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1、最新英语散文朗读 英语散文的特点(三篇)范文为教学中作为模范的文章,也常常用来指写作的模板。常常用于文秘写作的参考,也可以作为演讲材料编写前的参考。相信许多人会觉得范文很难写?这里我整理了一些优秀的范文,有所帮助,下面我们就来理解一下吧。英语散文朗读 英语散文的特点篇一似乎没有人注意玛丽的存在。玛丽出生在印度,父亲是驻印的英国官员,总是忙着工作,母亲长得非常漂亮,把所有时间都花在参加聚会上。所以,一个名叫卡玛拉的印度女人被雇来照看这个小姑娘。玛丽长得不漂亮,消瘦的脸上总是一副生气的样子,头发稀疏枯黄。她总对卡玛拉发号施令,卡玛拉只好顺从她。她很少想到别人,只顾自己。她确实是一个非常自私,脾气怪

2、戾,很难相处的女孩。one very hot morning,when she was about nine years old, she woke up and saw that instead of kamala there was a different indian servant by her bed.在她9岁那年的一个上午,天气很热,她醒来时发现站在床前的不是卡玛拉,而是另外一个印度女仆。“你在这儿干什么?”她生气地问。“走开!叫卡玛拉马上到这儿来!”the woman looked afraid.im sorry,miss mary,she sheshe cant e!那个女人看

3、来很害怕。“对不起,玛丽小姐,她她她来不了了!”那天发生了一些很奇怪的事情,房子里的一些仆人不见了,每个人看上去都惊慌异常。可是没有人告诉玛丽任何事情,卡玛拉也始终没来。最后玛丽只好一个人来到花园,在一棵树下玩耍。她假装是在给自己造一座花园,摘来大朵的红花插在土里,一边玩还一边堵气地自言自语。i hate kamala!ill hit her when she es back!“我讨厌卡玛拉!等她回来我要接她一顿!”just then she saw her mother ing into the garden,with a young did not notice the child,who

4、 listened to their conversation.就在这会儿,她看见妈妈和一个年轻的英国人走进花园,玛丽听见了他们的谈话,他们却没注意到她。its very bad,is it?her mother asked the young man in a worried voice.“很严重,是吗?”妈妈问那个年轻人,声音充满焦虑。very bad,he answered seriously.people are dying like s dangerous to stay in this should go to the hills,where theres no disease.“

5、非常严重,”他严肃地说。“人们像苍蝇一样死去,再在城里呆下去太危险了,你得到山里去,那里没有疾玻”oh,i know!she cried.we must leave soon!“哦,我知道!”她叫道,“我们得马上分开!”suddenly they heard loud cries ing from the servantsrooms,at the side of the house.突然,他们听到房子侧面用人屋里传来嚎啕大哭的声音。whats happened?cried marys mother wildly.“出了什么事?”玛丽的妈妈慌乱地大叫着。i think one of your s

6、ervants has just didnt tell me the disease is here,in your house!“我看是你的一个用人刚刚死去。你没告诉过我这儿也有疫病,在你的房子里!”i didnt know!she screamed.quick,e with me!and together they ran into the house.“我根本不知道!”她尖声叫着。“快,跟我来。”他们一同冲进屋去。now mary understood what was terrible disease had already killed many people in the town

7、,and in all the houses people were marys house it was kamala who had just that day three more servants died there.如今玛丽明白是哪儿不对了。可怕的疫病已经夺去了城里很多人的生命,到处都有人在死去。在玛丽家刚刚死去的正是卡玛拉。那天后来又有3个用人死了。all through the night and the next day people ran in and out of the house,shouting and thought of mary. she hid in he

8、r bedroom,frightened by the strange and terrible sounds that she heard around mes she cried and sometimes she slept.整整一夜到第二天,人们跑进跑出,哭着,喊着,谁也没想起玛丽。她躲在卧室里,被周围这些可怕的声音吓坏了,不时地哭着,哭累了就睡上一会儿。when she woke the next day,the house was silent.第二天,当她醒来时,房子里一片寂静。perhaps the disease has gone,she thought,and everyb

9、ody is well again.i wonder who will take care of me instead of kamala?why doesnt someone bring me some food?its strange the house is so quiet.“说不定疫病已经过去,人们又和从前一样安康了,”她想着,“谁会接替卡玛拉来照看我呢?为什么家里没人给我送点吃的来,房子里这么静,真是太奇怪了。”but just then she heard mens voices in the hall.就在这时,她听到客厅里男人说话的声音。how sad! said one.t

10、hat beautiful woman!“太惨啦!”有人说。“这么漂亮的女人!”there was a child too,wasnt there?said the other.although none of us ever saw her.“还应该有个孩子的,是不是?”另外一个人说,“尽管我们都没有看见她。”mary was standing in the middle of her room when they opened the door a few minutes two men jumped back in surprise.几分钟后,他们推开门,玛丽站在房间的中间,两个男人吓得

11、跳了回去。my name is mary lennox,she said crossly.i was asleep when everyone was ill,and now im hungry.“我叫玛丽莲诺丝,”她生气地说。“他们生病时我睡着了,如今我很饿。”its the child,the one nobody ever saw!said the older man to the other.theyve all forgotten her!“就是这个孩子,谁都没看见她!”年长一点的男人对另一个说。“他们都把她忘了!”why was i forgotten?asked mary ang

12、rily.why has nobody e to take care of me?“为什么把我忘了?”玛丽气呼呼地问。“为什么没人来照看我?”the younger man looked at her very sadly.poor child! he said.you see,theres nobody left alive in the nobody can e.年轻一点的男人忧伤地看着她,“可怜的孩子!”他说。“听着,这幢房子里的人全死了,所以没有人能来照看你。”in this strange and sudden way mary learnt that both her mother

13、 and her father had few servants who had not died had run away in the one had remembered little miss was all alone.以这样一种奇异而突然的方式,玛丽得知她的父母已不在人世,活下来的几个用人也趁半夜逃走了。没人想起年幼的玛丽小姐,就只剩下她一个人了。because she had never known her parents well,she did not miss them at only thought of herself,as she had always done.由于

14、她跟父母并不亲近,也并不想念他们。像以前一样,她只想到了她自己。where will i live?she wondered.i hope ill stay with people wholl let me do what i want.“我该住哪儿呢?”她思量着。“我想跟那些让我想干什么就干什么的人在一起。”一开场她被带到一户英国人家,他们认识她的父母。可她讨厌他们混乱的房间和吵吵闹闹的孩子们,而宁愿一个人在花园里玩。一天,她正玩着最喜欢的造花园游戏,那家的孩子巴兹尔走过来想帮她忙。go away!cried mary.i dont want your help!“走开!”玛丽大声喊道,“我

15、才不用你帮助!”for a moment basil looked angry,and then he began to laugh he danced round and round mary,and sang a funny little song about miss mary and her stupid made mary very cross one had ever laughed at her so unkindly.巴兹尔呆站了一会儿,很生气,可很快又乐开了。他围着玛丽又蹦又跳,一边唱起一支滑稽的有关玛丽小姐和她愚蠢的花儿的歌。这可把玛丽气坏了,还从来没人这么刻薄地嘲笑过她呢

16、!youre going home soon,said basil.and were all very pleased youre leaving!“你就快回家了,”巴兹尔说。“我们真快乐你快走了。”im pleased too,replied mary.but wheres home?“我也快乐,”玛丽答道。“可回哪儿的家?”youre stupid if you dont know that!laughed basil. england,of course!youre going to live with your uncle,mr archibald graven.“你连这都不知道,可真

17、够傻的!”巴兹尔笑道,“当然是英国!你要去跟你舅舅阿奇伯德克莱文先生住了!”ive never heard of him,said mary coldly.“我从来没听说过他。”玛丽冷冷地说。“可我知道,我听我爸爸妈妈议论过他。他住在一幢孤零零的、又大又旧的房子里,一个朋友都没有,因为他脾气太坏了,他还是个驼背,可怕极了!”i dont believe you!cried the next day basils parents explained that she was going to live with her uncle in yorkshire,in the north of loo

18、ked bored and cross and said nothing.“我才不信呢!”玛丽大声说。可是第二天,巴兹尔的父母解释说她将要到英格兰北部的约克郡,跟她的舅舅住在一起。玛丽显得又烦躁又恼怒,可什么都没说。after the long sea journey,she was met in london by mr cravens housekeeper,mrs er they travelled north by medlock was a large woman,with a very red face and bright black did not like her,but t

19、hat was not surprising,because she did not usually like medlock did not like mary either.轮船在海上航行了很久,克莱文先生的管家梅洛太太到伦敦来接玛丽,带她坐火车去北方。梅洛太太是个高大的女人,红脸膛,长着一双亮堂的黑眼睛。玛丽不喜欢她,这也没什么好奇怪的,因为她谁也不喜欢。梅洛太太也不怎么喜欢玛丽。what a disagreeable child!thought the housekeeper.but perhaps i should talk to her.“这孩子可真不讨人喜欢!”管家心里想。“不过

20、也许我能跟她聊聊。”i can tell you a bit about your uncle if you like,she said aloud.he lives in a big old house,a long way from anywhere. there are nearly a hundred rooms,but most of them are shut and s a big park round the house,and all kinds of ,what do you think of that?“要是你愿意,我可以给你讲讲你舅舅的事。”她大声说。“他住在一幢很大的

21、老宅子里,离哪儿都不近。那个宅子差不多有一百个房间,可大局部都是上了锁的。房子周围有一片很大的园林,还有各式的花园。你觉得怎么样?”nothing,replied mary.it doesnt matter to me.“不怎么样,”玛丽答道。“跟我一点关系都没有。”梅洛太太笑了,“你这个小倔丫头!好啦,假如你不在乎,克莱文先生自然也不在乎。他从不把时间花在任何人身上,他是个驼背,而且,尽管一直都很有钱,在他结婚之前他从来没有真正快乐过。”married?repeated mary in surprise.“结婚?”玛丽惊奇地重复道。yes,he married a sweet,pretty

22、girl,and he loved her when she died“是啊,娶了个温顺美丽的姑娘,他非常非常爱她。所以那姑娘一死”oh!did she die?asked mary,interested.“哦!她死了吗?”玛丽感兴趣地问道。yes,she now he doesnt care about hes at home,he stays in his room and sees wont want to see you,so you must stay out of his way and do what youre told.“是啊,她死了。所以克莱文先生谁也不关心了,他在家的时候

23、就呆在屋子里谁也不见,他不会想见你的,所以你必须躲着他,照别人吩咐你的去做。”mary stared out of the train window at the grey sky and the was not looking forward to life at her uncles house.玛丽望着车窗外灰色的天空和飘落的雨水,对于住在舅舅家的生活没有一丝期盼。the train journey lasted all day,and it was dark when they arrived at the there was a long drive to get to the wa

24、s a cold,windy night,and it was raining heavily. after a while mary began to hear a strange,wild looked out of the window,but could see nothing except the darkness.火车走了一天,到站时天已经黑了。可离那幢房子还有很远的路,要搭马车才能到。这是一个寒冷的夜晚,风疾雨骤。过了一阵,玛丽听到一种奇怪的狂野的声音,她向窗外看去,可除了黑暗什么都看不见。whats that noise?she asked mrs medlock.itsits

25、 not the sea,is it?“那是什么声音?”她问梅洛太太,“那那不是海,对么?”no,thats the s the sound the wind makes,blowing across the moor.“对,那不是海,是荒原的声音,是风吹过荒原时发出的声音。”what is a moor?“荒原是什么?”its just miles and miles of wild land,with no trees or uncles house is right on the edge of the moor.“就是大片大片的荒地,没有树,也没有房屋,你舅舅家就住在荒原的尽头。”ma

26、ry listened to the strange,frightening sound.i dont like it,she thought.i dont like it.she looked more disagreeable than ever.英语散文朗读 英语散文的特点篇二历史是一种经历和体验,它让我们可以反思,给我们一种警示,告诉我们何事可以做、何事不可以做。历史可以明鉴将来,熟悉历史是为了创造更美妙的明天。people often wonder why historians go to so much trouble to preserve millions of books,

27、documents and records of the past. why do we have libraries? what good are these documents and the history books? why do we record and save the actions of men, the negotiations of statesmen and the caigns of armies?人们常常心存疑虑,为什么历史学家要费尽周折地保存数以万计过去的书籍、文献和记录。我们为什么要有图书馆呢?这些文献和史书有何用途呢?我们为什么要记载并保存人类的行为、政治家

28、的会谈和军人队伍的战役呢?because, sometimes, the voice of experience can cause us to stop, look and listen. and because, sometimes, past records, correctly interpreted, can give us warning of what to do and what not to do.因为,有时候经历之谈能促使我们停步、观察和倾听。也因为有时候过去的记载经过正确的诠释,可以给我们一种警示,告诉我们何事可做、何事不可做。假如我们想要永保和平,我们就必须从人类经历以

29、及人类追求理想的历程中去探究其渊。从表达男性和女性不屈不挠、英勇和奉献精神的故事之中,我们获得了青春的启示。远自基督教殉道者,近到布达佩斯的当代英勇烈士,历史记载着人类的一切苦难、克己、忠诚和英勇的事迹。当然,那些记载一定会对处于困惑、茫然和渴望和平的人们有所助益。the supreme purpose of history is a better world. history gives a warning to those who would promote war. history brings inspiration to those who seek peace. in short,

30、 history helps us learn. yesterdays records can keep us from repeating yesterdays mistakes. and from all these records, we can see the progress of mankind.历史的终极目的是创造一个更加美妙的世界。历史对那些力主战争的人加以警告。对于那些追寻和平的人予以启示。简而言之,历史帮助我们学习。昨日的记载可以使我们防止重蹈覆辙。而这些由历史学家所聚集的镶嵌图案艺术品,将会逐渐成为表现人类进步的伟大壁画。英语散文朗读 英语散文的特点篇三初雪降临的时候,有

31、人在漫天飞舞的雪花中欢呼雀跃,恨不能随之飞舞;也有孩童迫不及待地冲出家门,想用初雪堆砌冬天第一个雪人;也有人望着落于手心,渐渐融化的雪花,神情恬淡而飘缈;亲爱的,你是怎样迎接每一场初雪的?this morning, when i first caught sight of the unfamiliar whitened world, i could not help wishing that we had snow oftener, that english winters were more wintry.今天早上,当我第一次看见这个生疏的银白色的世界时,我不禁衷心希望这里可以多下几场雪,这

32、样我们英国的冬天才能更增添几分冬天的味道。how delightful it would be, i thought, to have months of clean snow and a landscape sparkling with frost instead of innumerable grey featureless days of rain and raw winds.我想,假如我们这里经常是个冰雪积月、霜华璀璨的景象,而不是像如今这种苦雨凄风永无尽期的阴沉而乏特色的日子,那该多么令人喜悦啊!于是我羡慕起那些居住在美国东部各州和_的我的友人们,他们那里年年都能出现一个像样的冬天,

33、都能说得出降雪确实切日期,并能保证,直至大地春回之前,那里的雪绝无退化为黑色泥浆的可能。既有霜雪,又有晴朗温煦的天空,而且空气又非常凉快清新这在我看来实在是很大的快乐。and then i saw that it would never do for us. we should be sick of it in a week. after the first day the magic would be gone and there would be nothing left but the unchanging glare of the day and the bitter cruel ni

34、ghts.但马上我又觉得这样还是不行。不出一周人们就会对它感到厌烦。第一天后魔力便会消失,剩下的唯有白昼那种永无变化的耀眼阳光与刺骨严寒和凄冷的夜晚。it is not the snow itself,the sight of the blanketed world, that is so enchanting, but the first ing of the snow, the sudden and silent of the relations, for ever shifting and unanticipated,of wind and water es a magical even

35、t.让人如此着迷的不是雪的本身,不在这个银装素裹的景象,而是初雪降临时,那突然而宁静的变化。正是从风风雨雨这类变幻无常和难以预期的关系之中才会出现这种以降雪为奇迹的情形。谁又肯拿眼前这般景致去换上个永远周而复始的单调场面,一个全由年历来控制的大地?有一句话说的好,别的国家都有气候,唯有英国才有天气。气候是最为枯燥和乏味的,或许只有科学家与疑难杂症患者才会把它当做话题。但是天气却是我们这块土地上的克里奥佩特拉,因此毫不奇怪,人们为它宏大情绪变化所左右,总不免要对她窃窃私议。假设一旦我们定居于美洲、西伯利亚与澳大利亚,在那里气候与年历之间早已有成约在先,我们即使仅仅因为失去她的淘气,她任性的恶作剧,她的狂忿盛怒与涕泣涟涟也会深感遗憾。第 17 页 共 17 页

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