(湖南专用)(新课标)高考英语二轮复习方案 专题限时集训12 夹叙夹议型完形填空

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1、专题限时训练(十二)夹叙夹议型完形填空(限时:每篇10分钟)(一)I was watching a TV series one night when I took in one scene.A man was seeking his community votes,and people _1_ wanted to know why they should give him their support.He took them to his house and on every mirror in his house was the word “Faith” pasted.People rais

2、ed lots of _2_ to find out why the word was pasted on his mirrors.He said,“My dad often teaches me to believe that as long as you have _3_,you should have faith.Every time you look in to the mirror,youre looking at yourself and see Faith”The _4_ I learned from this is simplefaith is a living thing a

3、nd in the same way were all equally given 24 hours a day and were all given the same measure of faith.Faith keeps us going when things get _5_! Why is some peoples faith stronger than that of others? Exercise! If we choose to exercise our faith,it will _6_; but if we choose not to,it remains weak.So

4、me people might _7_ that they dont have faith,but we all practise faith every day even if we dont acknowledge it is faith.Daily _8_,such as studying,investing or reaching for a dream,take faith.Faith _9_ hearing and doing.I made a decision yesterdayto stop reading the newspaper full of too much sad

5、and _10_ news.Why? Because I _11_ there was a drop of my mental state after reading the newspaper.Faith,when its put to work,becomes a beautiful thing.It lifts your mental state to a higher place that _12_ you to raise yourself up and declare,“Yes, I can.” So make the decision today to strengthen yo

6、ur faith by exercising it.1. Abravely BbrieflyCmostly Dfinally2. Avoices BquestionsCrules Dstandards3. Afriendship BbreathCwealth Dsuccess4. Alesson BviewCchoice Dexample5. Astrange BdifferentCfunny Dtough6. Astay BreturnCslow Dgrow7. Aargue BrealizeCunderstand Dpredict8. Aservices BstepsCtasks Dexp

7、eriments9. Adreams of Bcomes fromCfeels like Dkeeps on10. Avarious BgenuineClatest Dnegative11. Aheard BnoticedCdeclared Dexplained12. Awarns BcausesCorders Dforbids(二)I hadnt even got a chance to enter the store before an African American woman approached me and asked if I would help her return an

8、item.The item she had _1_ was intended for her daughter,but she had already received a similar one.The lady _2_ to exchange the item for something else in the store but she was told she needed an ID or the deal could not take place.I went to the _3_ with the woman so we could use my ID. The sales as

9、sociate immediately started _4_ her of asking the first random person she saw to help her.Although that was _5_ ,I didnt understand why it mattered.After all,not everyone is given the opportunity to _6_ an ID in this country.Then,we asked to speak with a manager,who explained that there was no way t

10、o return the item without a receipt and then went on to say the woman could not _7_ she purchased the item.“If I,a young white female,were to enter the store and request you to make an exchange without a receipt,I would not be _8_ the privilegeas I have proof from the past.” I said.He must have real

11、ized at that moment what he had done,because he _9_ to exchange the item.There are many valuable lessons in the story.The first is to help a stranger in need.I hesitated when the woman asked for my help,but _10_ in my head I asked myself,“Why not? What valid reasons do I actually have?” I had none,s

12、o I helped her.The second lesson is not to judge a book by its _11_The woman looked poor,but she _12_ the same treatment as anyone else does.1A. purchased B. shown C. lost D. mended 2A. managed B. wanted C. refused D. promised 3A. counter B. department C. market D. window 4A. warning B. informing C.

13、 reminding D. accusing 5A. wrong B. true C. reasonable D. meaningful 6A. leave B. pay C. find D. obtain 7A. answer B. prove C. support D. admit 8A. ordered B. asked C. denied D. given 9A. agreed B. prepared C. failed D. remembered 10A. totally B. gradually C. hardly D. quickly 11A. design B. cover C

14、. content D. price 12A. deserved B. required C. received D. appreciated (三)One afternoon,I joined Charity Focus Folks to distribute food to homeless people.We went around a few streets in Manhattan.I was travelling back to India the next day.Still,I took part in this activity in the afternoon.We _1_

15、 at a coffee shop with lots of food packed properly for distributing.The first person we offered food cried.This was a heartwarming moment for all of us and really _2_ me.After this, the food was distributed _3_ with a crowd surrounding us.Our activity was over by 5:00 pm and we started back to our

16、homes.However,I was still feeling the need to do more.So I decided to buy dinner for myself but give it to someone more needy and _4_ my dinner for the day.This was an inspiration I never had before.But somehow it _5_ me.There werent any beggars around for the next three or four blocks and I was _6_

17、 who I would give the food to.I found one but he _7_ to take food as he needed only money.I found another person,but he went away before I could approach him.But I had a feeling that someone would come.Then I found one old lady sitting on one corner of the road.I asked her if she would like to eat s

18、omething and she _8_I purchased a large cheese pizza and cakes at a nearby supermarket and gave the entire _9_ to her.The lady looked excited,opened the package and began eating at once with great _10_As I walked home,I felt a surge of satisfaction I had never experienced before.I didnt feel _11_ th

19、ough I hadnt eaten much the whole day.This was a unique,deep feeling,and I felt a little inspired.What I got was much more than what I _12_1. Agathered BarrivedCattended Dapproached2. Aupset BtouchedCappealed Dinterested3. Agradually BnormallyCquickly Dgenerally4. Atake out Bhand overCmake up Dmiss

20、out5. Abeat BknockedCdepressed Dstruck6. Awondering BpredictingCsupposing Dwandering7. Arefused BabandonedCmanaged Dpretended8. Adeclined BhesitatedCpromised Dagreed9. Aluggage BpackageCbox Dpizza10. Aappreciation BprideCenjoyment Dshame11. Ahungry BtriedChappy Drelaxed12. Aexpected BabsorbedClost D

21、gave(四)A heartwarming story tells of a woman who finally decided to ask her boss for a raise in salary.All day she felt _1_ and apprehensive.Late in the afternoon she summoned up the courage to _2_ her employer.To her delight,the boss agreed to a raise.The woman arrived home that evening to a beauti

22、ful table set with their _3_ dishes.Candles were softly glowing.Her husband had come home early and prepared a festive meal.She wondered if someone from the office had tipped him off,ordid he just somehow know that she would not get _4_?She found him in the _5_ and told him the good news.They embrac

23、ed and kissed,then sat down to the wonderful meal.Next to her plate the woman found a(n) _6_ lettered note.It read,“Congratulations,darling! I knew youd get the raise! These things will tell you how much I love you.”Following the _7_,her husband went into the kitchen to clean up.She noticed that a s

24、econd card had fallen from his pocket.Picking it off the floor,she read,“Dont worry about not getting the raise! You _8_ it anyway! These things will tell you how much I love you.”Someone has said that the measure of love is when you love without measure.What this man feels for his spouse is _9_ acc

25、eptance and love,whether she succeeds or fails.His love _10_ her victories and smoothes her wounds.He stands with her,no matter what life throws in their direction.Upon receiving the Nobel Peace Prize,Mother Teresa said,“What can you do to _11_ world peace?Go home and love your family.”And love your

26、 friends.Love them without _12_.1A.sad Bhappy Cnervous Deager2A.approach Bbeat Crefuse Dcharge3A.worst Bcleanest Ccoldest Dbest4A.settled down Bturned down Cgot down Dput down5A.kitchen Bstreet Cgarden Doffice6A.originally Bcorrectly Ceventually Dbeautifully 7A.breakfast Bsupper Cbrunch Dlunch 8A.ap

27、prove Bdemand Cdeserve Dpossess 9A.false Bpart Clittle Dtotal10A.conveys Bignores Ccelebrates Dgains11A.break Bpromote Cchange Dinvolve12A.measure Bsoul Cdoubt Dhate 专题限时训练(十二)(一)【要点综述】 本文是夹叙夹议文。电视剧中一位年轻人的家中的每一面镜子上都贴着 “faith”这个词,这个情节引发了作者的深思。1C根据上文可知,此处表示“一个年轻人正在社区里为自己拉票,而多数人都想知道他有什么理由可以让他们支持他”。2B根据

28、下文“why the word was pasted on his mirrors.”可知,此处表示人们提出问题(raise questions)想了解实情。3B根据上下文可知,把faith这个词贴在镜子上是为了每一次照镜子时都能看到它,这说明父亲让他相信信念非常重要,只要活着,就要有信仰。have breath表示“活着”。4A根据破折号后的内容可知这是作者从这部电视剧中学到的经验和教训(lesson)。5D根据常识可知,当事情变得艰难(get tough)时,更能显出信念的作用。6D本句对比了两种情况:选择经受磨炼,信念就会增强(grow);选择逃避,信念就会仍然薄弱。7A作者认为有些人可

29、能会有不同的意见,他们也许会争辩(argue)说,他们没有信念。8C此空后列举的内容都是我们的日常活动,故用tasks。9B此空表示信念来自(come from)你所听和所做的事。10D联系上下文可知,此处所需词汇应与sad意思相近,表示“悲伤和负面的消息”。11B读了那样的内容,作者应该注意到了自己情绪的低落。notice注意到。12B联系前文可知,信念能把你的精神状态提升到更高的高度,促使(cause)你提升自我,并宣称:“是的,我能。”(二)【要点综述】 作者通过在商店帮助一位顾客的故事,说明了两个道理:第一,做人应该有一副热心肠,帮助需要帮助的人;第二,不要以貌取人。人无论贫富,都是平

30、等的,都应该享受同等的待遇。1. A根据第三段中“she purchased the item.”可知,这件商品她本来是为女儿买的。Z.xx. k.Com2. B因为女儿有了类似的东西,所以这位女士想换一件另外的商品。manage to do sth 意为“成功做成某事”,由后面的but 可以排除A项。3. A作者决定帮助这位女士,于是和她一起走到商店的柜台处。4. D根据全文语境可以看出,这位黑人女士在商店受到了不公平的待遇,被拒绝调换商品。售货员看到她找到作者帮助,十分不礼貌地指责她不应该随便找个人来帮忙。5. B这位妇女并不认识作者,找到她属于随机行为。因此售货员的话符合事实。 6. D

31、毕竟不是所有的人都有机会获得(obtain)ID卡的。 7. B接着上面的话,经理顺水推舟地说这位妇女不能证明该商品是在他这里买的。 8. C经理这种无赖的行为激怒了作者,于是作者以自己的经历为例来进行反驳:如果我,一位白人女性,到这里要求换货,没有收据,照样我是不会被(你们)拒绝的。因为我有过去的经历为证。9. A从语境可知,经理意识到自己的言行失当,因此同意换商品。 10. D 但“我”很快(quickly)调整心态,扪心自问:“为什么不帮她呢?我有不帮她的正当理由吗?” 11. B 从下文可知,这位女士看起来非常穷。售货员和经理的无礼行为可能与此有关。作者想要表达的是,我们不应该以貌取人

32、(不能通过书的封皮来评价一本书)。 12. A那位女士虽然穷,但有资格和别人享受同等的待遇。 (三)【要点综述】 本文讲述了在一次帮助别人的活动中,作者感受到人生的价值就在于帮助别人,在此过程中,我们会得到比所给予的更多的东西。1A“我们”带着很多食物聚集在一家咖啡馆的外面。gather聚集。2B这个时刻真正打动了“我”。touch使感动。3C因为很多人围着“我们”,食物很快就都发完了。gradually逐渐地;normally正常地;quickly迅速地;generally普遍地,一般地。4D“我”决定买晚饭给别人,自己的晚饭不吃。take out拿出,扣除,除去; hand over交出,

33、移交; make up弥补,组成,化妆,整理;miss out错过,遗漏,省略。5D这是“我”以前没有过的灵感,是突然产生的。strike突然想到。6A“我”想知道“我”应该把食物给谁。7A“我”找到一个人,但是他拒绝了“我”,因为他只需要钱。8D根据下文可知,她吃了我的东西,说明她同意了。9B下一句“opened the package”中有原词复现。10A她带着感激打开包装开始吃了起来。appreciation感激;pride骄傲;enjoyment愉快,乐事;shame羞愧。11A尽管“我”一整天没有吃多少东西,但是“我”却没有感觉到饥饿。12D“我”得到的要比给予的多得多。(四)【要点

34、综述】 爱不是交易,它不应该被赋予任何条件,更不该用某个标准去衡量它,爱是接受,是宽容,是珍惜。无论对方取得了成功还是遭遇了失败,他(她)在你眼中永远都不会褪色,那才是爱。1C她一整天都紧张(nervous)、担忧。2A下午晚些时候,她鼓起勇气去找老板。approach有“接近”之意。3D当晚,女人回家后,漂亮的餐桌上已经摆满了最好的(best)菜肴。4B她心想,会不会是办公室里有人向他通风报信了呢?要不他怎么知道她不会被拒绝?turn down拒绝。5A她在厨房(kitchen)找到了他,告诉了他这个好消息。6D在她的盘子旁边,女人看到了一张字迹优美的便条。7B由第一段的“Late in the afternoon”可知,此处该填supper(晚餐)。8Cdeserve值得,应得。9D不管妻子成功还是失败,这个男人都给予她完全的(total)包容和爱。10C他的爱庆祝(celebrate)她的胜利,也抚平她的创伤。11B你能为促进(promote)世界和平做些什么呢?12A还要爱你的朋友。爱他们无止境。without measure是“无限地,充分地”的意思,本段第一句“when you love without measure.”也是暗示。

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