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1、Lesson 14 Saturday night and Saturday morning Sep.30,2012 1Para1 lfrom behind:Note the use of two preps together.注意两个介词连用的情况。l He came to greet me from behind the tree.l他从树后闪身出来跟我打招呼。lI immediately recognized him from among the crowd.l 我一眼从人群中认出他来。2lon ones last legs:dying,at ones wits end,declining

2、 将死;崩溃lHe looked like he was on his last legs.l他看起来好像要死了。lColonialism in Asia is on its last legs.l殖民主义在亚洲已濒临灭绝。lColonylColoniallColonialistlColonialism3ldip dip lvt.浸,泡,蘸;舀取;把伸入 lvi.浸;倾斜;下降,下沉;舀,掏 ln.浸渍,蘸湿;倾斜;下沉,下降4lHe sat by the canal fishing on a Sunday morning in spring,at an elbow(close to sb.)

3、where alders dipped over the water like old men on their last legs,pushed by young sturdy oaks from behind.在春天一个星期日的上午,他坐在运河边钓鱼,在他附近,赤杨树被后面生长着年轻茁壮的橡树向前推挤垂人水中,像垂死的老人一样。5lHe straightened his back,his fingers freeing nylon line from a speedily revolving reel.他直起腰身,用手指快速地从绕线轮上放出尼龙线。6lAround him lay knap

4、sack and jacket,an empty catch-net,his bicycle,and two tins of worms dug from the plot of garden at home before setting out.他周围放着背包、夹克、一个空捕鱼网、他的自行车和出发前在家里花园里挖出的两听虫子。7lSun was breaking through clouds,releasing a smell of earth to heaven.太阳钻出了云层,向空气中散发出泥土的气息。8lA soundless and minuscular explosion of w

5、ater caught his eyes.:lHe caught sight of a sudden,soundless and slight moving of the water.l他看到河水忽然间冒出一个无声的小小的水花。9lHe moved nearer the edge,stood up,and with a vigorous sweep of his arm,cast out the line.他走到水边,站起身,用力挥动手臂,将钓鱼线抛了出去。10Para2 lAnother solitary man was fishing further along the canal,but

6、 Arthur knew that they would leave each other in peace,would not even call out greetings.不远处还有一个人沿着运河边在独自垂钓,但阿瑟知道他俩可以互不干扰各钓各的鱼,甚至没必要相互打招呼问候。11l You were a hunter,a dreamer,and your own boss,away from it all for a few hours on any day that the weather did not throw down its rain.:lYou were a hunter,a

7、 dreamer,and our own boss,enjoying yourself for a few hours without any worries on a sunny day.l你是猎人、梦想家、自己的老板,在一个晴朗的日子远离尘嚣,呆上几个小时。12lLike the corporal in the army who said it was marvelous(了不起的)the things you thought about as you sat on the lavatory(廁所).Even better than that,it was marvelous the th

8、ings that came to you in the tranquility of fishing.像军队里的那位下士所说,坐在马桶上想到的事情真是太奇妙了。在垂钓的宁静中想起的事情比在马桶上想起的事情更美妙。Marvel/marvelous13ltranquility(n.):quiet state 平静;安宁l tranquil(adj.):calm,quiet 安静的;宁静的l I like to enjoy the tranquility of the countryside.l我喜欢享受乡下的宁静。l The generals childhood was tranquil.l将军

9、的童年时代很平静。14para3 lkeep an eye close to:watch closely 密切注视lThe policemen were ordered to keep an eye close to the house.l警察接到命令,密切监视那所房子。lWill you keep an eye to my hat and satchel while I am out for a while?l我要出去一会儿,你能帮我看着这帽子和书包吗?lsatchel stl ln.小背包;书包15lHe drank tea from the flask and ate a cheese

10、sandwich,then sat back to watch the red and white float-up to its waist(腰部)in water under the alder trees-and keep an eye always close to it for the sudden indication of a fortunate catch.他拿着瓶子喝茶,吃了一块奶酪三明治,然后坐回原处看着钓鱼线上的红白色浮标浮标一半沉在赤杨树下齐腰深的水中他密切注视着浮标,等候着 鱼上钩的那个幸运时刻的突然到来。16lFor himself,his own catch ha

11、d been made,and he would have to wrestle with it for the rest of his life.lFor himself,he had already close to work in a factory and was tied to the machine like a fish hooked up by a fisherman.He had to fight with the unpleasant working and living conditions for the rest of his life.l对他自己来说,他已经被钓住了

12、,他不得不在有生之年同它斗争。17l.in a way:seen or considered from a certain respect 从某方面看lIn a way it is a good thing that I did not get that post I applied for,though I must admit that I was disappointed at the time.l从某种意义上说,我没得到申请的那个职位是件好事,虽然我得承认,当时我是感到失望。lIn a way,I agree with you.l在某一点上,我同意你的观点。18lWhenever yo

13、u caught a fish,the fish caught you,in a way of speaking,and it was the same with anything else you caught,like the measles or a woman.你不管什么时候钓上了鱼,鱼也同时钩住了你,可以说,你所捉住的其他任何东西也是如此,比如说麻疹或女人。19lon the way(to):half way to 在途中lOur team is well on the way to winning the Championship.l我们队很有希望夺冠。lLets not stop

14、 too often on the way.l咱们别老在途中停留了。20lEveryone in the world was caught,somehow,one way or another,and those that werent were always on the way to it.不知为什么世界上每个人都这样或那样地被钓住,那些未被钓住的人也逐渐地要被钓住。21lAs soon as you were born you were captured by fresh air that you screamed against the minute you came out.你一出生

15、就被新鲜的空气给逮住,所以你一从娘胎里出来就放声大哭。22lrope in:persuade to help or join 劝帮忙,加入lI dont want to get roped in any more of your activities.l我不想再参加你们的活动了。lIve been roped in the organization of the.whole thing.I wish I hadnt said yes.l 我参与了整件事的组织工作,但愿我不曾就此事点过头。23l sling:be lifted 吊;悬lThe soldiers gun was slung ove

16、r his shoulder.l那士兵把枪挂在肩上。lThey sling up boxes from the cellar.l他们用吊索把箱子从地窖中吊起来。24lThen you were roped in by a factory,had a machine slung around your neck.:lThen you were persuaded to go and work in a factory.From then on,you were tied to the manual labor of factory and weighed down with overwork.l

17、然后你被一家工厂套住,机器吊住你的脖子。25lThen you were roped in by a factory,had a machine slung around your neck,and then you were hooked up by the arse with a wife.之后,你又被工厂套住,被工厂的机器拴住。然后你又被妻子用性生活给钩住。26lleave alone:let remain on his own;not touch 不管;不碰lProvided that they have water and light,most plants are best lef

18、t alone to grow in a natural way.l只要有水和光,多数植物最好是在不受干扰的情况下自然生长。lThey left the poor child alone in the house all night.l他们把那可怜的孩子一个人丢在屋里呆了一夜。27lMostly you were like a fish:you swam about with freedom,thinking how good it was to be left alone,doing anything you wanted to do and caring about no one,when

19、 suddenly:SPLUTCH!-the big hook clapped itself into your mouth and you were caught.大多数时候你像条鱼:你自由自在地游,想着自己独处是多么快活,做你想做的一切事情,不用在意任何 人,突然啪的一声,一个大钩叉入你的嘴中,你被钩住了。28lWithout knowing what you were doing you had chewed off more than you could bite and had to stick with the same piece of bait for the rest of

20、your life.:lWithout knowing what you were doing you had been engaged in something that you were not able to cope with,and you would suffer from it for the rest of your life.l 不知自己在做什么,你咬下自己无法咀嚼的鱼饵,你要用余生来咀嚼这块鱼饵。29lIt meant death for a fish;but for a man it might not be so bad.对鱼来说,这 意味着死亡。但对人来说。也许还没有

21、这么糟糕。30lclamp klmp lvt.夹紧,固定住 ln.夹钳,螺丝钳lavid,vid ladj.渴望的,贪婪的ljaw d:ln.颌;下巴;狭窄入口;唠叨 lvi.教训;唠叨 lvt.教训;对唠叨31lMaybe it was only the beginning of something better in life,better than you could ever have thought possible before clamping your avid jaws down over the vital bait.也许这只是更美好生活的开始,要比你闭上贪婪的嘴咬住那极为

22、重要的鱼饵之前所能够想到的要好。32ldisengage(v.)separate,detach 分开;脱离l Two enemy battalions disengaged from the battle after suffering heavy casualties.遭受严重伤亡后,敌人的两营士兵脱离了战斗。33lArthur knew he had not yet bitten,that he had really only licked the bait and found it tasty,that he could still disengage his mouth from th

23、e nibbled morsel.But he did not want to do so.阿瑟知道自己还未被钩住,他只不过刚刚舔了舔鱼饵,发觉鱼饵很香,他仍可以吐出口中的那一小份鱼饵而解脱自己,但他不愿意那样做。34l If you went through life refusing all the bait dangled before you,that would be no life at all.No changes would be made and you would have nothing to fight against.:lIf you are cunning enou

24、gh to avoid all temptations in life,that kind of life is not worth living.If you refuse to take any risk,you would be perfectly safe but no changes would be made in your life and there is nothing to fight against and fight for.l如果你拒绝一切诱惑度过一生的话,那根本就谈不上生活。凡事一成不变,你将失去奋斗的目标。35lLife would be as dull as d

25、itchwater.生活就像地沟里的水一样。ditch dit lvt.在上掘沟;把开入沟里;俚丢弃 lvi.开沟;掘沟 ln.沟渠;壕沟36lYou could kill yourself by too much cunning.(狡猾的)你可能因太狡猾而贻误自身。Even though bait meant trouble,you could not ignore it for ever.虽然诱饵意味着麻烦,你不可能永远忽视它。37lHe laughed to think that he was full of bait already,half-digested(消化一半的食物)slop

26、 that had certainly given him a share of trouble,one way or another.他笑着想他已经吃了满嘴的鱼饵,显然这已消化了一半的劣质食物已经这样或那样地给他带来了麻烦。38Para4 lWatching the float so intently made him sleepy:he had been with Doreen until two the night before.目不转睛地盯着浮标看使他发困:昨天晚上他和多琳一直呆到两点。39lThey spoke of getting married in three months,b

27、y which time,Arthur said,they would have collected a good amount of money,nearly a hundred and fifty pounds,not counting income-tax rebate,which will probably bump it up to a couple of hundred.他们谈到要在三个月后结婚,阿瑟说到那个时候他们将已攒足一大笔钱,几乎有 150英磅,还没算上所得税的退款,如若算上这笔返款的话,将凑足 200英磅。40lSo they would be sitting prett

28、y,Doreen replied,because Mrs.Greatton had already offered to let them stay with her for as long as they liked,paying half the rent.For she would be lonely when Chumley left.多琳回答说他们过得不错。因为格瑞顿太太已经表示,他们可以只出一半租金住在她那里,想住多长时间都行,因为丘姆雷搬走了,她会感到寂寞。41lArthur said he would be able to get on with Mrs.Greatton,be

29、cause living there he would be the man of the house.阿瑟说他会和格瑞顿太太相处融洽,因为住在那儿,他将成为那幢房子的男主人。42lAnd if there was any argument,they could get rooms somewhere.So it looked as though theyd be all right together,he thought,as long as a war didnt start,or trade slump and bring back the dole.如果出现不和,他们就另找地方。于是阿

30、瑟想看起来大家住在一起挺好,只要不发生战争、商业不衰退、不吃救济;43lAs long as there wasnt a famine,a plague(瘟疫)to sweep over England,an earthquake to crack it in two and collapse the city around them,or a bomb to drop and end the world with a big bang.只要英国不发生饥荒、瘟疫;只要不发生地震,把英国震成两半,把城市震坍;只要不投下导弹砰地一声摧毁这个世界。44l But you couldnt concer

31、n yourself too much with these things if you had plans and wanted to get something out of life that you had never had before.:lBut if you had ambitions and wish to be successful in life,you shouldnt trouble too much about these possibilities.l 如果你有计划并想取得自己以前从未有过的东西,就不能对这些事过于担忧。45lAnd that was a fact

32、,he thought,chewing a piece of grass.阿瑟嚼着一片草,他想这就是事实。46Para5 lHe fixed the rod firmly against the bank and stood to stretch himself.He yawned widely,felt his legs weaken,then strengthen,then relax,his tall figure marked against a background of curving canal and hedges and trees bordering it.他把鱼杆牢牢地固

33、定在河岸上。站起来,伸了伸腰,打了个大哈欠,感觉腿有点软,便绷了绷腿,再放松。他高大的身躯在弯弯的运河以及环绕运河的篱笆、树木的背景下特别引人注目。47lHe rubbed his hand over the rough features of his face,upwards over thick lips,grey eyes,low forehead,short fair hair,then looked up at the mixture of grey cloud and blue patches of sky overhead.他用手搓了搓粗糙的脸。从下向上搓搓厚嘴唇、灰眼睛、低前额

34、、金黄色短发然后抬头仰望头顶上镶有灰云团的蓝色天空。48lFor some reason he smiled at what he saw,and turned to walk some yards along the towpath.不知什么原因,他朝他所看到的一切笑了笑。然后转身沿着纤道走出几码。49lagitation(n.):painful excitement of the mind or feeling 激动l agitate(v.):to argue strongly for or against sth.,trouble 鼓吹;煽动l She was in a state of

35、 agitation.l她处于激动状态。l Workers in that factory agitated for higher wages.l工厂的工人发起要求加薪的运动。50lForgetting the stilled float in the water,he stopped to urinate against the bushes.While fastening his trousers,he saw the float in violent agitation,as if it were suddenly alive and wanted to leap out of the

36、water,忘记了水中静止不动的浮标,他停下来朝树丛里撒尿,系裤子时,他看见浮标猛烈地摇动,好像它突然活了要跳出水面。51Para6 lHe ran back to the rod and began winding in the reel with steady movements.他跑回鱼杆处,稳速向回摇绕线轮。lwind wind lvt.缠绕;上发条;吹号角;使弯曲;绕住或缠住某人 lvi.上发条;吹响号角;缠绕 ln.风;呼吸;气味;卷绕52l even out:even off:become level or equal 抚平;变平lThe ground evens out on

37、the other side of the mountain.l山那边一马平川。lWe must even out the differences between city and countryside.l我们要消除城乡差别。53lHis hands worked smoothly and the line came in so quickly that it did not seem to be moving except on the reel itself where the nylon thread(尼龙线)grew in thickness and breadth,where he

38、 evened it out with his thumb so that it would not clog(缠住)at a vital moment.他的手流畅地转动着绕线轮,鱼线收回得太快,以至于看上去线都没动,除非看绕线轮上的尼龙线变宽了变厚了,才知道线被收回了。他用大拇指把线拨弄均匀,以便在关键时刻线不会缠住。54lThe fish came out of the water,flashing and struggling on the end of the line,and he grasped it firmly in his hand to take the hook from

39、 its mouth.鱼被钓出水面,在线的另一端,它闪着水光,挣扎着。他用手紧紧抓住鱼,从鱼嘴里摘下钩子。55lHe looked into its glass-grey eye,at the brown pupil(瞳孔)whose fear expressed all the life that it had yet lived,and all its fear of the death that now threatened it.他看着鱼呆滞无神的眼睛,看着它棕色的瞳孔,鱼眼里透露的恐惧述说了它的一生,以及对正威胁着它的死亡的恐惧。56lIn its eye he saw the gr

40、een gloom(朦胧绿影)of willow-sleeved canals(两边有柳树的运河)in cool decay(凄涼衰落),an eye filled with panic and concern for the remaining veins of life that circled like a silent whirlpool around it.从鱼眼中,他看见了两边有柳树的运河凄凉衰落的朦胧绿影。鱼眼中充满了恐惧和对所剩无几的生命的担忧,其所剩生命像打着旋的无声的旋涡。57lWhere do fishes go when they die?He wondered.鱼死后

41、去哪里呢?他思考着这个问题。58lThe glow(發光)of long-remembered lives was mirrored in its eyes,and the memory of cunning curves executed in the moving shadows from reed to reed as it scattered the smaller fry(驱散小鱼)and was itself chased by bigger fish(被大鱼追逐)was also pictured there.鱼眼里闪现着它以前的快乐生活,同时也闪现处它曾像晃动的影子一般,在水中

42、芦苇杆之间娴熟地游来游去,驱散小鱼,同时又被大鱼追逐的情景。59lfrom head to tail:referring to the whole body of the fish.从头至尾lWhen I entered the office,he scrutinized me from head to foot.l我一进办公室,他就把我上下打量一番。60lArthur felt mobile waves of hope running the length of its squamous body from head to tail.阿瑟感到鳞光闪闪的这条鱼的浑身上下从头到尾涌动着一股求生的

43、愿望。61lHe removed the hook,and threw it back into the water.He watched it flash away and disappear.他脱下了鱼钩,把鱼扔回水中。他看着鱼迅速游走,消失了。62Para7 lOne more chance,he said to himself,but if you or any of your pals come back to the bait,its curtains for em.:lHe said to himself:Ill give you one more chance to live,

44、but if you or any other fish is hooked next time,I wont take pity on you any more and that will be the end of you.l他暗想,再给你一次机会,不过,你或你的同伴再来咬饵,你们的死期就到了。63lWith float bobbing(摆动)before him once more he sat down to wait.This time it was war,and he wanted fish to take home,either to cook in the pan or fe

45、ed to the cat.浮标又一次被投入水中,在他面前上下摆动,他坐下来等。这回可是一场真正的战争,他要把鱼带回家,放在锅里煎或喂猫。64lIts trouble for you and trouble for me,and all over a piece of bait(诱饵),The fattest worm of the lot is fastened to the hook,so dont grumble(抱怨)when you feel that point sticking to your chops.这对你对我都是个麻烦,都是因为这一诱饵引起的。在鱼钩上放上所有鱼饵中最肥的

46、一只虫子,所以当鱼钩叉入你的嘴中时,你可别抱怨。65Para8 lAnd trouble for me itll be,fighting every day until I die.我的麻烦是每天奋斗直到生命结束。66lto the hilt:thoroughly;to the highest degree 完全地;彻底地lBy the dim moonlight,he saw a soldier standing there,armed to the hilt.l借着昏暗的月光,他看见一个士兵全副武装站在那儿。lAll the facts about that must be proved

47、up to the hilt.l有关此事的一切事实必须全部澄清。67lWhy do they make soldiers out of us when were fighting up to the hilt as it is?为什么在我们倾全力抗争的时候还让我们当兵呢?68lFighting with mothers and wives,landlords and gaffers(工頭),coppers,army,government.和母亲、妻子、房东、工头、警察、军队、政府斗争。69l If its not one thing its another,apart from the wor

48、k we have to do and the way we spend our wages.:lIf we dont fight with one thing,we fight with another,including the work we have to do and the careful planning as to how to spend the little money we earned.There is no getting away.l不是和这个就是和那个作斗争,还不算上要工作,要花工资。70l in store for:put aside for future us

49、e;happening inevitably 准备好;必将发生lTheres a surprise in store for you.l有件让人吃惊的事要告诉你。lWe dont know what is in store for us.l我们不知将来的遭遇如何。71lTheres bound to be trouble in store for me everyday of my life,because trouble its alwayslbeen and always will be.:lEvery day of my life,there must be some trouble t

50、here ready to trouble me because there has always been trouble and there always will be trouble.There is no end of it.l每天必定都会遇到麻烦,因为过去一直有,将来也一直会有。72lBorn drunk and married blind,misbegotten(私生)into a strange and crazy world,dragged up through the dole(救济)and into the war with a gas-mask on your cloc

51、k,and the sirens rattling into you every night while you rot with scabies in an air-raid shelter.生来酗酒,盲目结婚,被私生在这个古怪疯狂的世界上,家庭靠领救济金把你拉扯大,也没能给你多少好的教育,接着你 又被拖进第二次世界大战,头上成天戴着防毒面具,空袭警报每晚响彻在你耳畔,而你躲在防空洞里长出了疥疮。73lSlung into khaki at eighteen,18岁时穿上了土黄色的卡其布军服成了一名军人,and when they let you out,you sweat again in

52、 a factory,grabbing for an extra pint,当你服满兵役,又得去工厂挥汗干活,尽量多喝一品脱啤酒,74ldoing women at the weekend and getting to know whose husbands are on the night-shift,working with rotten guts and an aching spine,周末玩女人,尽力 打探谁的丈夫上夜班,拼命地干活,干得全身疼痛,lgut t ln.内脏;肠子;胆量;海峡;剧情 lvt.取出内脏;摧毁内部装置 ladj.本质的,根本的;简单的 75land nothi

53、ng for it but money to drag you back there every Monday morning.为了钱星期一早上又把自己拽回来干活。76Para9 lWell,its a good life and a good world,all said and done,if you dont weaken,and if you know that the big wide world hasnt heard from you yet,no,not by a long way,though it wont be long now.毕竟,如果你还没衰弱,如果你知道你还是个微

54、不足道的小人物,但在不久的将来你会一鸣惊人的话,生活是美好的,世界是美好的。lP 255 note 52 77Para10 l The float bobbed more violently than before and,with a grin on his face,he began to wind in the reel.浮标比先前摆动得更厉害了,他咧嘴笑了,开始摇绕线轮。78ExerciseAl1.Arthur was fishing along the canal.l2.Yes,he caught one fish.l3.He set the fish free.l4.He want

55、ed to give the fish one more chance to live.79l5.Like fish,everyone in the world was caught,somehow,one way or another,and those that werent were always on the way to it.l6.Arthur thought that if a person refused all the bait in life,life would be as dull as ditchwater.80l7.Arthur was not satisfied

56、with the government and the society,for they provided no freedom and tranquility.l8.Arthur had to work bard during week days and relaxed himself by certain activities such as fishing on weekends.I think his way of life is admirable.81Bl 1他直起腰身,用手指快速地从绕线轮上放出尼龙线。l 2不远处还有一个人在运河边独自垂钓,不过阿瑟知道他们可以互不干扰各钓各的鱼

57、。l 3在垂钓的宁静中想起的事情是美妙的。l 4虽然诱饵意味着麻烦,你不可能永远忽视它。82l 5他把鱼杆牢牢地固定在河岸上,站起来,伸了伸腰。l 6当系裤子时,他看见浮标猛烈地摇动。l 7所以当鱼钩叉人你嘴中时,你可别抱怨。l 8我每天的生活中注定都要遇上麻烦,因为麻烦一直存在而且还要继续存在下去。83Cl 1.solitary 2.clogged l 3.decay 4.disengagel 5.grumbles 6.licking l7.rope in 8.wrestling84Dl1.releasing 2.tranquility l3.collapsed 4.graspedl 5.e

58、xecute 6.concerning l 7.remaining 8.violent85l release:set free,unfasten 释放;解开l The energy released by the chain reaction is transformed into heat.l连锁反应释放的能量被转化成热量。l free:make free 使自由l She freed the bird from its cage.l她把笼里的小鸟放了。86l peace:freedom from civil disorder 安定;安宁l Go away and leave us in p

59、eace.l走开,别来打扰我们。l tranquility:calm or quiet state 安静;宁静l After the commotion and excitement of the city,I appreciate the tranquility of these fields and forests.l经历过城市的喧嚣,我很能品味这些田野和森林的宁静。87l fall:come down to the ground 倒下;跌落l Five trees fell over in the storm.l 暴风雨中倒了5棵树。l collapse:fall down,come t

60、o pieces suddenly 倒塌l The weight of the snow on the roof caused the shed to collapse.l棚顶积雪的重量使小棚倒塌。88l grab:take roughly 抢夺l The dog grabbed the bone and ran off with it.l那狗抢了骨头就跑。l grasp:seize firmly with the hand or arm 抓住;抱住l If you grasp this rope,I will pull you up.抓住这根绳子,我把你拉上来。89lexecute:carr

61、y out 执行;实行l The nurse executed the doctors orders.护士执行医生的指令。l perform:do or carry out a piece of work 做;履行l He performed his experiment over and over,working till midnight.l他一遍又一遍做试验,一直工作到半夜。90lconcern:be busy with,interest oneself in 忙于;关切l You would do better to concern yourself with your own bus

62、iness and not with mine.你最好关心关心你自己的事,而不是我的。l involve:get into a complicated or difficult condition 陷入;卷入l Dont involved yourself in unnecessary expense.l不要做不必要的花费。91lleave:fail to take or do sth 忘记做l I left my book on the table.l我把书忘在桌子上了。l remain:continue to be in an unchanged state 依然;继续存在l Peter

63、became a judge but John remained a fisherman.l彼得成了律师,而约翰还是个渔民。92lvigorous:strong,energetic 有力的;精力充沛的l He keeps himself vigorous by taking exercise.l他通过锻炼使自己保持精力充沛。l violent:using or showing great force 暴力的;强烈的l The violent earthquake left 3000 homeless.l强烈地震造成3000人无家可归。93El1.was seen by him l2.they

64、would keep in distancel3.your own master to decide everything for yourselfl4.sign of a fish biting the bait,which will be lucky94l5.temptation l6.with much concentration l7.savedl8.to keep good relationship with95l Arthur enjoys going fishing by the canal on Sunday morning.After six days exhausting

65、physical labor,hed like to get away from the factory and the city as soon as possible,and go to the quiet countryside to sit by the river fishing alone.He considers it the best way for relaxation and forgetting all the troubles.96FlThe factory is so dirty,so stinking and so ugly that you don t wish

66、to stay for one more minute.The country is as beautiful as a painting:fresh air,bright spring scene,green trees and grasses everywhere,and delicate fragrance of the earth.The factory is the hell while the country is the Paradise.97GlArthur sat by the canal fishing on a Sunday morning in spring,at an elbow where alders dipped over the water like old men on their last legs,pushed by young sturdy oaks from behind.98lThe sun was breaking through clouds,releasing the smell of earth to heaven.Birds sa

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