(湖北专用)高考英语二轮复习 专题限时检测(十一)完形填空之夹叙夹议文体(一)

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《(湖北专用)高考英语二轮复习 专题限时检测(十一)完形填空之夹叙夹议文体(一)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《(湖北专用)高考英语二轮复习 专题限时检测(十一)完形填空之夹叙夹议文体(一)(8页珍藏版)》请在装配图网上搜索。

1、专题限时检测(十一)完形填空之夹叙夹议文体(一) (共3篇,每篇限时18分钟).真题体验(高考题最经典,每做一遍都会有新发现,配有精品动态课件)(2014天津高考)One night, when I was eight, my mother gently asked me a question I would never forget.“Sweetie, my company wants to _1_ me but needs me to work in Brazil.This is like your teacher telling you that youve done _2_ and a

2、llowing you to skip a grade (跳级), but youll have to _3_ your friends.Would you say yes to your teacher?” She gave me a hug and asked me to think about it.I was puzzled.The question kept me _4_ for the rest of the night.I had said “yes” but for the first time, I realized the _5_ decisions adults had

3、to make.For almost four years, my mother would call us from Brazil every day.Every evening Id _6_ wait for the phone to ring and then tell her every detail of my day.A phone call, however, could never replace her _7_ and it was difficult not to feel lonely at times.During my fourthgrade Christmas br

4、eak, we flew to Rio to visit her.Looking at her large _8_ apartment, I became _9_ how lonely my mother must have been in Brazil herself.It was then _10_ I started to appreciate the tough choices she had to make on _11_ family and work._12_ difficult decisions, she used to tell me, you wouldnt know w

5、hether you make the right choice, but you could always make the best out of the situation, with passion and a _13_ attitude.Back home,I _14_ myself that what my mother could do, I could, too.If she _15_ to live in Rio all by herself, I, too, could learn to be _16_.I learn how to take care of myself

6、and set high but achievable _17_.My mother is now back with us.But I will never forget what the _18_ has really taught me.Sacrifices _19_ in the end.The separation between us has proved to be a _20_ for me.1A.attractBpromoteCsurprise Dpraise2A.little BmuchCwell Dwrong3A.leave BrefuseCcontact Dforgiv

7、e4A.explaining BsleepingCwondering Dregretting5A.poor BtimelyCfinal Dtough6A.eagerly BpolitelyCnervously Dcuriously7A.patience Bpresence Cintelligence Dinfluence8A.comfortable BexpensiveCempty Dmodern9A.interested in Baware ofCdoubtful about Dsatisfied with10A.when BwhereCwhich Dthat11A.abandoning B

8、balancingCcomparing Dmixing12A.Depending on BSupplied withCFaced with DInsisting on13A.different BfriendlyCpositive Dgeneral14A.criticized BinformedCwarned Dreminded15A.managed Boffered Cattempted Dexpected16A.grateful BenergeticCindependent Dpractical17A.examples BlimitsCrules Dgoals18A.question Be

9、xperienceChistory Doccasion19A.pay off Bcome backCrun out Dturn up20A.blessing BgatheringCfailure Dpleasure.模拟冲关(模拟题最新鲜,高考命题常以“她”为样板)A(2014湖北八校高三第三次联考)A boy trembled in the cold Oslo winter, constantly rubbing his arms around himself on a bus stop bench.He wasnt wearing a coat_1_temperatures in the

10、Norwegian capital regularly dropped to 10 during winter.What a (an)_2_scene, but the actions of the ordinary people who witnessed the difficult situation of 11yearold Johannes were both joyous and_3_.A young woman who sat_4_the boy noticed him rubbing his arms.She_5_asked him:“Dont you have a jacket

11、?”“No, someone stole it.” he replied.She questioned him and_6_he was on a school trip and was told to meet his_7_at the bus stop.She asked him the name of his school and where he was from as she_8_put her own coat around his shoulders.Later, another older woman at first gave him her scarf, then woun

12、d him in her_9_thick jacket.Throughout the day, more and more people offered Johannes their gloves and even the coats _10_their backs as they waited for their bus.All this was_11_by a hidden camera from Norwegian charity SOS Childrens Village as part of their winter_12_to gather donations to send mu

13、chneeded coats and blankets to help Syrian children_13_the winter.Many of the_14_of the civil war had left their homes without winter clothing.“People should_15_as much about children in Syria as they do about this boy,” Synne Ronning, the_16_head of SOS Childrens Villages Norway, told the local new

14、spaper.She also_17_that the child was a(n)_18_who was never in any danger during the experiment.This story shows human nature in a_19_manner.You are sure to feel that human beings future_20_to be a hopeful one when seeing something like this.1A.asBandCsince Dor2A.heartbreaking BbreathtakingCamusing

15、Damazing3A.sad BhappyCinspiring Dmoved4A.far from Bahead ofCnext to Din front of5A.slowly BimmediatelyChesitantly Djoyfully6A.answered BremindedCcaught Ddiscovered7A.student BfriendCteacher Drelative8A.selflessly BelegantlyCpolitely Dexcitedly9A.old BcheapCshort Dlarge10A.from BoffCof Don11A.directe

16、d BshownCsponsored Dfilmed12A.campaign Bshow Ccourse Dgame13A.get over Bget throughCtake over Dbreak through14A.survivors BsufferersCassistants Dattendants15A.mind BcareCtreat Dworry16A.club Bschool Cknowledge Dinformation17A.demanded BcommandedCnoted Dasked18A.interviewer BapplicantCorphan Dvolunte

17、er19A.soft BhardCweak Dstrong20A.promises BpreservesCsuggests DindicatesB(2014华师一附中高考适应性考试)As a child I was always good at drawing and art.I won_1_, got constant attention, and even saw my face in the newspaper and on television because of my _2_ability to draw.I internally thought that the entire M

18、etro Detroit area had _3_my artistic talent.I had spent a lot of time drawing and now I was being _4_to the front.Being a shy, nontalkative child, I found this had a huge impact on my _5_and my life.Most people who happen to involve themselves in something that they are good at are _6_to take it and

19、 run with it.My life was no _7_.From teachers, to principals, to family members, everyone seemingly had a ton of advice to give me in regards to art.Actually I was desiring something _8_ all the while._9_I was winning art contests and gaining tracking in the field I had an amazing _10_for writing.I

20、entered poetry and essay contests .and lost them all.It was such a _11_with my artistic competition experience that I didnt even get honorable mention!It was so _12_that a friend of mine told me once,“If youre so good at drawing why do you even _13_about anything else?Stick to it!”At twelve this sou

21、nded like a prediction.Though it was well _14_, eighteen years later Im _15_I didnt take his words to heart._16_passed with me still writing and still occasionally entering contests.It wasnt until my second year in college that I_17_placed in a poetry contest.That doesnt mean I am great.However, I c

22、an say that as a writer Ive truly grown._18_, especially when it comes to things you truly love, is essential.Im sure there are things in your life that are _19_and yet, rewarding.Believe in yourself and take some time to reinvest some _20_back into the “thing” that didnt come easy and see what happ

23、ens.1A.trustBawardsCsupport Dfriendship2A.mental BvisualCnatural Dacademic3A.evaluated BdevelopedCrevealed Drecognized4A.pushed BattractedCinvited Daccompanied5A.reputation BtechniqueCconfidence Dintelligence6A.permitted BwarnedCforbidden Dencouraged7A.simple BsmoothCcolorful Ddifferent8A.new BhardC

24、similar Drealistic9A.Since BWhileCBefore DUnless10A.fear BexcuseCappetite Dcompetence11A.struggle BcontrastCdissatisfaction Dburden12A.instructive BweirdCbitter Dunfair13A.care BwriteCcomplain Dhesitate14A.treated BintendedCexpressed Dscheduled15A.embarrassed BdisappointedCimpressed Ddelighted16A.Ye

25、ars BPatienceCEnthusiasm DOpportunities17A.formally BconvincinglyChopefully Deventually18A.Interest BGiftCWill DAttention19A.challenging BamazingCvaluable Denjoyable20A.money BenergyCfantasy Dknowledge答 案.语篇解读:这是一篇夹叙夹议文。母亲离开家人一个人在巴西生活的经历使作者感悟到要学会独立,照顾好自己。1.选B由下文母亲比喻作者跳级的问题可知,母亲要升职,但是要到巴西工作。promote“提

26、升,晋升”。2选C本句中的“allowing you to skip a grade (跳级)”表明老师说孩子做得好,因此选well。3选A因为需要跳到高一个年级学习,所以要离开昔日的朋友。4选C根据上文的“I was puzzled.”可知,作者对这个问题不是很清楚,因此这个问题让作者思考了后半夜。keep me wondering“使我冥思苦想”。5选D根据第三段中的“the tough choices”可知,这里指成年人必须作的艰难决定。6选A下文中作者谈到想告诉母亲他每天的事情,由此可知,他每天晚上着急地等候电话响。7选B上文提到了母亲离开家到巴西工作,因此母亲不在这里。presenc

27、e“出席,到场”。8选C由下文中的“how lonely my mother must have been”可知,作者看到的是母亲住在空旷的公寓中。9选B看到母亲生活的空旷的公寓,作者意识到母亲一定感觉很孤独。10选D这是一个强调句式,句中强调了时间状语“then”,因此选that,构成强调句式的结构。11选B由句中的“tough choices”可知,作者理解了母亲在平衡家庭和工作上所作的艰难选择。balance是及物动词,“使均衡”。12选C在困难面前,她过去常常告诉作者。faced with“面临”。13选C由连词“and”可知,该空所填的词与“passion”是近义词,再根据上文的“d

28、ifficult decisions”可知,应用满腔的热情、积极的态度去应对困难。14选D回到家中,作者经常提醒自己母亲能做到的,他也能做到。remind“提醒”。15选A作者到巴西时,母亲已经在那里生活了一段时间,因此选manage。manage to do sth.“设法做成了某事”。16选C看到母亲一个人在巴西生活,作者认为自己也能学会独立。17选D作者学着照顾自己,并制定高的但可以实现的目标。句中的“set”和“achievable”暗示着这里指的是目标。18选B由上文的“My mother is now back with us.”可知,这里指作者的母亲一个人在巴西生活的经历。19选

29、A因为母亲的离开,作者学会了独立生活,因此这样的付出得到了回报。pay off“取得成功,奏效”。20选A与母亲两地分离是不幸的,但是作者感悟很深,也培养了自己的独立性,因此这是因祸得福。blessing“幸事,福气”,符合语境。.A语篇解读:本文是一篇夹叙夹议文。寒冷的冬天,一个衣着单薄的男孩在汽车站的长椅上被冻得瑟瑟发抖,路过的人纷纷伸出了援助之手。这是一个慈善机构组织的一项活动,男孩只是一名志愿者,活动的目的是为了筹集物资,帮助那些需要帮助的人。1选B根据上文中的“He wasnt wearing a coat”,并结合选项和下文内容可知,空格前后是两个并列的句子,因此and符合语境。故

30、选B。2选A根据第一段第一句“A boy trembled in the cold Oslo winter,constantly rubbing his arms around himself on a bus stop bench.”可知,那是一个多么令人心碎的(heartbreaking)画面。故选A。3选C根据后几段内容可知,人们对小男孩伸出了援助之手,结合空格前内容可知,普通人所做出的行动既令人高兴又令人鼓舞,因此inspiring符合语境。故选C。4选C根据第一段第一句中的“on a bus stop bench”,并结合选项可知,此处指的是坐在小男孩旁边的一位年轻女士。故选C。5选

31、B根据空格前后的内容可知,当那位女士注意到男孩在瑟瑟发抖时,就马上询问情况。immediately“立刻地”,符合语境。故选B。6选D根据上文中的“She questioned him”可知,她询问那个男孩,发现他是在参加学校组织的旅行,discover“发现”,符合语境。故选D。7选C根据上文中的“was on a school trip and was told to meet”,并结合选项可知,他参加学校组织的旅行,被告知在车站与老师碰面。故选C。8选A根据下文中的“put her own coat around his shoulders”可知,她无私地把自己的外套披在他的肩膀上。se

32、lflessly“无私地,忘我地”,符合语境。故选A。9选D根据上文中的“then wound him in her”和下文中的“thick jacket”,并结合小男孩11岁这一事实可知,她用她的大厚夹克包裹住小男孩。故选D。10选B根据下文中的“their backs”,并结合空格前内容可知,此处指的是有的人甚至从身上脱下外套,因此off“脱下”,符合语境。故选B。11选D根据下文中的“by a hidden camera from Norwegian charity SOS Childrens Village”可知,所有这一切都被一个隐藏的摄像机拍下来了,film“拍摄”,符合语境。故选

33、D。12选A根据下文中的“to gather donations”,并结合选项可知,此处指的是筹集捐赠物品的一个活动,campaign“活动,运动”,符合语境。故选A。13选BA项意为“克服,恢复”;B项意为“接通;通过,度过,熬过”;C项意为“接管,接收”;D项意为“突破,突围”。根据上文中的“gather donations to send muchneeded coats and blankets to help Syrian children”可知,此处指的是帮助孩子们度过冬天。故选B。14选B根据下文中的“of the civil war have left their homes

34、without winter clothing”可知,内战的难民在离家时没带冬天的衣物。sufferer“受难者,受害者”,符合语境。故选B。15选B根据下文中的“as much about children in Syria as they do about this boy”以及上文内容可知,人们应该像关心这个男孩一样去关心叙利亚的儿童们。因此care“关心”,符合语境。故选B。16选D根据下文中的“head of SOS Childrens Villages Norway, told the local newspaper”,并结合选项可知,此处指的是挪威SOS儿童村的信息负责人。故选D

35、。17选C根据下文内容,并结合选项可知她也指出孩子是一名志愿者,在实验中不会有任何危险。note“指出,注解”,符合语境。故选C。18选D根据倒数第三段内容可知,这是该慈善机构的一次活动,所以这个孩子是一名志愿者。故选D。19选A根据上文中的“This story shows human nature”,并结合选项可知,这个故事以温柔的方式显示了人类的本性。故选A。20选A根据下文中的“to be a hopeful one when seeing something like this”可知,当看到类似的事情时,你一定会感到人类的未来有望成为一个充满希望的未来。promise“前景,允诺”,

36、符合语境。故选A。B语篇解读:本文是一篇夹叙夹议文。文章通过讲述作者持之以恒地追求自己并不擅长的写作的故事启迪我们:相信自己,接受挑战,持之以恒,结果总是值得期待的。1选BA项意为“信任”;B项意为“奖”;C项意为“支持”;D项意为“友谊”。根据第三段第一句中的“I was winning art contests”可知,此处是指赢得了比赛的奖励。故选B项。2选CA项意为“精神上的”;B项意为“看得见的”;C项意为“自然的,天生的”;D项意为“学术上的”。根据文章第一句“As a child I was .”以及下文“my artistic talent”可知,作者天生就有画画的天赋。故选C项

37、。3选DA项意为“评价”;B项意为“发展,开发”;C项意为“揭露”;D项意为“认出,认可”。根据上文“As a child I was always good at drawing and art.”和作者又因此赢了许多奖项,得到了人们的广泛关注可推知,作者认为整个底特律都认可了他杰出的艺术天赋。故选D项。4选AA项意为“推,逼迫”;B项意为“吸引”;C项意为“邀请”;D项意为“陪伴”。根据下文“Being a shy,nontalkative child”以及下文“From teachers .to art.”可推知,作者出名后被推到了大众的面前。故选A项。5选CA项意为“荣誉,名望”;B项

38、意为“技术”;C项意为“自信”;D项意为“智慧,聪明”。根据下文最后一段的“Believe in yourself”可知,画画上的成功使作者的自信心受到了影响,从一个害羞的孩子变得自信了。故选C项。6选DA项意为“允许”;B项意为“警告”;C项意为“禁止”;D项意为“鼓励”。根据常识可知,当孩子的特长和天赋被发现时,人们往往是鼓励其继续发展。故选D项。7选DA项意为“简单的”;B项意为“光滑的”;C项意为“多彩的,彩色的”;D项意为“不同的”。根据下文“From teachers, to principals, to family members, everyone seemingly had

39、 a ton of advice to give me in regards to art.”可知,作者和别人没有什么不同,当潜能被发现后,同样得到了大家的支持和鼓励。故选D项。8选AA项意为“新的”;B项意为“硬的,艰难的”;C项意为“类似的”;D项意为“现实的”。根据下文可知,作者开始尝试与画画完全不同的全新领域写作,由此可推知,作者想要追求全新的事物。故选A项。9选BA项意为“自从,既然”;B项意为“尽管,然而,在期间”;C项意为“在之前”;D项意为“除非”。根据语境可知,此处上下文表示逻辑上的让步关系。故选B项。10选CA项意为“害怕”;B项意为“借口,托辞”;C项意为“胃口,强烈欲望

40、”;D项意为“能力”。根据上文“Actually, I was desiring something _all the while.”,并结合固定短语 have an appetite for (意为“渴望”)可知,作者也非常喜欢写作。故选C项。11选BA项意为“挣扎”;B项意为“对比”;C项意为“不满”;D项意为“负担”。根据上文中的“and lost them all”可知,作者在诗歌和作文的比赛中都失败了,这和自己在艺术上取得的辉煌成就形成了巨大反差。故选B项。12选CA项意为“有指导意义的,教育性的”;B项意为“奇怪的,怪诞的”;C项意为“苦的”;D项意为“不公平的”。根据上文“and

41、 lost them all”可知,失败的滋味是痛苦的。故选C项。13选AA项意为“关心”;B项意为“写”;C项意为“抱怨,投诉”;D项意为“犹豫”。根据语境“Stick to it!”可知,作者的朋友鼓励作者专注去做一件事,而不是什么都去做。故选A项。14选BA项意为“对待,治疗”;B项意为“打算”;C项意为“表达”;D项意为“计划,安排”。根据上文“It was so _that a friend of mine told me once”可知,朋友说那样的话的初衷是好的,是为了安慰作者。故选B项。15选DA项意为“尴尬的”;B项意为“失望的”;C项意为“印象深刻的”;D项意为“高兴的”。

42、根据下文可知,作者在写作方面的努力终于获得了成效,由此可推知,作者很高兴,当时没有把朋友的话放在心上。故选D项。16选AA项意为“许多年”;B项意为“耐心”;C项意为“热情”;D项意为“机会”。根据下文“It wasnt until my second year in college”可知,此处表示多年以后。故选A项。17选DA项意为“正式地”;B项意为“令人信服地”;C项意为“有希望地”;D项意为“最终”。根据该句中的“placed in a poetry contest”可知,作者的多年努力终于有了成效,与本句的强调句型相呼应。故选D项。18选CA项意为“兴趣”;B项意为“礼物,天赋”;C

43、项意为“意愿,意志力”;D项意为“注意”。根据上下文可知,作者通过多年坚持不懈的努力,在写作方面终于崭露头角,其中意志力起着关键性的作用。故选C项。19选AA项意为“挑战的”;B项意为“令人惊异的”;C项意为“有价值的”;D项意为“快乐的,愉快的”。根据“and yet, rewarding”对比可推知,人生有许多事情是有挑战性的,一如作者对写作的追求。故选A项。20选BA项意为“钱”;B项意为“精力,能量,活力”;C项意为“幻想”;D项意为“知识”。根据“the thing that didnt come easy”和“take some time”可知,那些不是随随便便就能够做到的事情是需要时间和精力的不断投入才会见成效的。故选B项。

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