浅谈激发员工积极性的几点建议分析研究——以可口可乐公司为例 人力资源管理专业

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浅谈激发员工积极性的几点建议分析研究——以可口可乐公司为例 人力资源管理专业_第1页
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浅谈激发员工积极性的几点建议分析研究——以可口可乐公司为例 人力资源管理专业_第2页
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浅谈激发员工积极性的几点建议分析研究——以可口可乐公司为例 人力资源管理专业_第3页
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《浅谈激发员工积极性的几点建议分析研究——以可口可乐公司为例 人力资源管理专业》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《浅谈激发员工积极性的几点建议分析研究——以可口可乐公司为例 人力资源管理专业(22页珍藏版)》请在装配图网上搜索。

1、译文:浅谈激发员工积极性的几点建议以可口可乐公司为例关键词:人力资源管理 薪酬 绩效摘要:人力资源管理部门作为公司协调运转部门,通过企业文化平台搭建、薪酬设计、绩效管理等一系列因素,充分调动员工的工作积极性,增强公司员工的凝聚力,谋得公司利益最大化。人力资源管理需以制度为支撑,以科学理念为主线,让员工拥有归属感。人力资源管理是一项融合管理技巧的综合学科。公司人力资源部门通过激发员工的工作积极性,达到员工自身成长,实现公司自身利益最大化。员工工作情绪直接决定员工工作效率,培养员工积极向上的情绪是人力资源管理核心环节。薪酬制度、绩效管理、企业文化情况,对员工积极性起到直接的作用。以可口可乐人力资源

2、管理方案为例,阐述一下激发员工工作积极性的几点建议。一、可口可乐公司人力资源管理方案(一)建立完善的绩效考核体系1、从制度层面建立绩效考核体系可口可乐公司重视团队考核,制定周期性质的考核,包括季度、半年、年度考核这些常规性的考核机制。针对一些公司新项目,采取以项目为载体的年度考核。对考核标准执行量化标准,从工作成绩、工作能力多方面对员工开展绩效考核,同时将考核细则予以公示,确保考核流程公平、公正。2、 树立科学绩效管理观念观念决定行动力。科学的绩效管理,能够让公司员工对绩效管理,有一个清晰、明确的认识,能够激发其工作热情。可口可乐公司绩效管理理念,随时随地向员工传达,使之能够形成公司潜在的企业





7、。(三) 营造企业文化,增强员工归属感可口可乐公司承诺建立一个公平、有序、积极向上的环境,不断激发员工的创造力和工作积极性。可口可乐公司致力于打造全球的饮料文化,形成全方位的格局,116年来始终秉承着诚信经营的理念,获得员工的认可。对于不符合公司主流价值观念的员工行为,要采用教育和惩戒相结合的方式,及时校准员工与企业之间的价值观念的误差,唯有如此,才能解决这个问题,让员工对企业的文化和管理措施有一个清醒的认识。二、可口可乐公司人力资源管理方案优劣(一)管理方案优势一个好的人力资源管理方法,是通过调动员工的工资积极性,增强公司员工的凝聚力,实现公司利益最大化。可口可乐公司人力资源管理方案,侧重于



10、普遍认可的主流文化以及企业相关产业文化,公司总部员工生活习惯、行为方式,只是个人行为,不可强行推广,否则会起到事与愿违的作用。以中国为例,我国主张人情和团队合作。可口可乐公司在进军中国本土化的过程中,必须熟悉中国传统文化的内涵,确保其获得健康发展。随着可口可乐公司逐步加快开拓市场脚步,在管理时要充分考虑到地缘关系,利用非正式组织的作用,从而能够达到员工自我管理、自我规范的管理模式。三、 完善可口可乐公司人力资源管理方案(一)以制度为支撑可口可乐公司人力资源管理方案,需要以强有力的执行者支撑,才能最大程度上激发员工的工作积极性。人情无处不在。以制度为开路先锋,能够有效摆脱公司人情问题。针对考核者


12、管理过程中,要充分利用现代技术。信息化系统管理能够用最少的时间去记录人力资源管理常规数据,比如说员工人数、薪酬、考勤等数据。这些数据的应用能够全面反映出人力资源的真实状况,优化了管理层面。人力资源管理离不开员工。在制定任何一项人力资源管理措施的时候,需要对公司员工进行管理,了解员工内心真实动态,发挥人才的综合技能和水平,对员工进行配置,使其充分发挥人才的强项,为企业利益服务。对于任何一家公司来说,在管理员工的时候,需要找准切入点,这样才能找到与员工沟通的平台。(四) 分析人力资源管理成本问题 对于任何一个公司来说,无论是世界五百强企业还是中小企业,都应该让每一分钱充分发挥其价值。人力资源管理作


14、除去现代化管理技术之外,其核心构成要素,即薪酬管理、绩效管理等方面。对于任何一个公司来说,其人力资源管理方案侧重点不同,这也是人力资源在众多企业中不同的表征。可口可乐公司是人力资源管理的一个佼佼者,其他企业可以借鉴其工作方法,但是切不可照搬工作方案。只有针对公司具体情况,翔实的制定工作方案,才能实现人力资源管理的目标。外文原文:Discussion on motivating the staff suggestions- to the Coca Cola company as an exampleIntroduction As the coordination department, huma

15、n resources management organization bears the responsibility to arose the enthusiasm of the staff, enhance the cohesion of companys staff, seek to the maximum profit for the company,by building the enterprise culture platform, compensation design, performance management a series of factors. Human re

16、source management is based on system as the support, sets up scientific concept as the main line, gives employees a sense of belonging.Compensation system, performance management, corporate culture, play a direct role in the enthusiasm of the staff. We will take Coca Cola human resource management s

17、cheme as an example, explain to the suggestions that can stimulate the enthusiasm of the staff .This chapter is consisted of performance reward program,advantage and disadvantage, suggestion Performance reward program is divided to two chapter,including performance system and reward system.I tell th

18、e advantage and disadvantage from two aspects . So is suggestion .Performance reward programCoca Cola company pays attention to the team assessment, makes periodic examination, such as conventional assessment mechanism including quarter, half, annual examination . Coca Cola company evaluation system

19、 is elastic. In accordance with some new projects, Coca Cola company takes the project as a carrier of the annual assessment.Coca Cola company quantifies a standard On the assessment standards, from the work performance, personal ability These aspects are staff performance evaluate, and show apprais

20、al rules to the public, ensure that the assessment process fairness and justice.The idea decides action force. Scientific performance management, can give company staffs a clear understanding of the performance management, and arouse their work enthusiasm. Coca Cola company performance management co

21、ncept, as far as possible to communicate the performance management anywhere, to form the companys potential enterprise culture. Based on five Maslow theory as the keynote, Coca Cola company make the growth plan for staff to tailor , allows employees to see their own development path. The first leve

22、l is basic living needs. Coca Cola company provides a fair salary for the staff, enough time to rest, and ensure the normal needs. The second level is security needs, the company give stuffs generous benefits to get rid of any worry. Third level is the need to belong. The company launched a series o

23、f social activities to meet their needs. The fourth level is self-esteem and position need. Coca Cola company announced the achievements of individuals,and praised the performance to the public, so that its social value has been widely recognized. The fifth level is self-actualization needs. The com

24、pany make plan of career development road for stuffs,and encourage them to achieve it.The knowledge and skills of personnel reserve is relative, everyone should keep learning, so that can keep pace with the times.Stuffs work in the company ,they ate not only for wages, but also to learn. A good busi

25、ness should focus on the development of the talents, and strive to achieve the synchronous growth of talent with the company. Only stuffs can play a real ability, that can let the stuffs in a state of excitement. The enterprise should provide the necessary conditions for staff development, let emplo

26、yee get continuous learning motivation,by competitive means. Coca Cola company show staff a detailed personal development opportunities, the staff know the work path planning in recent years .Manager analysis what talent needed, gives each a chance to play a talent, give each a kind promotion opport

27、unities,so that the employees in the company get the double satisfaction of material benefit and spiritual world .Twenty-first Century is an era of talent and wealth ,talent is equal to the wealth. To a company, keeping talent is the core content of human resources management. Compensation design is

28、 related to employee positive closely , is the company control advantageous means to stimulate staff. According to the American psychologist Adams social comparison theory,Coca Cola company sets up reasonable and affirmatory company employee salary. In the view of company ,salary seek to internal eq

29、uity; in the view of the industry trend, salary seek to industry competition. Salary policy must ensure the realization of the internal consistency of the distribution policy that fully established by the work itself, rather than personal qualities in the work, when setting up salaries policy , comp

30、any must consider on the work, or the skills needed complex degree of the work . The salary design must be link to the external competitive environment.Salary design is not only competitive with similar comparison of industry , but also competitive between different organizations in the same positio

31、n .When company sets up salary design, the company headquarters and staff should communicate effectively with ideas, so that it make the staff get clear understanding of the salaries decision-making procedures , Company headquarters should respect every employees requirement,avoid to reply no simply

32、. In real life, appears the reason of brain drain is low compensation or unreasonable factors, what aggravate the brain drain process. In the view of perspective of economics, people are hasten interest sex, the purpose of the work is to get a great extent to economic benefits, if economic benefits

33、too low, many people will choose to seek to new job, for getting more economic benefits. Balance compensation system is very dangerous(Liu Xin,2007). When do well and do badly is the same salary, when the stem and less is equal wages, work efficiency will glide substantially, the incentive effective

34、ness of the salary is almost zero, so the company is very easy to form vicious spiral, if going on like this,the overall development of the company, is very negative. The talents of the enterprise make enormous contribution, but cannot get due rewards, that will release of an error signal, which is

35、the enterprise salary level is independent with work efficiency, the ability to work independent.The phenomenon, is fatal tor the development of enterprises .On a certain extent, The salary system is the space of a staff to provide opportunities for promotion , and strives to build a fair competitiv

36、e system of excellent staff, and company provides flexible working mechanism, reduces the work limit.Coca Cola company is committed to establish a fair, orderly, and positive environment, stimulates the creativity of employees and the work enthusiasm. Coca Cola company is committed to create a globa

37、l drink culture, form an omnidirectional pattern. uphold the integrity of business philosophy for 116 years, and obtain employee recognition.Company should adopt to the way of combining education and punishment, for employee behavior what is comply with the mainstream values , timely calibration bet

38、ween employees and enterprises to the values of the known, only in this way, we can solve this problem, give the staff of the enterprise culture and the management measures a sober knowledge.advantage and disadvantage A good method of human resource management, can help company to achieve the benefi

39、t maximization of the company by the mobilization of staff enthusiasm, enhancing the cohesion of the staff. Coca Cola company human resource management program, is focused on the performance assessment, compensation design, enterprise culture three aspects to enhance employee cohesive affinity. The

40、advantage of scheme is taking advantage of a variety of means, with the system guarantee to the implementation of force, taking enterprise culture as a carrier, let employee get inner sense of belonging. The people-oriented core cultural concept, aroused the enthusiasm of the staff .Performance is s

41、trive to bring peoples initiative fully but it is not equal to elimination system, lasting and intense elimination system is easy to let employees produce emotional conflict and instability of the work attitude(Li jian,2005), and is lack of coordination among employees, replace with team defensive,

42、Development of the company also is very adverse. Pay award contains material reward, but is not equivalent to the material rewards, salary range is wide, including welfare, promotion mechanism etc. If company regard the pay award as single material reward,it is not only increase the enterprises econ

43、omic cost pressures, but also to the enterprise staffs psychological influence will gradually weaken. At the same time, the company can offer some futures bond, salary reward, make employee personal interests and business interests closely linked,.Regardless of the performance appraisal system and t

44、he salary design, human factors still occupies a significant determinant. In the view of performance appraisal, appraisal and the assessment is unequal , and bound to produce corruption and human issues. The salary design should be considered on various aspects.Especially salary design is linked to

45、the other enterprises in the same industry remuneration designer should avoid subjective assumptions.Coca Cola company as a Native American companies, European and American culture is main, and that are different form Asian cultures .Company respect for employees, and should respect he cultural atmo

46、sphere of the staff , must not let the original culture force employee to admit, life environment and growth environment of each individual is different, so enterprises need to know more about employee mind, not to impose the company culture, at the same time, the enterprise must promote the univers

47、ally recognized the mainstream culture and the culture relevant industry, living habits, behavior,is individual behavior, can not be forcibly extension, otherwise will play a role of getting the opposite effect. For example China, our country advocates favor and team cooperation. When Coca Cola comp

48、any enter the Chinese localization process, must be familiar with the connotation of Chinese traditional culture, ensure its healthy development. As the Coca Cola company gradually accelerate the development pace of the market, the management should give full consideration on the relation of ground

49、relationship, use informal organizations role, so as to realize the employees self management, self management mode(Stephen P Robbins.,2007).Suggestion To the system to supportCoca Cola company human resource management program, need to powerful executive support, to the greatest extent to stimulate

50、 the enthusiasm of the staff . Human issues everywhere. Taking system as the trailbreaker, can effectively get rid of company human rotten. In the assessment and the assessment to be unequal relationship, the company shall clearly make posted details of the assessment to the public. the assessment a

51、nd the to be assessment should know the details(Li Ping,2005) . At the same time company should establish a perfect supervision system , avoid any commit irregularities phenomenon.A plurality of salary design patternThe compensation should not be confined to the traditional salary design. A pluralit

52、y of compensation design should satisfy with the interests of employees. For example in project development, according to the progress of the project and the project benefit, company gives employees enough incentive, can effectively improve the overall enthusiasm for work, that is very helpful to pr

53、omote the project development process .To stimulate the enthusiasm of the staff is only a means, not the aim. To promote the benefit maximization of the company is the ultimate goal. When manger thinks over employee performance evaluation and salary design, should set up the scientific management co

54、ncept, jump out the staff management level, stand in the view of company management, audit work of human resources management .The introduction of modern human resource management technologyIn the process of human resources management, company should make full use of modern technology. Information s

55、ystem management can use the least time to record human resource management routine data, such as the number of employees, salary, attendance and other data. The application of these data is able to reflect the real situation of the human resources, optimize the management level. Human resource mana

56、gement cannot be away with the staff. When setting up any of the human resources management measures, should know the need of staff , understand their true inner dynamics, let them play the comprehensive skills ,staff at configuration, make it play the talents and strengths, for the enterprise benef

57、it. To an any companies, employee management need to search to cut a point in time, ,so as to find communication platform with employee .For any company, no matter is the world 500top enterprises or small and medium-sized enterprises, we should make every penny to its full value. Human resource mana

58、gement as a the Department of business operation , not only can be as much as possible to improve work efficiency, bring benefit for the enterprise, but also as far as possible to reduce management cost, what is the most reasonable human resource management mode.For any company, no matter is the wor

59、ld 500top enterprises or small and medium-sized enterprises, we should make every penny to its full value. Human resource management as a the Department of business operation , not only can be as much as possible to improve work efficiency, bring benefit for the enterprise, but also as far as possib

60、le to reduce management cost, what is the most reasonable human resource management mode.Human resource management is a complicated knowledge, but also a subject of art, takes advantage of performance management, salary management, enterprise culture all aspects, provides a self-display platform for

61、 employees , motivates employees continuously improve personal skills, completes enterprise overall strategic development goals.Conclusion:Human resource management is a comprehensive integration discipline including management skills(Dong Ke,2007). The human resource department of the company by in

62、spiring the enthusiasm of the staff, realizes staffs own development, achieves to maximize interests of the company. Employees emotion determines the efficiency of staff directly. Training positive mood of the staffs is the core factor of human resources management .with the development of the times

63、 and the progress of management, human resources management shows a variety of management, but its core connotation has not changed. Human resource management is a both of management discipline and social disciplines, any operation of the corporation is established on the basis of people, Stimulatin

64、g the enthusiasm of the staff, can bring more economic benefits. Generally speaking, human resource provided modern management technology, namely,the core components are performance management, salary management. For any company, its human resources management scheme has different emphasis, and huma

65、n resources in many enterprises in different characterization. Coca Cola company is a human resources management leader, other companies can learn from its working methods, but must not copy the work plan. Only according to the specific circumstances of the company, and establish the work plan, company can achieve the goal of human resource management.

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