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1、Vaccines Product Training Vaccines Product Training 1 基 础 知 识培 训 手 册 2008版仅 供 内 部 培 训 使 用 Vaccines Product Training Vaccines Product Training 2 目 录1. 感 染 与 疾 病1.1介 绍 51.2病 毒 101.3细 菌 191.4流 行 病 学 311.5抗 击 传 染 性 疾 病 392. 免 疫2.1介 绍 482.2先 天 性 免 疫 512.3后 天 性 免 疫 552.4抗 体 介 导 免 疫 642.5细 胞 介 导 免 疫 772.6免

2、 疫 病 理 学 843. 疫 苗 学 3.1被 动 和 主 动 免 疫 93 3.2疫 苗 种 类 1013.3疫 苗 检 测 1163.4疫 苗 的 使 用 129 Vaccines Product Training Vaccines Product Training 3感 染 与 疾 病 Vaccines Product Training Vaccines Product Training 4 1. 感 染 与 疾 病什 么 引 起 感 染 ?感 染 如 何 引 起 疾 病 ?什 么 时 候 感 染 引 起 疾 病 ?1.1 Introduction1.2 Viruses1.3 Bact

3、eria1.4 Epidemiology1.5 Combating infectious disease Quiz one Vaccines Product Training Vaccines Product Training 5 介 绍1.1 Introduction The problem Some statistics A changing scene1.2 Viruses1.3 Bacteria1.4 Epidemiology1.5 Combating infectious disease Quiz one 乙 肝 病 毒 白 日 咳 杆 菌 麻 疹 病 毒破 伤 风 杆 菌白 喉 杆

4、 菌 Vaccines Product Training Vaccines Product Training 6 在 20世 纪 末 引 起 死 亡 的 病 因 01020304050全部百分比 其 它新 生 儿 与围 产 期感 染 性 疾 病 循 环 系 统疾 病 肿 瘤 呼 吸 系 统疾 病 全 球工 业 化 国 家发 展 中 国 家 感 染 性 疾 病 的 问 题1.1 Introduction The problem Some statistics A changing scene1.2 Viruses1.3 Bacteria1.4 Epidemiology1.5 Combating

5、infectious disease Quiz one Vaccines Product Training Vaccines Product Training 7 一 些 统 计 数 字1.1 Introduction The problem Some statistics A changing scene1.2 Viruses1.3 Bacteria1.4 Epidemiology1.5 Combating infectious disease Quiz one 1975-1999年 报 告 的 脊 灰 病 例 20 00040 00060 000 1975 1980 1985 1990 1

6、995 2000 Vaccines Product Training Vaccines Product Training 8 一 些 统 计 数 字1975-1999年 全 球 疫 苗 接 种 覆 盖 率100%80%60%40% 20% 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 1.1 Introduction The problem Some statistics A changing scene1.2 Viruses1.3 Bacteria1.4 Epidemiology1.5 Combating infectious disease Quiz one MeaslesDTPBCG

7、 Vaccines Product Training Vaccines Product Training 9 正 在 变 化 的 情 况挑 战 : 新 的 感 染 性 疾 病 老 的 传 染 病 死 灰 复 燃 耐 药 传 染 病 向 新 领 域 的 播 散 在 控 制 不 利 地 区 传 染 病 的 播 散1.1 Introduction The problem Some statistics A changing scene1.2 Viruses1.3 Bacteria1.4 Epidemiology1.5 Combating infectious disease Quiz one Vac

8、cines Product Training Vaccines Product Training 10 病 毒本 章 涉 及 的 题 目 是 : 病 毒 的 结 构 与 分 类 病 毒 如 何 复 制 病 毒 如 何 引 起 疾 病 一 些 重 要 病 毒 和 它 们 引 起 的 疾 病1.1 Introduction1.2 Viruses General description Classification Replication Viruses and disease Viral diseases Some important viruses1.3 Bacteria1.4 Epidemio

9、logy1.5 Combating infectious diseases Quiz one Vaccines Product Training Vaccines Product Training 11 一 般 描 述 病 毒 外 膜 (蛋 白 ,糖 蛋 白 或 脂 蛋 白 )衣 壳(蛋 白 )病 毒 核 心(DNA或 RNA) 1.1 Introduction1.2 Viruses General description Classification Replication Viruses and disease Viral diseases Some important viruses1.

10、3 Bacteria1.4 Epidemiology1.5 Combating infectious diseases Quiz one Vaccines Product Training Vaccines Product Training 12 分 类DNA RNA 单 链 双 链 病 毒 外 膜甲 肝 病 毒脊 灰 病 毒流 感 病 毒麻 疹 病 毒腮 腺 炎 病 毒 风 疹 病 毒疱 疹 病 毒乙 肝 病 毒 1.1 Introduction1.2 Viruses General description Classification Replication Viruses and dis

11、ease Viral diseases Some important viruses1.3 Bacteria1.4 Epidemiology1.5 Combating infectious diseases Quiz one Vaccines Product Training Vaccines Product Training 13 复 制1.1 Introduction1.2 Viruses General description Classification Replication Viruses and disease Viral diseases Some important viru

12、ses1.3 Bacteria1.4 Epidemiology1.5 Combating infectious diseases Quiz one Vaccines Product Training Vaccines Product Training 14 复 制1.1 Introduction1.2 Viruses General description Classification Replication Viruses and disease Viral diseases Some important viruses1.3 Bacteria1.4 Epidemiology1.5 Comb

13、ating infectious diseases Quiz one Vaccines Product Training Vaccines Product Training 15 病 毒 与 疾 病病 毒 能 够 : 损 害 和 摧 毁 细 胞 例 如 流 感 干 扰 细 胞 生 长 例 如 先 天 性 风 疹 , 肿 瘤 激 活 免 疫 反 应 来 摧 毁 被 感 染 细 胞 例 如 甲 型 肝 炎1.1 Introduction1.2 Viruses General description Classification Replication Viruses and disease Vir

14、al diseases Some important viruses1.3 Bacteria1.4 Epidemiology1.5 Combating infectious diseases Quiz one Vaccines Product Training Vaccines Product Training 16 病 毒 感 染 的 特 征局 部例 如 流 感 , 轮 状 病 毒 病 毒 在 入 口 处 复 制 在 感 染 的 1-3 天 出 现 局 部 症 状 和体 征 全 身例 如 麻 疹 病 毒 通 过 全 身 播 散 感 染 器 官 和 组 织 在 1-3周 出 现 全 身 症 状

15、 和 体 征 1.1 Introduction1.2 Viruses General description Classification Replication Viruses and disease Viral diseases Some important viruses1.3 Bacteria1.4 Epidemiology1.5 Combating infectious diseases Quiz one Vaccines Product Training Vaccines Product Training 17 一 些 重 要 的 病 毒甲 肝乙 肝 贺 福 立 适 (双 福 立

16、适 , Hepatyrix)安 在 时 (双 福 立 适 , Tritanrix 320, 213WHO Annual Report 1998010%20% 30% 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 971.1 Introduction1.2 Viruses1.3 Bacteria1.4 Epidemiology1.5 Combating infectious diseases General measures Anti-microbial drugs Resistance Prevention or cure? Vaccination Quiz one Vaccines Pro

17、duct Training Vaccines Product Training 44 预 防 胜 于 治 疗 更 容 易 更 人 性 化 预 防 或 治 疗 更 节 省 费 用 控 制 疾 病 更 有 效1.1 Introduction1.2 Viruses1.3 Bacteria1.4 Epidemiology1.5 Combating infectious diseases General measures Anti-microbial drugs Resistance Prevention or cure? Vaccination Quiz one Vaccines Product Tr

18、aining Vaccines Product Training 45 免 疫 接 种 大 规 模 接 种 DTPa在 瑞 典 接 种 英 芬 立 适 对 百 日 咳 的 由 影 响 2000Hallander HO et al. Swedish Inst Inf Control, Report 14 May 1999 1990 1995Cases of pertussis 19855001000 15001.1 Introduction1.2 Viruses1.3 Bacteria1.4 Epidemiology1.5 Combating infectious diseases Genera

19、l measures Anti-microbial drugs Resistance Prevention or cure? Vaccination Quiz one Vaccines Product Training Vaccines Product Training 46 基 础 免 疫 课 程免 疫 Vaccines Product Training Vaccines Product Training 47 2.1 Introduction2.2 Innate immunity2.3 Adaptive immunity2.4 Antibody-mediated immunity2.5 C

20、ell-mediated immunity2.6 Immunopathology Quiz two 2. 免 疫什 么 保 护 我 们 免 除 疾 病 ?这 个 防 御 机 制 如 何 工 作 ? Vaccines Product Training Vaccines Product Training 48 介 绍2.1 Introduction Invasion and immunity Innate and adaptive immunity2.2 Innate immunity2.3 Adaptive immunity2.4 Antibody-mediated immunity2.5 Ce

21、ll-mediated immunity2.6 Immunopathology Quiz two 周 围 淋 巴 组 织 吞 噬 细 胞 淋 巴 细 胞中 央 淋 巴 组 织 抗 体 Vaccines Product Training Vaccines Product Training 49 入 侵 与 免 疫 防 御 性 免 疫 限 制 入 侵 确 认 摧 毁病 原 菌入 侵2.1 Introduction Invasion and immunity Innate and adaptive immunity2.2 Innate immunity2.3 Adaptive immunity2.4

22、 Antibody-mediated immunity2.5 Cell-mediated immunity2.6 Immunopathology Quiz two Vaccines Product Training Vaccines Product Training 50 先 天 性 和 后 天 性 免 疫先 天 性 免 疫 防 御 第 一 线 在 出 生 时 存 在 非 特 异 性 后 天 性 免 疫 防 御 第 二 道 防 线 学 习 特 异2.1 Introduction Invasion and immunity Innate and adaptive immunity2.2 Inna

23、te immunity2.3 Adaptive immunity2.4 Antibody-mediated immunity2.5 Cell-mediated immunity2.6 Immunopathology Quiz two Vaccines Product Training Vaccines Product Training 51 先 天 性 免 疫本 章 节 涉 及 题 目 有 : 物 理 , 化 学 和 生 物 屏 障 天 然 抗 感 染 物 质 吞 噬2.1 Introduction2.2 Innate immunity Physical, chemical & biologi

24、cal barriers Natural anti-infective agents Phagocytosis2.3 Adaptive immunity2.4 Antibody-mediated immunity2.5 Cell-mediated immunity2.6 Immunopathology Quiz two Vaccines Product Training Vaccines Product Training 52 物 理 , 化 学 和 生 物 屏 障 物 理 屏 障 化 学 屏 障 细 菌 菌 群皮 肤 物 理 屏 障 化 学 屏 障粘 膜 粘 膜 酸 碱 细 菌 菌 群消 化

25、 道 粘 膜 纤 毛 上 皮呼 吸 道2.1 Introduction2.2 Innate immunity Physical, chemical & biological barriers Natural anti-infective agents Phagocytosis2.3 Adaptive immunity2.4 Antibody-mediated immunity2.5 Cell-mediated immunity2.6 Immunopathology Quiz two Vaccines Product Training Vaccines Product Training 53 天

26、 然 抗 感 染 物 质 抗 细 菌 物 质溶 菌 酶 在 眼 泪 和 其 它 分 泌 物 中 破 碎 细 胞 壁 抗 病 毒 物 质 干 扰 素 合 成 抗 病 毒 感 染 限 制 病 毒 复 制 补 体 破 碎 细 胞 壁 促 进 病 原 菌 销 毁2.1 Introduction2.2 Innate immunity Physical, chemical & biological barriers Natural anti-infective agents Phagocytosis2.3 Adaptive immunity2.4 Antibody-mediated immunity2.5

27、 Cell-mediated immunity2.6 Immunopathology Quiz two Vaccines Product Training Vaccines Product Training 54 吞 噬病 原 黏 附 , 消 化 , 杀 灭 , 趋 化 性 吞 噬2.1 Introduction2.2 Innate immunity Physical, chemical & biological barriers Natural anti-infective agents Phagocytosis2.3 Adaptive immunity2.4 Antibody-mediat

28、ed immunity2.5 Cell-mediated immunity2.6 Immunopathology Quiz two Vaccines Product Training Vaccines Product Training 55 后 天 性 免 疫本 章 节 涉 及 题 目 有 : 抗 原 免 疫 反 应 机 制 淋 巴 细 胞 来 源 循 环 克 隆 扩 增 免 疫 反 应 和 免 疫 记 忆2.1 Introduction2.2 Innate immunity2.3 Adaptive immunity Antigens Mechanisms of immune response

29、 Lymphocytes The circulation of lymphocytes Clonal expansion of lymphocytes Immune responses and memory Primary and secondary responses2.4 Antibody-mediated immunity2.5 Cell-mediated immunity2.6 Immunopathology Quiz two Vaccines Product Training Vaccines Product Training 56 抗 原抗 原 是 : 激 活 免 疫 反 应 的

30、物 质 非 我 通 常 是 很 大 的 , 复 杂 的 分 子 通 常 由 蛋 白 和 多 糖 构 成2.1 Introduction2.2 Innate immunity2.3 Adaptive immunity Antigens Mechanisms of immune response Lymphocytes The circulation of lymphocytes Clonal expansion of lymphocytes Immune responses and memory Primary and secondary responses2.4 Antibody-mediat

31、ed immunity2.5 Cell-mediated immunity2.6 Immunopathology Quiz two Vaccines Product Training Vaccines Product Training 57 抗 原 举 例乙 肝 病 毒 表 面 抗 原 (HBsAg)Pre-S1 和 pre-S2 抗 原 e 抗 原 (HBeAg)核 心 抗 原 (HBcAg) 百 日 咳 百 日 咳 毒 素丝 状 血 凝 素百 日 咳 杆 菌 粘 附 素菌 毛 抗 原 2.1 Introduction2.2 Innate immunity2.3 Adaptive immun

32、ity Antigens Mechanisms of immune response Lymphocytes The circulation of lymphocytes Clonal expansion of lymphocytes Immune responses and memory Primary and secondary responses2.4 Antibody-mediated immunity2.5 Cell-mediated immunity2.6 Immunopathology Quiz two Vaccines Product Training Vaccines Pro

33、duct Training 58 免 疫 反 应 机 制细 胞 介 导特 定 细 胞 扩 增在 细 胞 内 指 导 对 付 抗 原 T-淋 巴 细 胞 介 导 B-淋 巴 细 胞 介 导 (T-淋 巴 也 参 与 )抗 体 介 导 产 生 特 定 蛋 白 (抗 体 )指 导 对 付 循 环 抗 原2.1 Introduction2.2 Innate immunity2.3 Adaptive immunity Antigens Mechanisms of immune response Lymphocytes The circulation of lymphocytes Clonal expan

34、sion of lymphocytes Immune responses and memory Primary and secondary responses2.4 Antibody-mediated immunity2.5 Cell-mediated immunity2.6 Immunopathology Quiz two Vaccines Product Training Vaccines Product Training 59 淋 巴 细 胞在 胸 腺 成 熟 T-淋 巴 细 胞 骨 髓 干 细 胞B-淋 巴 细 胞在 骨 髓 成 熟 2.1 Introduction2.2 Innate

35、 immunity2.3 Adaptive immunity Antigens Mechanisms of immune response Lymphocytes The circulation of lymphocytes Clonal expansion of lymphocytes Immune responses and memory Primary and secondary responses2.4 Antibody-mediated immunity2.5 Cell-mediated immunity2.6 Immunopathology Quiz two Vaccines Pr

36、oduct Training Vaccines Product Training 60 淋 巴 细 胞 循 环 脾 淋 巴 节骨 髓 胸 腺血 流2.1 Introduction2.2 Innate immunity2.3 Adaptive immunity Antigens Mechanisms of immune response Lymphocytes The circulation of lymphocytes Clonal expansion of lymphocytes Immune responses and memory Primary and secondary respon

37、ses2.4 Antibody-mediated immunity2.5 Cell-mediated immunity2.6 Immunopathology Quiz two Vaccines Product Training Vaccines Product Training 61 淋 巴 细 胞 克 隆 扩 增 淋 巴 细 胞 克 隆(全 都 一 样 )不 成 熟 淋 巴 池(每 个 都 不 同 )抗 原 特 定 刺 激 淋 巴 细 胞 2.1 Introduction2.2 Innate immunity2.3 Adaptive immunity Antigens Mechanisms

38、of immune response Lymphocytes The circulation of lymphocytes Clonal expansion of lymphocytes Immune responses and memory Primary and secondary responses2.4 Antibody-mediated immunity2.5 Cell-mediated immunity2.6 Immunopathology Quiz two Vaccines Product Training Vaccines Product Training 62 免 疫 反 应

39、 和 免 疫 记 忆CTL CTL细 胞 介 导 免 疫辅 助 T-细 胞 细 胞 毒淋 巴 细 胞 记 忆 细 胞T-细 胞TH TH Tm Tm 激 活 的 淋 巴 细 胞抗 体 介 导 免 疫抗 体 产 生 细 胞 记 忆B-细 胞Bm Bm 2.1 Introduction2.2 Innate immunity2.3 Adaptive immunity Antigens Mechanisms of immune response Lymphocytes The circulation of lymphocytes Clonal expansion of lymphocytes Immu

40、ne responses and memory Primary and secondary responses2.4 Antibody-mediated immunity2.5 Cell-mediated immunity2.6 Immunopathology Quiz two Vaccines Product Training Vaccines Product Training 63 原 发 和 继 发 免 疫 反 应免疫反应强度 Time10 20 30 40 50初 次 接 触 第 二 次 接 触原 发 反 应 继 发 反 应2.1 Introduction2.2 Innate immu

41、nity2.3 Adaptive immunity Antigens Mechanisms of immune response Lymphocytes The circulation of lymphocytes Clonal expansion of lymphocytes Immune responses and memory Primary and secondary responses2.4 Antibody-mediated immunity2.5 Cell-mediated immunity2.6 Immunopathology Quiz two Vaccines Product

42、 Training Vaccines Product Training 64 抗 体 介 导 免 疫本 章 节 涉 及 题 目 有 : 抗 体 介 导 免 疫 的 作 用 抗 体 介 导 免 疫 的 机 制 抗 体 和 它 们 的 功 能2.1 Introduction2.2 Innate immunity2.3 Adaptive immunity2.4 Antibody-mediated immunity The role of antibody- mediated immunity The mechanism of antibody-mediated immunity Function o

43、f antibody Structure of antibody Classes of antibody The switch Defences against bacteria Defences against viruses2.5 Cell-mediated immunity2.6 Immunopathology Quiz two Vaccines Product Training Vaccines Product Training 65 抗 体 介 导 免 疫 的 作 用抗 体 介 导 免 疫 : 抵 抗 细 胞 外 病 原 体 抵 抗 细 菌 中 非 常 重 要 对 细 胞 内 病 原

44、 体 无 效 在 病 毒 进 入 细 胞 前 非 常 重 要2.1 Introduction2.2 Innate immunity2.3 Adaptive immunity2.4 Antibody-mediated immunity The role of antibody- mediated immunity The mechanism of antibody-mediated immunity Function of antibody Structure of antibody Classes of antibody The switch Defences against bacteria

45、 Defences against viruses2.5 Cell-mediated immunity2.6 Immunopathology Quiz two Vaccines Product Training Vaccines Product Training 66 抗 体 介 导 免 疫 的 机 制非 T-细 胞 依 赖 的 B-细 胞 抗 原 刺 激 B-淋 巴 细 胞抗 原 被 激 活 的B-淋 巴 细 胞 2.1 Introduction2.2 Innate immunity2.3 Adaptive immunity2.4 Antibody-mediated immunity The

46、 role of antibody- mediated immunity The mechanism of antibody-mediated immunity Function of antibody Structure of antibody Classes of antibody The switch Defences against bacteria Defences against viruses2.5 Cell-mediated immunity2.6 Immunopathology Quiz two Vaccines Product Training Vaccines Produ

47、ct Training 67 抗 体 介 导 免 疫 的 机 制T-细 胞 依 赖 的 B-细 胞 抗 原 刺 激含 抗 原 的 细 胞T H-淋 巴 细 胞被 激 活 的 B-淋 巴 细 胞 2.1 Introduction2.2 Innate immunity2.3 Adaptive immunity2.4 Antibody-mediated immunity The role of antibody- mediated immunity The mechanism of antibody-mediated immunity Function of antibody Structure o

48、f antibody Classes of antibody The switch Defences against bacteria Defences against viruses2.5 Cell-mediated immunity2.6 Immunopathology Quiz two Vaccines Product Training Vaccines Product Training 68 抗 体 介 导 免 疫 的 机 制B-细 胞 扩 增 和 转 化扩 增 记 忆 B-细 胞浆 细 胞 抗 体被 激 活 的 B-细 胞 2.1 Introduction2.2 Innate imm

49、unity2.3 Adaptive immunity2.4 Antibody-mediated immunity The role of antibody- mediated immunity The mechanism of antibody-mediated immunity Function of antibody Structure of antibody Classes of antibody The switch Defences against bacteria Defences against viruses2.5 Cell-mediated immunity2.6 Immun

50、opathology Quiz two Vaccines Product Training Vaccines Product Training 69 抗 体 功 能抗 体 抗 原抗 原 -抗 体 复 合 物2.1 Introduction2.2 Innate immunity2.3 Adaptive immunity2.4 Antibody-mediated immunity The role of antibody- mediated immunity The mechanism of antibody-mediated immunity Function of antibody Struc

51、ture of antibody Classes of antibody The switch Defences against bacteria Defences against viruses2.5 Cell-mediated immunity2.6 Immunopathology Quiz two Vaccines Product Training Vaccines Product Training 70 抗 体 功 能 激 活 补 体C 补 体 : - 直 接 攻 击 细 菌 细 胞 - 促 进 吞 噬 - 加 强 炎 症 和 免 疫 反 应增 强 吞 噬 作 用 2.1 Introd

52、uction2.2 Innate immunity2.3 Adaptive immunity2.4 Antibody-mediated immunity The role of antibody- mediated immunity The mechanism of antibody-mediated immunity Function of antibody Structure of antibody Classes of antibody The switch Defences against bacteria Defences against viruses2.5 Cell-mediat

53、ed immunity2.6 Immunopathology Quiz two Vaccines Product Training Vaccines Product Training 71 抗 体 结 构抗 原 结 合 位 点 功 能 区 位 置2.1 Introduction2.2 Innate immunity2.3 Adaptive immunity2.4 Antibody-mediated immunity The role of antibody- mediated immunity The mechanism of antibody-mediated immunity Functi

54、on of antibody Structure of antibody Classes of antibody The switch Defences against bacteria Defences against viruses2.5 Cell-mediated immunity2.6 Immunopathology Quiz two Vaccines Product Training Vaccines Product Training 72 抗 体 分 类IgM IgG2.1 Introduction2.2 Innate immunity2.3 Adaptive immunity2.

55、4 Antibody-mediated immunity The role of antibody- mediated immunity The mechanism of antibody-mediated immunity Function of antibody Structure of antibody Classes of antibody The switch Defences against bacteria Defences against viruses2.5 Cell-mediated immunity2.6 Immunopathology Quiz two Vaccines

56、 Product Training Vaccines Product Training 73 抗 体 分 类 IgEIgDIgA 分 泌 性IgA2.1 Introduction2.2 Innate immunity2.3 Adaptive immunity2.4 Antibody-mediated immunity The role of antibody- mediated immunity The mechanism of antibody-mediated immunity Function of antibody Structure of antibody Classes of an

57、tibody The switch Defences against bacteria Defences against viruses2.5 Cell-mediated immunity2.6 Immunopathology Quiz two Vaccines Product Training Vaccines Product Training 74 转 换抗体浓度 天5 10 15 20 25IgMIgG抗 原 2.1 Introduction2.2 Innate immunity2.3 Adaptive immunity2.4 Antibody-mediated immunity The

58、 role of antibody- mediated immunity The mechanism of antibody-mediated immunity Function of antibody Structure of antibody Classes of antibody The switch Defences against bacteria Defences against viruses2.5 Cell-mediated immunity2.6 Immunopathology Quiz two Vaccines Product Training Vaccines Produ

59、ct Training 75 抵 御 细 菌 非 特 异 性 抵 御 入 侵 物 理 , 化 学 和 生 物 屏 障 吞 噬 限 制 繁 殖 特 异 性 免 疫 提 供 进 一 步 保 护 尤 其 是 抗 体 介 导 免 疫 :中 和 毒 素促 进 吞 噬 激 活 补 体2.1 Introduction2.2 Innate immunity2.3 Adaptive immunity2.4 Antibody-mediated immunity The role of antibody- mediated immunity The mechanism of antibody-mediated im

60、munity Function of antibody Structure of antibody Classes of antibody The switch Defences against bacteria Defences against viruses2.5 Cell-mediated immunity2.6 Immunopathology Quiz two Vaccines Product Training Vaccines Product Training 76 抵 御 病 毒 非 特 异 性 限 制 进 入 干 扰 素 限 制 复 制 特 异 性 免 疫 提 供 进 一 步 保

61、 护 抗 体 介 导 免 疫 能 限 制 病 毒 传 播 细 胞 介 导 免 疫 能 摧 毁 病 毒 感 染 的 宿 主 细 胞2.1 Introduction2.2 Innate immunity2.3 Adaptive immunity2.4 Antibody-mediated immunity The role of antibody- mediated immunity The mechanism of antibody-mediated immunity Function of antibody Structure of antibody Classes of antibody Th

62、e switch Defences against bacteria Defences against viruses2.5 Cell-mediated immunity2.6 Immunopathology Quiz two Vaccines Product Training Vaccines Product Training 77 细 胞 介 导 免 疫本 章 节 涉 及 题 目 有 : 细 胞 介 导 免 疫 的 作 用 细 胞 介 导 免 疫 的 机 制 TH 细 胞 和 CTLs2.1 Introduction2.2 Innate immunity2.3 Adaptive immun

63、ity2.4 Antibody-mediated immunity2.5 Cell-mediated immunity The role of cell- mediated immunity Mechanism of cell- mediated immunity Helper T-cells Cytotoxic T-cells Memory T-cells2.6 Immunopathology Quiz two Vaccines Product Training Vaccines Product Training 78 细 胞 介 导 免 疫 的 作 用细 胞 介 导 免 疫 : 对 抵 抗

64、 病 毒 感 染 非 常 重 要 对 细 胞 内 细 菌 感 染 例 如 : 结 核 , 军 团 菌 , 李 斯 特 菌 ,伤 寒 对 诱 导 免 疫 记 忆 是 重 要 的 调 解 免 疫 反 应2.1 Introduction2.2 Innate immunity2.3 Adaptive immunity2.4 Antibody-mediated immunity2.5 Cell-mediated immunity The role of cell- mediated immunity Mechanism of cell- mediated immunity Helper T-cells

65、Cytotoxic T-cells Memory T-cells2.6 Immunopathology Quiz two Vaccines Product Training Vaccines Product Training 79 细 胞 介 导 免 疫 的 机 制由 APC完 成 抗 原 传 递 细 胞 膜 结 合 复 合 物抗 原 抗 原 碎 片2.1 Introduction2.2 Innate immunity2.3 Adaptive immunity2.4 Antibody-mediated immunity2.5 Cell-mediated immunity The role of

66、 cell- mediated immunity Mechanism of cell- mediated immunity Helper T-cells Cytotoxic T-cells Memory T-cells2.6 Immunopathology Quiz two Vaccines Product Training Vaccines Product Training 80 细 胞 介 导 免 疫 的 机 制抗 原 传 递 和 T-细 胞 刺 激激 活 的T-淋 巴 细 胞抗 原 传 递 辅 助 T-cells细 胞 毒 T-cells记 忆 cells 2.1 Introduction2.2 Innate immunity2.3 Adaptive immunity2.4 Antibody-mediated immunity2.5 Cell-mediated immunity The role of cell- mediated immunity Mechanism of cell- mediated immunity Helper T-cells Cytotoxic T-ce

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