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1、托福口语5个训练方法有效提升口语能力托福口语说不好拿不到高分的情况在中国考生中比拟普遍,今天小编给大家带来了托福口语5个训练办法有效提升口语能力,希望能够帮忙到大家,下面小编就和大家分享,来观赏一下吧。托福口语5个训练办法有效提升口语能力1. 独立口语提升开口能力训练技巧根据熟悉的话题进行论述,如描述一个熟悉的地方或谈论一段个人经历;用简单明了的语言表明一种观点或偏好,并用逻辑的语言对原因进行阐述;提出一项倡议并用合理的解释奉劝别人接受这个倡议;罗列出ETS常出现的热门话题,并针对这些话题做出一分钟的答复。用考试的真实境况,选择一道题,准备1分钟后,用自己的语言叙述观点和阐述原由,从而到达提高

2、口头叙述能力的目的。2. 主动发明英语语境功夫要从平时做起。有时机就通过录像机、录音机或光盘,有意识或无意识地跟听或跟说英语。也可以上网与北美人士交流。虽说新托福口语主要考查交际、交流能力,但语音、语调和重音都会影响到成绩。倡议平时多练习对墙、对镜子说话,力图到达自然流畅的程度。提供大家一个好方法:录下自己练习时的声音,扪心自问:别人是否能明白你所说的3. 考场发挥要注意这些问题考试时对着话筒答题要发音清晰,措辞要小心,特别是内容要求的重要词汇;语速要正常,不快不慢,叙述结构简单明了,使用过渡词,使用熟悉的词汇。注意所剩时间,掌握好节奏,把该叙述的都叙述出来。如时间允许,可加上简单的总结结尾或

3、将重要观点总结一下。4. 了解评分规范抓住得分关键点临场最重要:抓住重点。这个原那么体现在多个方面。阅读短文时,注意话题和概括内容,不要试图记住一切细节。听录音对话和课堂讲座时,把握中心思想,特别注意说话人经常重复的关键词和概念。记笔记时,只记录重要观点、例证和原因。然后,合理分配时间,仔细审题,参考笔记,考虑如何叙述。注意:要有两到三个论据支持你所叙述的观点。5. 综合口语练习办法分享平时的教科书就是不错的教材,对每个章节在结尾处提出的问题给予口头答复;选读一篇长短适中的文章,提炼出纲领性的要点,在提炼要点的根底上锻炼用口头表述来进行总结;针对一些相同话题的托福阅读和听力材料进行有效练习。并

4、针对这些材料做笔记和做下列准备:学会口头提炼和总结这些阅读和听力材料;在此根底上口头表述重要的信息,并解释其中相互之间的关联;针对阅读和听力材料中的观点进行阐述;对其中提出的某个问题,阐述一种解决问题的计划,并给出相对应的理由。托福口语范文:学校用校友捐款建什么题目Your school has received donations from the alumni. Which of the followingfacilities do you think the school should invest in-A stadium-A theater-A game centerSample R

5、esponseI think that if my school received unexpected money from alumni, it shouldinvest that money in a new theater.A new theater would be a good place for the school to hold differentactivities. Of course, it could hold concerts and plays. However, it could alsouse the theater for lectures and cere

6、monies. More students could attend suchactivities at the same time if we had a larger theater.Also, a new theater could help earn money for the school. If the publicpays to attend events, it could help cover the cost of the event. The schoolcould afford to offer even more interesting activities than

7、 it does now.Therefore, I think that the school should invest money in building a newtheater that could offer a wide range of activities.托福口语范文:做大人比做孩子容易题目Do you agree or disagree with the following statement It is easier to bean adult than to be a child.Sample ResponseI think that it is easier to b

8、e an adult than a child. Children have theirbasic needs taken care of, but adults have more freedom to live the way theywant to.First, adults understand how to solve problems. Instead of relying onparents for explanations and solutions, they can search for their own answers.As a result, adults have

9、less worry because they can solve their ownproblems.Second, adults can decide about many things that children must accept. Forexample, they can decide where to live or travel, how to spend money, and whatto eat. It is more fun to make these decisions than rely on someone else.托福口语范文:如何帮忙大一新生了解校园题目Wh

10、ich of the following methods do you think can help freshman studentslearn about their campus-Arrange a partner from sophomore students-Organize a campus tour-Set up a Q & A centerSample ResponseI think the best way for a school to teach its freshmen students about itscampus is to pair each student w

11、ith a sophomore.Every student has different concerns, and some of the questions may be veryspecialized. Asking a person one-on-one is the most efficient way of addressingindividual questions.Since sophomores have recently gone through the process of entering theschool, they also understand the fears

12、 that the freshmen face. They can offerneeded friendship and support to make the students comfortable.Pairing a new student with a sophomore is therefore the best way to teachfreshmen about a campus.Since adults have the freedom to solve their own problems and makedecisions, I think it is easier to be an adult than a child.

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