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1、Unit 11.他的钱很快就花完了。His money soon_ _.2.该休息了。Its time to_ _.3.没有人想惹上麻烦。Nobody wants to_ _trouble.4.我躺下来,放松,然后就有灵感了。I_ _, relax and then get ideas.5.他们从公共汽车上下来,然后走了。They_ _the bus and walked away.6.他拉锯时差点切掉了自己的手指。He almost_ _his finger while sawing.7.听起来好像有人在呼救。It_ _someone was calling for help.8.现在我们住

2、得离市中心更远了。Now we live further_ _the city centre.9.病人们正在等待医生到来。The patients are_ _the doctors to come.10.在我们做出这个决定前,必须认真思考!We must_ _before we make this decision!11.我想去看医生,因为我发烧了。I want to go to a doctor because I_ _.12.米克要你马上去他的办公室见他。Mick wants to see you in his office_ _.13.小孩在学习走路时经常摔倒。Kids often_

3、_when they are learning to walk.14.你很快就会适应这里的天气。You will soon_ _the weather here.15.我们不希望未经培训的人员去冒险。We do not expect untrained people to_ _.16.我相信你能掌控身边的事情。I believe you can be_ _of things around you.17.每当简失败的时候,她都告诉自己不要放弃。Every time she fails, Jane tells herself not to_ _.18.因为吃得太多,他胃痛。He_ _because

4、 of eating too much.19.令我惊讶的是,南希在校运动会上表现得很好。_ _, Nancy did well in the school sports meeting.20.大寒过后,所有的中国人都准备好迎接春节了。All Chinese are_ _welcome the Spring Festival after Greater cold.21.如今多亏有了互联网,你在家就能买到你所要买的东西了。Today,_ _the Internet, you can do all your shopping from home.22.由于气温骤降,许多学生得了感冒。Because

5、the temperature dropped sharply, many students_ _.23.他可能发烧了。我们最好先量一下他的体温。Maybe he has a temperature. Wed better first_ _.Unit 21.那个男孩看起来像他的父亲。The boy seems to_ _his father.2.这辆自行车坏了,请帮我修理一下。The bike is broken. Please help me_ _.3.他们碰巧同时到达。They happened to arrive_ _ _ _.4.当我到办公室时,我要把我的桌子清理干净。Ill_ _my

6、 desk when I arrive at my office.5.他们击鼓来鼓舞运动员。They beat the drums to_ _the players.6.老师正在给全班同学发书。The teacher is_ _books to the class.7.今日事今日毕。Dont_ _what should be done today till tomorrow.8.请原谅我这么早给你打电话。Forgive me for_ _ so early please.9.她搬回家住,好照料年迈的双亲。She moved back home to_ _her elderly parents.

7、10.他一个人在花园里散了一会儿步。He walked for a while_ _in the garden.11.你想试用一下这个新产品吗?Do you want to_ _this new product?12.获得这枚奖牌好比梦想成真。Winning the medal was like a dream_ _.13.那个富人为慈善事业捐了他大部分的钱。The rich man_ _ most of his money to charity.14.你告诉了我真相。谢谢你对我如此坦诚。Youve told me the truth._ _ being so honest with me.1

8、5.春节时,人们把“福”字贴到门上或窗户上。At the Spring Festival, people_ _“Fu” on the doors or windows.16.上个月,他们想出了一些办法给年轻人提供更多就业岗位。They_ _ some ideas to offer the young more jobs last month.17.1956年,钱学森创建了第一个火箭、导弹研究所。In 1956, Qian Xuesen_ _the first research institute of rockets and missiles.18.布朗先生是一名商人,他每天忙于他的工作。Mr

9、. Brown is a businessman. He is_ _his work every day.19.社区服务是在你的社区发挥作用的一个好办法。Community service is a great way to_ _ in your neighborhood.20.我过去很害羞,但是我的老师总是鼓励我要积极和自信。I_ _be shy, but my teachers always encouraged me to be active and confident.21.我正在为明天准备我所有的学习用品。回到学校我真的很兴奋。Im preparing all my school t

10、hings for tomorrow. Im really_ _going back to school.Unit 31.他们帮助我们做大扫除。They_ _ with the clean-up.2.我们期待他们随时到来。Were expecting them_ _.3.把这件事报告给警方是我的责任。It is_ _to report it to the police.4.她一来我就告诉她这个消息。Ill tell her the news_ _that she comes.5.警察听到了叫声,便过来帮忙。The police officers heard the cry and_ _to h

11、elp.6.辛普森惊讶地看着他们。Simpson looked at them_ _.7.大明今天起晚了,结果没有赶上头班车。Daming got up late today._ _, he missed the first bus.8.作为一名警察,他应该尽自己的职责保护人民。As a policeman, he should_ _ in protecting the people.9.我一在电视上看到剪纸就爱上了它。I fell in love with paper cutting_ _ I watched it on TV.10.看肥皂剧是在浪费时间。Watching soap oper

12、as is_ _ time.11.记住这一点,孩子们。你越努力,你就越幸运。Remember this, kids. The harder you work,_ _you will be.12.为了保护环境和省钱,我们家回收利用了所有东西。_ _ protect the environment and save money, my family has recycled everything.13.我们应该学习一些基本的生活技能,因为总有一天我们必须依靠自己。We should learn some basic life skills since we must_ _ourselves som

13、e day.14.奥林匹克精神告诉我们没有人能一直赢,所以只管尽情享受比赛吧。The Olympic spirit tells us nobody can win_ _, so just enjoy the games.Unit 41.这个时钟怎么了?_ _with this clock?2.我发现女孩们正在树下跳舞。I _ the girls _ under the tree.3.每天浏览报纸是个好习惯。Its a good habit to_ _newspapers every day.4.这场比赛对我来说真的很重要。This match is really a_ _to me.5.我再也

14、不玩电脑了。I _ play computer games _.6.我从这篇文章中删除了一段。I_ _one paragraph from this article.7.这位新老师和学生们相处得很好。The new teacher is_ _ with the students.8.你为什么不听收音机里的英文歌,并重复那些难的单词呢?_ _ you listen to English songs on the radio and repeat the difficult words?9.我希望事情会好起来,对你来说,不久一切都会更好。I hope things will_ _and every

15、thing will be better for you soon.10.每当国家需要他的时候,邓清明总是等候在那里,准备接受任何挑战。Whenever the nation needs him, Deng Qingming is_ _there, ready to take on any challenges.11.在我看来,庆祝我们的传统节日春节是非常重要的。_ _, its very important for us to celebrate our traditional festivalthe Spring Festival.12.老师让我们比较第一份报告和第二份报告,找出他们的异同

16、。The teacher asked us to _ the first report _ the second to find their similarities and difference.13.婴儿正在睡觉,请问你介意把音乐的音量稍微调低一些吗?The baby is sleeping now. Would you mind_ _ the music a bit, please?14.他年轻时总是打架。When he was young he was always_ _.Unit 51.今天早上烟雾警报器响了。This morning the smoke alarm_ _.2.闹钟每

17、天早晨7点把我叫醒。The alarm clock_ _ at seven every morning.3.我感觉自己在游泳池里像一条鱼。I_ _I was a fish in the pool.4.他们继续默默无语地走了一会儿。They walked on_ _for a while.5.这座房子太旧了。我们决定把它拆除。The house is too old. We decided to_ _.6.我往门外看,看到一些孩子正在外面玩耍。I_ _ the door and saw some kids playing outside.7.露西那会儿正在花园里浇花,因此她没有接电话。Lucy

18、was watering the flowers in the garden, so she didnt_ _the phone.8.叫到他的名字时,他朝舞台走去。When his name was called, he_ _ to the stage.9.我应当指出,这些画中没有一幅是真迹。I should_ _that not one of these paintings is original.10.我真希望有某种方法能消除痛苦。I just wish there was some way to make the pain_ _.11.尽管风势已经减弱,雨还是下个不停。The rain

19、remained steady though the wind had_ _.12.如果你已看完那本杂志,给我看看行吗?If youve done with that magazine, can I_ _ at it?13.与睡眠好的人相比,睡眠不好的人要花更长的时间才能入睡。Poor sleepers take longer to_ _than good sleepers.14.贝蒂起初保持沉默,但是不久,她就和其他女孩一起聊天、大笑。Betty kept silent_ _, but soon she joined the other girls, chatting and laughin

20、g.15.左撇子在使用开罐刀、剪刀和土豆削皮器时会有困难。Left-handers_ _using can-openers, scissors, and potato peelers.16.感谢我们强大的国家,我们将齐心协力确保人们能够过上正常安全的生活。Thanks to our strong country, we will pull together to_ _people can live a normal and safe life.Unit 61.你能把电视机音量稍微调高点儿吗?Could you turn the TV up_ _?2.为了绿色生活,我们最好骑自行车而不是开车。F

21、or a green life, wed better ride bicycles_ _driving.3.别灰心。毕竟就这份工作来说,你还是个新手。Dont lose heart. You are_ _the work after all.4.如果你把冰加热,它就会变成水。If you heat ice, it_ _water.5.她的新书什么时候出版?When does her new book_ _?6.我们计划这个夏天去度假。We_ _to go on vacation this summer.7.我原想他会来的,但他却没有。_ _he would come, but he didnt

22、.8.那听来简单,但实际上很难。That sounds rather simple, but_ _its very difficult.9.他们不幸在途中遇上了暴风雪。Unluckily, they ran into a snowstorm_ _.10.从前,有一个老人,他有两个美丽的女儿。_ _ _, there lived an old man who had two beautiful daughters.11.奥利弗立刻爱上了太极这一美好的运动。Right away Oliver_ _ with the beautiful movement of Tai Chi.12.我爸爸给我讲了一

23、个有趣的笑话,我每次想到它,都会情不自禁地大笑。My father told me a funny joke and I cant_ _every time I think of it.13.那只鸟的歌声是如此美妙,我们应当跟着它走。The birds song is _ beautiful _ we should follow it.14.我永远不会忘记第一次听到这首曲子的情景。Ill never forget hearing this piece of music for_ _.15.那时生活比较艰苦,因为我俩都没有工作。Life was harder then because_ _us

24、had a job.Unit 71.面对危险她表现出了巨大的勇气。She showed great courage_ _ _danger.2.出生时,婴儿总是大声地哭。_ _,a baby is always crying aloud.3.新几内亚歌唱犬可以活20年。New Guinea singing dogs can live_ _20 years.4.她被石头绊倒,摔断了腿。She_ _a stone and broke her leg.5.我花了大约一个小时来完成家庭作业。I spent an hour_ _finishing my homework.6.那位著名的作家去年死于癌症。T

25、he famous writer_ _cancer last year.7.虽然这本书很旧,但它依然值得读。_ _the book is old, it is still worth reading.8.她跑过来打招呼,但我没有认出她来。She_ _to say hello, but I didnt recognize her.9.他冒着生命危险去帮助其他人逃离。He_ _helping others to escape.10.齐克不看路撞到了一棵树上。Zeke wasnt looking and_ _a tree.11.她为我们准备了可口的早餐。She _ a nice breakfast

26、_ us.12.为了保护环境,我们不应该再砍伐树木了。In order to protect the environment, we shouldnt_ _trees anymore.13.对于戴维来说,航天营地比世界上其他任何营地都好。For David, a space camp is greater than_ _camp in the world.14.我做了许多甜点,所以无论你喜欢吃什么都随便吃。I made a lot of sweets, so_ _to eat whatever you like.15.据我所知,撒哈拉沙漠是世界上最大的沙漠。_ _ _, the Sahara

27、is the biggest desert in the world.16.我擅长英语,而我最好的朋友之一擅长数学。I am good at English, and_ _my best friends is good at math.17.科学家们已经发现,植物能吸收有害化学物质,使我们周围的空气呼吸起来更安全。Scientists have discovered that plants have the ability to_ _harmful chemicals, making the air around us safer to breathe.Unit 81.北京是一座充满名胜的古城

28、。Beijing is an ancient city which is_ _places of interest.2.把你的包放下,休息一会儿吧。_ _your bag and take a rest.3.快点,否则你会错过演唱会的开头。_ _, or you will miss the beginning of the concert.4.一个女孩在唱歌,另一个女孩在随歌起舞。One girl was singing, and_ _girl was dancing to the song.5.我想我可能忘带钱包了。I think I might have _ my wallet _.6.我

29、的妹妹终于意识到教育是多么重要。My little sister has_ _realize how important education is.7.然后樊锦诗开始在敦煌工作,并一直在那里工作至今。Then Fan Jinshi started working at Dunhuang and has worked there_ _.8.我现在15岁,是当地一个攀岩俱乐部的成员。Im now 15 and I_ _a local climbing club.9.他们在为该谁洗碗而争吵。They are_ _who should do the dishes.10.凡是去过贵阳的人都说贵阳很美。T

30、hose who_ _ _Guiyang all say its beautiful.11.去年到这个胜地旅游的人数减少了10%。_ _ _tourists to the resort dropped by 10% last year.12.她正在研究该地区的历史。She is_ _ _on the history of the area.13.马可波罗于13世纪末穿越亚洲旅行。Marco Polo travelled through Asia_ _ _ _the 13th century.14.米老鼠史努比等卡通人物仍然流行。Cartoon characters_ _Mickey Mouse

31、 and Snoopy are still popular.15.超过四分之一的学生没有学完他们的课程。_ _a quarter of the students never finished their courses.16.孩子们围着厨房的桌子相互追逐嬉戏。The kids chased_ _around the kitchen table.Unit 91.他本打算去贵州度假。He had intended to_ _ _in Guizhou.2.这些儿童彼此的年龄很接近。The children are_ _each other in age.3.我害怕在黑夜单独走路回家。Im frigh

32、tened of walking home alone_ _ _.4.有些动物白天不活动。Some animals are inactive_ _ _.5.该项目为学生提供了了解外国文化的极好机会。The program offers an ideal opportunity for students to_ _foreign culture.6.有32种不同的巧克力与面包和蛋糕一起出售。There are 32_ _ _chocolate on sale along with the bread and cakes.7.医学界在抗癌的斗争中不断取得进步。The medical communi

33、ty continues to_ _in the fight against cancer.8.我家滨海的房子离大海只有几英里。Our beach house is just_ _ _miles from the ocean.9.我们对500名吸烟者进行了调查,发现有超过四分之三的人愿意戒烟。We surveyed 500 smokers and found that over_ _would like to give up.10.我知道离这儿不远有家不错的意大利小餐馆。I know there is a nice little Italian restaurant not_ _here.11

34、.城市公园是理想去处,那里几乎一年四季鲜花盛开。Town gardens are ideal because they produce flowers nearly_ _ _.12.他应该是一位著名演员,可这是我头一次听说他。Hes supposed to be a famous actor, but this is the first time Ive ever_ _him.13.儿童肥胖可能导致长期的健康问题。Childhood obesity can_ _long-term health problems.14.孩子们不在的时候,我和萨拉度过了一段美好时光。Sarah and I_ _

35、_ _while the kids were away.15.一方面,老师应该照顾好学生;另一方面,学生应该尊敬老师。On the one hand, teachers should take good care of students;_ _ _ _, students should respect their teachers.Unit 101.我不知道如何处理这些电子邮件。I dont know what to_ _these emails.2.患难见真情。A friend_ _ _is a friend indeed.3.我已经独自生活了四年。Ive been living_ _ _f

36、or four years now.4.刘洋这次将在空间站待多长时间?_ _ _will Liu Yang stay in the space station this time?5.要舍弃自己的老房子,他们感到很伤心。They felt sad to_ _ _the old house.6.我要是听到什么有趣的网站,就会去看一下。If I hear about a website that sounds interesting, I_ _ _.7.说实在的,那是我读过的最差的书之一。_ _ _, it was one of the worst books Ive ever read.8.至于

37、你的问题,迈尔斯,答案仍旧是否定的。So_ _ _your question, Miles, the answer still has to be no.9.抽屉里有很多没用的东西,我们来清理一下吧。There are many useless things in the drawer. Lets_ _ _.10.她想长大后当消防员。She wants to be a firefighter when she_ _ _.11.把这么漂亮的桌子用桌布盖起来真是可惜。_ _ _to cover this beautiful table with a tablecloth.12.中国航天员被视为英雄

38、。我们都尊敬他们。Chinese astronauts are_ _heroes. We all look up to them.13.许多年轻人被吸引到城里找工作。Many young people were attracted to the cities_ _ _work.14.经过几周的太空旅行,嫦娥5号成功地从月球上带回了岩石。After weeks of space travel, Change 5 successfully_ _rocks from the moon.15.多亏政府和工作人员的努力,大熊猫现在不再处于濒危状态。Thanks to the government and

39、 workers efforts, pandas are_ _endangered now.16.据当地工匠介绍,潍坊风筝制作始于2 000年前。_ _local artisans, Weifang kite-making appeared 2,000 years ago.17.要想有把握买到票,现在就得预订。If you want to be_ _getting a ticket, book now.答案Unit 11.ran out 2.take/have breaks3.get into 4.lie down 5.got off 6.cut off7.sounded like 8.awa

40、y from9.waiting for 10.think twice11.have a fever 12.right away13.fall down 14.be/get used to15.take risks 16.in control17.give up 18.has a stomachache19.To my surprise 20.ready to21.thanks to 22.had a cold23.take his temperatureUnit 21.take after 2.fix it up3.at the same time 4.clean up5. cheer up

41、6.giving out7.put off 8.calling you up9.care for 10.by himself11.try out e true13.gave away 14.Thank you for15.put up 16.came up with17.set up 18.busy with19.make a difference 20.used to21.excited aboutUnit 31.helped us out 2.any minute now3.my duty 4.the minute5.came over 6.in/with surprise7.As a r

42、esult 8.do his part9.as soon as 10.a waste of11.the luckier 12.In order to13.depend on 14.all the timeUnit 41.Whats wrong 2.find;dancing3.look through 4.big deal5.wont;anymore 6.cut out7. getting on/along well 8.Why dont9.work out 10.always waiting11.In my opinion pare;with13.turning down 14.getting

43、 into fightsUnit 51.went off 2.wakes me up3.felt like 4.in silence5.take it down 6.looked out of7.pick up 8.made his way9.point out 10.go away11.died down 12.have a look13.fall asleep 14.at first15.have trouble16.make sureUnit 61.a little bit 2.instead of3.new to 4.turns intoe out 6.made a plan7.I t

44、hought 8.in fact9.along the way10.Once upon a time11.fell in love 12.stop laughing13.so;that 14.the first time15.neither ofUnit 71.in the face of 2.At birth3.up to 4.fell over 5.or so6.died of/from 7.Even though8.ran over 9.risked his life10.walked into 11.prepared;for12.cut down 13.any other14.feel

45、 free 15.As far as I know16.one of 17.take inUnit 81.full of 2.Put down3.Hurry up 4.the other5.left;behind e to7.ever since 8.belong to9.fighting over 10.have been to11.The number of 12.doing some research13.at the end of 14.such as15.More than 16.each other/one anotherUnit 91.take a holiday 2.close

46、 to3.in the dark 4.during the daytime5.learn about 6.different kinds of7.make progress 8.a couple of9.three quarters 10.far from11.all year round 12heard of13.lead to 14.had a great time15.on the other handUnit 101.do with 2.in need3.on my own 4.How long5.part with 6.check it out7.To be honest 8.as for9.clear them out 10.grows up11.Its a shame 12.regarded/considered as13.in search of 14.brought back15.no longer 16.According to17.certain of

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