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1、 Run-on sentence定义特征解决方法Run-on sentence definitionA run-on sentence is a sentence in which two or more indenpendent clauses(that is,complete sentence)are joined with no punctuation or conjuction.Run-on sentenceComma fault Tom put a lighted match on the paper,it started to burn.Fused sentenceTom put

2、a lighted match on the paper then it started to burn.解决方法1.逗号-句号Tom put a lighted match on the paper.It started to burn.2.逗号+并列连词(and,but,or.)Tom put a lighted match on the paper,and it started to burn.3.逗号-分号 Tom put a lighted match on the paper;it started to burn.4.分号+连接副词(therefore,thus,however,f

3、urthermore.)Tom put a lighted match on the paper;therefore,it started to burn.5.单句改复句when Tom put a lighted match on the paper,it started to burn.副词表示行为或状态的特征时间副词,地点副词,频率副词,方式副词,程度副词,连接副词,关系副词,疑问副词连接副词-SAT官方指南alsoin other wordsthereforefor instancefor examplehoweveras such moreoverin broad termsfurt

4、hermoresubsequentlyin contrast neverthelessthusconsequentlypreviouslysimilarlyhencelikewise in additionalternativelyfinally语义归类增补:also,for instance,for example,as such,moreover,in broad terms,furthermore,likewise,in addition,similarly 转折:in other words,however,in contrast,nevertheless,alternatively原

5、因:therefore,subsequently,consequently,thus,hence时间:previously,finally连词-并列连词,从属连词用来引导名词性从句和状语从句从属连词所引导的句子是从句含有从句的句子叫复合句after,although,as because,before,if,when,until,whether,while,that,unless,since连接副词用法1:位置,可前,可后,可中It was raining.Therefore we remained at home.It was raining.Therefore,we remained at

6、 home.It was raining;therefore we remained at home.It was raining;therefore,we remained at home.It was raining;we,therefore,remained at home.It was raining;we remained at home,therefore.用法2:部分连接副词可与部分并列连词共存you can stay at home,and or,you can go for a walk.he didnt see me,and but I saw him.It is stra

7、nge,and yet it is ture.The new car is small and therefore cheaper.The rain was heavy and consequently the land was flooded.非谓语动词非谓语动词的本质非谓语动词的分类非谓语动词的语法功能不定时ing分词(动名词和现在分词)过去分词非谓语的本质不做谓语的动词 work at home can improve our efficient.working at home can improve our efficient.分类不定时 to do (to)do 动名词 doing

8、分词 doing done 语法功能主语谓语宾语表语定语状语补语不定式不定式动名名词现在分在分词过去分去分词新SAT语法之平行结构平行结构基本要求平行结构中的连词和标点符号比较结构真题中国诗和西洋诗登池上楼 谢灵运潜虬媚幽姿,潜虬媚幽姿,飞鸿飞鸿响响远远音。音。薄霄愧云浮,薄霄愧云浮,栖川怍渊沉。栖川怍渊沉。A Red,Red Rose Robert BurnsO,my love is like a red,red rose,Thats newly spring in june.O,my love is like the melody,Thats sweetly played in tune.

9、平行结构的美学价值中国建筑西洋建筑All night long he can hear Nature breathing deeply and freely.-R.L.Stevenson,Travels with a donkey他彻夜都能听见大自然深沉而自由的呼吸.You can fool all the people some of the time,and some of the people all the time,but you cannot fool all the people all the time.-Abraham Lincoln To raise a happy,hea

10、lthy,and Hopeful child,it takes a family;it takes teachers;it takes clergy;it takes business people;it takes community leader.It takes those who protect our health and safety.It takes all of us.-Hillary Clinton,1996,National Democratic Convention Addresswhat we need in the United States is not divis

11、ion.What we need in the United is not hatred.What we need in the United States is not violence and lawlessness,but is love love and wisdomwisdom and compassioncompassion toward one another,and a feeling of justice toward those who still suffer within our country whether they be white or whether they

12、 be whether they be white or whether they be F.Kennedy,announcing the death of Martin Luther King.Not that I loved Caesar less,but that I loved Rome more.Shakespeare 考什么?词性时态,语态非谓语动词形式平行结构在诗歌或散文中,在语法结构语法结构语法结构语法结构,发音,韵律和意义意义意义意义等方面连续运用相似的语言结构.A and B A or B both A and Bnot Only A

13、 but also B either A or B neither A nor B not A but B more than 简洁性:历届真题中,正确答案为最短或次短选项的几率占到总试题的80%以上。Brevity is a virtue.SAT的简洁性原则大致可表现为以下几个方面1.能用一个词或词组表达的绝对不要用一个从句或句子表达使用一个完整句子来表达一个信息,一定比一个词或词组要长,这不符合SAT的简洁性原则。例:The editor is checking the manuscript to see if it is accurate.The editor is checcking

14、the manuscript for its accuracy.例:I love the city which is located in the west of Canada.I love the city located in the west of Canada.例:I went to the post office so that I could mail a letter.I went to the post office to mail a letter.P.S.中文的表达习惯是使用从句,很多同学把中文转换为英文时,难免会受到中文的影响,在英文里也使用从句,这也是Chinglish

15、的一个特色。请翻译:“当你走到第二个红绿灯时,请向右转。”Sample:When you walk to the second traffic light,turn right.Turn right at the second traffic light.2.用“because从句”表达原因表达比较复杂的原因时,SAT倾向于用“because从句”,任何其他表达无效。例:I love Mary because she has helped me a lot.上句是SAT喜欢的表达方式。但在SAT的迷惑选项中,往往会出现下列形式:I love Mary due to the fact that

16、she has helped me a lot.I love Mary on account of her having helped me a lot.3.许多定语从句可以用一个形容词来表达在普通语法中,下列句子的定语从句使用不仅正确,还能起到强调的修辞效果,但在SAT看来都是不简洁的表达。Mary is a girl who is very pretty.Tom is a man who is very old.It is a book that is very interesting.Mary is a very pretty girl.Tom is a very old man.It

17、is a very interesting book.4.句意不要重复 A is equally as important as B.A is as important as B.The current efforts she is making now will pay off.The efforts she is making now will pay off.名词性从句-主语从句It is+名词+that 从句It is a fact that.It is an honor that.It is a common belief that.It is a shame that.It is

18、an unavoidable task that young generationa conserve and promote their national historial and culture heritage.主语从句It is+形容词+that从句It is obvious that.It is imperative that.It is ridiculous that.It is desirable that.It is imperative and appropriate that the government complements,assists and adds prog

19、rams for the advancemnt of arts.主语从句It is+过去分词+从句It is reported that.It is estimated that.It cannot be denied that.It is commonly believed that.It must be pointed out that English globalization will result in one homogenous world.主语从句It+不及物动词+从句It seems that.It appears to sb.that.It occurs to sb.tha

20、t.It appears that museums and galleries promote the publics enjoyment and understanding the oil painting and other fine arts.主语从句 whether Whether traditions deserve preserving has sparked a heated discussion in our community.Whether young people should be encouraged to wear traditional costumes has

21、been an issue of controversy.主语从句-wh-howIt remains unknown whatever will happen if we fail to protect our cultural heritage.Why there are so many ads and commercials to disturb normal TV programs remains clear.宾语从句做动词的宾语1.that 引导的宾语从句,that没有意义,在口语和非正式文体中常省略.Recent research has shown that.宾语从句做动词的宾语w

22、hether、if引导的宾语从句,if不与or not 连用Many experts doubt whether English should be used as the only globle and official language.动词+形式宾语+补语+宾语从句We deem it a great cultural loss that aborigial tribes give up their cultures宾语从句做形容词的宾语Elders are worried that some Chinese teenagers can sing American popular son

23、gs but know nothing about Beijing Opera.宾语从句做介词的宾语The reason why English prevails worldwide lies in that major english speaking countries,such as Britain and the U.S.,have strong economic strengths.the that.表语从句The question is whether we can save endangered languages in such a short time.t

24、he challenge facing the culture circles today is how they preserve aboriginal cultures in a fast-changing society dominated by globalization.be动词和系动词之后跟从句同位语从句The view that language extinction will give rise to cultural disaster is an exaggeration.对抽象名词进行解释。that引导的一个完整句子,that不翻译,bu充当任何成分。news,idea,fact,doubt,evidence,promise,rumor,hope,truth,belief,message等

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