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1、迎接期末为自己加油中英文演讲稿贯宇坤 AaronGet ready for the final exams敬爱的老师、亲爱的同学们:Dear teachers and schoolmates:大家上午好!今天我们演讲的题目是“迎接期末为自己加油”Good morning everyone!The title of our speech is getready for the final exams.“光阴似箭日月如梭。”一转眼一个学期即将结束期末考试悄悄地临近。期末考试可以检验同学们在本学期所学的知识是否扎实,有哪些漏洞和不足,便于我们总结经验和教训为下一个学期的学习作好打算。How time

2、 flies. In ashort time, one semester is ing to an end, and the final exam has quietlyapproached. The final exam can test whether the students knowledge gained issolid or not. What are the loopholes and deficiencies? It is convenient for usto sum up experience and plan for the next semester.那么我们究竟应该怎

3、样迎接期末考试呢?So, how should we prepare forthe final exam?首先我们要正确看待考试克服考前过分紧张的情绪以从容自信的态度面对期末考试。考试只是学习过程的一个组成部分是检查你学得如何的一个方法。考试时“满不在乎”与“过分紧张”的状态都是不可取的只有在复习迎考期间将情绪调整到有一定的紧张度而又不过分的紧张才是最佳状态。First of all, we must have a correct attitude tothe exam, overe the excessive tension before the exam, and face the fin

4、alexam with a calm and confident attitude. Exams are just one part of thelearning process and a way to check how you learn. The state ofindifferent and excessive tension during theexamination is not advisable. Only during the review period, the mood isadjusted to have a certain degree of tension, bu

5、t not too much tension is thebest state.其次要合理安排时间复习在完成作业的前提下有计划地安排时间进行复习。当然光有计划还不够还需要同学们集中精力充分利用时间保证计划的落实。时间既可以是你的同盟者也可以是你的敌人。这完全取决于你的目标、你的决心以及你是否有效利用了每一点可利用的时间。有人说一个用“分钟”计算时间的人比一个用“小时”计算时间的人时间多出59倍!Secondly, it is necessary to arrange time reviewregularly, and make a review after pleting the homewo

6、rk. Of course, it isnot enough to have a plan. It is also necessary for the students to concentrateon making full use of the time guarantee plan. Time can be either your alliesor your enemies. It all depends on your goals, your determination, and whetheryou have effectively utilized the time availab

7、le for each point. Some peoplesay that a person who uses minutes to calculate time is 59 times moretime than a person who uses hours to calculate time!同时当老师带领大家复习的时候一定要认真听讲紧跟老师的思路这样会达到事半功倍的效果。让我们脚踏实地搞复习胸有成竹迎挑战!At the same time, when the teacher leads everyoo review, you must listen carefully and fol

8、low the teachers ideas, which willachieve twice the result with half the effort. Let us down-to-earth review, andhave a good chance to challenge!最后创造良好的学习气氛能促使我们认真学习有助于我们取得好成绩。我们要做到入室即静有疑惑多交流有反思多记录。Finally, creating a good learning atmosphere canprompt us to study hard and help us achieve good resul

9、ts. We have to be quietwhen we enter the room, have more doubts and exchanges, and have morereflections.同学们让我们积极行动起来抓紧现在的一分一秒认真做好复习工作期末考试取得好成绩为即将结束的一个学期画上一个圆满的句号!来报答为我们辛勤操劳的老师!Schoolmates, let us take action, grasp the currentone minute and one minute, do a good job of reviewing, and get good grades inthe final exam, and draw a perfect ending for the semester.It is a way to thankour hardworking teachers!来看一波大奖播报第 4 页 共 4 页

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