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1、形 容 词 和 副 词比 较 级 和 最 高 级河 南 省 商 城 县 观 庙 一 中 穆 正 东 一 形 容 词1.掌 握 下 列 名 词 和 形 容 词 的 转 化 sun - sunny friend friendly care - careful wind - windy rain - rainy use - useful cloud- cloudy 2.表 语 形 容 词 :afraid 害 怕 的 alive 活 着 的 alone 单 独 的 ashamed 羞 愧 的 asleep 睡 着 的 awake 醒 着 的 fine 健 康 的 ill有 病 的 3.以 ly结 尾

2、的 形 容 词 : 1) 大 部 分 形 容 词 加 -ly可 构 成 副 词 。 但 friendly, deadly, lovely, lonely,likely, lively, ugly, brotherly,仍 为 形 容 词 。2) 有 些 以 -ly 结 尾 既 为 形 容 词 , 也 为 副 词 。 daily, weekly, monthly, early, early The Times is a daily paper. The Times is published daily. 用 法 例 句 补 充 说 明作 定语 This is an interesting boo

3、k.I have nothing important to tell you. 形 容 词 作 定 语 时放 在 被 修 饰 词 之前 , 修 饰 不 定 代词 放 在 后 面作 表语 The work is difficult.She looks happy today. 作 表 语 与 系 动词 连 用作 宾补 Please keep the room clean. I find it very beautiful.4、 形 容 词 的 用 法 副 词 的 分 类 时 间 副 词 now,before, lately, tonight 地 点 副 词 here, there, somewh

4、ere 频 率 副 词 always, often, usually, seldom 程 度 副 词 very, rather, quite, enough 方 式 副 词 quickly, carefully, calmly 方 向 副 词 forward, backward 疑 问 副 词 when, where, how, why 连 接 副 词 when, where, why ,how 副 词 的 构 成 有 许 多 副 词 是 对 应 的 形 容 词 加 ly构 成 ,如 : strong - strongly real - really 词 尾 是 y的 要 把 y变 为 i再

5、加 ly, busy - busily happy - happily 以 e结 尾 的 ,大 部 分 直 接 加 -ly, wide widely late - - lately 有 几 个 特 殊 的 要 去 e后 再 加 -ly或 y, true - truly terrible-terribly 副 词 的 用 法 1.主 要 用 作 状 语 ,修 饰 动 词 、 形 容 词 、 副 词 , 还 可以 修 饰 介 词 短 语 和 句 子 。 I have already prepared my lesson.(修 饰 动 词 ) He has been extremely busy t

6、hese days.(修饰 形 容 词 ) 2.也 可 以 用 作 表 语 或 定 语 ,作 定 语 时 通 常 后 置 . The girl there is my sister.(作 定 语 ) Is your brother in ?(作 表 语 ) 3.有 些 副 词 (rather、 quite等 )通 常 可 以 防 在 名 词前 用 于 加 强 语 气 . 用 法 例 句作 表 语 My mother is out .作 定 语 The girl there is my friend .作 状 语 He runs fast. 作 宾 补 I found him outside.

7、规 则 变 化 1.单 音 节 和 少 数 双 音 节 单 词 , 一 般 在 词尾 加 “ er”或 “ est”。 clean, tall, small, cheap , short, long, light, high 2. 以 不 发 音 字 母 “ e”结 尾 的 单 词 , 直 接在 词 尾 加 “ r”或 “ st”。 nice, late, close, fine, large, free, rude 3. 以 重 读 闭 音 节 结 尾 的 单 词 , 如 果 词 尾只 有 一 个 辅 音 字 母 时 , 应 先 双 写 这 一辅 音 字 母 , 再 加 “ er”或 “ e

8、st”。 fat, big, red, thin, hot, fat, sad, wet4. 以 辅 音 字 母 +y结 尾 的 单 词 , 应 先 改“ y”为 “ i”, 在 加 “ er”或 “ est”。 happy , easy, heavy, healthy, busy, lucky, pretty, sunny, funny 5. 其 他 双 音 节 单 词 和 多 音 节 单 词 , 都 在 其 前面 加 “ more”或 “ most”。 (beautiful, interesting)6. 不 规 则 变 化 。 记 忆 口 诀 : 合 二 为 一 共 三 对 , “ 坏

9、bad”,“病 ill”,两 多many/much”和 “ 两 好 good/well”, 一 分 为 二 只 两 个 , 一 是 “ 远 far”来 二 是“ 老 old”, 还 有 一 词 little含 双 义 , 只 记 “ 少 ” 来 不 记“ 小 ” 。 Read and compare :younglongfullshortsmalloldfineeasyhungryearlyheavybigred younger youngestlonger longestfuller fullest shorter shortestsmaller smallestolder oldest f

10、iner finesteasier easiesthungrier hungriest earlier earliestheavier heaviestbigger biggest redder reddest healthymanyfamousillexcitingcarefullywet hotlittlefew healthier healthiestmore mostmore famous most famousworse worstmore exciting most excitingmore carefully most carefullywetter wettesthotter

11、hottestless leastfewer fewest 不 规 则 变 化原 级 比 较 级 最 高 级good/well better bestbad/ill worse worstmany/much more mostlittle less leastfar farther/further farthest/furthestold older/elder oldest/eldest 形 容 词 副 词 原 级 用 法 :* 1. as+adj/ adv.的 原 级 + as (肯 ,否 ) , (not)soas (否 )eg. The ruler is as long as that

12、 one. He sings as well as Jack. He doesnt sing as(so) well as Jack.2. as much as, as many as 与 一 样 多eg. I have done as much work as he did yesterday. You can take as many books as you can. 1、 比 较 级 +thanShe is fatter than he.He is thinner than she. 2、 比 较 级 +and+比 较 级 越 来 越 In spring, the days are g

13、etting longer and longer. His voice got weaker and weaker in the end.These days more and more people are learning English.I find the price of house is more and more expensive. It becomes colder and colder when winter comes. 3、 表 示 两 者 之 间 的 选 择 , 可 使 用“ Which/Who + 比 较 级 , or?” Which is longer, this

14、 one or that?Who is taller, Mary or Jane? 形容词和副词的比较级其它用法1表示倍数的三个句型:(1) .times as 形 容 词 原 级 as.This table is 3 times as big as that one.(2) .times the 性 质 名 词 of.This table is 3 times the size of that one.(3) .times 形 容 词 比 较 级 than.This table is 2 times bigger than that one.2同程度级的比较,用as.as,the same

15、as,such.as引导:Henry does not have so/as many books as I have.亨 利 不 如 我 的 书 多 。 3the比较级 ,the比较级 The more you talked,the less attention he paid to you.你说得越多,他越不注意你。4the比较级of the two名词:The taller of the two boys is my brother. 这两个男孩中较高的是我弟弟。5一个人的两种品质的比较,用more.than结构:I think shes more shy than unfriendly

16、.与其说她不友好,不如说她害羞。6否定比较级最高级 There is no greater love than that of a man who lays down his life for his friends. 为朋友而放弃生命的人的爱是最伟大的爱。 7比较的对象不能相互包容,注意:比 较 级 +than+The Mississippi River is longer than any other river in the United States.密 西 西 比 河 是 美 国 最 长 的 河 。8比较级的修饰语常见的有:much, still, even, far, any(用

17、于 否 定 句 或 疑 问 句 ), a lot,a little, a great deal, by far, a bit, three times等 。 The students study even harder than before.学 生 们 比 以 前 学 习 更 努 力 了 。 any other+单 数the other+复 数 /the others 8比较的对象应该相同。The population of China is larger than that of any other country in the world.中国的人口比世界上任何其他国家的都多。China

18、 has a larger population than any other country in the world.9.no比较级than的特殊含义A is no more careful than BA和B两人都不仔细。A is no less careful than BA和B两人都很仔细。 1、 the 最 高 级 +of (in)Hong Jinbao Zheng Zeshi NuttyZheng is fatter than Hong.Nutty is the fattest of the three. Noodles are more delicious than dumpl

19、ings.The cake is the most delicious of all. 2、 副 词 的 最 高 级 前 ( the) 可 以 省 略Tom runs fast.Jill runs faster.Bob runs fastest. Tom comes to school late.Jill comes to school later.Bob comes to school latest. Lu Xun is one of the greatest writers last century.The Yellow River is the second longest river

20、in China. 3、 表 示 “ 最 之 一 ” 和 “ 第 个 最 ” 时one of +最 高 级 +名 词 复 数the first/second/third+最 高 级 +名 词 单 数 。 4、 用 or连 接 两 项 需 作 比 较 的 内 容 时 , 须 用 比较 级 ; 若 or连 接 三 项 或 三 项 以 上 的 内 容 时 , 则 须用 最 高 级 。Who is taller, Mary or Jane?Which is biggest, the sun, the moon or the earth? 5、 Alices diet was less healthy

21、than Dannys diet. (不如 ) (more than 胜 于 )This T-shirt is the same size as that one.The red shirt is five yuan cheaper than that blue one.Which is the least interesting film youve ever seen? This park is three times as big as the Summer Palace. (倍 数 +asas)This book cost twice as much as that one. 6、 掌

22、 握 几 种 同 义 句 转 换He is taller than any other student in his class. = He is taller than the other students in his class.= He is the tallest (student)in his class. 小 结 3.掌 握 形 容 词 、 副 词 表 示 比 较 的 几 种 结 构 。 表 示 两 者 “ 相 等 ” 用 , as+形 容 词 /副 词 原 级 +比 较 对 象 ; 表 示 “ 不 如 ” 没 有 “ 不 相 等 ” , 用 “ not+as/so+形 容词 、

23、 副 词 原 级 +as+比 较 对 象 ” ; 用 形 容 词 、 副 词 的 比 较 级 +than从 句 表 示 两 者 比 较 ; 比 较 级 前 可 用 much,a little,a lot, far, still,no,even,any 等 表 示 程 度 ; and连 接 同 一 个 比 较 级 , 表 示 越 来 越 ; the+比 较 级 .the+另 一 个 比 较 级 表 示 越 越 ; 形 容 词 、 副 词 前 如 有 : very,too,quite,rather等 修 饰 ,一 般 用 原 级 ; 三 者 、 三 者 以 上 的 比 较 , 一 般 用 最 高

24、级 ; 常 用 介 词 in,of短 语 表 示 比 较 的 范 围 ; 表 示 “ 最 之 一 ” , 用 one of +最 高 级 +复 数 名 词 ; 最 高 级 前 一 般 要 加 “ the”; 副 词 最 高 级 前 可 加 “ the”也可 不 加 “ the”; 当 最 高 级 前 有 物 主 代 词 时 , 则 不 加 “ the”。 1. I think English is as as maths. D. importanterA. important B.more important C. most important Mother gets up in my fam

25、ily.B. early B. earlier C. earliest D. the earlier3. The next morning Jenny got up even .C. early B. earlier C. earliest D. the earliest4. Emily sings of the five girls.D. good B. well C. better D. best5. In fact, Delia is a little than her elder sister.E. tall B. taller C. tallest D. the tallest6.

26、Heidi does not jump so as Jane. A. high B. higher C. highest D. the highest 7. Of all the stars the sun is to us.A. close B. closer C. closest D. the closest8. Barbara felt much than before after dark.B. cold B. colder C. coldest D. the coldest9. This jacket is smaller than that one but its .C. expe

27、nsive B. more expensive C. most expensive D. the most expensive10. Our country has become in the past 20 years.D. more and more rich and strong E. more richer and more stronger C. more rich and more strong D. richer and stronger 11. William Shakespeare is one of play writers in England.A. great B. g

28、reater C. greatest D. the greatest12. -What do you think of Miss Lis teaching? -Oh, no one else teaches .B. good B. well C. fine D. better13. The population of Japan is than that of China.A. fewer B. smaller C. larger D. more14. The next day Jim was very wet again, and his mother became angrier. C.

29、very B. more C. even D. ever15. Tom is more careful than any in his class. A. boy B. other boys C. boys D. other boy 16. play writers in England.A. great B. greater C. greatest D. the greatest12. -What do you think of Miss Lis teaching? -Oh, no one else teaches .B. good B. well C. fine D. better13.

30、The population of Japan is than that of China.A. fewer B. smaller C. larger D. more14. The next day Jim was very wet again, and his mother became angrier. C. very B. more C. even D. ever15. Tom is more careful than any in his class. A. boy B. other boys C. boys D. other boy Do some exercises同 义 句 转

31、换1. He is the tallest student in his class. He is _ _ _ _ student in his class. He is _ _ _ _ students in his class.2. Peter draws well, Lilei draws better. Lilei draws _ of the two.3. The tractor goes faster than the bike. The bike goes _ _ than the tractor.4. His cakes dearer than the twins cakes.

32、 His cake is _ _ of the three.taller than any other taller than the otherbettermore slowlythe dearest 选 择 填 空1. Which does Jimmy like ,Chinese or Art? A. well B. best C. better D. much2. The Chang jiang River is one of in the world.A. the longest river B. longest rivers C. the longest rivers D. long

33、er rivers3. of the two women is Mrs Brown. A. The beautiful B. The more beautiful C.More beautiful D. The most beautiful4. My mooncake is nicer his. A. like B. with C. for D. than 5. You are fatter than . A. he B. his C. him D. he is tall6. He jumps of the three. A. far B. further C. farthest D. fur

34、thest 7. My hair is longer than . A. my sister B. Kate C. my brothers D. LucysCCBDACC 8. There is paper here .Please bring some. A. little B. less C. fewer D. a little9. The pen is than that one. A. more cheap B. cheap C. much cheaper D. quite cheaper10.Tom speaks Chinese better than Jimmy. A. more

35、B. very C. a lot of D. much 11.There are girls in Class Two than in Class Four. A. more B. nicest C. most D. best 12.Its too for you to do that. A. easy B. more dangerous C. harder D. the easiest13.Who has apples now, Jim, Lily or Lucy? A. much B. biggest C. better D. the most 14.You have more ruler

36、s than me. But are nicer than .A.mine, yours B. mine, your C. my, yours D. my, your15.Tingting is than Meimei, but Meimei is than Tingting. A. tall, stronger B. taller, strongest C. tallest, strong D. taller, stronger ACDAADAD 16.Mother is in my family. A. busy B. busier C. the busiest D. more busy1

37、7.There are in the park on Sunday. A.more children B. a lot of people C. much men and women D. many peoples18.The dumplings are than the noodles,I think. A. more nicer B. much delicious C. very nice D. much more delicious19.She is than me at drawings. A. better B. best C. good D. harder 20.-This blue sweater is too big for me .-Will you please show me a one? A. small B. smaller C. the smallest D. smallestCBDAB BYE-BYE

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