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1、Lesson 53 Hot snakeLesson 53 1【New words and expressions】hot adj.hot hotter-hottest热的,炎热的(反义词cold)eg.Strike while the iron is hot.趁热打铁。(调味品等)辣的强烈的,激烈的,热烈的 have a hot temper 脾气暴燥脾气暴燥 get hot on rock music 热衷于摇滚音乐热衷于摇滚音乐(新闻等)最新的,刚发生的,最到达的 a magazine hot from the press刚出版的杂志 a young man hot from the sc

2、hool刚出校门的年轻人【New words and expressions】2be hot on sb 迷恋某人,爱慕某人be in hot water 惹上麻烦 get into trouble/run into trouble a hot potato 棘手或讨厌的事物或情况get hot under the collar 渤然大怒,激动be hot on sb 迷恋某人,爱慕某人3fireman n.消防员fireplace 壁炉 firework 烟火 fire-water烈酒 fire-fighter 消防队员(尤指护林)firehouse/fire station 消防队,消防站

3、fireproof adj.耐火的fire-raising n.放火,纵火fireman n.消防员4cause v.&n.引起;引起;原因原因 v.引起引起,导致导致 eg.A cigarette caused the forest fire.eg.What caused his sickness?cause sth.引起引起carelessness causes accidents.粗心导致事故粗心导致事故pride causes failure.骄骄傲使人失败傲使人失败 cause v.&n.引起;原因5 cause sb.to do sth 引起引起某人做某事某人做某事,导致某人做某事

4、导致某人做某事 illness caused him to lose his temper (lose ones temper 发火发火)n.理由理由 eg.Dont be late without cause.n.原因,起因原因,起因 eg.What was the cause of his sickness?find out the cause 查出原因查出原因 cause sb.to do sth 引起某人做6examine v.仔细观察,检察,调查仔细观察,检察,调查 eg.The firefighter examined every inch of the forest.v.诊查诊查

5、 v.考试,测试考试,测试 examiner 主考人主考人 examinee 应考应考者者 exam n.考试考试 examination n.考试考试examine7accidentally adv意外地;偶然地意外地;偶然地 去掉去掉ly变成变成adj 反义词反义词:intentional accident cn.事故,意外事故,意外 a traffic accident 机遇,命运,造化机遇,命运,造化(chance,fortune)by chance=by accident=accidentally eg.I found a gold mine by accident./acciden

6、tally/by chance.accidentally adv意外地;偶然地8remains 尸体,残骸,遗体,遗址尸体,残骸,遗体,遗址 remain v.留下,遗留,剩下留下,遗留,剩下(不用于进行时态不用于进行时态)eg.After the fire,nothing remained in my house.eg.Much remains to be done.要做的事还要做的事还 很多。很多。v.仍是,保持不变仍是,保持不变 eg.He remained silent.eg.After the quarrel,they remained the best of friends.rem

7、ains 尸体,残骸,遗体,遗址9remains n.剩余物,残余物剩余物,残余物 the remains of a meal n.(古建筑等物古建筑等物)遗址,废墟遗址,废墟 the remains of Yuanmingyuan 圆明园圆明园 n.遗体,遗骸遗体,遗骸 eg.The remains of Chairman Mao were kept in a crystal coffin.remains 10wire n.金属线,电线金属线,电线 eg.He tied a basket to the bicycle with a piece of wire.telephoe wires 电

8、话线电话线 (美口美口)电报电报 send a wire 发电报发电报 receive a wire接电报接电报 be on wires/be all on wires 坐立不安坐立不安 under the wire 勉强来得及勉强来得及 wireless adj.无线的无线的 wire11volt n.伏特伏特 voltage n.电压,伏特数电压,伏特数power line 电力线电力线power 电力,动力电力,动力 electric power 电力电力 atomic power原子动力原子动力 water power水力水力 力,能力力,能力 brain power 智力智力 the

9、 power of hearing 听力听力volt n.伏特12 权力,支配力,势力权力,支配力,势力 political power政治权力政治权力 not within ones power 力力所不能及所不能及=beyond ones power eg.It is beyond my power to understand how the computer e to/into power 得势,得势,掌权掌权 权力,支配力,势力13solve v.解决,解答,回答解决,解答,回答(意思是(意思是work out)solve a question solve a problem solu

10、tion n.解决,解答解决,解答 eg.It took a long time to find the solution.solve v.解决,解答,回答(意思是work out)14mystery n.神秘的事物,不神秘的事物,不可解释的事物,秘密可解释的事物,秘密 the mystery of life 生命的秘密生命的秘密 eg.His disappearance is a mystery.eg.The murder is wrapped in mystery.可作定语修饰名词可作定语修饰名词:a mystery guest 神秘的来客神秘的来客 a mystery tour 神秘之旅

11、神秘之旅mystery n.神秘的事物,不可解释的事物,秘密15区别区别mystery,riddle,puzzle mystery:神秘的事物,奥秘神秘的事物,奥秘 riddle:谜语,谜一般的人,东西,谜语,谜一般的人,东西,事情等事情等 puzzle:难题,用以测试人的知识,难题,用以测试人的知识,智力,技巧等的问题或玩具智力,技巧等的问题或玩具区别mystery,riddle,puzzle16snatch v.抢,夺抢,夺 snatch up抓起来抓起来 eg.贼把她的包抓起来逃跑了。The thief snatched her bag and ran away.eg.在他妈妈刚要看那张

12、纸的时候,他把它夺走了。He snatched the paper as his mother was about to see it.v.(趁机)迅速取得,急急忙忙吃完饭 eg.他出其不意,吻了她一下。He snathed a kiss from her.snatch a sleep on a busy day 在忙碌的日子偷闲小睡snatch 17snatch 迅速而有力(粗鲁地)抓住,抢 snatch a chancegrab 抓,抢,抢夺,抓住(热切而拼命地)grab sth from sb/grab sth from sth grasp 1)抓住或咬住,抓紧 grasp a chan

13、ce 抓住机会 2)掌握 grasp a languagehold 抓住,握住,托住 take/catch/get hold of 抓住抓住 snatch 迅速而有力(粗鲁地)抓住,抢 18spark n.火花,火星,电火花火花,火星,电火花(切断电流而产生的)(切断电流而产生的)a bright spark活泼而聪明的年轻人 a bright apple 骄傲的年轻人 spark n.火花,火星,电火花(切断电流而产生的)19What will happen when a snake meet an eagle,right around a pole and electical wire?W

14、hat will happen when a snake 20现在完成进行时现在完成进行时构成:构成:have/has been+doing含义:含义:1)表示从过去某时开始一直持续到现在的)表示从过去某时开始一直持续到现在的动作,并且还将持续下去。动作,并且还将持续下去。2)表示在说话时刻之前到现在正在进行的)表示在说话时刻之前到现在正在进行的动作。动作。现在完成进行时构成:have/has been+doing21一般过去时一般过去时 强调过去某一时间发生完的动作或处于的状态,搭配一个明确的过去时间。现在完成时现在完成时构成构成:have/has+v.-ed强调过去某一动作对现在存在影响或

15、是这个强调过去某一动作对现在存在影响或是这个动作一直延续到现在还可能再延续下去。动作一直延续到现在还可能再延续下去。一般过去时 强调过去某一时间发生完的动作或处于的状态,搭配一221.At last firemen have put out a big forest fire in California.消防队员们终于扑灭了加利福尼亚的一场森林大火。消防队员们终于扑灭了加利福尼亚的一场森林大火。2.California 又名 Golden state3.(1)at last(终于,到底)表示经过一番努力(终于,到底)表示经过一番努力之后。之后。4.(2)put out可以表示可以表示“扑灭扑灭

16、”、“熄灭熄灭”、“关掉关掉”等含义:等含义:Please put the light/fire out.请把灯关掉把火灭掉。请把灯关掉把火灭掉。5.(3)forest虽然是名词,但在句中起形容词的虽然是名词,但在句中起形容词的作用,修饰作用,修饰fire。At last firemen have put out a232.Since then,they have been trying to find out how the fire began.从那时起,他们一直试图找出起火的原因。从那时起,他们一直试图找出起火的原因。since then 从那时起,到现在为止从那时起,到现在为止 fin

17、d out(经过研究、努力等)找出,发现,查出(经过研究、努力等)找出,发现,查出 eg.我会试着查出昨天救了我的人的名我会试着查出昨天救了我的人的名字。字。Ill try and find out the name of the person who saved my life yesterday.2.Since then,they have been 243.Forest fires are often caused by broken glass or by cigarette ends which people carelessly throw away.森林火灾时常由破碎的玻璃或人们

18、随手扔森林火灾时常由破碎的玻璃或人们随手扔掉的香烟头引起掉的香烟头引起.broken glass 碎玻璃碎玻璃 a broken heart 失意失意 a broken glass破杯子破杯子 a broken promise 爽约爽约 a broken marriage 破裂的婚烟破裂的婚烟 a broken home破碎的家庭破碎的家庭 3.Forest fires are often caus25 cigarette ends 烟头烟头 come to an end 结束,完毕结束,完毕 eg.The meeting came to an end at midnight.make bot

19、h ends meet 量入为出,使收支量入为出,使收支相抵相抵throw away 扔掉,丢弃扔掉,丢弃throw about 随处扔随处扔throw at 向向 砸过去(有目标性,砸过去(有目标性,含不友好或敌意)含不友好或敌意)eg.The boy threw a stone at the window and broke it.throw to 向向扔过去(无目标性扔过去(无目标性)eg.He threw the ball to me and I caught it.cigarette ends 烟头264.Yesterday the firemen examined the grou

20、nd carefully,but were not able to find any broken glass.昨天,消防队员仔细查看了地面,但未能昨天,消防队员仔细查看了地面,但未能发现碎玻璃。发现碎玻璃。were not able to=could not be able to 能够能够;be not able to 没有能够没有能够 4.Yesterday the firemen exa275.They were also quite sure that a cigarette end did not start the fire.他们还十分肯定火灾也不是由烟头引起的。他们还十分肯定火灾

21、也不是由烟头引起的。be sure that be quite sure that quite 相当相当 eg.Are you quite certain about that?quiet adj.安静的安静的 eg.The class kept very quiet during the lesson.start the fire 引起火灾引起火灾5.They were also quite sure286.This morning,however,a fireman accidentally discovered the cause.然而今天上午,一个消防队员偶然发现了然而今天上午,一个消

22、防队员偶然发现了起火的原因。起火的原因。区别:区别:cause 和和reason cause:n.直接导致行为或事件发生的原因,直接导致行为或事件发生的原因,即即“起因起因”reason:n.解释某事为什么发生的理由或借解释某事为什么发生的理由或借口口 cause:vt.使发生,导致,引起使发生,导致,引起 reason:vt/vi.评理,劝说评理,劝说eg:Do you know the cause of the fire?6.This morning,however,a fi29eg.This is the reason why he left.eg.What caused the fir

23、e?eg.I reasoned with(劝说某人)(劝说某人)him for hours,but I couldnt persuade him to change his mind.reason sb into doing sth talk sb into doing sth 劝某人做劝某人做某事某事 reason sb out of(doing)sth talk sb out of(doing)sth 劝某人别做劝某人别做某事某事eg.This is the reason why he l30eg.This is the reason why he left.eg.What caused

24、the fire?eg.I reasoned with(劝说某人)(劝说某人)him for hours,but I couldnt persuade him to change his mind.reason sb into doing sth talk sb into doing sth 劝某人做劝某人做某事某事 reason sb out of(doing)sth talk sb out of(doing)sth 劝某人别做劝某人别做某事某事eg.This is the reason why he l317.he noticed the remains of a snake which

25、was wound round the electric wires of a 16,.000-volt power line.他发现了缠绕在他发现了缠绕在16,000伏高压线上的一条死蛇。伏高压线上的一条死蛇。the remains表示表示“尸体尸体”、“残骸残骸”,必须用复数形式,必须用复数形式wound为为wind的过去分词。的过去分词。wind在这里不表示在这里不表示“蜿蜒蜿蜒”,而表示,而表示“卷在卷在上上”、“缠绕缠绕”,常与,常与aroundround连用:连用:Did you wind this piece of wire round the tree?是你把这根铁丝缠在树上的

26、吗?是你把这根铁丝缠在树上的吗?7.he noticed the remains of a328.In this way,he was able to solve the mystery.The explanation was simple but very unusual.就这样,他解开了起火之谜。解释很简单,却异就这样,他解开了起火之谜。解释很简单,却异乎寻常。乎寻常。solve v.解决解决 e.g.solve the problem 解决问解决问题题 8.In this way,he was able to339.A bird had snatched up the snake fro

27、m the ground and then dropped it on to the wires.一只鸟把蛇从地上抓起来,然后把它扔到了电线一只鸟把蛇从地上抓起来,然后把它扔到了电线上。于是蛇就缠住了几根电线。上。于是蛇就缠住了几根电线。snatch v.抓抓 The man snatched her purse and ran.那人抓起她的钱包就跑。(强调动作很快很猛)那人抓起她的钱包就跑。(强调动作很快很猛)drop&fall a.drop 表示表示“使落下、使掉落使落下、使掉落”,是及物动词,是及物动词,带宾带宾语:语:He dropped the bag.b.fall 表示表示“掉下、

28、跌倒掉下、跌倒”,是不及物动词,不能带,是不及物动词,不能带宾语。宾语。He fell down the stairs and broke his leg.9.A bird had snatched up the 3410.The snake then wound itself round the wires.When it did so,it sent sparks down to the ground and these immediately started a fire.于是蛇就缠住了几根电线。当它这样做时,把火花于是蛇就缠住了几根电线。当它这样做时,把火花送到了地面,这些火花立刻引起了一场大火。送到了地面,这些火花立刻引起了一场大火。wound round/around 缠绕缠绕 When it did so当它这样做时当它这样做时 so常用于一些动词之后,代指前面提过的某个动作某件常用于一些动词之后,代指前面提过的某个动作某件事,以免重复:事,以免重复:Has Susan got into University?I believe/think so.10.The snake then wound itsel35新概念二53教案ppt课件36新概念二53教案ppt课件37新概念二53教案ppt课件38

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