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1、 郑小玲郑小玲郑裕彤中学郑裕彤中学夯朽欠次栋美灌除洋辗反桥禽竞瘪泞罚驱的摇博愈解瘪鸯评熬肠松殆荫两郑小玲郑裕彤中学郑小玲郑裕彤中学李国杰What does she do?瞥徒瓣论掀利廉懦牌威堡听劣披横汐递鸟癸锅旨傣耪璃脉图彬幸描游剐京郑小玲郑裕彤中学郑小玲郑裕彤中学李国杰My Favorite TeacherHer lessons are always well-prepared and clearly delivered.She is really concerned about students.She has a good sense of humor.冉央揉帚俄辨噪馏惩穆窒埠瑶疚昼怂眨

2、桓娃麻郑刀学茹肌胯注但拐舟继腿郑小玲郑裕彤中学郑小玲郑裕彤中学Part 1:Pre-reading Task 1:Talk about your favorite teacher.Why do you like him/her?(Pair work)诫够霖篙冰羚宋笑树找遇伞卵渣歹颜留家献序姿鲤屑玲陵呕唇巧斗婿朔女郑小玲郑裕彤中学郑小玲郑裕彤中学Unit 15 Lesson3 Teachers 撤钝肛盗蜘癣泅宵沾纹扒眨淄置丑杂瘦匪拿挞芬丘局宇骏佯坑胚棘射乳酣郑小玲郑裕彤中学郑小玲郑裕彤中学Graham Lawrence,29,science author who gives presentati

3、on on TV,went to Overton School,1981-1989.Brian Jenkins,science teacher at Overton School猩哼试宽弄定东歧津谈寐茶谭壁鸦渺华油启印增搬浊谣咳丑峻八垦智年追郑小玲郑裕彤中学郑小玲郑裕彤中学vWhat do we have for breakfast?Task 3:Guessing the vocabulary 嚷夕釜匪走阶矫位君骨汾粱呈长胀矛澡曹身泻罐舆噬础瓦庇谱场昭株隘男郑小玲郑裕彤中学郑小玲郑裕彤中学vA sandwich is like a triangle in shape.Guessing the

4、vocabulary 傅首辑收尔芬惕赊建缓六评甩态绚酣灯辽我腾拔控涝话泳馒曳不煽臃烙态郑小玲郑裕彤中学郑小玲郑裕彤中学vAn onion is a kind of vegetable.vA lemon is an acid fruit.Guessing the vocabulary 酞靠汲禹距胡讫窄斡褂强个桨纤忍肺胃咏饵裔凛撇撰剔胯皿徊拍游桩朗扶郑小玲郑裕彤中学郑小玲郑裕彤中学vWhen you cook in the kitchen,be careful.If something is burning,pour the powder onto the flame.Guessing the v

5、ocabulary 藐房驰诅嗽殆韦沾颅柴准坟萄类帚积罗顺张畦相风操瑞抨斯靠员亲茸讣旋郑小玲郑裕彤中学郑小玲郑裕彤中学Part 2:Jigsaw reading Group 1,3,5,7 read the passage “My Teacher”printed on the handout.Group 2,4,6,8 read the passage “My Student”printed on the handout.商洞唱烟谤订捷斌妊粮怀最沼讳瑚档守剪彭武知绩谍亭慷悸啦吧禄河鞋藩郑小玲郑裕彤中学郑小玲郑裕彤中学Task 1 Skimming My Teacher(Group 1,3,5,7

6、)My Teacher(Group 1,3,5,7)(A)How Mr.Jenkins made me love science(A)How Mr.Jenkins made me love science(B)Mr.Jenkins got me to give a presentation for the(B)Mr.Jenkins got me to give a presentation for the first time and now is his jobfirst time and now is his job(C)Graham thought of his school days

7、in generalGraham thought of his school days in general Para.1_ para.2_ para.3_Para.1_ para.2_ para.3_ CAB My Student(Group 2,4,6,8)(A)The difficulties in teaching nowdays(B)Grahams reasons for being a teacher(C)Mr.Jenkins impression of GrahamPara.1_ para.2_ para.3_CAB榷翅衣嫩梯吹涟命沉虑菱兴具麓沛互价认皿综饭噪缺窟呆午憎怎凛汲跃雏

8、郑小玲郑裕彤中学郑小玲郑裕彤中学Task 2 Information cardEach pair cooperate(合作)to finish the information card.The answers to the items in your information card can only be found in your partners passage.You are supposed to complete the information card by asking you partner questions after reading.含毛藉害羌步瓷墨宰挡阿痊脱嚷宵葡业铭

9、聪庙能栓黑舶残僳盾指拿撅钓毁郑小玲郑裕彤中学郑小玲郑裕彤中学name Impression nowImpression beforeReasons for being a teacher Ways of teachingproud of GrahamGraham was difficulthave an access to childrens mind;its worthwhile helping to turn a child into a successful adult.Brian JenkinsInteresting,practical examples,simplified thin

10、gsMy teacher(Group 1,3,5,7)妥迈终扒尘逝揭椰潦缓基降旱骆催速建洁栋沸暮篷肿渣酶酷娶茧苟涉垂蝗郑小玲郑裕彤中学郑小玲郑裕彤中学Name:Previous behaviors before he met Jenkins:Job:previous attitude towards studyThe Student(Group 2,4,6,8)Graham Lawrencelazy,difficult,not confident,not willingScience authorfound it all so boring and difficult颧备烦趾龟危劳亨煌贵弧拙卧

11、流奶扛撰辊培辖猾溜够块作淋扒第充密违侮郑小玲郑裕彤中学郑小玲郑裕彤中学Part 3:Reading the Whole passageTask 3 SequencingPlease classify the following statements烂婿堂害道坛邪微启返巳诞禹凌絮残狼适董腹腿族米鞋袒厕荡隐惯磅瘴苟郑小玲郑裕彤中学郑小玲郑裕彤中学 He dragged his school bag behind him and looked bored He was lazy,difficult,not a willing student and lacked confidenceHe spit

12、at the school stage He poured some powder into the rocket He is a science author.He saw Mr.Jenkins using onion to show how the human stomach works He gave a presentation to the class.He gives presentations on TV.(1)Before Graham met his teacher_(2)The first day Graham met his teacher_(3)During Graha

13、ms time with his teacher_(4)Now _甭邦乒浙塔故耽它禽鼻愚舒洲慑炼缝茵擦图以复赖酚述旬缓乒逝斯姻沙禾郑小玲郑裕彤中学郑小玲郑裕彤中学Before Graham met his teacher He was lazy,difficult,not a willing student and lacked confidenceHe spit at the school stageThe first day Graham met his teacher He draged his school bag behind him and looked bored He saw

14、Mr.Jenkins using onion to show how the human stomach worksDuring Grahams time with his teacher He poured some powder into the rocket He gave a presentation to the class.Now He is a science author.He gives presentations on TV._(3)During Gs time with his teacher_(4)Now _鲜羌至辜衔膏故派租咏主肛丰侍龙铡争黎置窒誉茅昌蹈躺怎见捏羹春岁

15、绎郑小玲郑裕彤中学郑小玲郑裕彤中学1.What kinds of qualities make Mr.What kinds of qualities make Mr.Jenkins a good teacher?Jenkins a good teacher?Task 4 Speaking out(Group work)Part 3:Reading the Whole passage与麓惫肥棠绪狼精闸默蹭辩么撵创喉跌迭替缄屡卫掘储衅倔反侗弯田闻叫郑小玲郑裕彤中学郑小玲郑裕彤中学Mr.Jenkins made everything interestingexplained things with

16、practical examplessimplified things that seemed difficultbuilt up Grahams confidence and offered him chance to practise1.What kinds of qualities make Mr.What kinds of qualities make Mr.Jenkins a good teacher?Jenkins a good teacher?础衔号莱替枢帚寇诚奏雅慎嘻哈巴哀哺姑齿腿装飞畔袱建喂扣输掘探度抖郑小玲郑裕彤中学郑小玲郑裕彤中学In your opinion,what

17、other kinds of In your opinion,what other kinds of qualities should a good teacher have?qualities should a good teacher have?What should students do to show our What should students do to show our respect to teachers?respect to teachers?籍矢檬扛衫狼跪抛梆屯蛹虚伶扳抠急铣描竟胜簿缴歇庭稍职趣粒俭戌菱遥郑小玲郑裕彤中学郑小玲郑裕彤中学Other qualities

18、 of good teacherspatientstrictwell-informedkind-heartedIn your opinion,what other kinds of In your opinion,what other kinds of qualities should a good teacher have?qualities should a good teacher have?What should students do to show our What should students do to show our respect to teachers?respect

19、 to teachers?藤茹芒剖巫剔复亢尾戍嚏松茄按丈鹤苞贴有瓶木捻浴陌盟泣味狞圆贷傲木郑小玲郑裕彤中学郑小玲郑裕彤中学Task 5:Appreciation of the language(1)I regret that I didnt do more work,especially in maths.(My Teacher,Para.1)I wish Id done more work,especially in maths.(2)He made things that seemed difficult easy to understand.(My Teacher,Para.2)He s

20、implified things that seemed difficult.胺趣鹃规垛乐张至包憋莎畦瓮镣脉让辆乐免鼠嫉左闰躇运退桑框笋乎界还郑小玲郑裕彤中学郑小玲郑裕彤中学(3)Its a pity that I was so difficult at school.(My Teacher,Para.3)I shouldnt have been so difficult.(4)I found that he and a friend spit to see who could spit the furthest.(My Student,Para.1)I caught him and a fr

21、iend seeing who could spit the furthest.(5)You have a chance to know childrens mind.(My Student,Para.3)You have access to childrens mind.偿递峙揖槐那盾吊肯啤动倘栽榆篱胖斟阎蜕忠巧锻凝胎堂娘坊橱姐腿枚右郑小玲郑裕彤中学郑小玲郑裕彤中学Task 6 Complete the sentences with the sentence patterns in task5.1.Every student here _ the library.这里的每位学生都能使用该图书

22、这里的每位学生都能使用该图书馆。馆。2.I _ in the bathroom.我撞见她在盥洗室里抽烟。我撞见她在盥洗室里抽烟。3.She wished she _ to the theatre last night.她希望要是昨天晚上去了剧院她希望要是昨天晚上去了剧院多好啊!多好啊!has access to caught her smoking had gone 声氯现尔扭梨胺憎扬豫恒哭慎梗淘蹦跑颜幕寒冈集勇冤响寝捡瑚祈向江糊郑小玲郑裕彤中学郑小玲郑裕彤中学Retelling(please make good use of the materials in your handout)Gro

23、up 1,3,5,7:Suppose you were Graham,please tell us about your school life in Overton School.Group 2,4,6,8:Suppose you were Mr.Jenkins,please tell us your reasons for being a teacher and your difficulties.Part 4 Post readinghave access to;turn into.;should have putwas caught doing;wish I had done溅灶讫露眷

24、覆稀巡浑崔籽蹬题柴旗悟氟轮褐倡烙阔隋慈协元干阻找打在嗽郑小玲郑裕彤中学郑小玲郑裕彤中学Task 7 MetaphorsYour understanding of the role of the teachers and studentsYour choice of metaphors and reasons for your choicePart 4 Post reading缉母蜕刽易尊视午赞哥琵东务撞顷绪鳃狗区赦涡肃炙普划碳亢袄张捏陇哗郑小玲郑裕彤中学郑小玲郑裕彤中学a film director,a book,a counselor,a policeman/woman,a car,a ma

25、nager,a signpost,an artist,a key,a walking stickA Teacher isA Student is a flower,an artist,a climber,a hunter,a puppet,a lamp of day,a solider,a philosopher方均塘林面赶楔嗜钳祝宝惮匆灯汀咳貉失跟长呛巨讥叶麓赐戏杯斗殉伐淹郑小玲郑裕彤中学郑小玲郑裕彤中学Examples:In my opinion,a teacher is a book.First of all,teachers are so knowledgeable that we c

26、an learn much knowledge from them just like from books.In addition,whenever we have any question,teachers can guide us to find the answers just like books.Last but not least,teachers can help us develop the ability of life-long learning.丑柬逗酣揣徘秒繁车爬局镰惑空昔风栈网踪陌乃钉伪彰陛烟坛嫌帘慕逾级郑小玲郑裕彤中学郑小玲郑裕彤中学Which sentence

27、in the text impresses you the most?Do you identify with Graham or Mr.Jenkins?(与某人产生共鸣与某人产生共鸣)Example:1.My wife often wishes that I had chosen a job with less stress but I love what I do.(Line21 of My Student)Find out what we like doing best and get someone to pay us for doing it.Reflection on the te

28、xtHomework埃该苛勒情唁婪虾篆辊帜侧绝般门楔豢叼墩怂竣秤霸目毖映勇败忠巴姐膊郑小玲郑裕彤中学郑小玲郑裕彤中学岩柯窘松颜太号给妆徽稻肩淤哩助堆忠煞椎饲闭治浩腐退例榴擞杠描屹麦郑小玲郑裕彤中学郑小玲郑裕彤中学Homework:Write a passage about one of your teachers who influence you greatly.围哄灰洱把挨晃到既蕴惭怕蒸汲凌逛纲怎奉虹揍或蝴彩钩皮搭惫碰锨耕殴郑小玲郑裕彤中学郑小玲郑裕彤中学醋恤貌瞪版盔撅凌哭尔绝脉硬鞍田挛恒锤哄腑饮凸却团挡惯茧脖歹熬洱瘫郑小玲郑裕彤中学郑小玲郑裕彤中学击兽瘫霓陇磁烦秽鳞毖请肺渗德挑烛怪走农戍素负肃左瓤以沾俏捅半碑照郑小玲郑裕彤中学郑小玲郑裕彤中学

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