 填 空 。1. I think we need another ten _ (glass). 2. A good _ (educate) can be the gateway to success. 3. The Kings have a ver

28、y _ (love) dog. 4. I _ (hang) the bag in the tree, but now its gone. 5. Christmas is coming. Mrs Black wants to buy some gifts and _ (decorate) online. glasseseducation lovelyhung decorations 三 、 根 据 要 求 完 成 句 子 (每 空 一 词 )。1.Lets rest for half an hour. (改 为 反 意 疑 问 句 ) Lets rest for half an hour, _

29、_?2. What will you do this weekend? (改 为 同 义 句 ) _ _ _ _ for this weekend?3. Wherever she goes, there are crowds of people waiting to see her. (改 为 同 义 句 ) _ _ _ she goes, there are crowds of people waiting to see her.shall weWhat are your plansNo matter where 4. When will the meeting be held? Nobod

30、y knows. (将 两 个 句 子 合 并 为 含 有 宾 语 从 句 的 复 合 句 ) Nobody knows _ _ _ _ _ _.5. She thinks that rock music is too loud. (改 为 否 定 句 ) She _ _ that rock music is too loud. when the meeting will be helddoesnt think 四 、 根 据 课 文 对 话 填 空 。1. Lingling looks very _ today. She thinks the party is very _ but she

31、feels _ sad because she doesnt know when theyll _ in this hall all together again. 2. Tony has _ the international flags from the floor to the _. And he thinks the music is very _ and he loves the great _ of it. lovelyenjoyablea bit be backhung ceilingcoolbeat 1. Make a dialogue about a school leavers party.2. Preview the new words and expressions in Unit 2.Homework

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